
narlyno clue man00:00
narlyim kinda new00:00
narlyis that what you are talking about?00:01
narlyanybody here?00:51
the-artistGood morning everyone!!This is my first time chating into this channel so hello to everyone04:25
mate|33280I have a large throbbing peenious.09:15
mate|33280It's three AM and I hafve a lalrge throbbing peenious.09:16
hiHi there10:51
=== hi is now known as Guest37244
ouroumovflexiondotorg, you have a sec to talk about that mem leak issue?11:15
ouroumovflexiondotorg, if necessary I can try to reproduce using another MATE distro, I have a spare box at home and time this weekend11:16
ouroumovWould that be helpful?11:16
flexiondotorgIt would :-)11:16
ouroumovflexiondotorg: Okay. If I'm able to reproduce should I file an issue on github?11:17
flexiondotorgIIRFC There are issues on GitHub for this, if so, please do update those :-)11:27
guygood morning13:05
jenandwillanyone here can give advice about why MAte won't boot 100% of the time for me? Dual boot with windows 10...13:18
kilos102hello all13:35
kilos102can i do online remote by smartphone(android)/tablet(win10)?13:37
kilos102i cant find any app for this in market with support ubuntu mate ;/13:39
alkisgkilos102: vnc and teamviewer13:44
kilos102ok thx, and last question is about remote terminal. I want to do remote teminal by other device(like PC/smartphone). Can u send me any good /easy site/vid with solution? (i want to do checking by smartphone in therminal or graphic site)14:17
ouroumovkilos102, can you install cygwing on the tablet?14:19
alkisgIn windows it's called putty, on google store check for ssh client14:20
kilos102good ask, moment iwant to check it14:20
ouroumovOh right, putty was the name;14:20
ouroumovNever mind what I said kilos10214:20
kilos102i know putty/bdwise and more14:20
kilos102hmmm "select root instal directory"14:24
kilos102must be "C:/cygwin"?14:25
kilos102ok i installing14:28
kilos102yea i have it14:34
kilos102and working14:36
kilos102@ouroumov its good working on my tablet14:47
SeferiHi, i installed Kali next to ubuntu-mate for dual boot few weeks ago. Ubuntu-mate used to boot and power-off very quickly. now it takes a long time.15:12
Seferiany ideas?15:12
ouroumovHi Seferi15:18
SeferiI did systemd-analyze blame15:19
ouroumovThere's an ongoing common issue with 16.04 because of the systemd transition, the system can take up to 90 seconds to power down, there's a fix for that mentioned on the forum15:19
ouroumovSeferi, https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/ubuntu-mate-16-04-lts-common-problems-known-bugs-workarounds/834015:21
Seferidev-sda1. device takes 6 seconds, apparmor. service takes 515:22
Seferion top was networkgmanager with 8 seconds, i masked it15:23
Seferibut still takes long to boot..15:23
Seferisomething really is hanging on boot..  the harddrive light stops blinking as well..15:28
azsunsetTheme Installer won't run.15:33
SeferiI did a fdisk -l and it says partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary15:33
Seferimight that be a reason for slow boot?15:33
mate|79849I'm trying use http://forums.mate-desktop.org/index.php but all is locked16:40
mate|79849this forum is closed ?16:41
rahtgazAll MATE forums now are distributed through the repective distro communities16:47
rahtgazSee here: http://mate-desktop.com/community/16:47
ubuntu-matei have some query regarding installation of ubuntu16:58
mate|79849Do you know maybe how add wallpapers ?  Put to /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/nature/ ?16:59
ubuntu-matei have already installed windows os and now i want to make my laptop dual boot but i dont want to format my disk..which option should i choose?16:59
ubuntu-matefrom installation type17:00
logicali love you all #shareMateLove17:10
=== tyler is now known as Guest76636
marc__does ubuntu mate offer the best mate experience? or could it possibly some other distro? what made you chose ubunte mate?18:58
mothertMate, how do I find it to run a scan?19:07
mothertJust downloaded Clam-AV need to find it to run it19:07
alkisgmothert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV19:08
alkisgmarc__: are you looking for something like this? http://news.softpedia.com/news/top-five-reasons-why-ubuntu-is-the-most-used-linux-os-491064.shtml19:10
olscumpyit feels like Ubuntu Mono wastes a lot of space, but it's surprisingly difficult to find anything better. I like how it is pseudo-bold, at least at 13 pt, which makes it very readable. other Mono fonts I've tried at 12 to 14 points tend to be very thin19:10
marc__thanks :)19:10
olscumpyanyone using something different? I wish I could nudge ubuntu mono down 1 pt or 2 smaller while still retaining that "pseudo-bold" effect19:11
alkisgolscumpy: I think that "pseudo bold" depends on your screen dpi19:12
alkisgSo different people with different resolutions will have different points where they see that "bold" effect19:12
alkisgIf you print it with 300 dpi, you don't see a difference between 10 or 15 pt, wrt weight19:13
olscumpyhm, probably. it applies on both my screens, which are 1600x900 and 1920x1080, but that's still a good point about other people seeing something different19:13
alkisgI don't think mate has a "per screen" dpi setting19:14
alkisgIt's common to all screens for the same seat19:14
olscumpyI see19:14
olscumpyis ubuntu mono thin in your terminal, at defaults?19:15
alkisgIt doesn't look thin to me, no19:16
alkisggsettings get org.mate.font-rendering dpi19:17
alkisg0 is the default, but you can play with it to increase your dpi19:17
alkisgAh it's also available in `mate-appearance-properties`, my default is 96 for my 1920x1080 screen19:19
alkisgAnd it's Ubuntu Mono 1319:19
olscumpyyeah, if I pump it to 111 dpi, then 12 pt becomes psuedo bold... but also everything takes up more space haha19:20
olscumpythanks for the interesting findings19:20
1JTAA7JPDGreetings , does anyone here know about ubuntu mate on the raspberry Pi?22:09
1JTAA7JPDI'm trying to rescue some data from a mate 15.10 install on a pi2 microSD which will no longer boot following a crash,can anyone help?22:15

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