
inetprogoeie more09:01
dlPhreakHoezit inetpro 09:03
LangjanGmorning guys, good evening Kilos 09:10
Kiloshi Langjan superfly inetpro and others09:26
superflyhi Kilos09:26
Kiloswinter has returned here09:26
Kilos16 max tomorrow09:26
Langjaneish! Hope summer is near09:26
Kilosme too, hows things there09:27
LangjanHot and dry but good thks 09:27
Langjanenjoying your visit?09:28
Kilosof course09:28
Langjanmooi so!09:28
Kiloshappiest ive been in 20 years maybe09:28
Langjangreat news, wonderful - happy for you09:28
Kilosonly the stupid woman is trying to fatten me up09:29
Kilossays im too skinny09:29
Langjanthey like a bit of padding and you like the pudding so why complain?09:30
Kilosbecause if i get fat i have to carry the extra weight you know09:30
Kilosand my feet will get tired09:31
LangjanCorrect, so just take it easy and eat the right stuff09:31
LangjanCan I worry you with a niggle?09:31
Kiloswell, convince a woman in love that all the lekker goed isnt all healthy09:32
Kilosyessir anytime09:32
LangjanI broke Juanita's system09:32
Langjanit wont login09:32
LangjanLmga! Have been googling solutions since yestarday09:33
Langjanunity of course09:33
Kilostell me what happens09:33
Kilosso where does it stop09:34
Kilosim sure we have been this route before09:34
Kilosdo you get to boot prompt09:34
LangjanIt opens in the login screen, then when I put the password it goes blac and returns to login, does not say wrong password09:34
Langjanyes I get boot prompt09:35
Langjanlet me just reboot, am running on live cd09:35
Kilosthen sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop09:35
Kiloseither that or your graphics isnt working again09:36
Langjanit first says login incorrect, then accepts password on second round09:38
Langjanaptitude command not found09:39
Kilossudp apt install aptitude09:39
superflyjust use apt-get instead09:39
superflyKilos: no man09:39
superflydon't use aptitude anymore09:40
Kilosoh my09:40
Kilosi use it all the time09:40
superflyif you're on 15.10+ use "apt" and on older systems just use "apt-get"09:40
superflyonly use aptitude if you're using the task system09:40
Langjan14.04 works on apt only09:40
Kilossudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --reinstall09:40
Kilosya i use apt and aptitude still09:41
Langjanive been here but lets try again09:41
Kilosi need to learn how apt does reinstall09:42
Langjanok its done09:42
Kilosok and09:43
Kilosdo you know what graphics it has09:43
Kilosif it doesnt work on reboot now you might need to reinstall the graphics driver09:43
Langjanok sudo reboot?09:44
Langjanby the way, I installed gnome desktop after googling09:44
Kilosis that what caused it09:45
Langjanit was seeking a workaround09:45
Kiloshave you at long last given up on unity09:45
Langjanit started when I ran a command, let me find it09:45
Kilosdebbie has 14.04 kde on her lappy09:46
Kilosshe has no other choice09:46
Kilosim bigger than her09:46
LangjanI ran install clamtk09:47
Langjanthen it went to the login screen and has never been beyond that09:47
Kilosthats anivirus09:47
Kilosso is it rebooting?09:48
Langjanits booting but same result, login screen and does not react to password09:48
Kilossudo apt install gdm09:48
Langjanit does login incorrect first time every time09:50
Langjangdm is already newest version09:50
Kilosoh my you even broke that09:50
Kilosis it loggin in on lightdm or gdm09:51
Langjanperhaps the "login incorrect" at first attempt is part of the problem? 09:51
Langjandont know about lightdm or gdm, how do I tell?09:52
Kilosi remember i had hassles with lightdm but using  gdm sorted that09:52
Kiloswe ask the guys09:52
Kilosor google09:52
Kilosmaybe there is some command to change desktop managers09:53
LangjanI have more or less exhausted my google abilities09:53
Kilossudo apt-get install gdm --reinstall09:53
Kilosre boot09:54
Langjanbut did not download any data?09:55
Langjanit said one package but zero contents 09:55
Langjanrebooting anyway09:55
Kilosread that and see if they give a command to switch dm's09:56
LangjanLets have a lok thks09:56
Kilosi gotta do something quick then will be beack09:57
LangjanWhy do I think that the refusal of password in terminal the first time every time has something to do with the problem?10:02
LangjanOK I'm in! Tremendously brilliant Kilos no wonder Debs loves you so much10:02
Kilosi didnt go anywhere, i was hoping you would fix it while i was "away"10:07
Kilosits some hassle in the desktop manager10:07
Kilosim tempted to go to 16.04 maybe tonight10:07
Kiloseven though my kde is trouble free10:10
Kilosi want to see all the new stuff working10:11
Kilosthats for you my oom10:11
LangjanWell let me know how it goes, I think I will stik with 14.04 a bit more10:12
Kilosill keep one drive on 14.04 just in case10:12
Langjangotta go eat, lekker aand daar vir julle en groete10:12
Langjanmay thks for the help10:13
Kilosenjoy en groete aan almal daar'10:13
Kilosand you are always welcome10:13
Kilosnight all. sleep tight11:24
jeritGoodnight? Sleep tight? It's 2pm12:01
=== SilverCode_ is now known as SilverCode
magespawnHi Squirm 15:49
pavlushkaAll quiet in the Southern Front :p20:08

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