
marcoceppibdx: hey, you found a cloud init bug, do you have the link?00:02
lutostagmarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/162122900:03
mupBug #1621229: snap upgrade to 2.14.2~16.04 in xenial lxc hangs <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621229>00:03
marcoceppilutostag: this is actually a huge problem, do you know if it has an eta?00:03
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lutostagmarcoceppi: no, its caused by the sru for snap, should be fixed with next daily though00:04
marcoceppilutostag: so, will the daily be what people normally get?00:04
marcoceppievery juju deploy in a lxd container of xenial is broken right now, and we're 4 days away from a charmer summit00:05
lutostagthats what I get with default juju commands -- and how I ran into it00:05
lutostag's workaround FTM: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23147632/00:05
marcoceppilutostag bdx that will only hold true until xenial refreshes it's image cache00:06
lutostagbut yes, workarounds for something supposed to be super stable is not a nice place to be so close to so many demos00:06
lutostaglxd's or some other cache?00:06
marcoceppilxd's, every ~2 weeks or whatever, when our cloud team releases new images, LXD's image cache gets updated on all those who have network access and enabled it (enabled by default if you did `lxc launch ubuntu:16.04`00:08
lutostagmarcoceppi: ah, I usually pull from https://images.linuxcontainers.org not https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases, so yeah more of an impact than I thought00:12
marcoceppiSept 1 was the last image update I got for Xenial00:13
lutostagso yes, iiuc it will hit us as long as we have snap as an updating package w/ cloud-init (until update for xenial -- and I'm pulling from release NOT daily) which makes it a long-lasting one00:14
lutostagAug 30, 2016 at 12:00am was when it was updated simplestreams server-side00:14
lutostagI believe smoser had a workaround in-mind cloud-init side before he EOD'd00:15
lutostaglooks like it got escalated correctly to mgmt -- but jgrimm is who you throw hell-fire at I believe to ensure timely fix00:17
marcoceppino need for hell fire, a bug like this with no "severity" concerns me00:22
lutostagits parent has critical as of ~15mins ago00:24
marcoceppilutostag: yeah, I mean that was a recent change :)00:26
jcastroo/ thumper-lunch00:44
jcastrohey, this might seem like a dumb question, but why would the color in `juju status` not work when doing `watch juju status`?00:44
jrwrenjcastro: because the process detects if stdout has redirected or not and doesn't output color if it has. same as `watch ls -l`00:48
jrwrenjcastro: use watch -c and... hopefully juju status has a force color option?00:48
jrwrenjcastro: yeah, watch -c juju status --color=true should work00:49
jcastroyep, got it, thanks00:49
jrwrenjcastro: once a decade i actually help you. ;]00:50
jrwrenjcastro: and it is always rather trivial.00:50
jcastroyeah it's just that colors really help when doing workshops, so like, we should totally use that in Pasadena00:52
jcastrojrwren: are you going to pasadena?00:52
marcoceppiyou all need to do this :)00:53
marcoceppijcastro: ^ ;)00:55
jrwrenjcastro: yes, I am going.00:56
=== thumper-lunch is now known as thumper
thumperjcastro: hey01:24
thumperjcastro: do this `watch -c juju status --color`01:24
thumperactually I see that jrwren has already sorted you out01:26
stubmagicaltrout, bdx :  http://interface-pgsql.readthedocs.io/en/stable/requires.html has some examples. I needed to break backwards compatibility with the example pgsql interface when I took it over, as it didn't support a lot of my real world deploys.05:18
rockhatch: Thank you very much. We will try this.05:19
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PCdudeI am stuck with the following problem07:38
PCdudestokachu: could u take a look at my question above? :)07:53
magicaltroutworking apache drill with mysql and postgresql08:51
magicaltroutthis is pretty cool11:05
magicaltroutjuju charms hook up to drill11:05
magicaltroutthen  let me  run a query across  multiple charm  based data sources without hacking around11:06
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babbageclunkmagicaltrout: that's awesome12:02
magicaltroutthanks babbageclunk12:03
magicaltroutpart of my requirements to finally get some decent analytics tools other than Zeppelin running over the top the various data sources juju provides12:04
magicaltroutbut also allow reasonably easy data federation across a bunch of different sources for easier ETL etc12:04
marcoceppimagicaltrout: sweee612:32
magicaltroutaye marcoceppi coming along12:37
magicaltroutI've now gotta fix up my saiku charm and create a drill interface so they can talk and we'll be good12:37
rockHi. We have developed a "cinder-storagedriver" charm with one of our storage array. Our charm will be similar to "cinder-ceph". Already our charm is in public charm store.  We want to integrate our charm to "OpenStack Base bundle" and then we want to push the bundle to Charm store.   So How can I integrate my charm to OpenStack Base bundle?13:14
rockTo push the bundle to charm store,  Can I follow the same procedure as we followed for pushing our charm to  store?.13:14
rockAnd Once we have the Bundle in the public Charm store , before deploying the  bundle can we set configuration parameters externally using "juju deploy bundle-name set-config  key=value,......" command?    Because while integrating our charm with "OpenStack base bundle" we will provide default configuration values[Like San IP, San Password ,San user,....]  to our charm.13:15
rockPlease anyone provide me some solution for this.13:15
magicaltroutrock: you'll need to deploy the openstack base bundle, add your stuff, and push that bundle back to the charm store as your own bundle13:15
magicaltroutin the mean time, if you actually want your cham included in the open stack base bundle, you'll need to get some tests written for it and it into the review queue, reviewed by a charmer and promulgated I suspect13:17
SimonKLBi hit this bug just now, not sure how to get around it though, tips? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/162133613:17
mupBug #1621336: snapd.boot-ok.service hangs eternally on cloud image upgrades <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621336>13:17
rockmagicaltrout: Hi. How can I integrate my charm in OpenStack base bundle?.13:20
magicaltroutI just told you13:20
rockmagicaltrout: didn't get fully. I have one option. Tell me that is correct (or) not. I will download Openstack bundle and add our charm details in bundle.yaml file. Then I will push this bundle to store as our own bundle. And then I will try to deploy that bundle by taking from store.13:24
rockmagicaltrout: Then i have a question. Once we have the Bundle in the public Charm store , before deploying the  bundle can we set configuration parameters externally using "juju deploy bundle-name set-config  key=value,......" command?    Because while integrating our charm with "OpenStack base bundle" we will provide default configuration values[Like San IP, San Password ,San user,....]  to our charm.13:25
magicaltroutyou can certainly do that in the GUI, I assume you can do it on the command line13:27
magicaltroutnever tried it though13:27
rick_h_rock: no, there's not currently a way to override config in the cli13:28
magicaltrouti lied13:28
rick_h_rock: magicaltrout it doens't have the idea of "uncomitted" that the GUI has at this time. It's something we're interested in looking into, but the cli is more direct and immediate without a "deploy" go button like the GUI13:28
magicaltroutyeah i did wonder about the staging aspectr13:29
rockrick_h_:  we did this for changing the default config for our charm.1) $sudo juju deploy cs:~siva9296/kaminario-openstack-5 san1 2)$sudo juju set-config san1 san-ip= san-user=admin1 san-password=password1 storage-protocol=iscsi os-version=liberty 3)$sudo juju add-relation san1 cinder13:32
rockrick_h_: It worked for our charm.13:33
rick_h_rock: why do you need to use sudo?13:33
rick_h_rock: agree that you can set the config after the fact ok13:33
rockrick_h_: Actually we no need. While doing juju bundle setup we run all commands with sudo.13:34
magicaltroutwhat rick_h_ you don't grant root perms to all your workforce? ;)13:35
rockrick_h_: While integrating our charm to openstck base bundle , we will give default config values to my charm. When user want to deploy our bundle then he will set actual config parameters using set-config . This what we want to do.13:38
magicaltroutso you can do that in the GUI rock, as explained, you can't do it on the commandline at bundle level13:39
magicaltroutyou'd have to deploy the bundle then set the config for the charm you need to configure after the bundle starts spinning up13:39
marcoceppirock: one thing you might want to do, is have the charm ship with empty values. Then in the charm code say "If I have no configuration for SAN, block the charm and warn the user I need that information before proceeding"13:39
marcoceppirock: that way the user will get the message after deployment, and the deploy won't break because of bad configuration13:40
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magicaltroutfor the firs time in a while I'm actually excited about some Saiku stuff we're finishing off. The Juju connectivity and schema generation will make Analysis over various data sources so much more effective, and take next to no time to setup thanks to Juju13:50
marcoceppimagicaltrout: sounds like you just signed up for a lightning talk ;)13:52
magicaltroutfunny that, there appears to be a BI related one with my name next to it...13:52
magicaltroutthese are the missing bits for the lightning talk but also a driver to get me to finally get the next release over the line because it will make demo's and building these data platforms much easier13:54
magicaltroutso I figured having an enforced deadline helps focus the mind ;)13:55
magicaltroutbut also from a juju point of view, having a user friendly tool to run over HDFS, MySQL, whatever is nice as well13:55
magicaltroutI can't expect users to use Zeppelin, as nice as it is they don't know how to write queries13:56
rockmarcoceppi: Ok. thank you. Finally, I got the point like- If I integrate our charm to bundle and push that bundle to store as our own bundle, Then while deploying bundle using "juju deploy bundle-name" we can't set configration values right. Once after having the bundle deployment only we can set config parameter values right.13:56
marcoceppirock: exactly, after you type `juju deploy bundle-name` anyone can set configuration either via the GUi or CLI13:57
rockmarcoceppi: Thank you. I have one more question.14:06
rockmarcoceppi: This question related to basic charm creation. pasted issue info. http://paste.openstack.org/show/569211/14:07
rockmarcoceppi: For juju version 2.0-beta15-xenial-amd64, If I run the command "$charm create test"  Then it was creating basic charm template with "hooks folder". and "$juju charm create test' this command is unrecognized. followed  https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/authors-charm-writing14:12
rockmarcoceppi: sorry. $charm create test"  Then it was not creating basic charm template with "hooks folder".14:13
marcoceppirock: charm command and juju command are two separate tools14:13
marcoceppirock: odds are, in trusty, you're installing a very old version of the tool. Charm creation has changed a lot since 2014. One change is that `juju charm` is no longer a command, and it's just the `charm` command. The second change is a move to layered charms. This is where you write less code and use `charm build` to compile a charm (create the hooks directory, etc)14:14
marcoceppirock: this is the updated documentation for this: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/developer-getting-started14:15
marcoceppirock: you can install the latest charm command on trusty using this: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/tools-charm-tools14:15
rockmarcoceppi: OK. Thank you.14:16
marcoceppirock: very excited to see your charm coming together! Let us know if you have any other questions14:18
rockmarcoceppi: Thank you very much for your support. Right now I have cleared my questions. We will move forward now. If we stuck at any place. We will ask you. Thank you.14:30
Anita_Hi Matt14:35
kwmonroeaisrael: lazyPower:  here's cory_fu's jdo snippet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150665/16:24
aisraelVery nice, thanks!16:24
cory_fukjackal: https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-spark16:37
marcoceppikwmonroe cory_fu why not something like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150892/16:41
marcoceppiseamless integration ;)16:41
kwmonroenice marcoceppi16:44
marcoceppiand a pager for juju status16:45
lazyPowersweet snippet16:47
cory_fumarcoceppi: I like the status helper.  Gonna have to add that.16:48
cory_fumarcoceppi: What version of juju supports colored status?  I get a "flag not defined" error from beta1616:49
PCdudedoes someone has an idea?16:52
rick_h_cory_fu: think it's 1716:53
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lazyPowerPCdude - that seems odd, but i'll relay this AU question to the landscape dudes.16:58
jcastroI tried to ping them yesterday17:05
jcastrodpb1: any of you folks around? ^^^17:05
lazyPowerjcastro - looks more like a conjure issue when i look deeper at the Au question, i've pinged stokachu re ^17:26
cory_fulazyPower, aisrael: This the thing?  https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Rubber-eLander-Assorted-Colors/dp/B01ID1XXE2/ref=sr_1_9?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1473355654&sr=1-9&keywords=twists17:28
lazyPoweryep, same company/ties17:28
lazyPowermine are the shorter ones, came in an 8 pack17:28
PCdudelazyPower: I was disconnected for a moment, so I dont know if u wrote a reply :)17:29
lazyPowerPCdude  not as of yet, the primary author of that utility is afk. but we've pinged for some help for you17:29
PCdudelazyPower: great! I will wait in this channel for the next couple of hours17:30
PCdudelazyPower: not always behind PC, but online17:30
lazyPowerPCdude - that works, but i would monitor the AU question, as thats what we sent over.17:30
PCdudelazyPower: ah ok, that a good idea. I will keep an eye on that one too17:31
stokachuPCdude, ive posted a response, if you need more assistance beyond what the community can provide via askubuntu I urge you to look into Ubuntu Advantage18:28
PCdudestokachu: thanks for ur reply. I tried that already with success. So the bootstrap and the the deployment succeed. I dont know if u have followed the discussion in the maas channel, but the problem is getting more clear18:31
stokachuPCdude, no i haven't18:31
PCdudewhat turns out that the problem is related to spinning up machines with LXC by JUJU. Apparently there goes something wrong18:31
PCdudestokachu: I will give a short overview18:32
PCdudethat is the output of "sudo lxc-ls --fancy"18:32
stokachuok that doesn't really tell me anything18:33
PCdudestokachu: http://pastebin.com/raw/AZY2ZHiV18:33
PCdudethere is output of "JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju juju status"18:34
PCdudeJUJU can for some reason not spin up machines at it should be18:34
PCdudeon advice of other the creator of the "openstack-installer" for ubuntu, I should head over to the JUJU channel for more help18:35
rick_h_PCdude: there's a known issue with bringing up instances today. There's a bug in a package update that causes instances to not get through apt-get update/upgrade properly when brought up.18:35
rick_h_PCdude: that's being corrected, in the mean time you have to set the auto upgrade to false on juju models for now. Looks like you're on juju 1.2518:35
PCduderick_h_: yes indeed, I am using JUJU 1.25. Where can I set that option? which file? this would be great if it works :)18:37
rick_h_PCdude: looking, I did it for 2.0 today so trying to remember how to set it in 1.2518:37
jrwrenPCdude: add enable-os-refresh-update: false and enable-os-upgrade: false to environments.yaml manually18:38
rick_h_PCdude: check out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-September/007845.html for hte background and then add those keys to your juju config in environments.yaml18:38
rick_h_what jrwren said18:39
jrwrenwhat rick_h_ said18:39
rick_h_PCdude: and if that works to help those lxc containers come up the problem should be working itself out here shortly18:39
PCduderick_h_: just to be sure, I am not using xenial, but I am using trusty. That makes this solution still valid? just trying to be sure18:40
rick_h_PCdude: oh, hmmm...good point, that's probably not true then.18:43
rick_h_PCdude: have to check the lxc logs then and see what's up on them18:43
PCduderick_h_: I never used LXC so which log u wanna see (command would be handy too haha)18:44
rick_h_PCdude: can you ssh/connect to the lxc containers and get /var/log/juju/* logs from there?18:50
PCduderick_h_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/821804/openstack-with-landscape-install-fails18:52
PCdudethat is mine question in total18:52
PCdudethe second block is the output of what u are asking on the node that runs the LXC containers18:52
PCdudeis that what u are looking for?18:52
stokachuugh wait18:54
stokachuare you running out of dhcp addresses?18:54
stokachuwhat is your dhcp and static ranges defined in maas18:54
stokachuPCdude, ^18:54
PCdudestokachu: http://i.imgur.com/rg0JcaO.jpg18:57
PCdude50 for dynamic and 50 for static18:57
PCdudeI seriously hope that is enough :)18:57
stokachuPCdude, well if you've run the installation several times in a short period18:58
PCdudestokachu: good point, I have everything running in ESXI and heavily use the snapshot function. So, every install seems to be the first for the system18:59
stokachuPCdude, no idea didnt realize you were running this all in vmware as that info was left out in the askubuntu question19:01
stokachuPCdude, so you said you could juju bootstrap outside of running the installer?19:02
stokachudid you deploy anything?19:02
stokachuand did you deploy anything to a container within a machine?19:02
PCdudestokachu: yes, I did the bootstrap and it succeeded also I deployed ubuntu with it. also that succeeded, as I could login and use the machine. I have not issued any other commands19:04
PCdudestokachu:  no I did not deployed anything to a container within the machine19:04
stokachuPCdude, you did a juju deploy ubuntu?19:04
PCdudestokachu: correct19:05
stokachuPCdude, do that again and then run juju deploy wordpress --to lxc:119:05
stokachujuju deploy mysql --to lxc:119:05
PCdudestokachu: ok, np. I have to set some things back and bootstrap again. So this can take some minutes19:06
PCdudeI will report back when I am done19:06
stokachudont tear it down if it fails19:06
PCdudestokachu: I will try :) its bootstrapping rn19:09
bdxhave you guys heard about, or know about this -> https://postimg.org/image/qiaid5uo7/19:25
bdxits been blocking me from launching any xenial ami for weeks now19:25
PCdudestokachu: I have to issue that command on the controller not the node right?19:26
bdxthought I would try again today, and it still exists19:26
PCdudestokachu: the bootstrap and the deployment are both done and succeeded19:26
rick_h_bdx: no, there's a know issue from last night to today, but nothing going on weeks we're aware of.19:27
rick_h_bdx: have you reached out to gaughen and company on this?19:27
bdxno, I just thought I would bring it up now19:28
* gaughen looks up19:28
Odd_Blokebdx: We haven't been seeing widespread issues launching 16.04 AMIs.19:28
rick_h_bdx: gotcha, yea not aware ofthat little badge and looks like we've got gaughen's attention so hopefully she's got a better idea there.19:28
stokachuPCdude, what commands did you run19:29
bdxrick_h_: great, thx19:29
PCdude"juju bootstrap" and "juju deploy ubuntu -n 1"19:30
PCdudestokachu: thats correct right?19:30
stokachuPCdude, now try juju deploy mysql --to lxc:119:30
gaughenbdx, do you have any more specific info?19:30
PCdudestokachu: ok, I did that and it succeeded I think (at least it gave me no error and a new line in the CLI)19:31
bdxgaughen: I have a report of the same thing happening with trusty images from a coworker all last week19:31
stokachuPCdude, so you have a container with an IP?19:31
bdxgaughen: trusty amis*19:32
Odd_Blokebdx: Ah, I didn't immediately recognise that as the OpsWorks dashboard.19:32
Odd_Blokebdx: There _are_ known issues there at the moment, but I don't believe that it's been going on for weeks.19:32
gaughenbdx, there is a known issue (as of yesterday) for opworks where instances are hanging during boot19:33
PCdudestokachu: uhm, I dont use LXD, what command should I use?19:33
gaughenbut it does not impact Trusty, and hasn't been an issue for weeks19:33
stokachuPCdude, huh?19:33
stokachuPCdude, the command is `juju deploy mysql --to lxc:1`19:33
PCdudestokachu: to see containers with IP address, so I can reach them?19:33
PCdudestokachu: yes I did that, but after it to check it worked19:34
stokachuyou can use the lxc-list --fancy19:34
stokachuor juju status19:34
bdxOdd_Bloke: it doesn't matter if its launched in opsworks ... between another dev and myself we probably launched 100 amis over 4 aws accounts in different regions, using different amis and they would immediately terminate on boot19:34
gaughenbdx, would you file a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images with as much detail as possible19:35
Odd_Blokebdx: There was an outage (unrelated to OpsWorks) on Friday for instance-store AMIs.19:35
bdxbut when in the opsworks console, you get that message19:35
gaughenincluding steps for me to repro19:35
Odd_Blokebdx: But that was only an issue for a few hours before we recovered.19:35
PCdudestokachu:  juju status: http://pastebin.com/raw/XdvKet9319:36
Odd_Blokebdx: So, yeah, as gaughen says, a bug with reproduction instructions (including AMI IDs) would be much appreciated. :)19:36
bdxahhh, now that I'm bitching, I just got a xenial ami to launch19:36
stokachuPCdude, and what does sudo lxc-list --fancy show19:37
bdxnot through opsworks though19:37
bdxby manual provisioning19:37
Odd_BlokeYeah, the OpsWorks issue is ongoing; the root cause is https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/157669219:38
mupBug #1576692: fully support package installation in systemd <sts> <cloud-init:Confirmed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576692>19:38
bdxI'll fire out a bug for this by eod19:38
bdxok, good to know19:38
PCdudestokachu: WTF, command not find, let me triple check this. this cant be right!19:38
stokachuPCdude, sorry lxc-ls --fancy19:38
PCdudestokachu: ah ok, that has a result haha19:39
PCdudestokachu: http://pastebin.com/raw/bxAaxwFN19:39
PCdudestokachu: that seems ok right?19:40
stokachuPCdude, no it's not getting an IP19:40
PCdudestokachu: ah ok ,yes that should be there. At least we know for sure now, that its not landscape or anything else but just JUJU.19:41
stokachuPCdude, well juju just calls out to lxc to create the container19:42
stokachuthis could be your MAAS server, try expanding the static IP range pool19:42
stokachubut yes it isn't landscape, or the openstack-installer, and im pretty sure it isn't juju19:43
PCdudestokachu: ah ok, well how big should I make it go from 50 to 100?19:43
stokachuyea try 10019:43
stokachuPCdude, once you do that in maas, try to deploy a new charm like, juju deploy wordpress --to lxc:119:44
PCdudestokachu: ok, it now has 100 IP addresses lets try again19:45
PCdudestokachu: still no IP address...19:46
stokachuPCdude, juju ssh 1; sudo pastebinit /var/log/juju/unit-wordpress-0.log19:47
stokachuyou can also lxc-attach to one of those containers19:47
stokachuand look at /var/log/cloud-init19:48
PCdudestokachu: wordpress-0.log does not exsists. I only got machine-1.log and unit-ubuntu-0.log19:48
stokachuPCdude, pastebinit machine-1.log19:48
stokachuPCdude, also try lxc-attach -n juju-machine-1-lxc-019:49
stokachuand paste /var/log/cloud-init*19:49
PCdudeok that is /var/log/cloud-init.log19:49
PCdudethat is /var/log/juju/machine-1.log19:50
PCdudeI did lxc-attach -n juju-machine-1-lxc-019:51
PCdudeit indeed has no IP19:52
stokachunot sure what 2016-09-08 19:24:37 INFO juju.networker networker.go:163 networker is disabled - not starting on machine "machine-1" means19:52
stokachurick_h_, ^19:52
mhall119jose: is your couchbase charm online somewhere i can look at it?19:53
PCdudestokachu: it can ping but thats it. thats of course the loop back, but still nothing is crippled to start with19:53
* mhall119 wonders if jcastro would mind if he converted jose from a charmer to a snapper at UbuConEU19:53
rick_h_stokachu: not sure19:54
cory_fukjackal_, petevg, kwmonroe: https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-zeppelin19:54
cory_fuPlease review19:54
stokachuPCdude, is the 192.168.1.x a private network?19:57
* mhall119 is pretty sure that's a private network address block20:00
josemhall119: launchpad but i'm pushing another iteration soon20:00
stokachumhall119, thanks for taking over support20:01
mhall119stokachu: darnit :(20:01
mhall119jose: what project?20:01
josemhall119: lemme get a link for you, 1s20:02
PCdudestokachu: yes 192.168.1.x/24 is private, 10.1.10.x/24 is20:02
stokachuPCdude, and maas manages both dns/dhcp on 192.168.1.x?20:02
PCdudestokachu: that is correct20:03
stokachuPCdude, well im out of ideas, we know it's networking related20:03
josemhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/trusty/couchbase/trunk the charm itself works perfectly, but automated testing is funky20:03
mhall119thanks jose, I just want to read it20:04
josenp, let me know if you have any questions20:04
stokachuPCdude, im also inclined to say this is in maas territory20:04
mhall119jose: just one question; "Do you want to learn how to make snaps?" :)20:05
josemhall119: maybe, I can give it a shot and if it's doable I can charm+snap20:05
PCdudestokachu: yes network related and maybe LXD, I dont know. I have to say that both DNS and DHCP are working. I tried it both, by adding an random machine to it with linux already installed and tried to contact the internet20:06
josemhall119: live training in Europe? ;)20:06
stokachuPCdude, well you can't deploy to containers on the machines20:06
PCdudestokachu: ah ok, well at least we are a step closer to the solution20:06
stokachuso i would say dhcp is not working20:06
mhall119jose: dholbach will be doing a workshop, but we can do some bar-learning as well20:07
josemhall119: bar-learning sounds awesome, specially with a couple legal beers20:07
PCdudestokachu: well if it is not working the nodes in the 192.168.1.x/24 domain should not even startup right? PXE is inherently connected to DHCP.20:07
mhall119yay for legal beer! \o/20:07
stokachuPCdude, that's why i think you're existing your dhcp pool, maybe expanding the range didn't take effect20:08
stokachui dont know what doing an esxi snapshot/restore entails20:08
mhall119jose: http://packages.couchbase.com/ gives me an access denied error, is that expected?20:09
josehmm, not at all. I'll check when I get back home.  in class atm20:09
mhall119oh, sorry to bother you in class (you should disconnect)20:10
josehehe no worries. it's just starting and things are getting set up, have a couple mins20:10
mhall119looks like only partial URLs are being blocked, probably so you can't see a files list on the server, so no concern20:11
PCdudestokachu: hmm maybe. I dont know about vmware, I think they just take a copy of the disk and put it back.20:11
rick_h_beisner: ping20:11
PCdudestokachu: I think that is not the problem, but I could start over from the start, but that would take to much time rn20:12
rick_h_beisner: do you all deploy on kvm/nova on ppc64el?20:12
stokachuPCdude, ok well you've got a good place to start debugging20:12
PCdudestokachu: yeah indeed, at least I really wanna thank u! One step closer to an working openstack install :)20:13
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: out of interest21:19
magicaltroutwhats the process to get an interface listed on interfaces.juju.solutions21:19
marcoceppimagicaltrout: yes?21:19
magicaltrouti'm working on a drill one for jdbc connections etc so it would be good  to allow other stuff to use it21:19
marcoceppimagicaltrout: log in with LP, then add then click the + next to interface or layer21:25
marcoceppifill out the form, and submit ;)21:26
magicaltroutah the tool i try and avoid21:26
magicaltroutwill do21:26
stokachurick_h_: marcoceppi what was that bug number about xenial and lxd failing to create containers?21:36
stokachuwith juju21:36
marcoceppistokachu: it's a cloud-init issue, i think21:37
marcoceppi- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/162122921:37
marcoceppi- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/157669221:37
mupBug #1621229: snap upgrade to 2.14.2~16.04 in xenial lxc hangs <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621229>21:37
mupBug #1576692: fully support package installation in systemd <sts> <cloud-init:Confirmed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576692>21:37
rick_h_stokachu: sec, it's in that juju list email. /me goes to look21:37
magicaltroutlazyPower oh fountain of useful code snippets21:43
magicaltrouti need to write an interface, that when a user connects to drill the interface then goes and returns the ip addresses of the zookeeper units it has attached21:44
magicaltrouthow do i find out the ZK units?21:44
marcoceppimagicaltrout: o/22:07
marcoceppiGuess I'm not good enough?22:07
magicaltroutyou suffice marcoceppi22:16
magicaltrouti just bug lazypower because he tends to have this stuff to hand ;)22:16
lazyPowermagicaltrout - sorry about that, flakey internet here at the sprint.22:17
magicaltroutlol no probs i'm just looking for a pointer22:18
lazyPowermagicaltrout - as best as i can tell, you would need to coordinate with the consuming layer... cory_fu may know better, but from what i know, thats up to the implementation on which relation its scoped to, et-al.22:18
lazyPoweri dont think there's a more deterministic approach to take there off the top of my head22:18
magicaltroutokay so in my main drillbit charm22:20
magicaltrouti keep a data_changed function which is a list of zookeepers22:20
magicaltroutcan my interface hit that?22:20
lazyPowerso long as its your drillbit layer thats communicating to the interface, i think that keeps the levels of encapsulation22:22
magicaltroutwell i wrote the charm, now i'm  writing the  interface22:22
magicaltroutso i think i'm good on those counts22:22
magicaltrouti dont like interfaces they're like a blackhole of stuff i don't understand22:57

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