
zakimorning everyone.02:19
zakimorning Nahiyan02:19
zakiQA: coffee on02:19
* QA flips the salt-timer02:19
QACoffee's ready for zaki!02:23
zakiQA: ty02:24
QAOnly a pleasure zaki02:24
zakiwb walrider02:54
walriderzaki: thanku good morning 02:54
zakimorning :)02:54
walriderak chto  bhai kal raat e amare msg dise bole je bia amar gam ta lagba. ami koilam ok dibo 02:54
walriderthen ajke shokale msh dise gud maring bia mag namaecan ?02:54
walriderami koilam ho maring namaisi :|02:55
walridertackla level infinity 02:55
zakihe he.. :D 02:55
zakiwb RemonShai05:25
RemonShaity zaki vai....05:25
zakihow are you doing?05:26
zakigot your icon?05:27
RemonShaiyea.... its very easy...05:27
zakiwow. nice05:28
zakican i copy them?05:29
zakiRemonShai: ^05:29
RemonShaiyea, why not??? you also copy image attachment.05:29
zakithats your image. ha ha :D 05:30
RemonShaihahahha ... i tell structure...05:30
zakioky np05:31
RemonShaiin my wiki, i saw an error. that, when I put cursor on  "RemonShai" (chat client) it show "wiki.ubuntu.com/RemonShai" but now my wiki page "wiki.ubuntu.com/remon"05:36
zakiunlink that name.05:41
zakithat is your irc nick. so you dont have to link it with your wiki page.05:41
RemonShaii do.. but problem is "wiki.ubuntu.com/RemonShai">>> "wiki.ubuntu.com/remon"05:43
zakiand you used ubuntu logo in top right corner of your phone no. thats not necessery05:43
RemonShaii noticed, next time it'll give up. (just try, i wanted to sure)05:45
RemonShaiI wanted to unlink irc nick but it must stay there.05:46
RemonShaizaki, I wanted to unlink just like>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/tanjim05:51
zakioky, hold on, 05:52
zakisee what can i do.05:52
RemonShaiok bro.... I may go now... 05:55
zakiwb AudaciousTUX06:52
zakihow are you doing? 06:53
AudaciousTUXbackpain in this age :306:56
zakii have that sometime . :306:57
zakihei Kilos07:32
zakihow are you?07:32
Kiloshi zaok ty and you, just cold again09:27
pavlushkaGreetings every one :)15:53
pavlushkaNahiyan: yo yo :)16:05
pavlushkawelcome Tanzeem  :)17:09
pavlushkaTanzeem: if you need any help any time , we are here, otherwise, help us :p17:20
Tanzeemwhat you mean by help?17:21
pavlushkamostly GNU/Linux related :p17:22
pavlushkayou know like Ubuntu :)17:23
TanzeemGNU? Linux?17:23
Tanzeemwhat is this?17:23
pavlushkaThese are free and open OS unlike other proprietary OS :)17:25
pavlushkaTanzeem: what system you use in your PC?17:27
pavlushkaTanzeem: just like to know, I use Xubuntu mostly :)17:28
TanzeemXubuntu mean?17:28
pavlushkaTanzeem: Ubuntu derivative which uses xfce desktop environment :)17:37
pavlushkaIt comprises like X-Ubuntu or Xubuntu :)17:38
Tanzeemi dont know about these softwares17:39
pavlushka-He ha he ha18:07
pavlushka-See ya guys :p18:07
zakihello 20:06
zakihi pavlushka20:07
pavlushkazaki: oh my, how come you be this late?20:07
zakipavlushka: missed your last reply20:16
pavlushkazaki: oh my, how come you be this late?20:17
zakiand also got your memo. how do you find him!20:17
zakijust arrived home 50 mnt ago20:17
zakipavlushka: 20:22
pavlushkazaki: yes :)20:22
zakinow habing problem with my pc. 20:22
zakibehaving weird20:24
pavlushkazaki: sorry I am feeling very sleepy, we can see it tomorrow :)20:30
pavlushkaNight night :)20:30
zakioky than. 20:30

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