
mupBug #1621285 opened: Server VLAN's on a Rack Details page not loading. <vanilla> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621285>01:02
mupBug #1621344 opened: [2.0] Multiple failed trusty deployments  -- rename failed, Stale file handle  <oil> <oil-2.0> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621344>06:53
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1621407 opened: [2.1] Add node listing filters for Network (NIC) and Storage (devices) tags <ui> <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621407>10:34
mupBug #1621409 opened: On save tags bug storage/interfaces <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621409>10:34
mupBug #1621344 changed: Error reading package list on ephemeral environemt <oil> <oil-2.0> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621344>11:19
mupBug #1621344 opened: Error reading package list on ephemeral environemt <oil> <oil-2.0> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621344>11:37
mupBug #1621344 changed: Error reading package list on ephemeral environemt <oil> <oil-2.0> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621344>11:40
mupBug #1621344 opened: Error reading package list on ephemeral environemt <oil> <oil-2.0> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621344>11:55
mupBug #1621446 opened: [Vanilla] Design QA bugs <vanilla> <MAAS:In Progress by ricgard> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621446>12:16
mupBug #1621344 changed: Error reading package list on ephemeral environemt <oil> <oil-2.0> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621344>12:43
kikoroaksoax, how do you think we should advise sujeet to store firmware blobs that commissioning scripts should access?14:15
kikoroaksoax, I actually think the object store is a nice solution to that problem14:16
kikoroaksoax, did it have major issues?14:16
nirlevyHello all14:23
nirlevyanyone has recently installed maas over vsphere node?14:23
roaksoaxkiko: yes it did have major issues and juju didn't need it anymore. The object store was there for juju really. We didn't removed it in 2.0 because juju still needed it.14:23
roaksoaxkiko: we wont remove it in 2.0 series14:24
roaksoax2.x series14:24
kikoroaksoax, what were the major issues?14:24
nirlevythanks roaksoax,14:24
roaksoaxkiko: so if there's a use case to keep it, we can keep it14:24
nirlevyI am in a much preliminary issue, adding nodes to maas14:24
kikoroaksoax, we should think about it more carefully, yeah14:24
nirlevypxe works but I can not found the proper power type14:24
kikonirlevy, I think PCdude has an installation like that, currently with some problems14:25
roaksoaxi'll need to dig through the buglist to find the issues it has14:25
kikonirlevy, there's a VMware power type?14:25
roaksoaxkiko: nothing blocking though, it is still usable14:25
kikoroaksoax, thanks14:25
kikoroaksoax, I remember there was an auth issue IIRC14:25
kikobut that's all I remember14:25
nirlevycan someone please explain the methodology behind virtual node booting,14:26
nirlevyI am confused, in one hand I have virtual nodes over my esxi host14:27
nirlevyon the other hand maas node should include libvirt to manage them, is it correct?14:27
kikonirlevy, no, MAAS uses libvirt for KVM nodes14:29
kikonirlevy, I'm curious -- does the version of MAAS you are using not have a VMware power type? what version are you using?14:31
kikonirlevy, virtual nodes boot into an ephemeral environment via PXE14:31
kikonirlevy, what we need the power controller for is simply to turn the nodes on and off14:31
nirlevyI am using ubuntu 14.04 and apt-get installation which is version 1.914:32
nirlevyfor maas14:32
kikoroaksoax, the 1.9 SRU went through then?14:32
kikonirlevy, and is there not a VMware power type?14:33
kikoin the dropdown?14:33
nirlevyit do have VMWare in the drop down menu14:34
nirlevyafter pxe boot nodes status is "new"14:36
nirlevywhen I commissioning them, the operation fails14:36
kikonirlevy, correct, you go to the node then, choose that power type and set the VMware details correctly14:36
kikothe VMware setup is rather manual14:37
nirlevylet me try it now.14:37
nirlevythe status of the nodes after PXE boot is at login, I do not know the user and password (is there is any default?) those are the same details I need for the VMWare option14:39
kikonirlevy, the user and password are your VSphere credentials14:42
kikonirlevy, the nodes are New because they have just enlisted; once you have the power type set up you can kick off a commissioning process14:42
nirlevyThanks, Trying14:43
kikonirlevy, if you get failures check your VSphere access logs14:43
mupBug #1618543 opened: freeipmi lacks IPv6 support <maas-ipv6> <needs-upstream-report> <MAAS:Confirmed> <freeipmi (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618543>14:44
kikopoor freeipmi14:45
nirlevyfailed to log in even in the vsphere console..14:51
nirlevysame credentials as my vsphere.14:51
nirlevyto be exact same credentials as my vsphere client on host running ESXI14:54
nirlevyshall I try my MAAS web credentials?14:57
nirlevyDid not work either.15:01
mupBug #1621507 opened: ipconfig lacks ipv6 support <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:Confirmed> <initramfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <klibc (Ubuntu):New> <klibc (Debian):Unknown> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621507>15:08
nirlevykiko, any ideas?15:14
nirlevymaas maas nodes accept-all - does not work either, command seem to be wrongly parsed15:18
kikonirlevy, MAAS web credentials?15:58
kikonirlevy, maybe you're confused15:58
kikonirlevy, the power parameters are what MAAS uses to contact vSphere to tell it to turn a VM on15:58
kikonirlevy, so they are really the credentials on the VMWare side15:59
kikompontillo, do you have any advice for nirlevy?15:59
vfontanellaI usually see in the internet that to install MAAS we need at least 5 computers16:02
vfontanellabut the new docs say the minimum is 216:02
vfontanellais that true?16:02
mpontillokiko: nirlevy: In a call now, will read the scrollback shortly16:04
kikompontillo, I'll copy you on an email reply to him in fact, so just look out for that. it has a bit more detail16:04
kikovfontanella, actually, to install OpenStack you have a minimum requirement16:04
kikovfontanella, MAAS itself can run on 1 machine16:04
kikovfontanella, but of course, you use MAAS to control other machines, so.. it's only really useful if you have a bunch to manage16:05
vfontanellaI see16:05
vfontanellathat means if I have a couple xenservers and esxi, I can install in one server and manage them16:05
mpontillovfontanella: depends on what you want to do; I run it on a laptop ;-) (but I'm just testing it mainly)16:06
vfontanellaI mean manage the VMs on it16:06
mpontillokiko: ok thanks, please loop roaksoax in as well; I may not be able to respond quickly since I have a lot to do by the end of next week16:07
vfontanellaI tried to install it in a vbox but I had problems to power on the vms16:07
kikompontillo, I think he's missing python-pyvmomi, actually?16:07
kikompontillo, I can't really believe we ship MAAS half-broken for VMWare if that's true16:08
mpontillokiko: could be the certificate issue too16:08
mpontillokiko: I'll take a quick look16:08
kikompontillo, thanks16:08
kikompontillo, that package needs to be installed on the rack controller, right?16:09
mpontillokiko: yes, though the most recent version in Xenial is missing some code necessary to work around an issue with certificate validation that many people run into16:09
mpontillokiko: so some people have had more success installing the latest version from pip16:10
mpontillokiko: nirlevy: see my comments on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/159346916:13
kikompontillo, and the latest 1.9.4 doesn't contain your workaround?16:13
mpontillokiko: ah, correct, I think the workaround is only in 2.016:13
mpontillokiko: but the version in trusty didn't have this issue ;-)16:13
kikompontillo, this user is on trusty..16:14
mpontillo(what a tangled web this is.)16:14
roaksoaxkiko: we dont ship maas broken16:16
roaksoaxkiko: if python-pyvmomi is not ther emaas should be notifying the issues16:16
roaksoaxkiko: there's no mpython-pyvmomi in trusty16:17
roaksoaxwe alwasy shipped it in a PPA16:17
mpontillonirlevy: have you tried the "Add Hardware > Chassis" option? that usually works best with vmware instances. It's best to name all the nodes you want to enlist in MAAS with a common prefix, and use the prefix filter to ensure MAAS only configures the VMs you want to use.16:17
PCdudekiko: any idea if someone is online that could help with my problem?16:56
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
kikoPCdude, let me try and help again. where are you stuck, remind me of the whole story16:57
PCdudekiko: thats cool16:59
PCdudekiko: so just a quick review. I have 1 controller and 5 nodes. 3 of them have 2 NIC's. 2 of those three have both NIC's connected to the private network. The last one has one connection to the public network and one to the private network17:00
kikoPCdude, what hardware is this?17:00
neithkiko: hello17:10
neithkiko: I'm bootstrapping juju agin17:10
neithand I keep getting this error: http://pastebin.com/PLganGgV17:10
kikoneith, okay, let me know how it goes17:10
neithkiko: yesterday worked like a charm17:10
neithkiko: today cant bootstrap juju same error always17:11
kikoneith, hmm, odd. I'm otp so I'll be slow in replying17:11
PCdudekiko: I was disconnected for a moment, so dont know if I missed something, but anyway thanks for looking at it17:23
kikoPCdude, what hardware is this?17:25
PCdudeso the nodes and controller are running in esxi, but the host is 16GB of corsair memory, asus H87i-plus motherboard, processor high-end of two generations back. I dont know the exact number but I could look it up17:28
PCdudekiko: is that what u mean with the hardware?17:28
kikoPCdude, aha, so it's a vmware-based setup. okay17:32
kikoPCdude, did you use the autopilot vmdk we provide?17:32
PCdudekiko: yes its vmware based.17:33
PCdudekiko: no I did not use that, coz its a single machine solution. I wanted to try it all out as a copy of what I wanted to set up with real machines later on17:34
PCdudekiko: but it should still work right? I mean, just using VMware ESXI could become problematic with WOL and that kind of stuff, but not for the nodes itself as VM17:35
kikoPCdude, it should work, yes, but there are many pitfalls you can encounter (as you see)17:35
kikoPCdude, why WoL as opposed to our native VMWare support?17:35
PCdudekiko: well there is support in MAAS to connect directly with some API to vmware, but that is only possible with an more advanced version of ESXI. the lowest is free and that is what I use. I cant afford the more expensive ones. The problem is that ESXI does not allow API calls in my version. So I cant use the MAAS option, which would be great if I17:38
PCdudecould use it17:38
kikoPCdude, ah, indeed, I see the challeng17:38
PCdudekiko: the next problem was that WOL does not even work with ESXI. So I installed a package on my main PC and listen to the WOL magic package. I respond to that by turning the machine on the GUI17:39
PCdudekiko: not ideal , but for testing not bad I think17:39
PCdudekiko: I can live with it, since when I move over to real machines WOL works and openstack can operate on its own17:39
neithkiko: do the main network on wich nodes are pxe booting requires to have a GW to internet?17:41
neithkiko: seems like juju wants to directly connect to the net from bootstrapped nodes17:41
kikothanks mmcc17:41
mmcchi maas folks17:42
kikoPCdude, mmcc is one of the engineers responsible for openstack-install17:42
PCdudekiko: great! :)17:42
kikommcc, PCdude has a vmware-based deployment of MAAS that is failing on the openstack-install phase17:42
PCdudehey mmcc17:42
mmcchi PCdude17:42
mmccso how is it failing? If there's a lot of discussion in the backscroll, I'd be glad to read it if someone could paste it up for me.17:43
PCdudemmcc: most of the info is there17:43
kikommcc, and neith has a deployment that is failing like this: http://pastebin.com/PLganGgV17:44
mmccok, looking now. thanks17:44
kikommcc, neith's issue I can only find reference to here: https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/issues/87017:44
kikommcc, and it seems like it's pretty reproducible17:44
neithmmc should bootstrapped node be able to resolv maas server by hostname?17:47
neithas the opposite?17:47
PCdudemmcc: I have the systems still in the state of the moment after they crash, so I can look at any tiny file that can be of relevance for the troubleshooting17:53
mmccPCdude: so it looks like you're hitting a timeout built into the juju-deployer tool that openstack-installer uses internally. Are the systems in your MAAS slow to spin up? I don't know how using VMWare in there affects speed17:54
PCdudemmcc: good point, tbh I dont know what I small since I have only experience with this machine. IT takes about 2-4 minutes to deploy a node from MAAS. the nodes have 1gb and 1 core. the controller has 4gb and 2 cores. an important thing to add is that some days ago I was facing another issue and with some help of kiko we find out that the juju deplo17:57
PCdudeyer was not installed by the openstack-installer, so I installed it manually. I have no idea if that is important, just saying to be complete17:57
PCdudemmcc: I tried with more RAM on the nodes, but did not make an difference (I tried 2 and 4 GB)17:57
kikommcc, ah, yes, there was that point: juju-deployer was not installed when they installed openstack-install. is that expected?17:57
mmcckiko: yeah, juju-deployer is a dep of the 'openstack-landscape' package, which gets installed after running openstack-installer if you choose that option17:59
mmccif that wasn't happening, then something is odd with the packaging18:00
PCdudemmcc: I choose that option, but it was not installed. by installing it manually, I got past the point it was complaining about in the past18:00
mmccPCdude: so is this VMs on one machine that are registered in MAAS as separate 'machines'?18:01
mmccI'm surprised that it didn't install juju-deployer.18:02
PCdudeyes, they are. So to be clear there is one host, which has 6 VM's on it. 5 of them are nodes and 1 is the controller. On the controller is MAAS installed and sees the other nodes (the other VM's) as seperate machines18:02
mmccneith: do you still have the systems sitting around in the same state? I'm curious if you can interact with juju successfully outside of the installer. for example, "JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju juju status"18:03
mmccsetting JUJU_HOME is necessary because we use a separate directory to avoid affecting an existing environment18:03
PCdudemmcc:  The machine has 16GB of corsair memory and ASUS h87i-plus motherboard and a high end processor (dont know the number exactly  )18:04
mmccPCdude: if you try the same "JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju juju status" command, what does it tell you?18:06
mmccit's possible that has errors that juju-deployer doesn't relay back to the user, so it just waits until a timeout18:07
neithmmcc: It can't even reach this state now. I'm trying to replay openstal-install18:09
neithmmcc: before I run openstack-install -u and it gets: Error: an inet prefix is expected rather than "False".18:09
PCdudemmcc:   http://pastebin.com/raw/AZY2ZHiV18:10
mmccneith: you can ignore that error. unfortunately the uninstall script is loud if it's tearing down an incomplete install18:10
neithmmcc: Alright, running it again18:12
mmccPCdude: so it is trying to spin up one machine with four LXC containers on it. the containers are stuck in a 'pending' state18:14
mmccthe next thing I'd do is to dig around on that machine, via "JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju juju ssh 0"18:15
mmccand then once I'm on machine 0, look at the lxc containers on there and see if there are any errors that look obvious18:16
PCdudemmcc: well I have one controller and one nodes is used for MAAS. I have not seen one machine ever startup to do that. So I cant login to that extra machine and try those commands18:17
mmccPCdude: your juju status says that 'node1.maas' was brought up as a juju machine18:18
PCdudemmcc: ah ok, yes that is correct. I will issue the command on that machine. I thought there should spin up another one than node118:19
mmccPCdude: no, the landscape install puts its services into LXC containers on a single machine18:20
PCdudemmcc: I have never used LXC before, so what command should I use to check that?18:23
PCdudemmcc: one note is that version 1.0.8 is installed of lxc, while 2.0.3 is the recommended version on trusty (source:apt-cache)18:23
kikosudo lxc-ls --fancy18:23
mmccPCdude: openstack-installer is glue over MAAS, Juju, and LXC. You can see the bundle that we deploy here: https://jujucharms.com/u/landscape/landscape-dense-maas - I think the way forward for you is to verify that the underlying tech works in your environment before trying again with openstack-installer. e.g. make sure that you can bring up lxc containers inside your VMs, then try deploying a juju bundle that uses lxc containers onto18:24
mmccyour MAAS.18:24
mmccmany issues with running openstack-installer end up being better answered by the communities around those component technologies18:25
PCdudemmcc: that is the output of "sudo lxc-ls --fancy"18:25
PCdudemmcc: ah ok, I am really learning stuff here :)18:25
mmccso it sounds like there's an issue bringing up lxc containers with juju on your environment. I'd suggest asking in #juju for expert advice on where to look for that18:26
mmccI've dug in there in the past, but I'd probably have to ask there myself, it's been long enough18:26
neithmmcc: kiko : sorry for my previous questions, I cant trust the network guys, they messed up the cables again. Though I understand its hard to manage nodes with 8 physical interfaces without mistakes18:27
mmccneith: so you're in good shape now? that's good to hear18:27
neithmmcc: I'am wondering if we could improve maas by checking if nodes using the same subnets are really able to talk to each other18:28
PCdudemmcc: good I will head over to the JUJU channel18:28
neithavoiding loops and cross connections18:29
mmccneith, that does sound useful to me, but I'm not a maas dev.18:35
mmccif no one else sees it here, I'd file a feature request on https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+filebug18:37
kikoneith, mmcc: what's what mpontillo is already working on for release 2.118:37
kikoneith, a bit miffed that that was the problem in the end -- the failure mode is really obscure18:37
PCdudekiko: mmcc well, there happens to be a know issue with bringing up instances. somehwere along the line apt-get update and apt-get upgrade fail. Disabling this option would make the installer to succeed18:39
kikoPCdude, why is the upgrade failing though?18:40
kikoPCdude, network flakiness?18:40
PCdudekiko: dont know yet, still busy in JUJU channel18:41
PCdudekiko: mmcc https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-September/007845.html18:42
PCdudealso good to know for other problems in the future with this version I think18:43
PCdudethis is for Xenial, but maybe for trusty too lets see18:44
kikoPCdude, I'm thinking you are continue to be in pain in your current setup19:14
kikoPCdude, maybe you should pivot into getting some hardware, or using KVM instead of VMware?19:14
PCdudekiko: Well, I have made a pretty precise plan in what I want to do with openstack. Though, I have some blind spots on understanding some parts. Thats why wanted to try and really reproduce the acutal usage situation. Since the test fase on ESXI will eventually gives me a clue on  what hardware I will need.19:16
PCdudekiko: I have tried KVM, but I ran in some issues too with that. I cant remember what it was.19:17
kikoPCdude, I think it fails for a few reasons, potentially the first that WoL isn't all that reliable19:17
PCdudekiko: ah ok, yeah some other people told me that too. I was thinking about maybe buying some serious equipment (second handed of course) to do the trick.19:19
kikoPCdude, my overall guidance would be to prefer hardware if possible, and if not, to use KVM, which will be less magical than VMware19:20
mpontillokiko: I think checking if MAAS nodes can talk to *each other* requires software running on the deployed node; that is actually out of scope. the network discovery for 2.1 gives MAAS better information about which nodes have been seen on subnets directly attached to MAAS servers.19:22
PCdudekiko: good point and I agree for sure. yeah I tried KVM probably an hour after I find out about openstack. So maybe there is part of the problem what I had with KVM.19:22
kikompontillo, yes, in 2.1 you get the first step of that, which is can the nodes talk to the networks MAAS knows about19:27
kikompontillo, I assume it's actually "knows about", not necessarily "manages"?19:27
mpontillokiko: when it comes to interactions with juju, spaces are presumed to be the model of which networks can talk to each other in MAAS. that is something that needs to be defined by the MAAS admin though; MAAS does not yet try to determine that automatically, even in 2.119:28
kvdo you guys run maas on ubuntu 16.04 ?19:31
kikompontillo, that's okay, I'm just saying that if the user has his networks listed in MAAS, and the cluster controllers are attached to them, we can check if the nodes talk to them19:31
kikokv, sure!19:31
kvany tips or tricks?  I am having quite a few issues with it19:32
mpontillokiko: yes, that much is certainly true.19:32
kikokv, first, upgrade to 2.0 final. :-)19:34
kikokv, second, tell us all about your issues19:34
kikompontillo, that is already worlds better than where we are today19:34
kvkilo any good docs for 16.04 ?19:36
kvkilo, i had lots of issue with the dhcpd19:37
kikokv, http://maas.io/docs covers 2.019:38
kikokv, what exact version are you running?19:38
mupBug #1621610 opened: [2.0,2.1] MAAS allow's machine to transition to 'commissioning' even if no images are present <MAAS:Triaged> <MAAS 2.0:Triaged> <MAAS trunk:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621610>20:08
PCdudekiko: mmcc it turns out NOT to be JUJU haha20:16
PCdudeas said before the LXD containers do not get an IP address and this should relate to either MAAS in failing of giving it or LXD by not providing it right20:17
kikoPCdude, it rarely is, unfortunately. most problems are in the MAAS domain :-)20:17
PCdudekiko: haha ok, stokachu suggested that maybe MAAS ran out of IP addresses20:18
PCdudeboth static and dynamic now have 100 addresses each for DHCP requests (50 before that)20:19
PCdudekiko: How can I diagnose the MAAS DHCP settings in a CLI window?20:21
PCdudekiko: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf is pretty empty20:40
kikoPCdude, I think they are in /etc/maas or /var/lib/maas20:43
PCdudekiko: ah yes of course that makes sense20:46
kvSep  8 13:51:53 sj36 maas.dhcp: [ERROR] Could not rewrite DHCPv4 server configuration (for network interfaces enp1s0f0): Command `maas-rack atomic-write --filename /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.conf --mode 0644` returned non-zero exit status 1:#012None20:56
kvkilo any idea why I keep getting that error?20:56
PCdudewell good night everyone :)21:12
roaksoaxkv: what's the permissions under /var/lib/maas/ ?21:23
kikokv, does /var/lib/maas exist? :)21:26
kikoPCdude, happy you've made progress. we should do better at showing you when you're running out of IPs..21:26
kvkilo drwxr-xr-x  5 maas     maas     4.0K Sep  8 14:19 maas21:28
mupBug #1621615 opened: network not configured when ipv6 netbooted into cloud-init <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621615>21:41
mupBug #1621635 opened: [2.0, 2.1, UX] MAAS doesn't warn the user that MAAS it not managing DHCP when attempting to commission <error-surface> <notifications> <ux> <MAAS:Confirmed> <MAAS 2.0:Confirmed> <MAAS trunk:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621635>21:41
mupBug #1621647 opened: MAAS 2.0 SSL verification error when adding UCSM chassis <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621647>21:50
mupBug #1621647 changed: MAAS 2.0 SSL verification error when adding UCSM chassis <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621647>22:08
mupBug #1621647 opened: MAAS 2.0 SSL verification error when adding UCSM chassis <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621647>22:11
kvoh boy...777 on /var/lib/maas and /var/lib/maas/dhcp still no luck22:40
kveverything seems fast...and promising but dhcp ...22:44
roaksoaxkv: what happens if you run that command manually ?22:45
roaksoaxmaas-rack atomic-write --filename /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.conf --mode 064422:45
roaksoaxkv: also, how did you enable DHCP ?22:46
roaksoaxkv: are you running under a vm? lxc container ? may there be something preventing thigs to work ?22:46
roaksoaxlike apparmosr ?22:46
kvi ran that command from root and it did not do anything22:46
kvi enabled using the ui22:47
kvi also tried from cli22:47
kvi think i found the issue22:52
kvit was related to sudo on maas account22:53
roaksoaxkv: interesting, there's no sudoers file  ?22:54
roaksoaxmaas should have installed the sudoers file22:54
kvi think it did but my puppet module removed it :)22:55
kvi added 'maas ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' and it is happy now22:57
roaksoaxkv: cool22:59
kvthanks roaksoax23:01
kvdhcp is working...tftp got timeout when booting from pxe...new host was not registered in maas ui.23:09
kvany idea roaksoax ?23:09
roaksoaxkv: logs I can look at ?23:11
roaksoaxkv: rackd.log or a console log23:12
kvpxe-e32: tftp open timeout23:13
kvi don't see anything in rackd.log23:13
kvweird tftpd isn't installed by default?23:15
roaksoaxkv: maas run its own tft server23:19
roaksoaxkv: check /var/log/maas/rackd.log23:19
roaksoaxkv: can the machine reach the tftp address it is told to ?23:20
kvlooking good23:21

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