
inquistorgood morning everyone!15:20
inquistorLooking for a little help with Gnome Calendar 3.20.2 running on Ubuntu 16.04.15:21
inquistorI can't seem to schedule an afternoon meeting.15:21
inquistorI can schedule an all day event and an event in the morning, but nothing in the afternoon. Does anyone have any idea how I might be able to resolve this15:21
jbichainquistor: as a workaround you can use evolution to schedule pm events15:52
jbichafor me, 3.20.2 worked but not 3.20.3, upstream bugs are https://bugzilla.gnome.org/770195 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/77067915:52
ubot5Gnome bug 770195 in Views "Cannot enter pm events in gnome calendar" [Normal,New]15:52
ubot5Gnome bug 770679 in General "3.20.3 regression: unable to enter PM dates" [Critical,New]15:52
inquistorthanks jbicha I will definitely give that a try15:53
inquistoralso jbicha thanks for the bug reports too. I will track those as well.15:54
jbichainquistor: if you're able, could you file a Launchpad bug? you can run this command: ubuntu-bug gnome-calendar15:55
inquistorjbicha, it'd be my pleasure!15:55
inquistorjbicha, the bug report has been filed in LaunchPad. Thanks again for the help.16:07

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