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Fighter19Are porting questions also to be asked in this room. If yes. Does Ubuntu Touch also use init.rc?00:15
RAOFUbuntu Touch uses upstart (at the moment - switching to systemd is a work in progress, IIUC)00:17
RAOFSo you *can* stick things in /etc/rc.* and the right thing will happen, but you're probably better off dealing with native upstart.00:19
Fighter19So if I have to load / insert  a kernel module at an early stage?00:20
RAOFIt doesn't get autoloaded?00:22
RAOFBut you can certainly write an upstart job for that.00:22
RAOF(Or in init.d script, of course)00:22
Fighter19Well, I have a kernel module which creates block devices so I can mount my NAND filesystem.00:23
RAOFAh, so you'll need it to be in the initramfs.00:23
RAOFWhich I *believe* we use on Touch.00:23
Fighter19Is it possible to output kernel log to the screen if that's the case?00:24
RAOFHm. This must actually be in the android half of Touch, because that's where the kernel is loaded from.00:25
Fighter19Well, should be also fine.00:26
RAOFI'm not familiar with the details of porting, but the kernel comes from Android...00:26
Fighter19I have a working Android Kernel built for my device. I tried to port CM. But init.rc (for the main system) seems to cause problems, which is why I consider porting to Ubuntu Touch first.00:29
Fighter19If I have adb at an early stage of the boot sequence I'm more than satisfied.00:31
RAOFYou've presumably seen https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/porting-new-device/ ?00:32
Fighter19Yes I've seen it.00:32
RAOFUnder the Debugging header: “This will open an adb shell and pause execution of the initrd,”00:33
RAOFSo, yes - you'll need to ensure your kernel module ends up in the initrd and you should be able to use a script in hooks/modules to load it.00:34
Fighter19Sounds great!00:34
Fighter19Thank you. I'll definetly try to hopefully get something to run tomorrow!00:36
dobeyFighter19: why is that driver not just built into the kernel?00:39
* RAOF expects some totally appalling reason, like it's a binary blob.00:43
Fighter19dobey, because it's a propietary blob.01:05
* Fighter19 overlooked the "me" line my RAOF .01:08
RAOFHAH! Called it.01:08
RAOFWhat manufacturer should we be pointing and laughing at?01:09
Fighter19At Rockchip ;)01:11
Fighter19Same goes for the mali modules.01:13
RAOFThose at least you don't need in order to mount your root filesysem.01:13
RAOFAnd GPUs are *somewhat* more complex than NAND interfaces.01:13
Fighter19That's true.01:14
Fighter19I remember some strange stuff had to be done to get Mali chips running under Linux. I hope it doesn't get too complicated again. And I hope they're powerful enough01:17
RAOFFortunately you don't need to get the Mali chips running under Ubuntu userspace; you only need to get them running under Android userspace :)01:18
Fighter19Does ubuntu access the framebuffer? :O01:19
RAOFOnly though the Android HAL.01:20
RAOF(This is the point of mir-graphics-platform-android - given an Android graphics stack, provide an Ubuntu one on top of it)01:21
Fighter19Wait, if no OpenGLES and no FB, how is it supposed to  show something? Am I missing something? xD01:21
RAOFThe magic of libhybris - Mir accesses the usual Android graphics stack to do this.01:21
RAOFSo you need working Android drivers, but once you've got them it's done*.01:21
Fighter19So it should automatically work01:22
RAOF*: Modulo the fact that graphics drivers are terrible and you might need to quirk things.01:22
Fighter19I'd still like to activate GLES if possible at some time.01:22
Fighter19I think Ubuntu Touch supports it?01:22
RAOFYou'll get it for free.01:23
RAOFIf you can bring Mir up on your android drivers, any client connecting to that Mir server will get GLES support.01:23
RAOFAgain, modulo the fact that graphics drivers are terrible.01:24
Fighter19I guess I'll just have to read through some documents first :D01:25
Fighter19I'm kinda surprised. Because normally the libMali.so contains the symbols for GLES. So it can be linked with the normal GLES headers. But in the end effect it accesses /dev/mali which again is created by the kernel module.01:28
RAOFThat's how the userspace component of graphics drivers generally works.01:29
RAOFProvide the GL/GLES/whatever ABI at one end, talk to the kernel module at the other.01:30
Fighter19When you think that your Linux knowledge helps you to understand Android xD. The HAL thing was new to me, but as I understand it, it's inside the kernel and provides a unified way to access devices of the same type. Sounds easy enough, de facto. So my kernel will know what to do once the modules are loaded.01:38
Fighter19Ah no, that was BS what I just said.01:45
Fighter19Your device has a piece of code which provides the interface for the communication with the hardware (often through device nodes) for HAL. I think THIS is right. (sorry to spam the chat, sometimes I have to say out thinks "loud" :D )01:50
Fighter19Just wondered why there was no config (putting the so inside the proper directory is enough :O )01:51
Fighter19Thank you! Have a good night / or day, wherever you are :)01:54
JasonD@duflu - There is a video on OMGUbuntu from April showing a Nexus 4 and a Nexdock with correct resolution - http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/ubuntu-touch-nexdock-video03:56
dufluJasonD: Cool, thanks. Maybe I/we/mir-team will end up having to order one.03:58
dufluBecause I don't have any other way to test the problem right now03:58
JasonDHi, yeah I thought I had seen it working properly somewhere, could it be a regression or my slimport cable?03:59
JasonDHappy to help if I can03:59
dufluJasonD: More likely a regression. Faulty cables will result in no image (which is VERY common). Do you get any image?03:59
dufluI've found 50% of Slimport cables are unusably faulty....03:59
JasonDYes, just very difficult to read as the font is so small/fuzzy04:00
dufluCool, that's something at least04:00
JasonDThis is my second one, they are not very well made it seems04:00
dufluIf the Nexdock does advertise other resolutions I don't think mir's Android backend will report them. Maybe it's just Mir defaulting to the wrong resolution04:01
JasonDDunno, but if you watch the video the resolution looks correct, on mine the icons and address bar in the web browser are way smaller04:04
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sebsebsebJasonD: hi06:10
sebsebsebhow you get on with your nexux 4 and  the nexdock06:10
JasonDStill wrong resolution atm, tried it with RPi2 ok06:11
sebsebsebJasonD: it's just a tv screen tough or kind of06:11
sebsebsebI thik meant to adust  resolutions on the devices that are dconnected to it reallhy ?06:12
sebsebsebJasonD: or like with a desktop. you adjust the reesolutino in windows :d,  and then  it goes on the screen06:12
JasonDA bug has been raised, I did find a video from earlier in the year showing a N4 working correctly so may be a regression06:13
sebsebsebJasonD: or you have a kid across the roadcoming to your house,  since was sort of freindly with your sons at the time so me and my brother06:13
JasonDIt looks like the N4 is outputting FHD regardless06:13
sebsebsebJasonD: the id changes the resolutiohn  to something my Dad doesn't like06:13
sebsebseband he gets all uh about it etc06:13
sebsebseball annoyed about it,  and  I think may have even gone across the road to get cahngedback  cn't remeber06:14
sebsebseboh 90's with Windows h eh06:14
sebsebseb1990 's06:14
sebsebsebgood times?06:14
sebsebsebh eh06:14
JasonDShould work like this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/ubuntu-touch-nexdock-video06:14
sebsebsebJasonD: the Nexus 4 isn't FHD though I think ?06:15
JasonDRebooting after every change? lol06:15
sebsebsebwhat in Windows?06:15
JasonDIt outputs FHD via the slimport06:15
sebsebsebyes inded re booting after lots of things that' Windws06:15
JasonDbrb, of to lunch06:16
sebsebsebJasonD: ok06:16
javier4 First of all, my original aosp tree builds and runs. My ubuntu tree instead, fails with CAPEWrapper.cpp:16: error: undefined reference to '__xlog_buf_printf'08:28
javier4that function is declared inside cutils/xlog.h, but the only file where it could be defined is a binary inside vendor/$something/libs/*08:28
javier4I added vendor/$something/libs to main.mk, but my build still complains about that definition missing08:28
popeydobey: did you ask about phablet-tools yesterday because it broke during update?10:01
popey(it did here)10:01
jgdxpopey, seems he's off this whole week11:21
popeyjgdx: ta11:36
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davmor2popey: what broke?11:50
popeydavmor2: nvm :)11:52
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mpt“Device krillin not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/stable”13:03
mptShould I be using bq-aquaris.en instead?13:09
mptBut that was last updated in July…13:10
davmor2mpt: that sounds about right you are looking at stable13:12
davmor2mpt: ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en contains the ota we are looking to release if that is what you are after13:12
mptthanks davmor213:14
Fighter19Can I use a CM tree as reference to initialize the phablet tree?14:34
Fighter19Or does this only work with an AOSP tree?14:34
Fighter19Which branch is considered stable? :O14:41
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saidinesh5Fighter19: ubports tree is based on CM15:34
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Fighter19Got an error building the recovery executable. Inside roots.cpp cryptfs has not been found17:01
Fighter19(I'm on the phablet-5.1.1_r36 branch)17:03
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Fighter19My system partition is only 100 MB big, can this be right? :O19:23
Fighter19Regarding what has been built.19:23
jonathan___hello. Is it safe, (easy?) to buy a meizu mx4 with flyme os and install ubuntu touch myself ? thank19:33
NotKitjonathan___, it's possible to install it the same way as on ported devices19:39
Fighter19Does any one here have an idea how I debug the startup on a new device. I can boot the created recovery partition without problems, but if the same kernel tries to boot the ramdisk from boot it fails.19:54
Fighter19I even tried to set break=top in the CMDLINE. It even shows up in the recovery so that can't be the problem.19:55
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Fighter19Looks like my device only likes binary inits.....23:06

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