
slangasekxnox: how does updating python-gnupg make ubuntu-touch uninstallable?00:02
mwhudsoncan someone do the thing to run the runc autopkgtests with the docker from yakkety-proposed?02:21
slangasekmwhudson: that's triggered automatically by the upload, so that seems to have happened and it looks like everything migrated happily05:41
mwhudsonslangasek: yeah, it seems to have migrated now05:42
xnoxslangasek, that mystery is unexplained to me either. as far as i could tell it doesn't / shouldn't.07:59
Laneyxnox: can you give me a sample hint?08:05
LaneyI'll poke it into the hint tester08:05
xnoxLaney, gnupg2 -> gnupg appears to have landed.08:06
xnoxlooking at how to remove src:gnupg with pitti on #-devel now.08:06
Laneywhat made it go in?08:07
pittioh, wasn't it expected to land yet?08:07
pittiI did a few test retries against -proposed yesterday morning, but otherwise didn't touch it08:07
Laneywell I wasn't aware that it was ready08:08
pittixnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23149214/08:09
xnoxLaney, my commit mails for hints say that slangasek added hint to try things together, they migrated, and then removed the hint.08:09
Laneythat's good I guess08:10
xnoxgnupg-curl shouldn't be installed anymore....08:11
pittixnox: it's not, it got removed along with the gnupg 1 source (no rdepends)08:15
mwhudsoncan someone reject juju-mongodb3.2 3.2.9-0ubuntu1~14.04 from trusty pls?11:38
apwmwhudson, done12:14
LocutusOfBorganybody please accept ros-geometric-shapes? one single rdep, I would like to finish the ros-packages work12:58
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: .13:21
=== ant__ is now known as antdillon
slangasekxnox: yeah, I never saw if my hint had any effect, I didn't expect it to; but I saw that it made it in15:00
Laneyslangasek: do you know about the hint tester?15:02
jbichamwhudson: I did the docker.io autopkgtest retests for you earlier, I just had to add &trigger=docker.io/1.12.1-0ubuntu7 to the end of the URL the retry button gives15:05
slangasekLaney: yes, but I've forgotten /where/ it is :)15:07
Laneyslangasek: code/b2/britney.py -c code/b2/britney.conf.ubuntu.yakkety.notest --series yakkety --hint-tester15:09
Laneynever leave hints-ubuntu without it15:09
LocutusOfBorgbritney, you slow?15:09
LaneyLocutusOfBorg: do you know about log/?15:12
* Laney the educator15:12
Laneylooks like it got broken15:12
* LocutusOfBorg goes to irclogs.ubuntu.com, has no always connected irc account15:14
LaneyLocutusOfBorg: I mean http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/log/15:14
* Laney wonders what broke15:17
LocutusOfBorgI use update_output, but I forgot about log15:17
LocutusOfBorgso.... nobody noticed that before me?15:18
slangasekLaney: ah, that wasn't the hint tester I was thinking of, but thanks!15:22
Laneyyou're welcome!15:24
* Laney has stopped britney for a minute to investigate15:24
LaneyLocutusOfBorg: first I heard15:24
LocutusOfBorgI waited some hours, and then I decided to ask, because the update_output.txt was from hours ago15:25
Laneynext time you'll know how to consult the log :P15:26
LocutusOfBorgyep :D15:28
pittijust pushed the britney1-ubuntu fix for this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/britney1-ubuntu/revision/29615:32
LocutusOfBorgyep, I saw on -devel :P15:33
LaneyNot the first mid air collision15:33
LocutusOfBorgwhy it broke only today is something I don't understand15:33
LocutusOfBorgI thought this chan was the right one for reporting15:34
LaneyIt is15:34
pittiLocutusOfBorg: I changed the password this morning15:35
pittiit's completely understood15:35
pittisorry for mid-air collision again, what a coincidence15:35
pittihah, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt updaed now15:35
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/priority-mismatches.txt too15:36
pittiand britney running15:36
LocutusOfBorggo britney go!15:36
LocutusOfBorgI want my ~10 packages migrate :)15:36
LocutusOfBorg  File "/home/ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/code/b2/britney.py", line 3250, in <module>15:37
pittiwhat -- now it failed on some socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known15:38
LocutusOfBorgpitti, you sure that creds.password has the right value?15:49
pittiok, fixed harder, just dropped the / from the password -- easier to fix quoting issues everywhere (this also  affects the CI train)15:50
LocutusOfBorgI smell sqli issues15:50
pittiurllib.parse.urlsplit() indeed stumbles over this (thanks Laney)15:50
pittiLocutusOfBorg: well, it's not like users can set the password from outside :)15:51
LocutusOfBorgthe library is in the archive, so even if you aren't affected by this, somebody else might be15:51
LocutusOfBorgI mean, that urllib is widely used15:52
* LocutusOfBorg refresh the log15:52
Laneyit's not a bug in the library15:53
pittiyeah, just failure to quote it15:53
LaneyI would have just joined the password and path bits :P15:54
LocutusOfBorggo go go15:56
pittiok, now it's *really* running15:57
LocutusOfBorgyes, and a bunch of stuff is already successful15:59
LocutusOfBorgBTW I retried already insighttolkit4, but it goes ENOSPACE on ppc64el15:59
LocutusOfBorgany thing I can do to ask an increase of the partition space?15:59
LocutusOfBorgthe -2 didn't fail, I suspect gcc increased some bits of size15:59
mwhudsonapw: thanks21:23
mwhudsonjbicha: thanks21:23
mwhudsonslangasek, infinity: is the special treatment for docker SRUs documented anywhere yet?22:13
slangasekmwhudson: mmm, I assume not.  Could you start a wiki page analagous to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SnapdUpdates with your understanding of the requirements, and infinity and I (and the rest of the SRU team) can iterate on it from there?23:22
mwhudsonslangasek: ok23:37
mwhudsonslangasek: can you subscribe ~snappy-dev to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-coreos-pkg please?23:37
mwhudson(for the MIR)23:37
slangasekmwhudson: this is you bullying an admin into having them sign up, right? ;)23:50
mwhudsonslangasek: yes23:50
mwhudsonslangasek: i expect a grand total of 0 bug mails in the next 10 years23:50
slangasekmwhudson: ok.  while I happen to be an admin of that team in LP, I don't think I should commit them to owning this package - that should be JamieBennett or mvo23:50
mwhudsonhow did snapd get in main without this happening already, btw?23:52
mwhudsonoh probably because it doesn't use the bit of golang-github-coreos-go-systemd that imports this package23:53

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