
guideXhow well does it work on the raspberry pi zero05:01
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
TheMusoguideX: How well does what work? Either way,t eh Rasperry Pi 0 is not supported by Ubuntu.06:00
lilstevieTheMuso long time no see06:08
zzarrcan I some how create a user and set a password for the user in a system image for arm from a x86_64 system?07:01
Krulzi want to install MariaDB, i have a android chroot running on a armv7, can someone tell me how i chance the next command for my architecture?11:23
Krulzsudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] http://mirror.i3d.net/pub/mariadb/repo/10.1/debian wheezy main'11:23
ogra_how about you ask in a debian channel ?11:24
ogra_(given you try to use debian archives ... so i assume you have a debian system running ? )11:25
k1land with arch=amd64,i386 its not going to work on arm at all11:31
Krulzwell that was my qeustion :)11:31
Krulz == Krulz was kicked from #debian-arm by ChanServ [Invite only channel]11:31
iztok-jerasHi, I am working on an ARM board without a GPU, but I have a framebuffer device attached to it. I have ubuntu-base-16.04.01 installed. I would like to know how to start X on boot automatically12:46
guideXTheMuso: ah ok14:48
guideXwell that settles that lol14:48
guideXis it a matter of time before the pi zero is supported?14:48
guideXor just never will be14:48
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