
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mupPR snapcraft#777 opened: go plugin: don't put debugging symbols in generated binaries <Created by teknoraver> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/777>00:50
mupBug #1621304 opened: In the profile setup, pressing enter after filling the email address does nothing <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621304>03:16
liuxgdoes anyone have a nodejs snappy sample for reference in addition to the "shout" on in the demos? thanks03:22
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mupBug #1621323 opened: On the all-snaps image, the snapweb interfaces are not connected <Snappy:New> <snapweb:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621323>05:38
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Kaleo_mvo, tvoss, I heard something about dbus session bus support or something. Is there something being baked related to that?06:18
mvohey Kaleo_ - no dbus session bus work is happening currently from the core team afaik, is that something important for you/your team?06:24
Kaleo_mvo, I think so06:24
Kaleo_mvo, wwho is the core team?06:24
mupBug #1621339 opened: Unable to complete UC16 beta first boot if ESC is pressed after last step <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621339>06:33
didrockshey mvo! Great job for yesterday's image! I'm curious if you think we'll have a snapd release today with the "revert fix" we discussed about the other day? As this is the last day for us to prepare the image for Monday's event06:33
Kaleo_mvo, I've uploaded a i386 snap of test-snapd-thumbnailer-consumer (there was only an amd64 version): is that the right way to support multiple archs? automated review failed, can you let it through?06:35
mvoKaleo_: the most important person to talk to would be gustavo as he will design the feature. however he/we are busy with the "ga" release06:35
mvoKaleo_: yes and yes06:35
Kaleo_mvo, great06:35
mvoKaleo_: feel free to join our standups to talk about specific feature you need06:36
mvodidrocks: pavel was working on this last I checked, give me a minute to look over the open PRs06:36
mvodidrocks: I really would love to do something for you, even something cheap and hackish like "revert --devmode" so that it preserves the flag, chippaca was also looking at it, but because of the image rush I did not pay too much attention06:37
mvoKaleo_: approved, enjoy06:37
Kaleo_mvo, thank you :)06:37
didrocksmvo: yeah, I guess it. But indeed, I can hide the --devmode typing quickly when doing the revert and that would work (even if snapd is only in -proposed, I can install my image with it) ;)06:38
mvodidrocks: lets keep talking over the course of the day, at this time most people are still sleeping :) at least the relevant ones06:39
mvoKaleo_: my pleasure!06:39
mvoI will promote the candidate ubuntu-core images to stable very soon, so if people want to do last minute tests on those :)06:39
didrocksmvo: ok, I'll let you just ping me once people are ready for this :)06:40
didrocksmvo: does it has reexec? that case, I'll need to ensure I'm adding the magic variable to /etc/environment in case I have to use snapd from -proposed (and so, the package version)06:41
mvodidrocks: the version in xenial-updates that got promoted yesterday has re-exec disabled06:43
mvodidrocks: because the sru process is now working really well for us and also because it causes some hard to understand behavior06:43
tvossKaleo_: we don't need the core Team right now to unblock your work, I'm getting a coffee refill right now, will be online in a few06:44
Kaleo_tvoss, COFEE06:45
tvossKaleo_: the core team, so Jamie specifically is aware of our requirements, let's coordinate a little on what we put on their plate07:01
tvossKaleo_: for the time being, we will unblock you and get you a session dbus in a classic environment07:01
dholbachhey hey07:02
Kaleo_tvoss, sounds good07:02
Kaleo_tvoss, and that means  DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS needs to be set right?07:03
tvossKaleo_: yeah, we are taking care of that stuff07:03
tvossKaleo_: I think we can have something be eow07:03
tvossby, even07:03
Kaleo_tvoss, ok07:03
mupPR snapd#1816 closed: libvirt interface to allow snaps to access libvirtd on a classic host <Created by cmars> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1816>07:19
ogra_hmpf ... so the grade hackery didnt help08:07
ogra_all ubuntu-core snaps are stuck :(08:07
mvoogra_: yeah08:22
mvoogra_: if you could give the pi3 image a quick try, that would rock08:22
ogra_i'll take a deeper look into patching our snapcraft08:22
ogra_mvo, both downloading atm ... i only get 200k/s from cdimage for some reason :/08:22
zygaanyone versed in glib-test, is ther any sanity into how -p and -s options work for selecting tests to run08:27
pittimvo: guten Morgen08:27
zygathey seem to do nothing sensible at all, I'm trying to follow the source to see what's going on08:27
zygaa simple test on some-unit-test-binary -s /stuff-to-skip/ just does nothing and runs all tests with that prefix08:28
zygasimilarly to -p08:28
pittiogra_, mvo: IIRC you could reproduce bug 1620559, right? would you mind telling your testing result to it, so that we can mark it v-done?08:28
mupBug #1620559: /etc/resolv.conf is empty on snappy <hw-specific> <verification-needed> <Snappy:New> <systemd (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <systemd (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed by pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620559>08:28
zygasome values of -p seem to work but the exact criteria are eluding me, it seems the number of slashes in the test name is relevant08:28
pittimvo: does networking behave now?08:29
ogra_pitti, it does08:29
pitti(I guess RTM day wouldn't be the worst day for it to behave :) )08:29
mvopitti: its working fine, thanks again08:31
ogra_pitti, set to verification-done08:32
mupPR snapd#1867 opened: fix incorrect number of implicit interfaces <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1867>08:37
mupBug #1621378 opened: console-conf should tell the user that the keyboard is US only <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621378>08:51
mupBug #1621380 opened: console-conf should allow to configure a hostname <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621380>08:54
mwhudsonmvo: did you figure out the GOARM problems in the end?08:56
mvosergiusens: please! https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/162138208:56
mupBug #1621382: launchpad building with stage packages broken <snapcraft (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621382>08:56
mvomwhudson: which one of them ;)08:56
mvomwhudson: but yeah, after some mild panic attacks we got a images08:57
mvomwhudson: network was broken in between and similar but we got it all under control08:57
ogra_mvo, hmm, why did my pi3 just get an ubuntu-core update in the middle of installing the classic snap ?09:00
ogra_eeek !09:00
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ snap list09:00
ogra_Name         Version  Rev  Developer  Notes09:00
ogra_classic      16.04    14   canonical  devmode09:00
ogra_ubuntu-core  16.04.1  424  canonical  -09:00
ogra_mvo, something is wrong with the pi3 image09:01
mvoogra_: no kernel?09:02
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ systemctl status snapd.firstboot.service09:02
ogra_● snapd.firstboot.service - Run snappy firstboot setup09:02
ogra_   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapd.firstboot.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)09:02
ogra_   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2016-09-07 21:07:19 UTC; 11h ago09:02
ogra_ Main PID: 1448 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)09:02
mvoogra_: snap change 1?09:02
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ snap change 109:02
ogra_Status  Spawn                 Ready                 Summary09:02
ogra_Done    2016-09-07T21:07:20Z  2016-09-08T08:45:05Z  Generate device key09:02
ogra_Done    2016-09-07T21:07:20Z  2016-09-08T08:45:14Z  Request device serial09:02
mvoogra_: snap change 2 :)09:03
ogra_thats already the "install classic" call09:03
ogra_no trace of firstboot in snap changes09:03
mvoogra_: nothing from firstboot? weeeeh09:03
ogra_also no complaint about a missing model assertion09:03
ogra_very weird09:03
ogra_mvo, dragonboard is fine though ...09:04
mwhudsonmvo: the hwcap / "please recompile with GOARM=5" one was the one i meant09:06
mvomwhudson: oh, yes, that is the libc aux vector getting srubed by apparmor and that contains the information about the availabity of a floating point unit09:06
mwhudsonah ok09:07
mwhudsonyes, sounds about right09:07
mvomwhudson: tyler and jamie know the even more gorry details09:07
mvobut I think this is pretty much it and I changed the apparmor confinment to allow this vector to get passed unchanged09:07
mwhudsonyeah, go uses it for quite a few things09:08
matteoelopio: I've fixed the tests for PR #77709:48
mupPR snapd#1867 closed: fix incorrect number of implicit interfaces <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1867>10:10
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mwhudsonmvo: could you subscribe snappy-dev to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-coreos-go-systemd pls? (for MIR)10:56
gouchiI got this error error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap  when I try to test my snap package11:00
gouchididn't get this error before11:00
ogra_use the --dangerous option11:01
ogra_i assume you try to do a snap install ?11:01
ogra_yeah, then use that for snaps not signed by the store11:02
nhainesThe Ubuntu Core beta image for Rpi2 is pretty fun.  :)11:02
nhainesIs there a story for wireless networking yet?11:02
gouchiogra_: error: unknown flag `dangerous'11:03
ogra_nhaines, console-conf does not support it yet (it is in the pipe)11:03
nhainesogra_: "in the pipe" is good to know.11:03
nhainessnapweb didn't work at all for me.11:03
nhainesAnd 'snap find' is broken now.11:03
ogra_nhaines, you can cheat indeed and put a config into /etc/netwotrk/interfaces.d/wlan0 (and reboot)11:03
ogra_broken ? how ?11:03
nhainesogra_: now *that* is exactly what I wanted to know.  :)11:03
nhainesogra_: it used to list all snaps; now it simply returns an error.11:04
ogra_thats by design ;)11:04
ogra_not broken11:04
nhainesIt is a regression and probably a bad design.  ;)11:04
nhainesAlthough I'm sure it wasn't scalable.11:04
ogra_snap find can only show 100 snaps ... but the sotre has more11:04
nhainesThis makes it impossible to discover snaps, though.11:05
nhaines(So I hope design is on it sometime.)11:05
ogra_well, if you have 1mio snaps one day you realyl dont want them listed :)11:05
nhainesogra_: sure, that's what `less` is for.  ;)11:05
ogra_sure ... but the less would only start after retrieving lines for 2h :P11:06
ogra_(and probably cause an OOM)11:06
nhainesSo there are problems.  But I was able to have Nextcloud running in all of 30 seconds and I didn't have to do any of that pesky installation or dependencies or configuration.  So there's that!11:07
nhainesShould snapweb still be listening on port 4200?11:08
ogra_it should ... but it has bugs and fails to start currently11:08
ogra_btw... wlan -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23149789/11:08
nhainesOkay, currently broken, that's good to know, too.11:08
nhainesI'm not certain that "pull all keys from Launchpad" is a "real world" solution, but I'll be damned if it wasn't absolutely perfect for me.  :D11:09
ogra_it will auto-update to a fixed version ;)11:09
nhainesYes, benefit of snappy.  ;)11:09
nhainesAlthough I sort of feel like "wireless networking setup and web administration don't work right now" could have been in the release notes.  :P11:11
nhainesBut I've been having plenty of fun with snapd on the desktop, and seeing Ubuntu Core 16 start to really take shape is very exciting!11:12
mwhudsonnhaines: do you want to try a bootleg core snap that might let you configure wifi? :)11:12
nhainesmwhudson: yes, sounds like fun.  :)11:13
nhainesParticularly because if it doesn't work I can file a bug and jump back to the beta release.  :)11:13
ogra_well, not sure you can actually sideload ubuntu-core easily11:14
ogra_i think we block that11:14
mwhudsoni think this would be a "make new image and reflash" sort of test11:14
nhainesNot with that attitude!11:14
mwhudsonbuilds started on https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+snap/snappy-first-boot anyway11:14
ogra_snappy = safety first :)11:14
gouchinow I launch my package and I got "failed: cannot list snaps: access denied" ?11:14
ogra_gouchi, wow, thats a weird one11:15
ogra_havent seen that before11:15
nhainesThe real fun of snaps is that betatesting is really painless because reverting to known-good images is as fast as your disk controller.11:15
nhainesgouchi: if you're on a classic desktop Ubuntu, try "snap login" again.11:15
ogra_nhaines, well, that should work without11:16
gouchithere must have been some changes to snapd because I could test my package11:16
ogra_unless gouchi's snap calls "snap list"11:16
gouchino it doesn't11:16
ogra_yeah, i assumed so11:17
ogra_if you just call snap list manually, does it also throw that error ?11:17
gouchierror: cannot list snaps: access denied11:17
ogra_is that on desktop ?11:17
gouchistrange I must have done something wrong during my installation11:17
ogra_or "classic"11:18
gouchiI am running on ubuntu 16.04 desktop11:18
gouchiI just followed as usual the installation process here : https://github.com/snapcore/snapd11:19
ogra_you mean you built snapd from source ?11:20
mupPR snapd#1868 opened: Support revert flags <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1868>11:20
gouchiogra_: yes11:20
gouchiogra_: sorry for the noise there was wrong permission on /run/snapd.socket11:20
ogra_dont you trust our packages ? :)11:21
gouchiI try time to time the package if it is working but still failed11:22
gouchiI don't understand because opengl software are working11:23
gouchiif somebody wants to look here my snapcraft.yaml and wrapper with the log http://www.hastebin.com/xajesehica.coffee11:29
gouchiI know I should use dump plugin instead of copy ;-)11:30
nhainesogra_: hmm, /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0 didn't seem to work.11:35
ogra_nhaines, i used it on my pi3 and dragonboard11:35
ogra_on a WPA2 network11:36
nhainesQuoting my SSID and trying again.  :)11:38
mupPR snapd#1869 opened: cmd/snap: serialise empty keys list as [] rather than null <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1869>11:38
zygajdstrand: hey, around?11:40
nhainesHmm, still nothing.11:42
ogra_any errors ?11:43
nhainesI see in dmesg where the devices was renamed from wlan0.  But not where to.11:43
ogra_renamed ?11:43
ogra_well, use your wired connection to debug :)11:43
nhaines[   15.286248] rtl8192cu 1-1.3:1.0 wlx74da386871f1: renamed from wlan011:43
nhainesogra_: yes, that's what I'm doing.  Althuogh...11:44
nhainesMy ifconfig-fu is now weak.11:44
ogra_thats a USB wlan card, attached externally, right ?11:44
nhainesYes, I bought it specifically because it works on the RPi2 with no special drivers--particularly with Ubuntu MATE.11:44
nhainesogra_: correct.11:44
ogra_i bet we dont have the firmware11:45
nhainesHmm, schade.  :)11:45
ogra_check in lsmod if a module is loaded for it11:45
ogra_and grep in syslog for that module name11:45
ogra_i bet you find some error about missing firmware files11:45
ogra_if so, file a bug and let ppisati know about it11:45
nhainesHmm, rtl8192cu, rtl_usb, rtl9281c_common, and rtlwifi are all loaded.11:46
ogra_that looks ok then11:46
ogra_cat /proc/net/dev ?11:46
nhainesNo errors in syslog.11:46
ogra_well, if it was renamed, you need to rename the config file and the name of the device inside11:47
nhainesOh, it lists wlx74da386871f1.  zeros all across.11:47
nhainesHmpf. :)11:47
ogra_right ..11:47
ogra_these are the new "predictable" network interface names :)11:47
ogra_ask lennart poettering whats predictable about them though :P11:48
ogra_and indeed, it will only work if you pronounce the name three times in a row aloud11:48
nhainesWell, we'll see in 30 seconds I suppo!11:49
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nhainesogra_: well, that worked!  So now my RPi2 running snappy is twice as useful.  ;)11:54
nhainesWelll, I suppose I learned something new with /proc/net/dev.  Thanks very much for helping me troubleshoot that.  :)11:55
gouchiadjust program to write to $SNAP_DATA or $SNAP_USER_DATA because the software needs to read/write in ~/.config11:55
nhainesAlso, just imagine me shaking my fist at Lennart Poettering.11:55
gouchiSo we need to patch the software to use those env variables ?11:56
morphismvo, pedronis: where can people who want to generate an image for supported devices (pi, dragonboard) get a model assertion from? Do they have to always generate one on their own or is it possible to fetch the official signed one from somewhere?12:01
ogra_nhaines, heh, glad it worked12:02
ogra_morphis, afaik thats still in the works, there will be a way to get it generated via the store or LP or so12:02
nhainesogra_: now to figure out how to change the hostname.  Although I do want to file a bug that nano isn't around.  :P12:03
morphisogra_: ok, so for now I have generate my own one or take it from "somewhere"12:03
ogra_morphis, if you want to do basic boot testing you can use UBUNTU_IMAGE_SKIP_COPY_UNVERIFIED_MODEL=1  with ubuntu-image12:03
morphisso I still need one but can use without signature12:03
ogra_morphis, note though that will only help with boot stuff ... snap commands will not work in the booted image12:04
morphisogra_: hm12:04
ogra_(firstboot will refuse to run without a signed model assertion)12:04
mvomorphis: its possible to get it from the store, it will be in the assertion store in a bit, I can mail you one in the mantime12:05
morphismvo: got the pc.model already from your snapd PR12:06
morphisbut was wondering about one for the pi2/pi312:06
ogra_well, we need a way to use self signed ones12:10
ogra_since what mvo will give you will be the official canonical assertion ...12:10
ogra_whihc makes your home built images kind of official :)12:10
zygaseb128: hey12:12
mupPR snapd#1870 opened: store: ensure the payment methods method handles auth failure <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1870>12:12
zygaseb128: do you know who manages snapd-xdg-open on github? I have a few things pending there without reply12:12
seb128zyga, hey, attente did most of the work and mvo helped with review&landing I think12:15
seb128zyga, I don't understand your "package for <...>" issues reports12:18
seb128zyga, distributions doing packaging isn't an upstream issue12:19
mupPR snapd#1871 opened: snap: lessen annoyance of implicit interface tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1871>12:19
morphisogra_: yeah12:24
morphisogra_, mvo: so what is the one in https://github.com/mvo5/snappy/blob/c230019df76d27ce7c67f3003e1c0ca945030c2d/tests/lib/prepare.sh signed with?12:24
morphisogra_: and with that we basically require people to create their own model assertion when they want to build an image which is different to the official one12:25
mupPR snapd#1869 closed: cmd/snap: serialise empty keys list as [] rather than null <Created by cjwatson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1869>12:26
morphisogra_: good12:27
zygaattente: hey, around? could you please add me to snapd-xdg-open on github / review branches12:35
zygaseb128: the package bugs are just so that we have downstream packages for all the distros12:36
seb128zyga, that's not an upstream issue...12:36
zygaseb128: I agree it's not an upstream issue but this is an easy way to track it12:36
* seb128 sends zyga some postits12:36
ogra_with passwords on them ?12:36
* seb128 writes "ubuntu/ubuntu" on the postits12:37
zygabut.. I have all the ubuntu stickers already12:39
seb128zyga, is there any change you need to commit? I had a look and you don't have anything major there, having an empty README is probably not bothering many people12:40
seb128or is that to get a 0.1 tarball out?12:40
zygaseb128: correct12:40
zygaseb128: this blocks the fedora package12:40
mupPR snapd#1872 opened: tests: use in-tree snap{ctl,-exec} for all tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1872>12:40
seb128they for sure have git snapshot packages12:40
zygaseb128: because snapshot vs release packaing12:40
seb128that's a lame excuse12:40
zygaseb128: and we should just release12:40
jdstrandzyga: hey12:41
seb128you could grab the package .tar.gz and claim that a release12:41
zygajdstrand: hello, nice to see you12:41
zygaseb128: no, that's not how fedora packaging works12:41
zygaseb128: anyway, this is a moot discussion12:41
jdstrandzyga: you too :)12:41
zygajdstrand: I did plenty of updates to the ns-support module12:41
seb128zyga, well I know if some desktop packages they have that are git snapshot so it's a lame argument to block things they don't want I guess12:42
zygajdstrand: there are still a few things but I was wondering if we can merge it and iterate (after a 2nd review with the new changes)12:42
seb128zyga, but as you said, no point arguing, easy enough to roll a tarball12:42
jdstrandzyga: ok, I'll take a look12:42
jdstrandlet me get through email for anything urgent12:42
zygaseb128: I mean, I could do a snapshot realease but I really don't want to, part of what I need to do is to ensure that all the distros ship the same thing and it is easier with versions12:42
zygajdstrand: I'd like to propose a small branch that actually uses it, along with some simple spread tests, and let people play with the real thing12:43
zygaseb128: I should also ITP snapd-xdg-open in debian12:44
mupBug #1564369 changed: sudo broken in latest classic <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564369>12:44
zygajdstrand: there will be a change to snap-confine and a new executable snap-discard-namespace12:44
zygajdstrand: (not setuid root!)12:44
attentezyga: hey, sorry, but i don't have write access to that repo either12:45
zygaattente: oh, interesting12:46
zygaso who does? :)12:46
zygamvo: FYI, I wrote what-is-mounted that prints json with all the details based on mountinfo12:46
attentezyga: should be didrocks and mvo12:46
zygaI think grep and awk are ok but if we ever need something more complex we should perhaps think about it12:46
zygadidrocks: do you have commit access to snapd-xdg-open on github.com/snapcore/snapd-xdg-open?12:47
jdstrandhow did the libvirt interface go through without security review?12:48
jdstrandzyga, mvo: ^ libvirt should not auto-connect12:48
ogra_well, security ... who cares :P12:48
jdstrandit gives a direct path to root12:48
jdstrandjust like lxd and docker12:48
zygajdstrand: should it it auto-connect but be restricted?12:49
* ogra_ pushes code for an nsa interface that auto-connects ... lets see :P12:49
zygaogra_: make sure it doesn't show in snap interfaces12:49
ogra_thats indeed the ppurpose :)12:49
jdstrandzyga: there are choices to be made, sure. but there was no discussion or coordination on restricting it12:50
jdstrandzyga: there is nothing in snapd that limits its use to a certain snap atm. there is nothing in the review tools that would limit it (other than the fact that the review tools would warn cause it isn't a known interface yet (thank goodness for defensive tools))12:51
zygajdstrand: sure, I don't dispute the no-review part12:51
jdstrandit also doesn't have any comments on how much privilege it gives12:52
mvojdstrand: sorry, I think this one was my fault. I will push a branch that removes the auto-connect12:52
jdstrandI thought there was an understanding that all security policy went through a member of the security team?12:52
abeatomvo, hey, do you know if the issue with rpi/vfp detection has already been solved?12:53
mvoabeato: yes, that is fixed12:53
abeatomvo, nice, thanks12:54
jdstrandmvo: if I comment on the original branch, will you incorporate the changes? (feel free to autoconnect now)12:55
cjwatsonHmm, I think the autopkgtest failures on https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/726 are a test infrastructure bug of some kind - I already added snapd to Depends in debian/tests/control, but it doesn't appear to be being installed12:55
mupPR snapcraft#726: Implement basic form of `snapcraft register-key` <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/726>12:55
jdstrandmvo: err, feel free to make autoconnect false now12:55
mvojdstrand: yes, PR on the way12:56
mvojdstrand: sorry again12:56
jdstrandok, thanks12:56
mupPR snapd#1873 opened: interfaces: disable auto-connect in libvirt interface <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1873>12:56
didrockszyga: added12:57
zygadidrocks: thank you!13:01
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
morphismvo: shouldn't snapd rexec itself when I install the edge ubuntu-core snap on my desktop?13:14
zygamorphis: AFAIR we disabled this lately13:16
ogra_unless you have exported the env var that prevents this it should13:17
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/ubuntu-core-snap$ snap --version13:17
ogra_snap    2.14.2~16.04+ppa224-113:17
ogra_snapd   2.14.2~16.04+ppa224-113:17
ogra_series  1613:17
ogra_ubuntu  16.0413:17
ogra_this is definitely not the binary from the installed package13:17
ogra_but from ubuntu-core13:17
morphiszyga, ogra_:  export SNAP_REEXEC=1 ?13:18
ogra_well, you shouldnt need to export it ...13:19
ogra_at least on my machines i get the in-ubuntu-core binary without any tinkering13:19
ogra_if you want to suppress it you need export SNAP_REEXEC=0 though13:20
zygamorphis: I think this is set in the service environment file13:20
zygamorphis: so snapd won't reexec, snap might if you set it in the shell directly13:20
morphislet me try zhat13:20
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/ubuntu-core-snap$ grep Env /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/snapd.service13:21
ogra_not really13:21
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/devel/branches/snappy-systems$ grep Env /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/snapd.service13:21
ogra_nor on my desktop13:21
ogra_(both xenial)13:21
morphisSep 08 15:22:25 nirvana /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[17662]: cmd.go:81: DEBUG: restarting into "/snap/ubuntu-core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snapd"13:22
morphiswith SNAP_REEXEC=1 in /etc/environment13:23
morphisah that gives me snap sign :-)13:24
morphisogra_: you now have the unsigned model assertion for the pi somewhere?13:24
ogra_pi2 or 3 ?13:27
morphisboth :-)13:27
ogra_just replace the gadget name :P13:27
mvomorphis: not anymore, re-exec got disabled13:31
morphismvo: see the log output above13:31
morphishm, now I only get a: error: cannot sign assertion: bad GPG produced signature: it does not verify: openpgp: invalid signature: RSA verification failure13:32
morphiswhen I try to sign my own model assertion13:32
abeatoit looks like it is not possible to run strace now with a snapped command :(13:34
ogra_mvo, why do i have 2.14.2~16.04+ppa224-1 in "snap ---version" then ?13:34
ogra_i definitely dont have that package installed13:34
ogra_mvo, dpkg -l shows snapd 2.13 installed ... snap --version the ppa string ... so i guess if you wanted to prevent re-exec this didnt work13:36
zygajdstrand: I have a quick branch for working snap-confine with ns-sharing, I am still cooking it to contain the spread tests that I wrote13:38
zygajdstrand: I didn't do the hat -> profile change update yet13:39
morphismvo, ogra_: any idea about that error message?13:39
zygajdstrand: do you know who sends the signal (in terms of apparmor peer) when prctl() set-parent-death-signal happens?13:39
morphismvo, ogra_: generated a key locally13:40
zygajdstrand, tyhicks: the relevant commit is: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/commit/865c5dfb9704d71c16fafc2cf42ef95c1fd2933e13:40
mvomorphis: apt list snapd shows you 2.13? this still re-execs, please apt upgrade to 2.14.213:40
morphismvo: I've updated to 2.14.213:40
jdstrandzyga: I was actually wondering how that would show up in policy myself. aiui, the kernel will send it, so guessing that our base abstraction will allow it13:41
morphisand added SNAP_REXEC=1 to /etc/environment13:41
morphismvo: which gives me13:41
morphisSep 08 15:22:25 nirvana /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[17662]: cmd.go:81: DEBUG: restarting into "/snap/ubuntu-core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snapd"13:41
zygajdstrand: yes, I was expecting the kernel to send it as well13:41
zygajdstrand: please comment on the profile there, I'll open a pull requst once I have a few more spread tests13:42
mvomorphis: uh13:42
morphismvo: don't tell me that shouldn't be possible :-)13:43
ogra_morphis, nope, i never signed a model assertion ...13:43
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mvomorphis: I'm slightly confused - so snapd is re-execing even with 2.14.2 ? SNAP_REEXEC=1 should be the only way to enable this13:44
ogra_and i dont think you can "just sign" it13:44
ogra_it must come from a valid store account13:45
mvomorphis: sorry for being a bit thick - do you want it to re-exec or do you want to disable that?13:45
morphismvo: ok, lets correct this: I've added SNAP_REEXEC=1 to /etc/environment13:45
morphismvo: and I want rexec13:45
ogra_mvo, he wants to know whats the default :)13:45
mvomorphis: ok, wit hthat setting it should re-exec13:45
morphisogra_: I want snapd from edge on my desktop from the edge ubuntu-core snap :-)13:45
mvomorphis: the default is now (with 2.14.2) SNAP_REEXEC=0 unless you set it to something else13:45
zygajdstrand: (separate topic) do you think snapd-xdg-open should be confined13:46
zygajdstrand: it processes input from untrusted snaps13:46
zygajdstrand: I was thinking aobut cooking a profile for it13:46
mvomorphis: so SNAP_REEXEC=1 should give you re-exec - but its not working you say?13:46
ogra_oh, why didnt i get a new snapd with todays upgrade13:46
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/ubuntu-core-snap$ snap --version13:47
ogra_snap    2.14.2~16.0413:47
ogra_snapd   unavailable13:47
ogra_series  -13:47
ogra_that output changed a lot now13:47
morphismvo: it works13:47
morphismvo: I am now getting error messages when signing a model assertion13:48
morphis$ cat pi3.json| snap sign13:48
morphiserror: cannot sign assertion: bad GPG produced signature: it does not verify: openpgp: invalid signature: RSA verification failure13:48
mvomorphis: aha, nice. well, not nice but progress. let me check13:49
morphismvo: created a key with $ snap create-key which I know want to use to sign the model13:49
morphismvo: yeah, one step forward13:49
ogra_hmm, so updating to snapd 2.14.2 seems to have killed everything for me13:52
ogra_error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused13:53
ogra_ogra@styx:~$ snap --version13:53
ogra_snap    2.14.2~16.0413:53
ogra_snapd   unavailable13:53
ogra_series  -13:53
mvoogra_: anything in syslog? a crash or something?13:53
ogra_thats after a simple apt install snapd13:53
ogra_which got me upgraded13:53
ogra_mvo, yeah http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150243/ .... seems it is very unhappy that i had an ubuntu-coore from edge running13:54
mvoogra_: yes, that is tricky13:55
gQuigswhat does, snapd.refresh.timer: Adding 53min 43.246331s random time." mean?14:11
gQuigsand could it be messing with the system time (machine ends up off by a lot)14:11
zygagQuigs: I think it means that systemd added a randomized interval to the refresh timer14:12
zygagQuigs: there's a bug open on this but it feels like systemd is just very talkative14:12
gQuigswell than that's not the cause, thanks zyga!14:13
jdstrandogra_: you probably noticed I approved all the ubuntu-core snaps14:23
ysionneaucan someone validate (manual review) my tfacedetect snap on Parrot private store please? It's for an emergency demo14:23
ogra_jdstrand, ah, no i didnt ... did you approve more than 5 ? because we just did a test build to check if cprov's chaneg worked :P14:23
jdstrandogra_: they were all from 4 hours or more ago. I think it was more than 514:24
mupPR snapd#1824 closed: tests: use ubuntu-image for the ubuntu-core-16 image creation <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1824>14:24
ogra_jdstrand, hmm, so the ones from 3min ago went through automatically then i guess ... great14:25
ogra_well, let me just start another build ... it only takes 10-15 min14:26
ogra_cprov, smells like it worked ... but to be sure i'll do another one :)14:26
jdstrandogra_: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4142/rev/539/ had r739 of the tools and it passed14:26
jdstrandso, yeah, looks good14:26
ysionneauanyone with admin rights on the stores?14:27
ogra_cprov, and thanks for the timeout fixes ... i can open the uploads overview again \o/14:27
* ogra_ wonders if the stats page also works 14:27
ogra_ah, well, that still times out14:29
morphispedronis: already back to work? :-)14:32
ogra_run pedronis run !14:32
cprovogra_: stats page was not worked on yet, revision history and snap-release are quick enough now.14:37
ogra_yeah, totally ...14:38
morphismvo: already any idea what could be wrong?14:38
ogra_thanks so much !14:38
mvomorphis: sorry, not yet, could you pastebin yourjson? but it might be something for pedronis, he worked on this recently, we don't have a spread test unfortunately so it might simply be not fully working yet14:42
morphismvo: was just wondering as he gave me a tool to create a set of test keys and with that it works fine14:43
morphisso looks like something with the setup of create-key is wrong14:43
morphismvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23150420/14:46
cjwatsonelopio: can you help me see why the autopkgtests in https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/726 are failing?  it sort of looks like they might be taking test dependencies from master rather than from the PR branch, but I could be wrong14:48
mupPR snapcraft#726: Implement basic form of `snapcraft register-key` <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/726>14:48
cjwatson(assuming you're the right person to ask, I'm not really sure)14:48
kyrofacjwatson, you're correct, he's the person you want. He may not be in for a little bit yet, though14:49
elopiocjwatson: give me a few minutes15:02
elopiocjwatson: the jenkins job only sends adt-run to the testbed, and it takes care of the installation and dependencies.15:10
cjwatsonI can't work out why snapd wouldn't be installed; it's listed in Depends in debian/tests/control15:10
elopiocjwatson: didn't you say that this depends on a feature that's not yet in xenial-updates? If so, we might need to install it before adt-run.15:11
mupPR snapd#1874 opened: snap: support assertion references in `snap prepare-image` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1874>15:11
cjwatsonelopio: it's in xenial-updates as of yesterday15:11
cjwatsonso I don't think that explains it15:11
elopiocjwatson: the error is not that snapd is not installed, it's unknown flag json. pexpect sucks when the output is too different from what you expect.15:12
elopioso, as far as I know, this machines should have -updates enabled. Let me check.15:12
cjwatsontrue; but there's no record of snapd being installed in the console log15:12
cjwatsonoh, maybe it's preinstalled and I need to force the version?15:13
cjwatsonthat could make a certain amount of sense15:13
elopiothat makes sense, true.15:13
* cjwatson tries that15:14
cjwatsonautopkgtest snaps is I think definitely not my problem15:14
elopiobut you have this line in tests/control: snapd (>= 2.14.2~) I thought that would make adt-run update the preinstalled one.15:15
elopioI'm checking if the demos work in master.15:17
mupBug #1621525 opened: classic environment variables for daemon snaps <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621525>15:27
elopiohah, I undersetand now, you have just added that. Too fast.15:27
balloonszyga, any news on when snap-confine 1.0.40 will hit xenial?15:30
elopiocjwatson: this https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/778 and a change in a branch by sergiusens are required to get the snaps suite back to green.15:47
mupPR snapcraft#778: Use --force-dangerous when testing the installation of snaps <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/778>15:47
elopionothing to do with your change.15:47
naccis there a direct link to the agreement that needs to be signed before uploading snaps?15:47
mupPR snapcraft#778 opened: Use --force-dangerous when testing the installation of snaps <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/778>15:49
cjwatsonelopio: glad to hear it - and indeed autopkgtest integration passes on my branch now15:56
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elopiocjwatson: \o/ thanks. sergiusens: so waiting for your review.15:58
elopionacc: maybe nessita or noise][_` can help you there.15:58
naccelopio: thanks!15:59
cjwatsonnacc: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/tos/16:00
nacccjwatson: thanks!16:02
cjwatsonnacc: or https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/agreements/new/ if what you want is a link that will prompt for a signature if the developer hasn't already signed it rather than just the text (but it redirects to /dev/click-apps/ if they have)16:02
nacccjwatson: got it, thanks!16:05
ogra_booo ...16:05
naccrharper: --^ does that help? :)16:05
ogra_snapctl breaks autocompletion for the snapcraft command now :P16:06
ogra_(well, doesnt break but if i need to type snapcr<tab> i can as well type the full thing)16:06
kyrofaogra_, heh, sorry about that16:07
kyrofaogra_, hopefully eventually we can move it into /usr/lib/snapd, but snap-confine doesn't currently support updating the PATH16:07
ogra_ah, cool then16:07
mupPR snapcraft#779 opened: Do not compile pyc files when installing with pip <Created by SamYaple> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/779>16:13
rharpernacc: thanks!16:17
naccrharper: np16:19
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SamYaple_sergiusens: adding in some python stuffs. Was the plan to unify the test suites as well? we are still duping alot between python2 and python3 in the test suites16:34
SamYaple_sergiusens: my vote would be a new python test and then just test the python2 and python3 bits explicitly to maintain the backwards compat until fully deprecated16:34
zygaballoons: it almost has, we SRU'd most of the patches. my plan is to release .41 soon and SRU that16:40
zygajdstrand: thanks for spotting another -1 :)16:42
zygajdstrand: I'll fix that in a moment16:42
zygajdstrand: did you have a look at the real thing?16:43
jdstrandI'm going through the whole thing now16:43
zygajdstrand: I"m somewhat worried about the cgroup there, feels like we should think how shared mnt namespace + cgroup interact16:43
zygathanks! I just returned and I'm available16:43
* zyga finally emerged haskell toolchain on gentoo, geez that took forever16:44
balloonszyga, I ask because the issue with juju snap and lxd isn't fixed in the SRU'd patches16:51
balloonsso any ETA? Will it be there before next week? Possible?16:51
zygaballoons: can you point me to those issues?16:51
balloonszyga, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/161384516:52
mupBug #1613845: Juju snap can no longer interact with LXD in devmode <conjure> <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1613845>16:52
mupBug #1621550 opened: Snappy should detect when running in KVM, specify correct ssh connection line <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621550>16:52
zygaballoons: lxd has a quirk that owrks in devmode16:52
zygaballoons: right, that might not be SRUd16:52
balloonszyga, it's not. But 1.0.40 does solve it16:52
zygaballoons: because we were working on SRUing higher priority tasks16:52
balloonsjcastro, ^^16:52
popeycan someone please help with this:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150846/ - login there and yaml - the command never runs, seems to barf at the wrapper16:54
popeysuggestions welcome16:54
balloonszyga, the charmers summit is next week, and we'd love to highlight using snaps to get juju, but this breaks the story. That's why I was asking16:54
popey(it is a very simple yaml)16:54
zygaballoons: let me check the SRU queue16:54
zygalooking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html I see snap-confine but (I'm not super familiar with the report) I don't think it is currently in flight16:55
balloonszyga, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap-confine/1.0.38-0ubuntu0.16.04.10 doesn't have it, which was in proposed16:56
zygaballoons: if you can help with the SRU I'd love to do it16:57
zygaballoons: I cannot dput though (I'm not a core dev)16:57
balloonszyga, ahh. But it would just need sponsered is all16:58
zygaballoons: but I can try to work on the paperwork when it is avaialble16:58
zygaballoons: does it have to be in yakkety fifst?16:58
balloonszyga, is there a reason you would pursue cherrypicking, rather than just sru 1.0.40 that is already in yakkety?16:58
zygaballoons: that's what we did before becasue we couldn't get an effective SRU for many weeks16:59
mhall119sergiusens: has there ever been a discussion about having an "exec" plugin that would let you run some script or binary at build-time in snapcraft?16:59
balloonszyga, as 1.0.40 is in yakkety, it should just be a matter of uploading it to the xenial queue and asking for an SRU16:59
zygaballoons: so we tried to SRU the essential thing each time so that nothingh would regress and we would not risk any daly16:59
zygaballoons: can you do that?16:59
* zyga should apply for per-package upload rights17:00
balloonsyes, you should :-)17:00
balloonsI cannot upload, but we can get someone to sponsor17:00
zygaslangasek: could you perhaps sponsor snap-confine from yakkety into xenial-proposed so that we can work on an SRU17:01
slangasekzyga: "so you can work on an SRU" - what do you mean by that? isn't the work of an SRU the preparation of the SRU bug and the preparation of the upload?17:07
zygaslangasek: we just need to get the upload in the queue so that I can work on the paperwork17:08
zygaslangasek: I'd like to do the full process once but I cannot upload17:08
zygajdstrand: thank you for the review, I'll fix the trivials and work on statfs change17:12
nacczyga: you can do the SRU paperwork (by which do you mean the bug update?) without the upload being in the queue17:16
zyganacc: ah, I see, so I should file the bug, document everything (delta from the desired version and proposed)?17:18
slangasekzyga: you should absolutely file the bug first, the bug has to be referenced in the changelog of the SRU17:19
sergiusensmhall119 yes there has, https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/727, the general consensus is it wouldn't be in core17:19
mupPR snapcraft#727: Add a new build plugin 'shell' that runs arbitrary shell commands <Created by Magical-Chicken> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/727>17:19
zygaslangasek: understood17:20
sergiusensSamYaple_ yeah, unifying the tests would be good17:20
nacczyga: yeah, that's my usual approach, get the bug filed first, prep per the template, then subscribe sponsors, etc.17:20
mhall119thanks sergiusens, I assumed it would have come up before17:26
sergiusensmhall119 that is not the first one, but we kept it open to not repeat ourselves all the time ;-)17:28
jdstrandzyga: thanks for all the changes! I thought your comment changes were great17:32
zygajdstrand: I'm not sure about this typo; can you please show me where it is? https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126#discussion_r7804289917:37
mupPR snap-confine#126: Add support module for namespace sharing <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126>17:37
mupBug #1621568 opened: Unable to access system fonts <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621568>17:44
jdstrandzyga: you have populate*d*17:44
jdstrandzyga: oh wait. you added sc_should_populate_ns_group. please disregard17:46
zygajdstrand: ah, sorry, yes  there was a discrepancy in that function name for a moment17:52
zygajdstrand: thanks!17:52
* zyga learned a lot of cool things while working on snap-confine and its test suite17:53
balloonszyga, are you all set for the SRU then? It should be a matter of filing the bug, and preparing a source branch to hand off17:53
zygaballoons: filing the bug, yes, preparing source branch, not sure what that entails yet17:53
balloonszyga, it shows you as the creator of 1.0.40 on yakkety -- what branch did you use?17:53
zygaballoons: git.launchpad.net/snap-confine AFAIK17:54
zygaballoons: there's a git repo there with packaging for all ubuntu releases17:55
zygaballoons: this is modeled after fedora's fantastic fedpkg workflow but all it is is the debian directory in a git tree17:55
balloonszyga, did mvo do all the archive work then? I see you as the package uploader17:55
zygaballoons: perhaps, I don't quite know, I did send a source package to him a while ago17:56
zygaballoons: I think it may have been uploaded through debian17:56
zygaballoons: but my memory is very rusty there17:56
* zyga promises to work with mwhudson on collab-maint for snap-confine now17:56
balloonszyga, I suppose to be fair since the yakkety build works as-is on xenial you could reuse the source package17:57
balloonshave you filed an SRU before?17:58
zygaballoons: I was working on kernel SRUs in the cert team but I didn't really do an SRU for other things entirly by myself I think17:58
zygaperhaps eons ago for pyotherside17:58
balloonszyga, file a bug like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap-confine/+bug/159339618:00
mupBug #1593396: [SRU] 1.0.38-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 <snap-desktop-issue> <verification-needed> <snap-confine (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snap-confine (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1593396>18:00
balloonszyga, the full procedure and template is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure18:01
* zyga nods18:05
zygaI'll look at that first thing tomorrow18:05
mupBug #1621575 opened: Poorly worded error when installing a local snap without assertions <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621575>18:11
mupBug #1619718 changed: ubuntu-image created vfat eats itself after a while (mcopy creates wrong subdirs) <verification-needed> <Snappy:Fix Released> <Ubuntu Image:Invalid> <mtools (Ubuntu):Fix Released by vorlon> <ubuntu-image (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <mtools (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed by vorlon>18:17
mup<ubuntu-image (Ubuntu Xenial):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619718>18:17
zygajdstrand: does this look good? https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126/commits/40a93a241b1fbfc34c6eb6b9e87f951b218ee1c718:22
mupPR snap-confine#126: Add support module for namespace sharing <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126>18:22
zygajdstrand: all I have to fix left is rm_rf sanity checks18:23
zygajdstrand: I'd like to merge this and then propose the branch that makes snap-confine use things :)18:23
mupPR snapcraft#780 opened: Organize without removing files on target <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/780>18:26
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: whoa, you're following dist-git style for snap-confine ubuntu packaging?18:32
zygaPharaoh_Atem: so far :) It's not fully live yet because of lots of things that we had to do ASAP but I was wondering how to use that for packaging more reliably18:33
zygaPharaoh_Atem: (in debian and ubuntu)18:33
zygaPharaoh_Atem: if you want to know what I'm up to lately look at the pull request referenced above, it's pretty neat stuff :)18:38
elopiosergiusens: back to green: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/77818:38
mupPR snapcraft#778: Use --force-dangerous when testing the installation of snaps <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/778>18:38
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: well, I'd definitely be happy to see ubuntu adopt a dist-git style system18:40
Pharaoh_Atemmakes it much easier to figure out what's going on :)18:40
zygawell, not ubuntu, it's just me trying but I think I'll stick to it if I can :)18:41
zygaPharaoh_Atem: snapd-xdg-open was released upstream AFAIK, I'll look at updating my spec files and I think it should be good to go18:42
Pharaoh_Atemdid you get around to snapd-glib too?18:42
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I have what I did before, without the correct package split, if you want I can show you what I got18:42
zygaPharaoh_Atem: (so no -devel and stuff)18:42
zygaPharaoh_Atem: one moment, I ran out of ram with gentoo emering webkit lately so I had to shut everything but gentoo down18:43
mupPR snapcraft#778 closed: Use --force-dangerous when testing the installation of snaps <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/778>18:44
kgunnyo, has anyone ever run into missing socket?...like so...18:52
kgunnkg@kg-MacBookPro:~$ snap list18:52
kgunnerror: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory18:52
kyrofakgunn, are you up-to-date?18:53
kgunnkyrofa: updated 2 days back18:54
kgunnkyrofa: i'm on xenial + stable-phone-overlay enabled18:54
kyrofakgunn, core snap is up to date as well?18:54
kgunnfull disclosure :)18:54
kyrofakgunn, heh, I always assume you're using that18:54
kgunnkyrofa: let me update real quick18:55
kyrofakgunn, yeah, make sure. That was an issue last week, but it should be fixed by now18:55
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ok, I got my fedora up18:59
zygaPharaoh_Atem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23151324/19:02
zygaPharaoh_Atem: (that's not much :)19:02
Pharaoh_Atemit's a good start, at least19:03
zygaPharaoh_Atem: that's 0.8, 0.10 was released with some fixes (license is one of them)19:03
* zyga looks at refreshing that19:03
Pharaoh_AtemI'm impressed that you're using the common name provides19:03
Pharaoh_Atemit'll enable you to reuse the spec for openSUSE relatively easily19:03
zygaI love them because they speak in the language of the problem19:04
zygathe upstream pkg-confing names19:04
Pharaoh_Atemthe whole reason these things exist is because it's a way for us to guarantee a resource, be it a build dep or a runtime dep19:05
Pharaoh_Atemregardless of packaging style19:05
zygasome of the build-deps there aren't perfect, I don't quite know how vala tooling looks like today and the set I have there is what seems to work but I suspect a smaller set is sufficient19:06
Pharaoh_AtemI usually use the build system as a reference to figure out build deps19:06
mupPR snapd#1815 closed: interfaces: auto-connect interface required by livepatch <Created by arges> <Closed by arges> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1815>19:07
kgunnkyrofa: just sharing, fwiw, not sure how it got goofed...but apt-get install --reinstall snapd, then systemctl start snapd did the trick19:07
Pharaoh_Atemoh good, you are moving from com.canonical.* to io.snapcraft.*19:07
kyrofakgunn, huh, yeah odd19:07
Pharaoh_AtemI was hoping that would happen19:07
zygajust a little more and I'll have updates for 0.1419:09
Pharaoh_Atemhave you at least tested my selinux policy module for snapd on f24?19:11
zygaPharaoh_Atem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23151347/19:12
zygaPharaoh_Atem: no, not yet, I really have to finish snap-confine features first19:12
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I did some work on gentoo but not much either19:12
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I want to get gentoo overlay up-to-date which is easy, just takes NaN minutes to build19:13
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I did read your code though19:13
zygaPharaoh_Atem: it's just that I'm still super-green with selinux in practice, I would not be able to write that my self yet19:13
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I pushed the partial packaging to my snapcore-fredora repo, I'll look at the proper splitting policy down the week19:16
jdstrandzyga: sorry was in a meeting and had some followups. looking19:36
mupPR snapd#1866 closed: many: add snap configuration to REST API <Reviewed> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1866>19:36
zygajdstrand: no worries, thanks!19:39
zygajdstrand: I added a sanity test to ensure my reasoning on nsfs is accurate: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126/commits/db1a0765f6b058ab24df30931c2f357b57f243f219:53
mupPR snap-confine#126: Add support module for namespace sharing <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126>19:53
mupPR snapcraft#726 closed: Implement basic form of `snapcraft register-key` <Created by cjwatson> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/726>19:56
mupPR snapcraft#776 closed: Updated the contents of the snapcraft init template <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/776>20:02
sergiusensSamYaple_ still around?20:03
sergiusensSamYaple_ asked a question in snapcraft#779 ; last time they went unnoticed so making sure this one doesn't :-)20:03
mupPR snapcraft#779: Do not compile pyc files when installing with pip <Created by SamYaple> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/779>20:03
jdstrandzyga: nice20:04
zygajdstrand: :) I'll fix rm_rf and merge20:06
zygajdstrand: I'll double check I didn't miss anything20:07
SamYaple_sergiusens: looking20:07
SamYaple_sergiusens: i noticed there were still some pyc files, but not all of them. im still not sure why. the fact remains there were less and it did shave of build time20:09
SamYaple_sergiusens: oh you know what i just had a thought. I wonder if some of the pyc files are getting created when other python packages are getting installed, something importing other python packages on install or somehting20:10
jdstrandzyga: hey, while you are in there, I noticed that snap-confine needs this when running over ssh: /dev/pts/[0-9]* rw,20:12
jdstrandapparmor="DENIED" operation="file_inherit" profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/dev/pts/2" pid=28375 comm="ubuntu-core-lau" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=1000 ouid=100020:13
jdstrandzyga: I noticed this ssh'ing into a xenial classic system and using 'hello-world'20:13
jdstrandzyga: I can do a PR if it is easier20:14
jdstrandzyga: hoping you are EOD. I'll do a PR20:26
jdstrandzyga: fyi, https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12820:31
mupPR snap-confine#128: allow read/write to /dev/pts/[0-9]* needed for running snaps under ssh <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/128>20:31
sergiusensSamYaple_ that might be it20:35
zygajdstrand: hmm, curious why is that?20:37
zygajdstrand: I work over ssh all day20:37
zygajdstrand: and I didn't need it20:37
sergiusensSamYaple_ setup the env with https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE20:37
sergiusensSamYaple_ maybe even in `env` so we don't get warnings when running from the snap even20:38
zygajdstrand: could it be ssh + screen or something like that?20:40
zygajdstrand: (the hint there is "file_inherit" btw)20:40
jdstrandzyga: I suspect it has something to do with it being a classic system. I didn't dive into why. I'm not doing anything special20:41
* jdstrand nods20:41
jdstrandI'm not using screen20:41
jdstrandoh I know20:41
jdstrandit is cause I am using pam-apparmor on that box20:41
jdstrandsshd is confined20:42
mupPR snapcraft#780 closed: Organize without removing files on target <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/780>20:42
jdstrandzyga: ^20:42
zygaah, interesting20:42
* zyga investigates pam-apparmor20:42
jdstrandzyga: The inherited fd is mediated since it isn't coming from an unconfined process.20:43
jdstrandthat's why20:43
jdstrandso, nothing to do with classic per se20:44
* jdstrand modifies the comment20:44
zygajdstrand: ah, now I understand20:45
zygajdstrand: thanks for researching this, I'd like to have a bug for tracking this so that the release can refer to it20:45
zygajdstrand: I can file one if you wnat20:45
jdstrandI can do it20:46
zygajdstrand: thanks, please use Fixes: ... in the commit and I'll happily merge it20:46
zygajdstrand: I can smell 1.0.41 coming out soon :)20:46
jdstrandzyga: does Fixes need to be in the first line or the nody?20:46
zygajdstrand: like signed-off-by20:46
mupPR snapd#1875 opened: Add /dev/net/tun device to network-control apparmor rules <Created by cmars> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1875>20:46
zygajdstrand: I just use it for easy linking20:47
zygajdstrand: it's not a standard of any kind I think20:47
zyga(works nicely for x-ref between github and launchpad20:47
mupBug #1621623 opened: OpenVPN needs access to /dev/net/tun, proposal to add it to network-control interface <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621623>20:48
mupPR snapd#1876 opened: cmd/snap: make "snap find" error nicer <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1876>20:48
jdstrandzyga: ok, done20:56
zygajdstrand: merged21:01
mupPR snapcraft#773 closed: parser - Handle project name and version variables <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/773>21:06
mupPR snapcraft#781 opened: Workaround bzr with auth proxies <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/781>21:12
sergiusensogra_ please try that ^21:12
mhall119zyga: does /opt/ inside a snap map to the system's /opt/ or is it owned by the snap?21:27
kyrofamhall119, probably the core snap21:37
mhall119kyrofa: is there any pre-determined path that equates to ${SNAP}?21:42
kyrofamhall119, no, though I've used the /snap/snapname/current symlink before21:42
mhall119ok, I'll go with that then21:43
kyrofamhall119, beware that isn't standardized across distros21:44
kyrofaI believe it's in a different place in fedora, for instance21:44
mhall119kyrofa: not from the snap's perspective, zyga says the snap will see /snap/ no matter where it's actually located on the host21:44
kyrofaHmm... okay21:45
mupPR snapd#1877 opened: many: maintain all snap configurations in state <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1877>22:02
elopiosergiusens: if I have a tar file, but the source is in a subdirectory, I should use source-subdir, right?22:25
elopioI'm having a problem trying to build erlang. The subdir contents are copied to build, but then it tries to compile from build/subdir.22:26
elopionevermind, sergiusens unping. The problem is that bootstrap exists, but it's a directory.22:41
* Son_Goku sighs22:45
Son_Gokuzyga, ping22:45
ogra_ sergiusens neat !!! will try tomorrow22:59
qenghoHow is one supposed to use $SNAP_USER_COMMON ?23:13
qenghoWhen my app starts, that directory doesn't exist. And I don't have permission to mkdir it, it seems. "mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/username/snap/snapname/common': Permission denied"23:15
qenghosnapd v 2.14.1+16.1023:16
qenghoMaybe this next version of snapd ....23:17
mupPR snapcraft#782 opened: Fix gulp plugin's npm install prefix <Created by AlexandreAbreu> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/782>23:21
mupBug #1621324 opened: On the all-snaps image, snappy-debug.security can't access syslog <Snappy:Confirmed> <livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu):New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621324>23:22
mupBug #1609965 changed: snapweb store is a blank page <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapweb:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1609965>23:31
mupBug #1621666 opened: It is possible to install the classic snap in a classic system <classic> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621666>23:34

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