
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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Festour_Hey guys, when i try install steam, aptitude tell me what i have unresolved dep with libudev1 and libgl1-mesa-dri00:08
Festour_And aptitude ask me if i want to resolve it, i need delete like 500 packages00:09
naccFestour_: steam from mutliverse? what version of ubuntu?00:09
Festour_nacc: 16.04 and, i'm not sure about what you talking, i just typed sudo aptitude install steam00:10
naccFestour_: please pastebin `apt-cache policy steam`00:11
Festour_multiverse i36800:11
Festour_500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/multiverse i386 Packages00:11
naccFestour_: can you please pastebin the output of the command you tried to run (`aptitude install steam`) or whatever.00:12
naccFestour_: not in the channel, in a pastebin00:12
Festour_nacc: yea, but my system language arent english00:12
Festour_nacc: its okay? or i need switch to english?00:13
naccFestour_: it's fine00:13
Festour_nacc: okay, 1 min pls00:13
kernelpanicWhen ubuntu 16.04 moved to systemd, why does /etc/init/ still exist? Seems now I have files in /etc/init, /etc/init.d/ and /etc/systemd, so there's 3 ways of starting things. Right?00:14
Festour_nacc: http://pastebin.com/y4avQUqV00:14
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klimthello - I have disabled IPv6 on my ubuntu machine a long time ago and now I need to reenable it. I have followed every single forum on the internet but cannot get ipv6 to work. no /proc/sys/net/ipv6/" exists ever! can someone help plesae? thanks in advance.00:17
nacckernelpanic: they all end up using systemd, iiuc. e.g. when an init-script in /etc/init.d sources lsb-init-functions, it jumps to systemd. But /etc is just the config side of things, not the actual init system00:18
naccFestour_: pastebin `apt-cache policy libudev1` and `apt-cache policy libudev1:i386` please00:21
Festour_nacc: ok, 1 min00:22
Festour_nacc: http://pastebin.com/70F0EvyG00:23
naccFestour_: you should run `apt-get update; apt-get upgrade` first, i think00:24
Festour_nacc: k, i try00:24
klimti have checked (a) /etc/grub.d/* (b) /boot/grub/grub.cfg, (c) /etc/sysctl.conf (d) /etc/modprobe.d/* and I have no listing of either disabling or blacklisting IPv6 - how on earth do I not have IPv6? on a brand new virtual machine on the host, the VM DOES have IPv6 address and the same settings as the aforementioned configuration files00:26
klimt^^ this is with regards to my effort to re-enable IPv6 on my Ubuntu machine. I have had no luck so far.00:27
naccklimt: are you able to modprobe it at runtime (modprobe ipv6)00:27
klimtI did that nacc but then when I do lsmod ipv6 it's not listed.00:28
klimtby doing a modprobe ipv6 I do not get any error by the way.00:28
naccklimt: you're using an ubuntu kernel?00:29
klimtkernel 4.600:29
naccklimt: so ... not an ubuntu kernel00:30
naccklimt: where'd you get that kernel from?00:30
klimtI had ipv6 in the past - i had disabled it (long time ago)00:30
bazhangthats not a supported klimt what version of ubuntu is that00:30
kernelpanicnacc: ok.. but why? Because some packagers just haven't migrated to systemd yet?00:31
klimtI have setup a new installation on a VM with same kernel version and it does have ipv600:31
naccklimt: i feel like you're ignoring bazhang and my's questions00:31
bazhangklimt, what version ubuntu please00:31
nacckernelpanic: yeah, not all packages are fully systemd-aware. so there is a this transition layer00:32
nacckernelpanic: but i mean, even using systemd, there is still configuration that might live in /etc (iiuc)00:32
nacckernelpanic: not necessarily in /etc/init.d or /etc/init00:32
klimtbazhang: it's 4.6.0-kali1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.6.4-1kali1 (2016-07-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux00:32
nacckernelpanic: but even so, you wouldn't normally touch either of those anyways00:32
klimtwhy does that matter?00:32
bazhang!version | klimt00:33
ubottuklimt: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:33
naccklimt: becuase this is the ubuntu support channel00:33
klimtDebian* not Ubuntu00:33
nacc!kali | klimt00:33
ubottuklimt: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:33
bazhangthas kali klimt ?00:33
klimthmm ok00:33
klimtso you re suggesting that it's a Kernel issue?00:34
bazhangask the kali folks klimt00:34
Festour_nacc: ty, it helped00:36
Festour_nacc: now aptitude request only install additionall packages, not delete installed ones00:37
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apb1963_14.04; after forcing an fsck the system is apparently booting, but I don't get a GUI.  The output for the boot process appears to have stalled on F7, but I can login on F1.00:51
tonberry-kingDoes ubuntu still offer the option to install "desktop" with the ability to use root for admin task's ?00:52
Bashing-omapb1963_: What desk top ? . what results when starting the GUI from terminal ?00:54
apb1963_Bashing-om: KDE.... not sure how to start it from a terminal00:55
apb1963_other than typing kwin???00:55
artyxapb1963_: boot .. init=/bin/sh .. or init=3 or something00:55
Bashing-omapb1963_: Not sure with KDE .. maybe as ' sudo service ssdm start ' ?00:56
apb1963_Bashing-om: google says "startx"00:57
Bashing-omapb1963_: NO ! .. Startx must have a supporting .xinitrc file .00:58
apb1963_ok.... well... no mention of it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/168736/how-to-start-gui-from-command-line00:59
klimtfyi i found the issue.... i just had to do "update-grub".....!!!!! and then reboot and there's ipv6....01:01
naccFestour_: np, it's a good practice to do that regularly anyways01:01
apb1963_Bashing-om: checking in #kde01:02
villerashi Bashing-om !01:05
apb1963_Bashing-om: #kde says:01:06
apb1963_[18:09] <thiago> start X, then start KDE inside it01:06
apb1963_[18:09] <thiago> tell your X starting script to run "startkde01:06
apb1963_Bashing-om: so... I don't know what to do with that.  Someone else said "without kdm or xdm?" but I don't really undersand the question... nor the original replay from thiago.01:09
Bashing-omapb1963_: Try as ' sudo service lightdm start ' : https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=110041 .01:16
apb1963_how about kdm?01:17
Bashing-omapb1963_: ^^ is 2013 .. old dccs . but will not hurt to see . same same for kdm .. woll not hurt to try .01:17
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tonberry-kingDoes ubunut still offer alternative installer iso's ?01:31
Bashing-om!minimal | tonberry-king01:32
ubottutonberry-king: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:32
tonberry-kingBashing-om: thanks though what i am looking into is i use to use alternative installer to setup with root and user and was wondering if that's still an option01:33
Bashing-omtonberry-king: Best of my poor memory the alternate installer was dis-continued at 12.04 .01:34
tonberry-kingBashing-om: Thanks that helps out alot01:35
tonberry-kingBashing-om: Wonder if it's in the expert install option, well we will see01:36
apb1963_Bashing-om: both kdm & lightdm fail to start01:40
apb1963_Bashing-om: lightdm fails with an exit code of 127 and kdm just fails without comment01:41
sud3sk/modo de me $ + x01:42
Bashing-omapb1963_: My google-fu also fails me . I do not know how to start the later day KDE desktop . We need the correct command and see what returns in terminal .01:46
artyxstartx /usr/bin/startkde ?01:48
artyxYour google fu is inexperienced !  You have to ask it like ... "Hey how do i .. oops, i went poopy" and bam, it pops up with how to start kde01:49
Bashing-omartyx: Maybe .. That too goes back a ways .. might see if the file exist ??01:49
YankDownUnderartyx: Um...you're trying to start KDE/Plasma without using the "display manager"?01:49
artyxYankDownUnder: I think they're trying to start it from terminal/command line mode01:50
YankDownUnderartyx: If there *is* a display manager running already - on whatever tty (7 generally) - might have some issues...01:51
artyxYankDownUnder: <apb1963_> ok.... well... no mention of it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/168736/how-to-start-gui-from-command-line01:52
artyxI inferred command line meant .. no X :(01:52
artyxYou would be correct, i retract my statement about startx /usr/bin/startkde01:52
apb1963_artyx: it does, in this case.01:53
artyxapb1963_ Did it pop up ?01:53
apb1963_YankDownUnder: there is no display manager running to my knowledge.01:53
apb1963_artyx: no01:53
artyxNo errors? Nothing ?01:53
YankDownUnderIf one has installed 'KDE/Plasma", then the /usr/bin/startkde exists...however...01:53
apb1963_artyx: lets start from the top... did "it" pop up when I did what?01:53
apb1963_YankDownUnder: it does not.  Perhaps that's the problem.01:54
artyxapb1963_: Lets be 100% on the table. step 1) type runlevel ... what init lvl01:54
apb1963_N 201:55
artyxI got ya ... i'm double checking the runlevel lists for ubuntu .. to insure i dont give you bad info01:56
apb1963_3 is typically the GUI01:56
apb1963_but I'm guessing it's in 2 since the GUI didn't come up01:56
artyxN 2 (its in 2)  ...01:56
artyxNow .. if you type X do you get anything .. regardless of how usable it is01:56
apb1963_just.. X ?01:57
YankDownUnderartyx: It might be a consideration to "stop" lightdm (or whatever) (or kill it) - before much of anything else...01:57
artyxYankDownUnder : Does lightdm actually run in init 2 ?01:57
artyxapb1963_: When you did that .. did it go black screen?01:58
apb1963_artyx: X does indeed spew text... and then yes black screen01:58
artyxGroovy .ctl alt backspace01:58
artyxDoes it go back to text01:59
artyxNOT delete .. just backspace01:59
apb1963_Yes...K display manager fails to start...twice.  Then, lightdm I don't... it went into some kind of disk checking mode.02:00
artyx..... It rebooted ?02:01
artyxOkay ... Time to learn backspace vs del02:01
apb1963_Not reboot reboot02:01
apb1963_The x server rebooted02:01
YankDownUnderapb1963_: Have you tried to reconfigure xorg or the display mangler as of yet?02:01
artyxTry this .. " X > ~/x.log 2>&1  "02:02
apb1963_actually... I take that back.. it does appear the whole machine rebooted... though I'm not sure... it didn't do the normal BIOS reboot sequence I don't think so... not sure.02:02
apb1963_YankDownUnder: no02:02
artyxnow ..when it pops up02:02
artyxctl + alt + backspace02:02
YankDownUnderapb1963_: Might be a consideration...02:02
artyxlook for a key that says backspace, to the right of the 0 on top of the kb02:03
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: - apb1963_ crashed for unknown reason, unable to boot to the GUI now .... graphics driver ?02:03
apb1963_it's checking disks... "This may take several minutes"02:03
apb1963_artyx: you mean the big one labeled "Backspace" ?02:03
artyxsounds like either a driver crashed system to reboot. or 3 finger salute :(02:03
artyxExactly! ;)02:03
apb1963_artyx: well, that's the one I assumed you meant when you said ctl-alt-backspace.02:04
artyxis this metal & monitor ? or a virtual pc ?02:05
artyxSweet ... WHen it finishes, try that X > ~/x.log nonsense ...02:05
YankDownUnderSolar flares should be ruled out - so, from a logical standpoint, what exactly is going to cause xorg to bork? Hardware, first and foremost...then it's software from there...graphics driver, or update to graphics driver, or inconsistent graphics settings FOR the driver or hardware...02:05
artyxThat will create a file in your homedir .. with the debug of what happens when you try to start X02:05
artyxHopefully in there, theres going to be some moderately useful text about whats causing it to not work02:06
apb1963_it might be useful to you... what I saw was not useful to me.... but.. when it finishes checking... i'll capture the output.02:07
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tripelbQuestion:  how can i usb tether my ubuntu or even chromeos to my Android phone data?02:07
apb1963_luckily I have a second machine I can paste the file02:07
artyxapb1963_: pastebinit ...02:09
artyxthats a command .. not a directive to "pastebin it "02:09
artyxAlthough that commmand WILL "pastebin it" ... its the actual syntax thats important02:10
apb1963_Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23148443/02:11
apb1963_not what you requested, but the next best thing for now02:12
apb1963_while it's still checking02:12
=== Liz is now known as Guest69396
welly_Hello all, having a bit of a problem with (possibly) IP tables. I've opened port 80 as I've just installed nginx however not having a great deal of luck actually accessing the webserver.02:13
apb1963_[19:19] <jachin_s> apb1963_: Good. As your pasted log, X server is working good.02:13
welly_Have confirmed the server is running as wget http://localhost is returning index.html02:13
apb1963_so it's a big disk... it'll likely be awhile... assuming it's just checking the one and not everything it finds... in which case it will be forever. :/02:14
welly_iptables -nL looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23148450/02:15
apb1963_though I have to say it's disconcerting that it doesn't provide any feedback but just sits there...02:15
artyxI'd like to use query if possible, but if not thats okay too. ctl alt delete it , reboot .. on the line that begins with kernel append fastboot that is basically  do not run fsck02:16
artyxand force boot .. have you done grub mods before ? its easy =)02:16
artyxJust take your time, find hte right kernel, edit it. arrow down to kernel line .. and then press f1002:16
orlockI'm hacing problems accessing my D: drive letter from bash02:17
artyxwell .. type/append the text "fastboot"  and then f1002:17
artyxIf its a huge drive, you just saved yourself hours, pat yourself on the back, and set a mental reminder to do it in future02:17
orlockWhat's the channel for Ubuntu on WIndows?02:19
Bashing-omorlock: In linux there is no D: drive . can you show us the output of linux command ' parted -l ' so we see the drive/partition you are trying to access ?02:20
apb1963_artyx: I don't know what you mean by "query".  Is that a program?  force boot???  No grub mods.02:23
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apb1963_artyx: I already forced an fsck and it found plenty to check earlier.02:24
RASA_hi all02:24
RASA_im new here02:24
Bashing-omapb1963_: Have you also run 'e2fsck' from a liveDVD on the install ?02:26
apb1963_Bashing-om: No... just the forcefsck you mentioned earlier02:26
Bashing-omapb1963_: As it found and corrected errors . might be good to run a deeper check from a liveDVD .02:28
apb1963_Bashing-om: I'm not sure it corrected anything... it did take it's sweet time checking everything... but another check might be in order... I don't have any blank dvd's... only CD's02:29
Bashing-omapb1963_: I take it that you do not have the install DVD or a USB of 14.04 ?02:30
RASA_i installed ubuntu from windows02:31
apb1963_Bashing-om: correct02:31
RASA_first 20min in ubunto and im very suprised positive..02:31
apb1963_Bashing-om: I think I used debootstrap and/or a network install CD maybe?  It was a couple years ago at this point I guess???02:32
Bashing-omapb1963_: Ouch . Be real nice to confirm that the file system is intact and in a consistent state .02:33
apb1963_Bashing-om: Yes... was thinking that myself... Is there a way to do that?  Or is fsck pretty much it.02:33
Bashing-omapb1963_: The way to do it is e2fsck . the backend of fsck .. and the way to do that is from a live environment such that the target file system is not mounted ( in use ) .02:35
ghost_Anyone running a newer mainline kernel?02:35
apb1963_Bashing-om: at this point the simplest thing might be to just install 16.04...02:35
Bashing-omapb1963_: Well .. fastest anyway .. with a good net connection, 20 minutes and done .02:36
apb1963_Bashing-om: oh... well in that case... the only thing I can think of is to run 12.04 from another disk in the same machine and run e2fsck from there....02:36
apb1963_Bashing-om: I have a decent net connection02:36
apb1963_I've been keeping the 12.04 around just in case I missed copying something... but I think at this point, it's safe to trash it...02:37
Bashing-omapb1963_: YankDownUnder // Not so sure I would run e2fsck with 12.04 on a 14.04 file system ??02:37
apb1963_Bashing-om: yeah... I think I'm running ext4 anyway... so that's probably not going to work.02:38
YankDownUnderapb1963_: DOUBLE CHECK what file system you're using...hmm...02:38
apb1963_UUID=97ca4c6f-67c6-40f1-b176-7bf1af257d70 /               ext4    errors=remount02:39
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Bashing-omapb1963_: ext4 is the standard work horse . solid as a rock .02:40
JesusDontHaveABelookin for swaggy bear and bezzy brah02:40
YankDownUnderI used to think the same of ReiserFS...back in the day...before the court case...yep...02:40
apb1963_alrighty then... when I ssh into this machine I get a message about02:40
apb1963_New release '16.04.1 LTS' available.02:40
apb1963_Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.02:40
ghost_anyone use ppas with newer packages?02:41
apb1963_but I"m guessing that's not what I want to do02:41
JesusDontHaveABeI asked them at the BBQ place the other day if they had truffle butter and they just laughed. I still dont know why02:41
YankDownUnderghost_: In what regard?02:41
apb1963_JesusDontHaveABe: because everyone knows goat butter is the better butter.02:42
JesusDontHaveABeIm a culinary imbecile02:42
apb1963_it happens02:42
ghost_stuff like evince, the kernel, libreoffice are slightly out of date02:42
JesusDontHaveABeIm gonna show my rookie flag for a second, but, can anyone recommend a really good basic Linux admin book. Im taking classes, but even the "for dummies" style books are mammoth02:43
JesusDontHaveABeLike maybe a "setup your own Linux admin Labe" kinda deal02:44
ArnexI have a question about btrfs file systems: If I have a system with one btrfs partition that has 2 subvolumes, @ and @home, can I install a new system to @ without touching the files in @home?02:44
YankDownUnderghost_: I have made use of particular PPA's as per my system - so, KDE/Plasma, then I added Gnome3 and Cinnamon...and a few other minor things...what are you getting at? Are you wanting to update/upgrade those particular packages, or you've already found and added the PPA's and are asking before you hose something up?02:44
BL4DEIs anyone here using Corsair M65 mouse without problems?02:45
ghost_YDU: Just wondering if anyone had any repos for easy install of newer packages02:47
Bashing-omapb1963_: Nope, not at all what you eant to do .. NOT with a broken system .02:47
YankDownUnderghost_: Coolbeans...have you done the Google thingo yet - in searching - especially for like "Evince"...?02:47
Bashing-om!manual | JesusDontHaveABe02:48
ubottuJesusDontHaveABe: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:48
Bashing-om!terminal | JesusDontHaveABe02:48
ubottuJesusDontHaveABe: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:49
YankDownUnderghost_: As well...running "newer" kernel versions is something that would be a bit "testy" as it were (no pun intended)02:49
JesusDontHaveABeI mean more as a preparation for a career track. I use ubuntu now and mint02:49
ghost_I was afraid of that02:49
JesusDontHaveABeI "know a thing or two about a thing or two" and thats it02:50
apb1963_Bashing-om: This looks like the ticket... and a task for when my eyes are fully open... after a nap or two.  The easiest thing to set up is probably PXE netbooting. Untar the file netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz into /srv/tftp or wherever is appropriate for your tftp server. Set up your DHCP server to pass filename pxelinux.0 to clients, and with luck everything will just work.02:50
YankDownUnderghost_: Not to sound "UN-Ubuntu", but Fedora makes use of "newer" compiles of the kernel - and most software...just chucking that into the mix...02:50
apb1963_Yay luck.02:50
ghost_I've had good experience with Fedora02:51
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YankDownUnderghost_: Ditto...however, I'm using Ubuntu now...prefer to have one platform here - and with clients...02:52
apb1963_YankDownUnder: Bashing-om: thanks for all the help... i'll be back when I'm not yawning my head off.02:52
* apb1963_ self-implodes02:53
YankDownUnderapb1963_: Peace, be well.02:53
Bashing-omapb1963_: I am all for fixing , But the fastest easiest is a fresh clean install . A lot to be said for fresh .02:53
ghost_I'm going back to the stock kernel02:54
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jphreakHello all02:56
jphreakhey ghostZero you from des moines?02:59
jphreakKool I live in perrry02:59
ghostZerohavent been there since high school03:00
jphreaklol yea not a bad town. I work in dm03:00
jphreaknot much conversation on here03:01
jphreakAnybody running ubunt 16.04?03:01
Bashing-omjphreak: conversation is in ubuntu-offtopic :)03:02
YankDownUnderAustralians are mostly at lunch - or finishing up lunch...everyone else is either really really early, or really really late.03:02
orlockfat and happy03:02
jphreakYea it's like 10 pm here already had dinner lol03:02
orlockjust finished lunch03:03
jphreakanyone watch halt and catch fire?03:08
orlockjphreak: nah but i might start03:10
orlockjphreak: mr robot?03:10
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orlockwhoops, gotta watch what we say or the off-topic police will start up03:11
__pandaI watched season 1 of mr. robot. I like that it doesn't completely bastardize hacking, like so much entertainment is guilty of03:11
jphreakyea i watched the first season. pretty good03:11
__pandabut honestly, some of the commentary is cringey as fuck03:11
__pandaElliot is like an edgy 15 year old...03:11
jphreakyea lol :)03:11
jphreaknot a bad show03:11
__pandabut so are a lot of hackers, so i suppose it is, in many respects, an accurate portrayal03:11
orlockgrow up, get a job, find something better to do..03:12
jphreakHacking if its not malicious is good I think03:14
jphreakJust means your good at problem solving and figuring things out03:14
__pandaDepends... You can also be good at utilizing tools.03:15
orlockOr you are an emotionally stunted asshole who cannot tell the difference between "i can do this" and "i should do this"03:15
__pandaIf you're discovering vulnerabilities and writing exploits I'd say that's a high level of problem solving.03:16
jphreakthats hacking is it not?03:16
__pandaBut if you download a bunch of tool that brute forces sql, then you find hashes and plug them into john the ripper did you do any problem solving03:16
orlockdepends  on which definition you use03:16
jphreakI have a pcm form a jeep that I am hacking03:17
jphreakthats why I said depends if its for malicious intent or not03:17
orlockEvery time i try and run bash.exe with my admin credentials, it just goes and installs it again03:17
__pandaNo... You could discover a vulnerability, problem-solve and write code for it and still be malicious...03:17
jphreakcant know good with out evil suppose03:19
__pandaThough I like @orlock's definiton.03:19
* orlock installs samba on ubuntu on windows 1003:19
jphreakthey need more games for steam for nix platform03:20
orlock__panda: I've known people who are very serious security professionals, well respected, doing all sorts of work03:20
orlock__panda: and i've met "hackers" who are essentially immature assholes who just want to play and dont think that the rules should apply to them03:21
jphreakYea I just like writing php, python little c03:21
orlock__panda: and that attitude is present even in non-computer related situations03:21
__pandaDefinitely agree03:22
jphreaksome poeple are just born assholes :)03:22
orlocknot saying they are not smart, great coders, etc - just they happen to be assholes03:22
orlockTrapped in an embassy waiting for the statute of limitations to run out now, heh.03:22
__pandaWhat's special about hacking is ... the ramifications of what you do are not as apparent since it digitized.03:22
artyxorlock Well that narrowed it down03:23
jphreakyea but to me hacking is more like taking something apart and making it better03:23
jphreakthats jsut me tho03:23
__pandaThere's an emotional disconnect since it's done over the internet.03:23
orlockjphreak: you should read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers:_Heroes_of_the_Computer_Revolution03:24
__pandaGreat book.03:24
artyxhacking is using your claw hammer as a shim on your workbench...03:24
jphreakI am a service manager and mechanin03:24
artyxthe mentality behind that decision03:24
jphreakadventurers, visionaries, risk-takers, [and] artists” rather than “nerdy social outcasts or 'unprofessional' programmers who wrote dirty, 'nonstandard' computer code.”03:26
artyxyou go to light the charcoal and realize you have no lighter fluid ... do you a) give up. b) go to the store and get some .. c) adapt acoffecan and a propane stove d) <<insert solution here>>03:26
__pandab) if i had coffee03:27
jphreaknot enoug information given03:27
orlockartyx: WTH, lighter fluid and charcoal?03:27
orlockWood, twigs and paper03:28
jphreaki buy match light03:28
orlockToilet paper rolls make good firestarters03:28
orlockyou see how many rolls can fit into a roll03:28
jphreakpencil lead and an wall outlet03:28
orlockspot the mechanic03:29
artyxorlock: a or b without reason ... they should give up not out of box thinkers03:29
=== apb_away is now known as apb1963_
__pandaLol... or you don't want to waste your time on an already solved problem.03:30
=== lordcirth_ is now known as lordcirth
artyxA  pencil is a pencil is a pencil, they wont think to use shavings, lead, or the properties of the eraser03:30
artyx__panda : thatd be why i qualified it as "without reason"03:31
riceballmuffinFUCK YOU FEDS03:31
jphreakwtf haha03:31
jphreakwatched to much mr robot03:32
artyxi got to the prison reveal ... havent seen anymore recent03:32
jphreakyea i got to where dude killed the chick on the roof maybe a few more03:33
orlockwow thats like, last season heh03:33
__pandaAm I the only one that finds Elliot's commentary to be reminiscent of a 15 year old outcast?03:33
jphreakyea I am behind03:33
artyxtherees a fun 80s sitcom in season 203:33
orlock__panda: he's ill and actually has a diagnosed disorder remember03:34
artyx__panda : maybe a severe aspergers ...the more specific you get the more observer base you lose03:35
jphreakYea he has drug issue in the first season doesnt he?03:36
orlockantisocial personality disorder03:36
artyxface it normal is a setting on the washing machine03:36
orlockartyx: Now its all just classed as ASD, autism spectrum disorders, aspergers is no longer a seperate diagnosis03:36
orlockartyx: i love that, i'm stealing it03:37
artyxorlock : =)03:37
c|onemancan boot-repair fix non-grub stuff like an ARM mini PC that uses U-boot03:37
GlammaGeekHello.  I'm new here.  Please be gentle.03:37
lordcirthGlammaGeek, welcome.  Did you have a question?03:38
GlammaGeekWell.  Yes but I don't want to get yelled at for asking in the wrong place.03:38
artyxbetter than being yelled at for not saying anythng!03:38
Twst5Hi. Could someone help me. I installed youtube-dl-gui (by following these steps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/385924/is-there-a-gui-for-youtube-dl). However i want to remove it. Would it be fine to 'sudo apt-get remove youtube-dlg' and then remove "ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8" from the Software & Updates section ("Other Software"). - Would that do it?03:38
GlammaGeekOkay.  here goes.  I'm having a horrible time trying to mount a customer's WD Worldbook raid array.03:39
jphreakapt-get purge?03:39
lordcirthTwst5, if that's all you installed, that should work.  There's also a program called 'ppa-purge' that might be useful03:39
=== apb1963_ is now known as apb_away
GlammaGeekI've tried all sorts of things and asked on StackExchange but I'm getting desperate.03:39
lordcirthGlammaGeek, you're trying to assemble the raid in software?03:40
artyxraid 0  ?03:40
Twst5lordcirth: Thanks. I'll look at that as another option.03:40
GlammaGeekYes.  I'm pretty sure the customer messed something up trying to fix it himself, but I'm not sharp enough to figure out what to do.03:40
GlammaGeekI don't know the chat etiquette, so is it appropriate to ask that here?03:41
artyxso ... it (the dual drive enclosure) quit working? aany more details?03:43
GlammaGeekYup.  I'm trying to find my post.03:44
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Twst5lordcirth: So. Since its youtube-dl-gui, so there is nothing nothing to revert back to ppa-purge is unnecessary?03:48
lordcirthTwst5, probably03:49
lordcirthGlammaGeek, as the answers on that post say, Linux won't have software to emulate a WD proprietary raid controller.03:50
lordcirthGlammaGeek, contact WD or a data recovery company if you really need the data.  And next time, backups.03:50
artyxGlammaGeek: Strictly from a non *nix perspective .... Theres a tool ive used with great success on raid stripe recovery ...03:50
artyxbut .. you need lots of drive space to use it, since you need to rip each drive seperately to a bin file, then analyze hte bins for data03:51
artyxso you need at least 5N free space where N == drive size03:51
artyxand ive had recoveries where i needed like 40N space to get a good read03:52
infectiiousGlammaGeek: happy birthday GlammaGeek seeing as nobody else did.03:54
GlammaGeekWow!  I didn't realize I had received a response so quickly!!!  Lorcirth, these drives belong to a customer who brought them to me when he couldn't figure it out.03:54
Bashing-omTwst5: Maybe better ' sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa ' ?03:55
=== apb_away is now known as apb1963_
Twst5Bashing-om: Thats another way. will learn.03:57
bumblefuzzI'm booted right now on my USB drive and I'm trying to install Ubuntu03:57
GlammaGeekThank you infectilious!  the fact that I'd rather be trying to recover RAID arrays instead of going out getting drunk with my friends is sad...LOL03:57
bumblefuzzI selected the try ubuntu without installing option at boot03:57
bumblefuzzbut I've been having trouble installing03:57
bumblefuzzevery time I try, the install hangs03:57
orlockGlammaGeek: You are amongst friends here....03:58
artyxGlammaGeek: but the $50-200/hr never hurts =)03:58
orlockGlammaGeek: Do you have the spare disk space to image the drive(s)?03:58
bumblefuzzcan someone help me troubleshoot the install?03:58
GlammaGeekbumblefuzz, are you doing a UEFI install?03:58
bumblefuzzI'm not sure03:59
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GlammaGeekAwwwww... You guys are so sweet!  I feel at home already.03:59
bumblefuzzright now, I'm booted into the live disc on my USB drive03:59
GlammaGeekAre you trying to do a dual boot on a PC, or just a single boot?03:59
bumblefuzzI just selected erase disk and install ubuntu04:00
GlammaGeekHave you changed to a legacy boot/CSM in your bios?04:00
artyxGlammaGeek: Ive had really really good success with "Raid Reconstructor" its like $100 ....the output would be a disk image you can mount and copy out04:00
bumblefuzzmy bios says it supports both04:00
artyxbut it takes HOURS ...04:00
bumblefuzzI'm not having trouble booting04:00
orlockGlammaGeek: from what i can tell the Worldbook is just a single disk NAS server?04:00
GlammaGeekOh!  artyx.  I think I'll try that...04:00
bumblefuzzI'm having trouble installing04:00
Bashing-omTwst5: Better : ' sudo apt-get autoremove --purge package-name ;  sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa ; sudo apt-get autoclean ' .04:01
orlockGlammaGeek: Ahh, i see the raid versions. DO you know what level it was configured as?04:02
GlammaGeekbumblefuzz, boot into your bios/uefi and change your boot to legacy/csm then try again.  If you want UEFI boot, you're gonna have to let the install crash then use a boot-repair live disk/usb.04:02
artyxorlock: If it was raid 1, it'd be booting!04:02
GlammaGeekorlock, I have no frigging idea.  That's why I'm so stumped.  I can't seem to get any viable info.04:02
orlockAnd if it's raid0, then he's boned anyway04:03
orlockThe My Book Premium II, My Book Pro II, and My Book Studio II external hard drives are pre-configured for RAID 0 (Striped) mode for maximum capacity and accelerated performance.04:03
orlockThat's a horrible thing to do04:04
artyxas long as say the controller/power supply died, and the drives are good you MIGHT be able to recover, trial for software costs nothin, so if theres nothing to recover, you wont pay04:04
orlockI'm a bit suprised if they don't just run linux04:05
GlammaGeekGreat suggestion artyx.  Nothing to lose.04:05
GlammaGeekMy gut was telling me it was RAID 0, but I couldn't find a way to confirm.04:06
orlockGlammaGeek: Looks like thtas the default unless changed.04:06
GlammaGeekYup.  The customer just brought me the drives and nothing else.  He said one failed so he ordered another horrible WD Green and tried to replace it.  After he said that, all I heard was "blah blah blah..."04:07
orlockyeah - raid0 means you do not care about your data04:08
orlockmy fileserver runs raid0 and raid1 on two 3tb drives04:09
orlock2tb on each disk is mirrored, for 2tb storage04:09
orlockand then 1tb on each disk is striped, for another 2tb04:09
orlockso 2tb of stuff i care about, and 2tb of stuff i dont04:09
artyxGlammaGeek: Have you ever done drive repair ?04:10
artyxlike .. swapping out pcb's, reading and duplicating indexes, etc04:11
GlammaGeekartyx: No.  I tried once and made things worse.04:12
artyxorlock: my home "server" is a poweredge 2950 with raid 50 , it spins up ESXI as a hypervisor04:12
orlockartyx: low power atom system here, though i'm migrating it to something more capable running in an old Optiplex 990 case04:13
artyxIts not the prettiest, but it survives drive failures .. as long as 2 of the 3 drives in any one set dont die simultaneously, im golden04:13
artyxthe downside was i had to replace every fan in that case .. they were all like 74db04:13
orlockbut of course, raid is not backups04:13
orlockeven sometimes backups are not backups04:13
artyxno, its for making sure your available at all times04:13
artyxNo downtime, as long as the perc doesnt die04:14
orlocki have about a dozen rack mount servers at home i never power on04:14
artyxToo loud ?04:14
orlockthey just keep the rack stable for the 3d printer in it04:14
artyxBALLAST lmao04:14
orlockHonestly, no need04:14
orlockyeah, literally just ballast04:14
orlocksorry, half a dozen, not a dozen04:15
GlammaGeekWell guys.  I'm gonna bow out and try some of the suggestions.  I really wanna get this done.  Thanks so much for being so hospitable.04:15
orlocki'm not greedy04:15
artyxGlammaGeek: The recovery of raid 0 is DEPENDANT on all drives being functional04:15
orlockGlammaGeek: personally, ui'd DD each disk just to test the viability of the physical media04:16
artyxIf the customer swapped out the drive, put the old drive back in .. use a usb cradle, rip a bin of the drive, THEN you would use raid reconstructor to analyze the bins .. never work on teh drives themselves. yadda yadda04:16
artyxgood luck04:16
orlockwhat artyx said04:16
orlockand tiple check you are dumping FROM the client disks, not TO them04:16
artyxdd if=CLIENT DISK of=YOUR FILE04:17
GlammaGeekThat was exactly my plan.  I just hate to do so much work on the drives then can't charge if I can't recover anything.04:17
artyxbs=10M at least if your using linux and usb04:17
GlammaGeekI love dd04:17
artyxThats the difference in 3 days of copying ;)04:17
artyxAt least, with an 80gb hdd it was hte difference in 3 days04:17
orlockartyx: wasted a few days before i knew that04:17
artyxGlammaGeek: And in future, have a data waiver ....Recovery attempts cost itme, that costs money04:18
orlockcloning desktops for a netcafe in th 90's04:18
artyxorlock: Wow ... I feel for you, i learned that when i was setting up my first quad core mail server .. and duping spool drives from smaller systems04:18
artyxIt was some monstrous 4xslot-1 system04:19
orlockobscure beast then04:19
artyxit was a computational node built by someone04:19
orlockslot1 was kind of abandoned for SMP04:19
artyxcant remember hte company04:19
artyxPredates smp ... postdates the N cube04:19
orlockso it likely had some proprietary motherboard chipset i guess?04:20
artyxYeh ... probably supermicro somethingrather04:20
GlammaGeekI am MOST DEF gonna draft a data waiver.  BRILLIANT!04:20
orlockSMP was around before then04:20
artyxGlammaGeek: Live, and learn!04:20
orlockbut it wasnt functional for the Slot1 boards04:20
artyxMaybe it was just risers , not slot 1.. :(04:20
artyxIt was definitely slots on the board where the cpus plugged in04:20
orlockHX Pentium chipset supported it, and the PPro's did as well04:20
artyxthe thing i remember most is the styrofoam fills with the 12 fans04:21
orlockbut they kinda dropped it for P2's04:21
GlammaGeekYou guys are great.  I hope I catch you guys again when I'm not stressed.  I'll be older tho  LOL04:21
* orlock used to have a Bp6, dual socket Celeron board04:21
artyxI loved bh6 @ 300a04:21
orlockartyx: cooling manifolds?04:21
orlockartyx: do you remember "Gentus" linux?04:22
artyxorlock: Yeah .. the forced air basically created ducts out of styrofoam04:22
artyx......... Its ringing a bell, but i cant think ..wasnt that an embedded somethingrather for old consumer boards ?04:22
orlockAbit doing a search and replace of Redhat/Gentus, and adding some specialised drivrs for their hardware sensors04:22
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artyxthat wasnt the first gui one for abit ?04:24
artyxlike if no hdd present, it booted that04:24
orlocknah, it ws a full installabble redhat rebrand04:24
artyxOkay, then no, i do not remember04:24
orlockit was before they started embedding OS's in the bios04:24
artyxso what WAS that crappy red bios interface with mouse clicks04:24
artyxthat had firefox04:25
orlockno idea04:25
orlockthis thing was back in '99 or something04:25
orlockI have installed samba on ubuntu on windows04:25
artyxhmm nfc . i was a first.l@redhat.com back in 9904:25
artyxred hat 6.0 .You havent lived till you walked a 90 yr old lady through setting up winmodem in rh 604:26
artyxover the phone of course04:26
orlockand now you are part of the alphabet borg?04:26
orlocki started using redhat with 3.0.3, slackware before that04:27
artyxorlock: I received an offer to durham, became persona non grata to the co i worked for .. so I went and found th eholy grail for 14 yrs of work, net/sysadmin for a nonprofit scientific research04:27
artyxyeah ..it worked like .. suport mgr came to town ..gave us rhce exam .. everyone who passed got an offer, anyone who got an offer got s-listed with the call center04:28
orlockDurham UK?04:29
artyxNorth Carolina, USA04:29
artyxnow i do net admin for a marketing company :(04:30
henesyrunning ubuntu 16.04 x64, after locking the screen through unity my second monitor does not wake up. Opening Displays in System Settings and hitting Apply without changing any settings refreshes the screens and then wakes the second monitor up04:30
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:30
henesynot sure if any packages that would affect this have been installed but it started only recently04:31
henesyintel graphics fwiw04:31
orlockartyx: sysadmin for a company that makes pathology instrumentation for cancer diagnosis04:31
henesynot quite sure where to go after reconfiguring x, unity, and compiz04:31
henesypotentially unrelated, but compiz locks up sometimes and has to be killed04:32
artyxorlock: Do you get NIH funded?04:32
artyxwell s/you/your company04:32
orlockartyx: Not in the USA04:32
orlockand i have no idea anyway04:33
bumblefuzzcan someone explain to me why I can't import this key? https://www.enpass.io/kb/how-to-install-on-linux/04:33
bumblefuzzit keeps saying broken pipe04:33
artyxcopy and paste command you used in here04:34
artyxpreferably from "history"04:34
bumblefuzzwget -O - http://repo.sinew.in/keys/enpass-linux.key | apt-key add -04:34
bumblefuzzdon't know how to get it from history04:34
artyxtype "history"04:35
artyxMake sure what you just pasted to irc channel is exactly what you typed in shell ...04:35
orlockpastebin is good04:35
bumblefuzz   15  wget -O - http://repo.sinew.in/keys/enpass-linux.key | apt-key add -04:35
bumblefuzz   16  wget -O - http://repo.sinew.in/keys/enpass-linux.key | apt-key add04:35
bumblefuzz   17  wget -O- http://repo.sinew.in/keys/enpass-linux.key | apt-key add04:35
bumblefuzz   18  wget -O - http://repo.sinew.in/keys/enpass-linux.key | apt-key add -04:35
orlock.. thats why pastebin is good...04:36
bumblefuzzdidn't expect that04:36
bumblefuzzanyway those are my commands04:36
artyxI didnt expect more than 4 lines to be spit back either, so we're even04:36
orlocksince when did they start doing that?04:37
artyxautokick ?04:38
orlockits that bot, Sigyn04:38
* dax sighs04:45
jak2000http://pastebin.com/bY2gbBT4      how to add more space........04:45
bazhangjak2000, gparted04:45
jak2000is a lvm04:46
bazhangsame answer as before04:46
jak2000see please the pastebin04:46
jak2000no gui installed04:46
bazhangis this debian jak200004:46
daxorlock: it's a network bot that attempts to handle spam (which it failed at this time, and the original k-line has been corrected), open proxies, etc.04:48
daxorlock: usually it works fine. occasionally, that sort of thing happens and someone from staff pokes at it :)04:49
batphoneholy crap theres a lot of people in here04:49
swebany experience using this laptop with ubuntu ? http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/ideapad/700-series/700-15-inch/04:53
swebLenovo IdeaPad 700 - A - 15 inch Laptop04:53
deeps_Hi all! I am new to IRC. This problem suddenly came that when I open my ubuntu 14.04 LTS it starts flickring. I am able to see and operate everything but the screen is flickering. May be beacuse of this system speed is also affected. Can anyone help?04:54
lotuspsychjesweb: in most cases ubuntu performs well on hardware04:55
lotuspsychjedeeps_: is your system up to date to latest?04:55
lotuspsychjedeeps_: check lsb_release -a to make sure?04:56
deeps_lotuspsychje: Yes it is, Infact Its been 1 month that I had installed ubuntu. It was working fine but today suddenly when I OPENEd my laptop the screen starts flickring in UBuntu os.04:57
guardianLi would try plugging it in to a monnitor04:58
lotuspsychjedeeps_: whats the output of lsb_release -a please?04:59
deeps_lotuspsychje: I had operated this command on terminal. The output is: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS Release:14.04 Codename:trusty04:59
Nate_is this where i would ask questions about driver errors?04:59
lotuspsychjedeeps_: ok, uname -a ?05:00
lotuspsychjeNate_: yes, anything related to ubuntu05:00
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic trusty05:00
deeps_It gives: Linux deepti-HP-Notebook 3.13.0-95-generic #142-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 12 17:00:09 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:00
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB05:00
guideXhow well does ubuntu work for the Raspberry Pi 005:00
Nate_alright i cant seem to get my second monitor to display and it seems that ubuntu doesnt recognize my old integrated graphics card05:00
lotuspsychjedeeps_: ok tnx, have you tried to bootup a previous kernel?05:00
lotuspsychje!arm | guideX try here mate05:01
ubottuguideX try here mate: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.05:01
Nate_its also weird since when i restart it the splash screen does display05:01
Nate_and it recognises that i have a second monitor since i can drag files over it05:01
Nate_its just a black screen05:01
Nate_ubuntu version 16.04 and the intel card is "intel HD Graphics 3000"05:02
lotuspsychjeNate_: ubuntu version?05:02
lotuspsychjeNate_: up to date to 16.04.1?05:02
Nate_i believe so i downloaded it today05:02
deeps_lotuspsychje:I had upgraded it yesterday using sudo apt-get upgrade. But I had cancelled it in between. Does the problem came due to this reason?05:02
lotuspsychjedeeps_: updates/upgrades cancel is never a good idea, but not sure its related05:03
lotuspsychjedeeps_: can you make sure you sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade now?05:03
F1R4Kim trying to use cairo-dock but my original unity dock is still visible. how can I get rif of the original dock?05:03
lotuspsychjeF1R4K: auto hide unity dock?05:04
lotuspsychjedeeps_: try booting a previous kernel from grub perhaps as test?05:05
F1R4Klotuspsychej: and turn reveal sensitivity to 0?05:06
lotuspsychjeF1R4K: perhaps more options to tweak with unity-tweak-tool or ccsm?05:08
jak2000not understand why: lvextend -l +4940 /dev/localhost-vg/root  say me: Size of logical volume localhost-vg/root changed from 9.31 GiB (2383 extents) to 28.61 GiB (7323 extents).    but never never i see the ne space with: in df -h     any advice?05:09
Nate_also my mouse flickers and sometimes disappears entirely  making it quite hard to click things05:09
lotuspsychjeNate_: whats the output of lsb_release -a please?05:10
Nate_uh ill boot back into ubuntu and check thanks05:11
deeps_lotuspsychje: Thanks. Problem is solved.05:13
lotuspsychjedeeps_: how?05:14
F1R4Klotuspsychej: ill check out unity tweak. i didnt know if there was a way to just get rid of it05:14
F1R4Klotuspsychej: thanks for the tips tho05:15
lotuspsychjeF1R4K: unity dock is part of the system, getting totaly rid of it, not sure if its a good idea05:15
F1R4Klotuspsychej: good call05:17
F1R4Klotuspsychej: i know NOTHING about linux05:17
F1R4Kbut i love it already05:17
lotuspsychjeF1R4K: there's also docky as lightweight dock alternative05:17
Nate_unfortunately it seems ive damaged something05:18
Nate_i pasted some command i cant remember earlier into the terminal and now i have to boot in safe mode or it doesnt boot05:19
Nate_also the wifi seems to not connect anymore05:19
deeps_The problem was with the upgrade command only that I had stopped it yesterday in between. Now I have run "sudo dpkg --configure -a". After that I updated again.05:19
Nate_on the other hand the mouse issue seems to have resolved itself so thats nice05:20
deeps_lotuspsychje: The problem was with the upgrade command only that I had stopped it yesterday in between. Now I have run "sudo dpkg --configure -a". After that I updated again.05:21
hiyathey guys I want to know in ufw can we add ip-ranges like this05:21
lotuspsychje!yay | deeps_05:21
ubottudeeps_: Glad you made it! :-)05:21
hiyalike we add ip-ranges in ufw like this ^05:21
hiyaor we need netmask?05:22
hiya /29 etc?05:22
Nate__oh hey the wifi works now05:23
Nate__also this was what i got05:23
Nate__No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Release:16.04 Codename:xenial05:23
artyxhiya: you can use cidr blocks in ufw05:23
hiyaartyx, What if I have to add
hiyahow to do it?05:24
lotuspsychje!yay | Nate__05:24
ubottuNate__: Glad you made it! :-)05:24
artyxhiya: You mean the first usable ip is 10, and hte last is 20 ?05:27
artyxSo 9->21 ?05:27
dieWeltIstSchlecSuddenly sudo is not prompting for password when used in script and says "no premission" but it works in the shell ???05:28
r0b-is it safe to do a release upgrade:05:29
r0b-from 14.04 to 16.04?05:29
dieWeltIstSchlecidk, but i prefer always clean install05:29
r0b-well clean install is not an option05:30
r0b-its a production system.05:30
deeps_lotuspsychje: ubottu Thanks :) But the problem doesn't end here. Now when I insert pendrive in my laptop its option is not visible in my filesystem.05:30
hiyaartyx, I want to add
hiyaartyx, all of them are usuable only05:30
r0b-I got a notification that support for what i am using ended a month ago..05:31
Bashing-omsafe? many many Have ,, read the release notes, 14.04 fully updated and as close to default as possible - no proprieatary drivers . and have at it .05:32
r0b-ugh before doing this i should make sure some of my software works. I kind of have stuff that is important.05:33
dieWeltIstSchlecwhy will you upgrade now? 14.04 support ends in 201905:33
dieWeltIstSchleci went back to 14.04 ^^05:33
r0b-I am using 14.04 desktop. not server.05:34
dieWeltIstSchlecme to05:34
Bashing-omr0b-: support for the wily HWE on 14.04  is ended . 14.04 goes on .05:34
r0b-so i should just ignore the warning for upgrade?05:35
Bashing-om!hwe | r0b-05:35
ubottur0b-: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack05:35
artyxhiya: I'd suggest finding a cidr that overlaps with minimum excess, you are usin a non standard ip block .. whats the ip config on the machines, 255.255.255.???05:35
artyxWhat network, what netmask05:35
r0b-thats what it was saying..05:35
hiyaartyx, ok thanks05:36
Nate__so i modified some sort of config file earlier and i dont remember what and i just pasted into it what someone told me to05:36
Nate__now when i boot it hangs on a blank screen with this message05:36
Nate__>>/dev/sda5: clean, 21758/3057824 files, 1500295/1224512 blocks05:37
Nate__not exactly but very similar05:37
r0b-so i should just install the HWE for 16.04?05:37
artyxhiya: If you absolutely, positively, cannot re address the machines to accomplish your purposes, for 11 ips, i'd just put in 11 firewall allow lines05:37
dieWeltIstSchlecnever change a running system^^05:37
Bashing-omr0b-: What kernel are you booting ? 4.2 needs updating . ' uname -r '05:38
r0b-dieWeltIstSchlec, ??05:38
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hiyaartyx, yes, individual lines05:38
hiyaI get it05:38
Bashing-om!wily | r0b-05:38
ubottur0b-: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily05:38
r0b-so i should update my HWE...05:38
r0b-I have 14.04... :|05:39
Bashing-omr0b-: Yeah .. maybe ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' might do it ??05:40
r0b-ubuntu says sudo do-release-upgrade05:41
dieWeltIstSchlechey why i can execute sudo in shell but have no premission when execute sudo inside a  bash script05:41
Bashing-omr0b-: `: Yeah in 14.04 you are running wily's kernel, that is what is end of life .05:42
r0b-so i should upgrade to the 16.04 kernel and call it a day..05:42
Bashing-omr0b-: do-release-upgrade will take you to 16.04 !05:42
r0b-i know05:42
r0b-i guess y0l005:43
r0b-here goes nothing..05:44
r0b-sigh and my GF has my 8GB USB so im kind of fucked if it fails :(05:44
dieWeltIstSchlecgdamn it why i cant execute sudo inside scripts anymore???05:45
OerHeksplease guys, watch your language, keep this channel family friendly, thanks.05:46
r0b-sigh maybe ill wait this this weekend and just clean install.. soffy OerHeks05:46
Bashing-omr0b-: You do not have to release upgrade ; you can remain on 14.04 and install the HWE xenial stack on 14.04 .05:47
OerHeksa script with sudo needs to be run with sudo?05:47
r0b-yea lets just do that..05:47
dieWeltIstSchlecwhen i put sudo inside script it says no premission05:47
r0b-way to much effort to do the upgrade05:47
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dieWeltIstSchlecbut in terminal it prompts for pw05:48
EriC^^dieWeltIstSchlec: maybe you're putting it after the part that needs sudo05:49
dieWeltIstSchlecno eaven when i put only sudo su in a file it doesnt work05:50
EriC^^dieWeltIstSchlec: did you chmod +x it?05:51
dieWeltIstSchleclol yes scripts are running but sudo says inside script no premission05:51
dieWeltIstSchlecand is not prompting for pw05:52
dieWeltIstSchleci chowned my home directory recursive few days ago could this be the reason05:53
EriC^^paste an example05:53
dieWeltIstSchlecfor i in {0..3} ; do sudo echo powersave > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu"$i"/cpufreq/scaling_governor ; done05:54
EriC^^sudo something > file doesn't work05:54
dieWeltIstSchlecin terminal it works05:54
EriC^^you can do echo ... | sudo tee /file05:54
EriC^^dieWeltIstSchlec: nope05:54
zakiis there any irc channel for ubuntu-wiki?05:55
lotuspsychje!alis | zaki05:57
ubottuzaki: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http05:57
dieWeltIstSchlecholy crap u right05:58
dieWeltIstSchlecsudo sh -c 'echo powersave > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'05:59
dieWeltIstSchlecthis works omg05:59
dieWeltIstSchleci feel like an idiot05:59
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EriC^^no problem06:01
sebsebsebEriC^^: hi06:03
sebsebsebdieWeltIstSchlec: aiii06:04
sebsebsebwhats a irishfromua :d06:04
dieWeltIstSchleci suppouse irishformula was in use06:05
sebsebsebdieWeltIstSchlec: yeah exactly it doesn't say formula06:05
Kartagisiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 25/minute --limit-burst 100 -j ACCEPT <--- shouldn't that ACCEPT be DROP really?06:12
lotuspsychjeKartagis: perhaps the #netfilter guys can help on that?06:14
mibKartagis, ??06:15
Kartagismib: !!06:15
mibKartagis, OUTPUT > dport06:16
Kartagiswhat should that tell me?06:17
mibKartagis, INPUT < sport06:17
Kartagisagain, what should that tell me?06:17
mibKartagis, i think your table is wrong?06:19
mibKartagis, ip*06:19
Kartagismib: I have other INPUT rules with dport, and they work fine06:20
mibKartagis, OK, but use Wireshark or Tcpdump and follow the packet06:22
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apb1963_so if you were a boot image waiting to be copied onto a USB stick... with "cp name.iso /dev/sdc" what would your name be and where would you live if you were version 16.04?06:24
ducasseapb1963_: ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso ?06:25
apb1963_that was my second choice... my first was mini.iso06:26
apb1963_I suppose that might be a better choice because then I can run it live, right?06:26
apb1963_whereas mini is only going to let me install to hd??06:27
OerHeksmini iso has no live mode06:27
apb1963_there ya go..  Question answered.  Thank you06:27
apb1963_6 minutes to iso06:27
OerHeksand you need wired networking, no wifi06:27
apb1963_I have one machine wired and one wireless06:29
apb1963_and... the one I'm trying to install is wireless of course.06:29
apb1963_well thats a headache06:30
apb1963_I guess I can plug in a cable.... hmmm... but that means I have to mess with the network settings doesn't it.06:31
apb1963_Nothing is ever easy06:32
sebsebsebFsIL: hi06:32
lotuspsychjeapb1963_: what chipset is your wifi?06:34
FsILwhat is the idea of this chanel ?06:36
cfhowlett!topic | FsIL06:36
ubottuFsIL: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:36
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Surfer2010Web browser gallery which saves tags given to a picture in the files and not a db06:54
Surfer2010Anyone an idea what to use06:54
Surfer2010Like a combination of picapport and exiftool06:54
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antiTORTUREMost psychiatry deaths are caused by psychiatry's so-called medications. Psychiatry's most lethal drugs are the so-called anti­psychotic, anti-schizo­phrenic, major tranquilizer or neuro­leptic (nerve-seizing) drugs. All these terms are different names for the same group of drugs. Other types of psychiatric drugs also kill people, however.07:18
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Poirottihello. seems like my laptop (asus zenbook) battery doesn't charge properly. acpi says "Battery 0: Charging, 89%, charging at zero rate - will never fully charge." and when i unplug and plug again the charger then acpi says "Battery 0: Charging, 89%, 03:00:00 until charged" for like 10 seconds and then again "... will never fully charge". tried to uninstall tlp also but still the same behaviour. any ideas?07:41
Poirottigoogle didn't really help me either :)07:42
cfhowlettPoirotti, after a year of use, my battery will never fully charge either.  normal behavior for Li batteries.07:43
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Poirotticfhowlett: really? well mine is a one-year-old pc too. guess i'll have to accept it then :) but still it's weird it's able to charge for a few seconds when i unplug and plug again08:02
cfhowlettPoirotti, word of advice: get an OEM replacement battery not a 3rd party version.08:03
cfhowlettdo DOES it charge to full after 3 hours?08:03
Poirotticfhowlett: as it says: "charging at zero rate - will never fully charge" so it just stays at eg. 89%08:05
Poirottiwhen i replug a couple of times it gets to 90%08:06
zeroushi, I am using ubuntu gnome 16.04 and I am getting this error while trying to upgrade http://pastebin.com/0AnZs3Vi08:15
Jinxergoogle some stuff about battery cycles and leaving laptops plugged in 24/708:15
JinxerI don't know all the details but battery cycles is the subject your talking about08:15
Jinxeriirc at least08:16
Poirottithanks Jinxer :)08:17
zerousAny hints on what I should do about it ?08:17
k1lzerous: try a "sudo apt install -f" first08:17
zerousk1l, I have already tried that08:18
zerousthe pastebin shows the output of that command08:18
k1lzerous: is there a reason you install the 32bit libc6-dev on a 64bit OS?08:18
zerousk1l, I had tried to install ncurses 32 bit. But it isn't really essential. I can live without it.08:19
k1lzerous: well, we can force the install of that one package08:19
zerousk1l, how do I do it ?08:20
zerouswill removing it fix it ?08:20
zerousI mean the 32 bit package ?08:20
k1lsudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6-dev-i386_2.23-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb08:22
f_How to display screen on second screen by Xorg dummy video driver08:27
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ubuntu418Hey All, Company is currently looking at hiring an additional nix' sys admin, fairly moderate level, can you guys point me in a direction of where I could possibly find decent tests to send to possible candidates to complete remotely and not be able to just simply google the answer? (apart from creating your own scenario and sending that off) thanks in advance09:52
joelioubuntu418: breaking systems (in say vagrant or something) and getting the candidate to fix is always insightful.. as it requires an understanding of the various components rather than just a direct series of questions09:54
joelioplus you can clone and use for all candidates easily09:55
ubuntu418joelio!! don't know why I haven't thought of that yet! :) thanks a bunch09:57
joelio:) np09:57
ubuntu418have a nice day further man / woman (dont want to assume gender as thats a thing these days too) ^^09:57
joeliohaha, man :)09:57
joelioyou too!09:57
ubuntu418lol :) cheers!09:57
joelioubuntu418: you could share their sessions as well if you didn't want to peer over their shoulder when doing it - I know that can be of putting for some09:58
daemon55does anybody know if the dolphin file manager is good and stable for ubuntu10:04
k1ldaemon55: why shouldnt it? its used by kubuntu since a long time10:08
daemon55so y6ou switched to it10:09
k1lno, because kde stuff pulls a lof of kde libs in. and i am fine with nautilus which is the standard filemanager on gnome based desktops10:10
daemon55k1l: so at your position your gonna stick around with a paperweight10:11
daemon55gnome took out all the features10:11
k1lno, not all features10:11
k1lbut if you dont like nautilus use something different but dont judge me because i dont share your taste :/10:12
daemon55i wasnt judging you i was simply putting two and two10:12
k1lif you dont like the kde depencies you can look at thunar which is the xfce filemanager.10:13
brunch875I just made a desktop shortcut and dropped it in ~/.local/share/applications10:13
daemon55you assumed that i didnt like nautilus10:13
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brunch875and now I realized there's the program desktop-file-install10:13
brunch875just what exactly does this thing do?10:13
daemon55its fine i just wanted your opinion thats all10:13
k1ldaemon55: ok. good luck with your attitude and your issue. i am out of this game with you10:13
daemon55i dont have an attitude or issue i was wanting your approval to switch10:14
hateballdaemon55: Dolphin is great. But so is all of KDE Plasma and SC compared to everything else, in my highly unobjective opinion10:16
daemon55hateball: do you have ubuntu installed10:17
hateballdaemon55: I am running Kubuntu10:18
daemon55yup that says it all10:18
daemon55i just dont want my system to break10:18
hateballNothing will break by pulling in kde-libs to use Dolphin10:19
daemon55are you certain of this?10:19
hateballBut it does seem out of place, much like how I would not use Nautilus10:19
alex_hello guys!10:19
brunch875hello alex_!10:20
nazzarenoHi all10:20
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lapionhas anybody looked into doing updates while ubuntu is booted in recovery mode ?10:28
lapionsystemd really borks things up in there..10:29
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k1llapion: why recovery? and what issues are there? and what issues are in regular boot?10:29
lapionstarting and stopping braille devices ( I have none installed on my system ) as soon as the systemd starts buggering up it seems as though there are 2 consoles active in the same console..10:30
lapyodamn hilights10:30
OerHeksyou can update after making the mount r/w, but i would peform ' Sudo dpkg --configure -a ' first.10:30
lapionand your typing goes into either one of the two10:30
lapionOerHeks, if logged into the recovery console systemd also starts buggering up and opens a second console in the same place as the original you cant see what your type but when you press enter something or another happens..10:31
lapioneven two recovery menus overlaying each other ( one invisibly behind the other)10:32
lapionkil OerHeks the recovery console should be a bastion that allways works correct no matter what10:33
lapionor at least have the least bugs....10:34
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OerHekslapion, nasty, on what ubuntu version is this?10:34
Exodioushow do i turn off this annoying dialog that appears every time i run chrome and it ask me for password i never set10:35
lapionon all ubuntus that have systemd10:35
lapioneven on all *ubuntu*s10:36
OerHekslapion, so you experience this on more than one machine, while a braille device is not attached?10:36
lapionbraille is just one of the things that10:36
lapions the most memorable ( I don't have or use one so it's out of place)10:37
k1llapion: no. recovery is a reduced environment.10:37
lapionOerHeks, I have a lubuntu/ubuntu ubuntu-gnome ubuntu-ppc10:37
k1llapion: so lets get some facts: what ubuntu is this exactly? what kernel is in use in recovery?10:37
P3N1S-FUKFuck my penis10:38
P3N1S-FUKFuck it good10:38
safariHehehe we cant do that10:38
OerHekslapion, maybe this page is any help http://askubuntu.com/questions/731671/botched-upgrade-dpkg-hangs-on-started-braille-device-support10:39
lapionkil I have had this on every install since systemd is default in (lk)ubuntu(-gnome)10:39
k1llapion: in general recovery works. so if you dont want to investigate why you have the issues you told us, then there is no point in just ranting in here.10:40
OerHeksnever seen this issue, so i guess there is more wrong10:40
lapionOerHeks, this time systemd systemd did the following: "Stopped dailly apt services", "Started Braille Device Support", "Started Set Console keymap..." "Started Set Console Keymap"10:41
lapionin this case the problem arose with 16.0410:42
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lapionkil I am not ranting I am making a point that this is not related to a single ubuntu variant or cpu platform10:43
OerHekslapion, did you ever check the iso? or did you add any ppa?10:45
k1llapion: what kernel is it in recovery? what video card and what driver? (this sounds like a frambuffer issue with the video glitches you told)10:45
lapionOerHeks, this is after first install.. also after doing all updates from a regular system.10:46
lapionkil it's not a misformed console that I get it's the systemd taking over the console and startign a new console on the same tty10:46
OerHekswell, see the url and there are many tips10:47
OerHeks(the only one i could find, so it is rare)10:47
dancingd3monanyone know what is that error reaso : sudo chown -R dancingdemon:dancingdemon * && sudo chmod -R 755 *10:48
dancingd3monchown: unrecognized option '--BIB--'10:48
dancingd3monTry 'chown --help' for more information.10:48
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lapionOerHeks, it is not rare I have been having similiar console problems while making backup of my system from a recovery console and a single user console..10:51
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lapionOerHeks, kil sometimes it even happens after prolonged period on only having the recovery menu on screen10:52
OerHekslapion, yes rare, you are the 1st one.10:53
leeyaahi guys10:53
k_sze[work]How do I check which cronjobs are in effect?10:53
k_sze[work]I don't mean running, I mean scheduled.10:53
leeyaaduring release upgrade when I select the option that I dont want services to be restarted - how can I be sure that a service wont be really restarted ? nfs in particular10:53
k_sze[work]and across the whole system.10:54
thingfish47id there a forum for alsa, or an irc channel for alsa.  I'm a windows programmer needing to port audio stuff to ubuntu10:55
leeyaathingfish47: try #linux10:55
OerHeksk_sze[work], ps uww -C cron10:56
thingfish47join #linux10:56
thingfish47how do i do that?10:56
joelioput a / at the start of what you typed10:56
joelio /join ....10:56
k1l!bug | lapion since you dont give more facts else claiming that its a common issue try to report a bug to bugtracker and see what the devs say10:56
ubottulapion since you dont give more facts else claiming that its a common issue try to report a bug to bugtracker and see what the devs say: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:56
ducassedancingd3mon: i'm guessing there is a file named --BIB-- that is being picked up as an option10:57
k_sze[work]And why is it that when I do `service cron stop`, and then `service cron status`, I get `cron stop/waiting`, unlike other services that would give me, e.g. ` * rsync not running`?10:57
dancingd3monhow can I avoid this to have buddy ?10:58
k_sze[work]What's the difference between "stop/waiting" and just "not running"?10:58
OerHeksk_sze[work], service cron disable would give 'not running' i guess10:59
ducassedancingd3mon: rename the file?10:59
dancingd3monso there is a file in that directory named --BIB--10:59
dancingd3monthat is causing the issue?10:59
dancingd3monin that directory that I'm trying to run the command from?10:59
ducassedancingd3mon: or use find and escape or quote the filenames10:59
k_sze[work]OerHeks: "The scrip you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, but disable is not supported for Upstart jobs."11:00
ducassedancingd3mon: i don't *know*, but it looks like it11:00
dancingd3monmay you tell me what is the correct command to use? I don't know how to use find command.11:00
dancingd3monI mean what is the command to use to find a file or folder named --BIB--11:00
ducassedancingd3mon: 'sudo find . -iname * -exec chown dancingdemon:dancingdemon "{}" \;' for example11:01
joeliocan you even have a file/dir with that name?11:02
ducassejoelio: sure.11:02
joelioah yea, just touch was thining it was a switch, lol11:03
joelioyea, sudo find / -name *--BIB--*11:03
dancingd3monThanks man :)11:04
ducassejoelio: 'touch -- "--bib--"' works fine.11:05
dancingd3monthanks a lot, it works now11:06
joelioducasse: yea, tried it in touch "---BIB---" and it threw an error, didn't try much more :) good to know11:07
dancingd3monwhat made it to not work? just curious :) and what is the touch command purpose?11:07
joeliotouch just updates a file's stamp or creates it if not existing already11:08
joelioman touch - for full info11:08
* joelio chuckles11:08
AnticomHi all. I was wondering, whether there is a package to (automatically) notify me on long running scripts / processes11:09
Anticomby automatically i don't mean i have to pre-/append anything (i don't want '<cmd> && notify') if possible11:10
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OerHeksone way would be an alias to run that script && notify11:11
geirhadancingd3mon: when you run   somecmd *   the shell replaces * with all matching filenames in the current directory;  somecmd file1 file2 file3 ...   and then somecmd is run.  If one of the filenames start with -, the command may treat it as an option11:12
OerHeksor put that notify line at the end of each script that you decide.11:12
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geirhadancingd3mon: a common trick to avoid filenames starting with - to cause issues is to prepend ./ to the glob/file:  somecmd ./*11:13
dancingd3monoh thanks man11:13
AnticomOerHeks: but i want it for make invokations aswell for example.11:14
dancingd3monso if i want to run this command in a directory with files starting with --11:14
dancingd3monI have to make this : sudo chown -R dancingdemon:dancingdemon * && sudo chmod -R 755 *11:14
Anticomso i can't really append it there11:14
dancingd3monI have to make this : sudo chown -R dancingdemon:dancingdemon ./* && sudo chmod -R 755 ./*11:14
OerHeksAnticom, maybe someone else here has a better solution11:15
geirhadancingd3mon: Yes. Another way is to use a special -- argument, which most commands treat as "end-of-options", so   sudo chown -R dancingdaemon: -- *   would also work in this case11:15
AnticomI thought there was some package that does that but i can't remember its name11:15
OerHeksadding making invocations too, i am lost11:16
dancingd3monnice thanks a loot11:16
AnticomOerHeks: well there's stuff like that: http://askubuntu.com/a/409766/38288311:16
Anticombut i don't really want to prepend anything aswell11:17
Anticomafaik there was a package that did this automatically for oyu11:17
geirhadancingd3mon: though when using chown with -R, you usually want to just pass it a directory to recurse through11:17
joelioyou could do something like;11:17
joeliofor t in $(ps aux | awk '{print $2}'); do echo "Process ${t}"; ps -p "${t}" -o etime=; done11:17
joelioto check pid and running time11:17
joeliobetter ways I assume11:17
dancingd3monthanks geirha11:18
geirhajoelio: ps -eo pid,etime  no need for the loop11:18
Anticomjoelio, OerHeks: FYI : https://launchpad.net/undistract-me11:18
joeliogeirha: neat11:19
BluesKajHiyas all11:21
OerHeksAnticom, ah, thanks11:23
AnticomOerHeks: Hm, at least on xenial the repo seems to have some problems11:23
AnticomOh, and also it uses the PROMT_COMMAND hack11:25
AnticomSo it doesn't work for me anyways11:25
BluesKajxenial doesn;t recognize the sdcard reader here or on my laptop11:25
OerHeksBluesKaj, what is the lspci ID?11:29
BluesKajOerHeks, lsusb gives Alcor Micro Corp. AU6375 4-LUN card reader11:33
BluesKajOerHeks, it's hard to tell which device it is with lspci11:34
Metamorphosisany decent android emulators in ubuntu?11:36
OerHeksthis one: ID 058f:6377 Alcor Micro Corp. AU6375 4-LUN card reader. ?11:37
OerHeksBluesKaj, oh, found it..11:37
OerHeks usb reader turned out to be an outdated piece of hardware for SD capacities >2GB11:37
lu_hello, first using this11:38
joelioMetamorphosis: android studio ships with one? https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator.html11:38
OerHeksBluesKaj, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36647811:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366478 in linux (Ubuntu) "058f:6377 Alcor Micro Corp. Multimedia Card Reader don't work in Ubuntu 9.04/9.10" [Medium,Incomplete]11:40
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BluesKajOerHeks, my laptop from 2014 can't read the microsd card either, maybe because it's 64GB11:41
LibertyWeNeedThis may be a little off topic. Does anyone know where I can watch the RIO 2016 Paralympic opening ceremony online?11:42
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OerHeksDo you have a 1gb card laying around?11:42
OerHeksLibertyWeNeed, in  rio, but you need to build a timetravelmachine11:42
OerHeksThey have internet too ..11:43
joelioLibertyWeNeed: it depends where you live, laws apply11:43
joelioin UK it's on C4 (/me watched it last night)11:43
OerHeksIt is hard to get tickets...11:43
OerHeks.. hi hi11:44
LibertyWeNeedI really would like to see. If someone has a link to a US, UK, German, Australia, New Zealand, Canadian International link to view the opening ceremony of the Paralympics please share. PM me if you must11:45
BluesKajLibertyWeNeed, go to a torent site , this is offtopic here11:47
LibertyWeNeedI don't know where to ask11:47
meshuggahask google11:47
k1l!google | meshuggah11:47
ubottumeshuggah: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:47
meshuggah!kban k1l11:48
LibertyWeNeedubottu, thank you11:48
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:48
k1lLibertyWeNeed: in general if you already know its not ubuntu support related ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please.11:48
lu_who can tell me where am i11:48
Myrttilu_: this is the Ubuntu Linux support IRC channel11:49
k1llu_: this is the technical ubuntu support irc channel.11:49
BluesKajOerHeks,I was able to format and install the respbian OS on a 32GB card with my laptop using a provided usb card reader, but the 32GB card died after too many writes , now the same usb reader is no longer recognized ory on either machine11:49
superguestI need help sharing a folder *which I own*.11:50
BluesKajOerHeks, with a 64GB card11:50
superguestIn the above article it says, "We recommend that you only share folders found or created in the Home Folder because those are folders on which your username has ownership."11:51
ducasseBluesKaj: 64gb cards are typically exfat, aren't they? do you have those packages installed?11:52
superguestIn deed, I am able to share the "Public" folder under my home directory.11:52
superguestbut I am having difficulty sharing a folder outside of my home directory.11:52
Metinguys, I have a problem, I want to install skype but it showed up dependency errors and want me to run apt-get -f install, but apt-get -f install wants to remove everything installed like unity?11:53
k1lMetin: can you put all the output on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here?11:53
BluesKajducasse, this is a brand new microsd card , never been formatted I don't think11:54
ducasseBluesKaj: just a thought. it should still show up as a block device with lsblk.11:55
BluesKajducasse, yes I have exfat-utils installed11:55
Metinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23149886/ here the output11:55
ducasseBluesKaj: is it listed with lsblk?11:56
Metinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23149898/ this is the English output11:57
BluesKajducasse, no just the hdd partitions and sr011:58
k1lMetin: strange that he wants to remove skype:i386 too11:59
ducasseBluesKaj: then i would suspect a problem with the reader. is this an external usb thing or internal?11:59
lu_I come from china ,where are you come from?12:00
BluesKajducasse, it's a card reader12:00
ducasseBluesKaj: yes, but internal to the pc or external?12:01
k1l!ot | lu_12:02
ubottulu_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:02
BluesKajducasse, internal reader , but I'm using a sdcard adapter with microsd card inserted in it12:03
ash_workzdoes `a2ensite $site`  just do `ln -s sites-available/$site sites-enabled/`or is some other configuration done as well?12:03
ducasseBluesKaj: i don't think that would matter, i was thinking if it was external you could try reconnecting it or trying another cable. are other cards recognized?12:04
the_CEOalguem aii ??12:20
the_CEOkole lborda12:21
the_CEOtem alguem aii ??12:21
=== kamal is now known as Guest29801
Guest29801i need help regarding updating my ubutu12:22
Guest29801it gives me error : pakage installation or removal failed12:23
MetamorphosisUpdate or upgrade?12:23
Metamorphosisgo to terminal and type this : sudo apt-get update12:23
Guest29801 a minute12:24
Peter___Hello, can someone help me with a problem? I'm a ubuntu newbee...12:24
ambarcan some one help me updating my system12:32
ambari am getting error like failed to install or remove pakage12:32
ambari tried sudo apt-get update, but it failed12:33
mlwsudo apt-get -f install12:35
mlwtry that first12:35
ambarI  WILL TRY THAT12:35
ambarWAIT A MINIUTE12:35
ohlaughhi. how can i list all installed packages from a given component (such as 'multiverse') only?12:35
ambari got this error12:36
mlwWhat does it say?12:37
ambarErrors were encountered while processing:  grub-efi-amd64  grub-efi-amd64-signed  linux-image-4.4.0-36-generic  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-36-generic  linux-image-generic  linux-generic  linux-image-4.4.0-34-generic  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-34-generic  linux-signed-image-4.4.0-36-generic  linux-signed-image-generic  linux-signed-generic  linux-signed-image-4.4.0-34-generic E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:37
OerHeksohlaugh, install synaptic, pretty good detailed softwarecenter12:37
OerHekslots of filter options12:37
ambara minute someone is at door12:38
ash_workzis there any way for dpkg to list only packages there are not, themselves, dependencies of another package?12:38
mlwambar, sudo dpkg --configure -a12:40
ambar@mlw:  pls help on this12:40
ohlaughOerHeks: i should have said, on command line12:40
ohlaughOerHeks: i should have said, on a terminal12:40
k1lambar: please put all the output you get on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here12:40
ambarthis is the link ; help12:42
k1lambar: uh. you got quite a mess of PPAs there.12:43
ash_workzor maybe using apt-cache12:43
ambarhelp me get out of the mess12:43
mlwunsigned as well.12:44
ambar@mlw: iwanted to group multiple icons into one12:45
OerHeksambar, wild guess: your filesystem is mounted read only .. check it with this: touch something.txt # does this give a write error?12:45
OerHeksthat explains no access to the key..12:45
OerHeks( paa's are valid)12:45
Penetrationi'm hacker from morocco . and you?12:46
w1ntвсем привет помогите пожалуйста как посмотреть список открытых портов12:46
svisoranybody knows a good irc channels for exchanging ideas about configuring & managing linux web- and mailservers?12:46
w1ntи как порт (определеный открыть-закрыть)12:46
OerHekssvisor, #ubuntu-server12:46
ambar@k1l: wat do you suggest12:47
ambar@OerHeks: i didnt get wat to do exactly12:47
k1lambar: please run "cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999"12:47
OerHekstouch somefile.txt makes an empty file.12:47
mlwOerHeks, wouldn't write-only prohibit him from running an update in the first place?12:47
OerHeksmlw, it gives error on any new list, yes. that is what happended here too12:48
k1lambar: afterwards show the url here please12:48
ambar@k1l: it didnt give any output in terminal12:48
k1lambar: ok, then please show the output of "cat /etc/default/grub "12:49
andrew__1what's a good pdf editor for ubuntu?12:49
ambarmy error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150043/12:50
mlwandrew__1, is this for annotating pdfs?12:50
andrew__1yeah and I need to rotate one of the pages if possible?12:50
mlwandrew__1, I use for xournal for annotation, don't know if it supports rotating a page.12:51
k1lambar: you did a mess to your grub defaults. look at the line 40 in that pastebin: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="3""    that doesnt work12:52
andrew__1Thanks mlw, I'll take a look12:52
mlwandrew__1, doesn't look like it12:52
mlwI primarily use it for doodling a signature12:53
andrew__1mlw, ah darn it.... I'll try and see if there are any web based options12:53
k1lambar: change that back to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"12:53
ambarhow do i do it12:54
k1lambar: sudo nano /etc/default/grub #the same way you made that mess12:54
ohlaughHow can you list, on a temrinal, all installed packages from a given component (such as 'multiverse') only?12:55
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ambaris this ok: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="3"12:56
k1lambar: no12:56
ash_workzI am confused about apt-cache12:56
ash_workzI am confused about apt-cache depends actually12:56
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ash_workzwhat do the pipes before package names mean?12:57
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ambaractually i was trying to solve some other problem... and this mess happened12:57
ash_workzI mean the pipes like in this example: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/570e433fde5b6b3737f96f2abd208b0e12:58
ambarok i changed it : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150072/12:59
k1lambar: then run sudo apt-get install -f again13:00
ambara min13:00
ducasseash_workz: the pipe means "any one of these", i would imagine.13:02
ambarme error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150075/13:03
joeliolooks ok to me13:04
ash_workzis there a way to suppress headers for apt-cache?13:04
ducasseash_workz: do you mean the 'Depends:' etc?13:05
ducasseash_workz: i don't think so, as they say what kind of dependency it is13:06
eoli4ni manage a pool of 800 nodes ubuntu 16.04 with ansible. Since 16.04, apt-get update failed without errors. It runs properly, but when i want to install some package, "cannot fetch", then if i manually remove /var/lib/apt/lists/* and /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*, then re apt-get update, install, it works...13:06
ash_workzducasse: I thought there might be since you're the one issuing the command, you'd probably know what you're looking for. But as an aside, my problem is ironically usually the exact opposite13:07
ash_workz(given that mentality)13:07
ducasseash_workz: yes, but you want to know whether it is a depends, recommends or suggests etc.13:08
ash_workzi see13:08
ash_workzdoes rdepends have other categories?13:08
ambark1l: help13:09
Uyghur_Linuxhow to learn rearch  linux kernel  >13:09
ducasseash_workz: afaik, apt only knows those three, conflicts, breaks... those are the ones i can think of off-hand.13:09
k1lambar: with what?13:10
Uyghur_Linuxhello guys13:10
Uyghur_Linuxhow to learn research linux kernel13:10
k1lUyghur_Linux: research? you might want to ask ##linux channel about that13:11
joeliohttp://www.kernelnewbies.org/ is good too13:11
ambar@k1l:  help me out this mess please13:11
ducasseash_workz: ...and provides.13:11
joelioducasse: requires, depends, pre-depends?13:12
k1lambar: what is the issue now?13:12
ash_workzwell, what I meant was, so far, anytime I use rdepends, it shows "Reverse Depends" ... I thought that was pretty specific not to warrant other categories13:12
arexssHello all :)13:13
arexssan anyone help me with a problem? I have installed Ubuntu right now and followed a guide to how dualboot with Windows 10 but seems that something went wrong. When I start the computer in the list there is not Windows in the list but just ubuntu13:13
arexssI didn't delete any partition of windows I have all here, just can't figure out how to let it start13:13
ducasseash_workz: it will indicate whether another package recommends or suggests it, too.13:13
k1lambar: do you use diesk encryption? or lvm?13:14
transhuman_hi! having a problem...every time I log in it goes back to lightdm using nvidia-364 and now am using bumblebee cant figure it out these are my logs paste.ubunut.com/2315001513:14
ambari dont understand these terms ; please help13:14
ducassejoelio: requires and pre-depends are probably the ones i couldn't remember, but i mentioned depends :)13:15
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k1lambar: please show the output of "sudo blkid"13:16
ambar@k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150125/13:18
k1lambar: seems like you dont use lvm. so that is not an error13:19
ambarok now how do i update my system , i did this : sudo apt-get update, and i got the following13:20
k1lplease pastebin the result of "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*"13:23
OerHeks<ambar> actually i was trying to solve some other problem... and this mess happened  # what other problem?13:25
ambar@ k1l:  i might get disconnected in between as  i am traveling, how can i conatct u again if it happens13:25
OerHeksand is your filesystem read only?13:25
ambar@k1l: me output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150148/13:25
k1lambar: ask in here, someone will help13:26
k1lambar: sudo ppa-purge ppa:asukhovatkin/unity-launcher-folders13:27
ambar@k1l: it was really very helpful of you to do this; i am obliged13:28
ambar@k1l: my output link : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150148/13:28
k1lthat doesnt have any packages for 16.04. so remove that13:28
ambarit says ppa-purge: command not found13:29
k1lthen first "sudo apt install ppa-purge"13:29
k1lfor the other error do "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 6A9653F936FD5529"13:30
ash_workzrdepends lists packages that depends ON the listed package, right?13:30
ash_workzthis is confusing because `apt-cache rdepends gimp` lists imagemagick13:30
ambar a minute13:30
ash_workzimagemagick requires gimp?13:31
k1lash_workz: no13:31
k1lash_workz: if you get confused look at packages.ubuntu.com13:31
ash_workzwhere is that?13:31
ash_workzapt packages.ub... ?13:32
k1lits a website.13:32
ash_workzoh... omg... my brain13:32
ash_workzhow did I misunderstand that13:32
ducasseash_workz: imagemagick-6.q16 suggests gimp13:33
ash_workzI am confused13:33
AEL-HHi guys, I am trying to mount a usb using "sudo mount /dev/sdc /media"13:34
AEL-HThis is the dmesg given : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150180/13:34
AEL-HWhat's going on?13:34
ambar@k1l: my error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150184/13:34
ash_workzducasse: what does this mean? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f47c85ee2f8a9043d7ee16fe0a806ccd13:35
k1lambar: for the other error do "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 6A9653F936FD5529"13:35
ash_workzI really don't get it13:36
ash_workzwhy is imagemagick listed twice?13:36
ambar@k1l: output for second: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150191/13:36
k1lambar: that is not an error. now run "sudo apt update"13:37
ambar@k1l: what ot do abiut first13:37
joelioAEL-H: you're not showing the error - is it on sdc1 (a parition, rather than full disk)13:37
ambara  minute13:37
AEL-Hjoelio: It's a full disk13:37
ash_workzit's under ` |gimp-dbg` ... maybe pipes indicate "sub-packages" or something?13:37
ducasseash_workz: don't know, but it is listed because it suggests gimp.13:38
ash_workzbut that's not the point of rdepends... I thought13:38
AEL-Hjoelio: Here is the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150200/13:38
joelioAEL-H: sudo blkid - and check the fs type, really though, pastebin the error you're getting on mount13:38
ambar@k1l: my output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150201/13:39
joelioAEL-H: sudo blkid - plus check what the fs type is13:39
k1lambar: sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/asukhovatkin-ubuntu-unity-launcher-folders-xenial.list*13:40
ambar@k1l: please guide me further13:40
ash_workzI just understood the pipe13:40
ash_workzmeans "previous pkg or this"13:40
AEL-Hjoelio: fdisk reports the device does not contain a recognised partition table, /dev/sdc doesn't come up on blkid13:41
joelioI think there's your answer then13:41
ash_workzso A\n |B means "rdepends A... can be B, but preferably A"13:41
AEL-Hjoelio: But I have created this usb on ubuntu ext4 fs I think, so how could I possibly repair it?13:42
joelioAEL-H: you could try and fsck the device fwiw, sounds broken though13:43
joeliosure its the rigtht disk etc?13:43
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ash_workztheres no way to filter out the recommends from rdepends?13:44
ducasseash_workz: it does not indicate preference, any of the packages will satisfy the dependency.13:47
ambar@k1l: thakyou soo much  for you help. things seems to start working finally; can i always find u as k1l here?13:48
Arexsshello all13:58
=== c1 is now known as Jakey3
Xat`hi guys14:00
Jakey3is there a gui for lxc?14:00
Xat`I need PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04, is there a trusted repo for that ?14:00
ssc_Xat`: ondrej/php5-5.6 ?14:02
Xat`ssc_: is this repo trusted ?14:03
ssc_For me it is :D14:03
Xat`I saw it but I'm not sure if it is a good idea14:04
neilduganI am having a problem ... I have a RaspberryPi zero, using the g_ether device for ethernet over a USB cable ... but every time I plug it into the laptop I am getting a different ethernet device (e.g. enxea25855f347f) ... is there any way to get this to be always the same (e.g. usb0) ?14:04
tdannecyneildugan: How are you finding that ethernet name? lsusb?14:05
neildugantdannecy, ifconfig14:05
neildugantdannecy, it always seems to start with enx, the the MAC address14:06
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joelioneildugan: yea, you can lok in udev14:08
anonymous_hier ist anonymous14:09
ducasseJakey3: not that i know of, no. most admins prefer cli tools. there might be something developed for lxd eventually, but probably not lxc any longer.14:09
joeliothere's an lxc web ui, but it's not had much move14:10
anonymous_hi here is anonymous14:10
Jakey3ducasse, is lxd the next gen to lxc?14:10
neilduganjoelio, ok ... I suppose the rule would need to use the usb device number etc.14:10
Jakey3ducasse, i found a couple on google14:11
joelioneildugan: there may already be a rule created for it in /etc/udev/rules.d/ - just update the name there14:11
joelioJakey3: you're locking into using flockport then (although they're neat)14:12
joelioJakey3: yea, that's what I was talking about - not sure it's had much love recently though14:12
joelioproxmox too fwiw14:12
joelioJakey3: used it before for kvm, works quire well when you don't need openstack scale https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Linux_Container14:13
neilduganjoelio, there doesn't seem to be one, the only rule there references a vendor of 19d2 and lsusb has the number as "Bus 001 Device 021: ID 0525:a4a2 Netchip Technology, Inc. Linux-USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget"14:14
joeliois that not the device then?14:14
ducasseneildugan: you could probably write a udev rule14:16
ducasseneildugan: sorry, did not see other replies14:16
neilduganducasse, I am looking at it now, I would like to see if I can use a serial or something to influence the name14:17
DrunkenDwarfHi all. live booting Ubuntu from a USB drive, is that fast enough to realistically use it as a working system?14:20
jphreakProb not14:21
DrunkenDwarfwould it be faster or slower than a VirtualBox? (pref with image on USB)14:21
ducasseneildugan: there are some sample udev rules on the arch wiki, might be helpful14:22
jphreakProb slower14:22
transhuman_hi! managed to get desktop working with nvidia 610M video card problem is now it only has one monitor showing anyone know a fix14:22
neilduganducasse, ok, do you know the url14:22
transhuman_the panel controls dont fix it14:23
ducasseneildugan: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udev14:23
neilduganducasse, thanks14:24
Jakey3my ssh session continually breaks14:24
Jakey3with a broken pipe14:24
Jakey3is there a way to fix this14:24
ash_workz"depends" on http://packages.ubuntu.com means packages that require the described package, right?14:24
ash_workzor does it mean packages that are required BY the described package?14:25
* ash_workz so confused14:25
FinalXthe package depends on the package(s) mentioned there.14:25
joelioneildugan: if you don't liek that naming, could always revert back to ethN by setting net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 in /etc/default/grub && update-groub too fwiw. Or just write a udev rule :)14:25
FinalXash_workz: for example, http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/nginx depends on nginx-core _or_ nginx-full _or_ nginx-light _or_ nginx-extras getting/being installed14:26
FinalXash_workz: you can also do the reverse on a system if you have a package installed, for instance: "aptitude why $package" or "apt-cache rdepends --installed $package"14:28
FinalXit'll then show you what package that you installed depends on that one14:28
ash_workzFinalX: yeah, but that comes with caveats which make it confusing14:28
FinalXor just do like i do sometimes, apt-get remove $package, and then don't go through with it =P14:29
ash_workzbut I think --no-recommends --no-suggests --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances --no-depends --installed will not show anything EXCEPT packages that depend on the described package, no?14:29
FinalXit's dirty, but it works :p14:29
FinalXyou can add -s to do a simulation14:32
neilduganducasse, looks like the best I can do is to use the path of the usb device to control the device name.14:32
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=== Afrotoast is now known as afro_
gde33after upgrading to 16.04 and rebooting my alt tab entries are missing14:35
gde33it initially worked just fine (after the upgrade)14:36
gde33the toolbar does show an icon but it wont show/hide the application(s)14:36
ducasseneildugan: i would think you could use the vendor and product id?14:37
gde33when I try launching it again it does bring it to the forground14:37
nzxtmhey, what are some steps you would recommend to take after installing ubuntu14:38
DJonesnzxtm: just use it, get used tto what you need, whats avilable in the official repo's14:39
=== apb_away is now known as apb1963_
Guest37292configure your web browser14:40
gde33ah I cna use windos+w14:40
neilduganducasse, But there is a chance of have more that one device, each with the same vendor/product number, I was hoping for a serial number but there isn't one.14:41
DannyGhoulcan i get some help? i'm connected to my wifi but i can't acces internet14:42
DannyGhoulwhen i try to ^ping i get "destination host unreachable"14:42
tdannecyDannyGhoul: Can you do a traceroute?14:43
ducasseneildugan: if you think you will have two identical devices, then you need another approach. you could still use it until that problem appears?14:43
cn28hDannyGhoul: can you ping default gw?14:44
Kamiccoloegh. Any ideas what to do with "nvidia-cuda-toolkit"->"nvidia-opencl-dev" package which does have hard dependency on specific NVidia driver version which is old and does not support my specific video card?14:44
cn28h(though traceroute will answer that)14:44
neilduganducasse, yes I could..  it appears that setting the using ... NAME=="something" .. is what is need to control the name of the interface.14:45
DannyGhoultdannecy : don't have the command and i can't install it14:46
DannyGhoulcn28h : i can ping localhost if that is the question14:47
ducasseneildugan: NAME="something" iirc14:48
neilduganducasse, yes14:48
ducasseneildugan: '==' is a comparison afaicr14:48
neilduganducasse, I figured that out just after I typed that message14:49
guideXit sucks ubuntu doesn't support the pi zero :(14:52
neilduganducasse, what do you think of this ... SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTR{idProduct}=="a4a2", NAME="rpi0"14:52
cn28hDannyGhoul: not localhost, your gateway -- if you run "route -n" it would be the address listed as "Gateway" for Destination
inquistorgood morning all14:55
ducasseneildugan: off the top of my head that looks good. remember to reload the udev rules before replugging the device.14:55
joelioubuntu does support Pi Zero (as it's same hw as Pi Original) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi14:56
joeliooh, they went.14:57
neilduganducasse, I did forget done it now.  I did a "systemctl restart systemd-udevd" but the rule didn't appear to work14:57
ducasseneildugan: 'sudo udevadm control --reload' i think14:58
neilduganjoelio, I am using the g_ether device with a Rpi Zero .... the g_ether causing the ethernet interface to have strange names.14:58
screcorderHi, I want to capture my screen in windows but I can't use video_size, can anyone help me ? it always capture fullscreen desktop ! http://pastebin.com/KR1Ajy6E14:59
neilduganducasse, still didn't work.  :-(15:00
auronandacescrecorder: the guys in ##windows should be able to help15:00
ducasseneildugan: i think you need an ACTION=="add" in there15:00
=== apb1963_ is now known as apb_away
kilos102how to do percentage ussage on status bar? i was do solution from internet and that doesnt work :/ (i have raspberry pi3)15:03
kilos102(i mean CPU)*15:03
screcorderthanks auronandace15:04
neilduganducasse, that didn't change anything still get the strange name15:04
ducasseneildugan: you can use udevadm to monitor the events, maybe you can figure out why the rule doesn't trigger. i've not messed much with udev myself.15:05
joelioneildugan: do you want consistent device naming or are you happy with ethN?15:09
inquistorI have a quick question this morning regarding Gnome Calendar on Ubuntu 16.0415:09
inquistordoes anyone know why I wouldn't be able to schedule an afternoon meeting? I can hit the first 12 hours of the day then it starts over again never allowing a "pm" selection15:10
neilduganjoelio, I am hopping to not affect the names of any of the other interfaces.15:10
DannyGhoulcn28h : i get no response from my gateway15:10
joelioneildugan: right, ok.. disabling CDN would set the others back to ethN too, so udev is the only way afaik15:10
DannyGhoulcn28h : also i somehow got 14 paquet from the 724 i send to google15:10
joeliokilos102: maybe something like powerline in your shell prompt? Not sure what you're trying to achieve exactly though15:10
=== apb_away is now known as apb1963_
DannyGhoulcn28h : and i just got two from 2 from to 90 i send to the gameway15:11
joeliokilos102: or just an PROMOPT with some load status?15:11
timelon111i have a question15:11
joelioTwist3d: just ask, don't ask to ask :)15:13
joeliobah, went again15:14
Twist3djoelio: ho do you know :s15:14
joeliosorry Twist3d autocomplete for a user that exited as you joined15:14
joelioplease ignore :)15:14
Twist3dok, my question: Guys.. is it OK to remove a ppas and leave a program installed from that ppa? i think so.15:15
joelioTwist3d: yea, if you don't want updates15:17
joelioTwist3d: may bring some libraries that may conflict at some point, but "it depends"15:18
Twist3djoelio: thanks.15:19
neilduganducasse, this is the result of the monitor ... http://pastebin.com/5Fhd10Ub15:19
transhuman_ok so I finally got the drivers working for nvidia 610 M for Ubuntu 16.04 had to use the nvidia propriatary driver on Nvidia site...the .run file boot from terminal in recovery enable networking and install the driver It REALLY shouldnt be this hard to get a freakin video card working!15:22
ducasseneildugan: maybe you need KERNEL=="eth*", i'm not really sure15:23
transhuman_no other drivers would work...symptom no dual desktop no login to desktop15:23
neilduganducasse, I will try it.15:23
transhuman_this is the third video card that was a mess to install ...perhaps I should get a job on UpWork for fixing video card problems...becoming an expert for sure15:24
neilduganducasse, still not working15:24
joelioducasse: god that'd be awful.. althogh if you check dmesg, the do get renamed from ethN to whatever CDN thinks15:25
* joelio still waiting for a time when CDN was useful to a project :)15:25
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ducasseneildugan: try SUBSYSTEM=="net", that's the last suggestion i have. as i said, i'm not very familiar with udev.15:26
acoretscrecorder: alt+printscreen?15:27
ducassejoelio: udev _is_ kind of awful ;)15:27
Phryqso I want to install a program like Rufus, is the best way to do it ap-get in the command? Or download it in firefox?15:27
joelioPhryq: whereever possible use apt - you get security updates15:28
acoretPhryq: i prefer install in apt,but if u want same excting thing,try to make it15:28
Phryqok, and aptitude install is even better, right?15:28
EriC^^Phryq: there's unetbootin15:28
EriC^^sudo apt install unetbootin15:28
neilduganducasse, I agree, it is complicated, and still not doing what i want.15:29
PhryqI have unetbootin, but I need something that will let it boot on a mac15:29
ikoniaudev is a light year ahead of the old static node devices15:29
joelioducasse: yuuup15:29
Phryqso I think I need UEFI15:29
Phryqand I think Rufus does UEFI15:29
ducasseneildugan: i can't help you, i'm sorry. this is not my forte, you could ask in ##linux15:29
joelioyea, think so15:29
neilduganducasse, ok I will try there.15:30
joelioneildugan: I've got a usb adapter on my vpn box that does the same, if I get time tonight I'll look at it, see if can hit udev.. but try other chans by all means and let us know here if so :)15:31
Phryqso maybe I asked the wrong question actually; how can I make a USB drive bootable on a Mac (or UEFI bootable, assuming that's what's needed for a MAC boot)15:31
joelioPhryq: you can hold down C and it should boot from removable media15:32
neilduganducasse, joelio, I will let you know if I succeed. thanks for the help15:32
apb1963_OK, i have installed 16.04 on /dev/sdb1 ... I used fdisk to change the boot flag from /dev/sda2 to sdb1, as sda2 contains 14.04.  It not only doesn't boot, but it doesn't show in the boot menu.  I tried to follow this link without much luck, my files don't match what's described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch05s01.html#boot-initrd15:32
ducasseneildugan: one thing: change subsystem to usb15:33
apb1963_It boots 14.04 instead.15:33
neilduganducasse, yes I will15:34
joelioyea, the pi3 is usb phy don't forget :)15:34
ducasseneildugan: i've got rules i've made with just subsystem, idvendor, idproduct that work fine...15:34
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Phryqjoelio, right, but when I do that, no other media comes up. I mean, it was coming up earlier, when I had Fedora on that USB, as a UEFI drive, but Fedora wouldn't boot for some reason; gave errors. Then I tried formatting and installing again. I've tried it with a bunch of different distros, Unetbootin, "Startup disk creator" and "Live USB Install". None of them are showing up now.15:35
PhryqI'm not sure how I got Fedora to show up the first time15:35
joelioPhryq: if you're using rufus it should handle the boot setting for the usb device15:35
Phryqbut how do I get Rufus on Ubuntu?15:36
PhryqRufus isn't the same as Unetbootin, is it?>15:36
joelioyea, pretty much15:36
forgri bought a dedicated server and i was able to partition and setup raid using the providers web interface (real simple), however, they did not have the ubuntu 15.04 which i have to manually install. i am trying to manually install it, however, i have no idea what to do in this menu http://i.imgur.com/Eff0B0Y.jpg - can someone help me please? I just want to use the same as before but i have no idea what im doing15:36
Phryqbecause Unetbootin isn't working15:36
Guest94522i have 2 hdmi audio devices and usb headphones, most of the time when i reboot, the audio output changes to the hdmi device, i want it to stay on headphones i selected.15:36
compdocUnetbootin is horrible15:36
KeshitaiHey, so15:37
KeshitaiIm using kubuntu, and it cant seem to connect to my colleges wifi15:37
joelioPhryq: have you tried dd'ng the iso to the stick - that's what I do normally15:37
codekKHi, the AMD Radeon HD 7790 its supported with the new AMDGPU Linux drivers??15:37
orogorKeshitai, can you see the wifi ?15:38
KeshitaiI can see it, yeah15:38
Phryqcompdoc, what can I use instead of unetbootin?15:38
joelioKeshitai: could be number of things, maybe it's the type of encryption used on the AP15:38
joelioor some EAP thing not supported?15:38
KeshitaiThe security is WPA2-EAP15:39
KeshitaiAirodump tells me the authentication type is 'mgt'15:39
joelioright, so there may be some EAP stuff that's not supported - or could be with work15:39
Keshitaiso, the 'EAP' thing is probably the problem?15:39
joelioyea, usually it backs onto something proprietry or Cisco shaped...15:40
joeliobut dunno, maybe talk to your college admins15:40
joelioKeshitai: https://askubuntu.com/questions/279762/cant-connect-to-wpa2-enterprise-peap maybe?15:40
tdannecyKeshitai: By chance, is that wifi network "Eduroam"?15:41
Keshitaiuh, no, its not called that15:41
orogorKeshitai, and what s your wifi card?15:41
KeshitaiNor does it say its any kind of 'PEAP'15:41
Keshitaioh, yeah, my wifi card-15:41
Keshitaicentrino advanced 620515:41
joelioPEAP is just a type of EAP15:41
joelioAuthentication : Protected EAP (PEAP)15:41
KeshitaiIt doesnt say the word protected nor have a P anywhere I see though15:42
joeliobest speaking to your admins though, maybe some common solutuion - and when using EAP it becomes more intersting15:42
Keshitainot in the normal wifi menue nor in airodump15:42
Rave1Phryq: https://www.etcher.io/15:42
joeliodo you use CA's are you using RADIUS etc etc15:42
KeshitaiCA's, RADIUS?15:43
joelioyou may be missing the CA cert and other stuff15:43
joelioyea, speak to your admins :)15:43
KeshitaiRight, I'll try to.15:43
joelioor check the support pages on intranet etc15:43
joelioif you can access them :D15:43
codekKHi, the AMD Radeon HD 7790 its supported with the new AMDGPU Linux drivers??15:43
PhryqRave1, is there a way to apt-get it?15:44
DannyGhoulcan i get some help? i get "destination host unreachable" on my gateway15:44
Rave1Phryq:  no15:45
joeliopv and dd, all you need for images15:45
joelioin fact dd later versions have progress bar now too fwiw15:45
obelix__hi all15:45
obelix__some one is trying virt-manager un server 16???15:47
ducasseobelix__: just ask your question.15:48
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obelix__i take sverals snapshot but i don't know where are the snapshot file located i just find an xml file15:49
Phryqso what can I do with the app image? how to install it?15:50
Rave1Phryq:  read the info on the site.. or in most file managers right click/properties/ check box for allow executables to run as a program15:52
apb1963_OK, i have installed 16.04 on /dev/sdb1 ... I used fdisk to change the boot flag from /dev/sda2 to sdb1, as sda2 contains 14.04.  It not only doesn't boot, but it doesn't show in the boot menu.  I tried to follow this link without much luck, my files don't match what's described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch05s01.html#boot-initrd15:53
apb1963_It boots 14.04 instead.15:53
Rave1Phryq:  sorry that should have been permissions15:53
ZoFAnyone know if there's a way to have screen let me scroll up?15:53
Jordan_Uapb1963_: Grub doesn't care about boot flags (and neither does the BIOS interface standard).15:55
Jordan_U!bootinfo | apb1963_15:55
ubottuapb1963_: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.15:55
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yuzapls tell me, how to hack nasa.gov :316:01
OerHeksnasa is a canonical partner...?16:02
OerHeksso what do you think you are doing, silly yuza?16:03
compdoche wants to destroy our space program16:03
ducasseobelix__: iirc the snapshots are in the same directory as the original image16:05
squigso just checking, there really isnt any wonderful web 2.0 thingy for managing dns/dhcp is there?16:05
squigone dreams16:06
naccsquig: that sounds like an awful idea :)16:07
squigwebmins been around for Years and years16:07
squigolder than ubuntu16:08
apb1963_Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150734/16:08
naccsquig: ot for here, but the number of vulnerabilities for web-ified things would make me leary of allowing anything like that access to systems booting in my network, or the network definition itself16:09
squignacc, how would it be offtopic if it was part of ubuntu16:10
naccsquig: my reasoning is ot, this is the support channel, not a genearl discussion channel16:10
TheNH813The WiFi suddenly  turned off on a laptop and it won't turn back on. Even after several complete poweroffs and reboots.16:11
redbeardtTheNH813 does rfkill list look ok?16:12
TheNH813Huh, it says hard blocked.16:12
squignacc: lol, every one of my computers is accessable via httpp16:12
squig30 virtual computers16:12
TheNH813But I checked in BIOS and it;s enabled16:12
TheNH813Guess I'l poke the wireless switch16:12
redbeardtMan this GPU passthrough shit is difficult16:13
TheNH813Woops. That was a dumb mistake. Forgot to check that. XDDD16:13
DrunkinM2staRayYou mean like Big IP GTM or16:13
DannyGhoulcan i get some help? i get "destination host unreachable" on my gateway16:13
redbeardtOh, all good now? Haha awesome16:13
TheNH813GPU passthrough? In VMware, plain KVM, or what?16:13
compdocredbeardt, yeah, I never found a use for passthrough. too complicated16:14
Jordan_Uapb1963_: It looks like it's listed, but not labeled very clearly. If you scroll down in the grub menu do you see an entry for "Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-67-generic-pae (on /dev/sdb1)"?16:14
redbeardtcopmdoc: in my case ubuntu decided that my discrete GPU would stop working about 2 weeks ago when they put out some regular ol' updates, so I've been trying to set up passthrough to a vm as a workaround16:15
redbeardtcompdoc* oops16:15
TheNH813Guess I can unplug the Ethernet to WiFi adaptor now. Seems to be working. :D16:15
apb1963_Jordan_U: other than rebooting... is there a way to check?16:15
TheNH813Having n old router flashed to DD-Wrt and set to act as an access bridge is great. XD16:15
PrinceCharminganyone know how I get around 'ping: icmp open socket: Permission denied' in bash on windows?16:16
PrinceCharmingdon't really want to have to elevate my powershell session on the off chance I might want to use something basic like ping16:16
nacc!ubuwin | PrinceCharming16:16
ubottuPrinceCharming: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.16:16
apb1963_Jordan_U: Line 415, 427 and more.  Here's the first one, please search for sdb1 in that paste.  menuentry 'Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (12.04) (on /dev/sdb1)' --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'osprober-gnulinux-simple-8dbfcc40-072f-41a2-bcc1-7ee82509a109' {16:18
A_F_K(clueless)running apt-get upgrade and i'm getting asked about the email service; i don't use it and don't intend to and can't figure out how to x out of it(lol) what do i do16:18
redbeardt.. Anyone know what qemu means when a device driver spits out "Invalid ROM contents", say, for your GPU, into dmesg?16:20
redbeardter shit, nevermind the bit about qemu. I'm trying to ask a general question to get some direction16:20
ikoniaredbeardt: try to control the langauge please16:20
redbeardtikonia: sorry16:20
ikoniaredbeardt: not a problem16:21
naccredbeardt: do you need to pass a romfile for that device?16:22
naccredbeardt: err, ROM image as file16:22
DannyGhoulcan i get some help? i get "destination host unreachable" when i try to ping my gateway on my wifi16:23
redbeardtnacc: Some people have done that to get around my issue. I don't know where to get such a file though.16:23
redbeardtnacc: .. or even what such a file does16:24
ikoniaredbeardt: why dont you give us the exact real problem16:24
ikoniarather than "say for your graphics card" give us the exact real details16:24
apb1963_DannyGhoul: Is your gateway a local address or a WAN address?16:24
naccredbeardt: i think most people get them from https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/16:25
DannyGhoulapb1963_ how do i know that?16:26
BohemusAny way to install ubuntu without a bootloader and just use EFISTUB to boot on an EFI system?16:26
apb1963_DannyGhoul: by the IP address... what is it?16:26
redbeardtikonia, nacc: alright well my GPU is an Nvidia 940m and I want to pass it through to a qemu vm. As far as I can tell the iommu grouping is all good now since qemu no longer complains of it, but qemu complains that it cannot read the device which is my GPU and to check dmesg, wherein vfio-pci states "Invalid ROM contents" for that device16:27
redbeardtnacc: thanks ill take a look16:27
ikoniaredbeardt: ok - so the key thing here is it is a virtual passthrough16:27
DannyGhoul apb1963- : 192.1xx.x.x16:27
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Jordan_UBohemus: The easiest way to accomplish that would just be to allow the installer to install grub, then remove grub-efi-amd64 after installation, and remove the entry created for grub using efibootmgr. You'll need to learn efibootmgr to create entries for your kernel stubs anyway (and you will have to manually created new entries as you get new kernels).16:28
jhutchins_wkredbeardt: I believe that what you actually have is a virtualized GPU provided by XEN.16:28
ikoniawhy would it be provided by xen when he's using kvm ?16:29
ikoniaor qemu even16:29
BohemusJordan_U: That makes sense, good idea. Thanks.16:29
Jordan_UBohemus: You're welcome.16:29
jhutchins_wkikonia: I'm not sure why I assumed xen, but whatever hypervisor he's using.16:29
ikoniajhutchins_wk: so he's just told us that he's using a physical card with a device pass through using qemu16:29
jhutchins_wkikonia: Ok, nevermind, you help him.16:30
ikoniajhutchins_wk: I'm just wondering what you're saying16:30
apb1963_Jordan_U: Not sure if you saw my last message above?16:30
apb1963_DannyGhoul: That's a local address.  So... it should just work.  What is your machine's IP?  Also local?16:31
faekjarzHi! I'm either too stupid or too stubborn to memorize how to use useradd to add a user to secondary groups. I mean it's all about listing the user behind the group in /etc/group, right? Or does useradd _anything_ else?16:32
DannyGhoul apb1963- : yeah also local16:32
ikoniafaekjarz: usermod16:32
ikoniafaekjarz: if you're creating a user, useradd -g and -G16:33
ikoniafaekjarz: man useradd / man usermod16:33
brunch875I'm interested in this question too, since pinging the default gateway gets me no response even though I'm connected to the internet ☺16:33
redbeardtikonia: if you don't mind me asking, what's the alternative to a virtual passthrough, and what makes this virtual?16:33
apb1963_DannyGhoul: you need to verify they're on the same subnet.... the easiest way to do that is to not be paranoid about it and show the addresses. :)16:33
ikoniaredbeardt: so you're giving your machine direct hardware access,16:33
ikoniaredbeardt: however your guest OS must be aware/configured to use this hardware too16:33
ikoniabrunch875: ping is not a valid test16:34
faekjarzikonia: oh, now it's usermod, haha, a'ight :D16:34
ikoniaping is just icmp echo response16:34
ikoniafaekjarz: now ? it's always been useradd/usermod16:34
brunch875how else could you test this?16:34
ikoniauseradd to create a new user, usermod to modify a user16:34
ikoniabrunch875: what are you trying to test ?16:34
Jordan_Uapb1963_: I did, but unforutnately I don't have enough time at the moment to take a close look at your boot info script output. Basically, what you want to check is that all three grub.cfg files listed in the output contain references to bb14697c-8b03-4633-aa43-1ba49abad874 , which is the UUID of your 16.04 partition. If that is the case, then you should be able to boot to 16.04 no matter what grub.cfg16:35
brunch875well... a response from the router really16:35
Jordan_Uis being read at boot. Once booted into 16.04 I would recommend running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=text grub-pc" and configure grub-pc to be installed to sda, sdb, and sdc (but *no* partitions like sda1) so that there is no question of what grub.cfg is in use (16.04's grub and grub.cfg will then be used no matter what drive your BIOS boots from).16:35
DannyGhoul apb1963- : i got 192.168.0.x for both ip and gateway16:35
ikoniabrunch875: for what function ?16:35
ikoniabrunch875: why do you want/need a response from the router ?16:35
brunch875to check if it's actually connected to it16:35
ikoniabrunch875: do you have a valid IP ?16:35
brunch875ifconfig states so16:35
ikoniabrunch875: then you have made a dhcp request and the router has responded16:35
apb1963_Jordan_U: awesome!  Thank you!16:36
brunch875I guess it was a silly question :p16:36
ikoniabrunch875: and you use the dns service16:36
faekjarzikonia: well, maybe it's this distro hopping thing …there are also useradd and adduser (thanks for the tipp)16:36
redbeardtikonia: ohhhh.. the fact is that i'm doing this to attempt to get around an issue wherein ubuntu stopped playing nice with my 940m about 2 weeks back after an update. Since the device is not working properly on the host, is that what prevents it from working properly on the guest?16:36
ikoniafaekjarz: useradd / usermod are the same across every distro16:36
ikoniaredbeardt: if the host can't use it - how do you expect the guest to use it ?16:36
apb1963_DannyGhoul: ok that's good then... so that's not the issue...  Not sure.. wifi is not my expertise.... you'll get better answers in #networking I suspect.16:37
faekjarzikonia: ok, i learned something ;)16:37
DannyGhoul apb1963- :ok i'll try thanx16:37
redbeardtikonia: I hoped there was some sort of magic to this funky intel VT-d tech that would essentially give the vm 'direct access' to the GPU, allowing the vm to handle the device almost entirely.16:38
ikoniaredbeardt: so that is sort of what's happening now16:38
redbeardtikonia: i'm afraid i don't understand your meaning16:41
ikoniaredbeardt: so you are passing through the device directly to the guest16:41
ikoniaredbeardt: the host is just controlling that access16:41
zergovAnybody have slow boot issue using ubuntu 16.04 Gnome ? Here is the log of dmesg (check > line 616 ) http://pastebin.com/aph51sNp16:41
A_F_Khi I was running apt-get upgrade on ubuntu 14.0416:42
A_F_Kand i stopped the upgrade16:42
A_F_Know i'm getting this16:42
A_F_Kroot@server:~# sudo apt-get upgrade16:42
A_F_KE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:42
A_F_KE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?16:42
OerHeks!paste > A_F_K16:43
ubottuA_F_K, please see my private message16:43
ikonia!aptlock | A_F_K16:43
ubottuA_F_K: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:43
zergoverr 790 *16:43
redbeardtikonia: I guess all I can glean from this is that said host-managed-access is not sufficiently removed from controlling the GPU that it can pass through it through and let the vm handle things like drivers16:43
ikoniaredbeardt: what OS are you passing it through to16:44
redbeardtikonia: none yet, i haven't gone ahead to install an OS in the vm yet because of this error16:44
ikoniaredbeardt: where are you getting that error ?16:44
redbeardtikonia: in the terminal from which i run qemu, immediately after qemu starts up16:45
ikoniaredbeardt: is that a fatal error or a warning ?16:45
redbeardtikonia: i suppose it's a warning, it even tells me how to skip the ROM probe with an argument i can pass to qemu16:46
ikoniaok....so you don't care then, what you do care is that the guest OS can use it16:46
Jordan_Uapb1963_: You're welcome :)16:47
zergovAnybody have slow boot issue using ubuntu 16.04 Gnome ? Here is the log of dmesg (check > line 616 ) http://pastebin.com/aph51sNp16:47
redbeardtikonia: hm ok, then i'll go ahead with an install and see how I go! thanks for your help :)16:47
zergovMy boottime is > 30 secd16:47
A_F_Khow do I choose no configuration on Postfix?16:47
zergovIt looks like an issue with xhci_hcd16:48
A_F_KIt's not letting me do anything16:48
ducassezergov: can you pastebin output of 'systemd-analyze blame'?16:48
zergovalright inc16:49
ducasseA_F_K: i don't remember if 'none' is one of the options, but 'local only' is. try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix'16:49
zergovducasse: http://pastebin.com/SRExyTvF there you go !16:50
ducasse!pm | A_F_K16:51
ubottuA_F_K: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.16:51
A_F_Khow do I get past this lol: http://i.imgur.com/DjDfIM8.png16:51
A_F_KI want to select no configuration(if that's what you choose if you don't want the service)16:51
ducasseA_F_K: press 'space' or enter to select ok, then use tab on the next menu.16:51
A_F_Klmao thanks so much16:52
=== DaX_ is now known as Exodious
A_F_Kwould it be better to select Local only or No configuration if I don't want to use the service16:52
ducassezergov: you are right, it seems like a problem with the usb kernel modules. i have no idea how to deal with that on a mac, though.16:52
ducasseA_F_K: if you're not going to use it, select no config. you can change it later if you want.16:53
Exodiousis it possible to install nethunter on ubuntu?16:53
zergovWell, I guess I can deal with it for now, maybe it will get fixed in future release. I had default 16.04 and did not have any issue.16:54
ducassezergov: what kind of mac is this, exactly?16:54
Exodiousnobody knows?16:55
rdnhello boys16:56
zergovducasse: MacBookPro12,116:56
ducassezergov: seems others also have this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/784937/slow-boot-after-update-xhci-hcd-problems16:57
bakirelivedhey, is there anyone that uses cryptsetup here that can help me?16:57
zergovyup, I checked online but I did not found any way to fix the problem :/16:57
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ducassezergov: me neither. have you considered filing a bug? you could link to that page to show others are also affected.16:58
faxnSo i have been using lsblk to get HDD info, however I noticed that after wiping a disk, it's still showing the old allocation data. Whats should I be doing to get current info from drive?16:59
faxnlike partitions, gpt info, filesystem....16:59
zergovducasse: I just found something, I am going to test it first. If it does not work, I will fill a bug.17:01
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Jakey3can someone explain what uids and gids are17:04
apb1963_Jordan_U: I checked the first grub.cfg ... and the uuid is not there.  I don't know what to do from here.17:04
beastwickhi, when doing an install from source with cmake, is it possible to be more specific with where LIB files should go? I can set the prefix to like /usr, but I need the lib files to go into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu17:04
ducasseJakey3: user id and group id17:04
Jakey3ducasse, thanks subuid ?17:05
Jakey3these are child processes ?17:05
Jakey3of the uids?17:06
ducasseJakey3: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages//man5/subuid.5.html17:06
Jakey3np find the man page17:06
zergovducasse: no dice17:07
ducassezergov: ok, then i would file a bug. sine it worked with earlier kernels it is clearly a regression.17:07
zergovducasse: I never opened a bug before .. I just do this on the website ?17:08
zergovIll read this17:08
ducassezergov: 'ubuntu-bug linux-image-generic'17:08
OerHeksregister/login on launchpad :-)17:09
ducassethat, too :)17:09
arno_vous utilisez quoi pour gerer les commentaires?17:26
arno_sorry, wrong channel17:26
apb1963_OK, i have installed 16.04 on /dev/sdb1 ... I used fdisk to change the boot flag from /dev/sda2 to sdb1, as sda2 contains 14.04.  It not only doesn't boot, but it doesn't show in the boot menu.  I tried to follow this link without much luck, my files don't match what's described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch05s01.html#boot-initrd    Some bootscript info:http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150734/  Not sure where to go from17:31
Jakey3i get the following error when i try and create an lxc unprivalleged container17:32
ducasseapb1963_: linux doesn't care about the boot flag, so that does not matter17:32
Jakey3can someone shed some light on it17:32
duckx0rCan someone tell me if you get an SSL error with Chrome or Chrome-based browsers on Ubuntu when going to https://epcreservation.expediapartnercentral.com ? I get an error on Debian.17:33
kraz0r_i need help with a shell file.. i always get an error :( http://pastebin.com/HgEtD2cq    -------------- and this is my log: http://pastebin.com/TggjqkDq17:33
ducasseJakey3: are you a member of lxc group?17:33
Bashing-omapb1963_: " Your search - http://paste.ubuntu.com/23150734 - did not match any documents.17:34
Jakey3let me check17:34
Jakey3duckx0r, on chromium i dont17:34
apb1963_Bashing-om: that's odd... it comes up for me.17:35
duckx0rJakey3, Thanks.17:35
ducasseduckx0r: this is not #debian17:35
apb1963_Bashing-om: perhaps it's because you're searching for it instead of just opening it?17:35
duckx0rducasse, Your point?17:35
ducasseduckx0r: should be obvious.17:35
duckx0rducasse, Not really.17:35
Bashing-omapb1963_: Yeah got it ! /./reading .17:35
duckx0rducasse, I'm wondering if the error occurs in Ubuntu too, or if it's something that occurs only on Debian. That's why I came here.17:36
kraz0r_could someone take a look on my not working shell file? log said syntaxerror row 17 but i dont find it: http://pastebin.com/HgEtD2cq17:40
fomafdlwhats the difference between google-chrome and google-chrome-stable?17:40
apb1963_kraz0r_: I'm guessing this line is missing a closing quote: export qPathToStartScript="/home/steam/steamcmd/steamapps/common/qlds/run_serve$17:41
apb1963_and also a variable to go with the $17:42
duckx0rfomafdl, Stable has been tested more and should be more free of bugs17:42
kraz0r_ty i will take a look17:42
fomafdlmost extensions will support stable?17:43
ducasseapb1963_: that line looks like it was cut off in a bad copy/paste on a too narrow terminal17:43
apb1963_kraz0r_: that's line 9 by the way.17:43
apb1963_ducasse: yes, exactly17:43
fomafdlbecause i'm not really using chrome17:43
fomafdljust downloaded it because some websites doesn't function well in ff :|17:43
MelRayHey everyone is it possible doing a live usb  install to setup LVM to use 2 physical disks which are installed in my desktop?17:43
MelRay*desktop pc*17:44
Jakey3ducasse, they are not17:44
apb1963_kraz0r_: go back to the original you copied it from... take a look at what you deleted by accident... or didn't add properly when you copied & pasted.17:44
Jakey3but i dont see anywhere that they have to be in the ubuntu guide https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html17:45
apb1963_Bashing-om: any revelations?17:45
apb1963_MelRay: I would expect so, but I've never used LVM.  But yeah... that's my understanding of what it's designed to do... among other things.17:46
ducasseJakey3: it was just a guess, i may be thinking of lxd17:46
apb1963_MelRay: A live usb install isn't any different from any other kind of install when it comes to LVM I would expect.17:46
Jakey3ducasse, ok17:47
apb1963_MelRay: If this solution has helped you, please mark it as "Resolved".  :p17:47
apb1963_and vote for it too :)17:47
kraz0r_BIG THX apb1963_ youre the best17:48
apb1963_am I?  am I really?  That's mighty nice of you to say.17:48
faxnafter using dd to wipe disk, how do you verify that the gpt has been removed? lsblk shows old data17:48
MelRayapb1963: Actually I know all of what you said however I'm looking for guidance on how to actually select both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb during the installation of ubuntu so when the ubuntu-vg group gets created it included both of those physical disks..yeah17:49
kraz0r_thank you for youre help, my linux skill arent mighty enough to find this stupid error myself :(17:49
ducasseMelRay: if you want to set up lvm over several disks you should probably install from the server image17:50
MelRayducasse: ubuntu-server you are talking about? I see no options in the gui installer to select both..only one or the other..not sure the server version would be any different other than no gui installer?17:51
ducasseMelRay: trust me, it is quite different, with options to configure lvm and mdadm raid.17:52
SmitH_Hi guys17:52
SmitH_How do I install ubuntu on an USB SSD17:52
Bashing-omapb1963_: What are you able to boot presently ? Were me I would clean up all those old unused kernels, and change the device identifiers " /dev/sdc1 /mnt/d " to UUIDs . the device ID can change ,, the UUID will not change .17:53
fomafdlSmitH_: it's possible to boot from it?17:54
fomafdlif you can boot using it, I think it's the same as everything else17:55
akikSmitH_: you can boot ubuntu off an usb stick or an usb hd17:55
apb1963_Bashing-om: I believe I can boot them all, except for the 16.0417:56
SmitH_akik, shoould I use unetbootin?17:56
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akikSmitH_: how ever you want to create the boot media17:56
akikSmitH_: on windows use rufus, on linux use dd17:57
MelRayducasse: I said nothing about RAID only asking about LVM...and since there would only be two physical disks it would only be Raid 0 which ain't all that great...now if I had 4 physical disks and wanted Raid 10 then that would be different where I get parity/striping and more...17:58
apb1963_Bashing-om: I think the problem might simply be the label  for that menuentry is wrong.17:58
ducasseMelRay: i only mentioned mdadm raid to illustrate that the server installer can do things the desktop installer can't17:58
apb1963_I'm going to try booting that entry now (for 12) and see if 16 comes up.17:59
MelRayducasse: Ahhh got ya..sorry now I see your point17:59
ducasseMelRay: it's a very different beast if you need special disk configuration for example, and lets you do manual package selection too.18:00
akikMelRay: there's the option to create a mirror in lvm18:00
apb1963_Bashing-om: Black screen :(18:01
MelRayducasse and akik thank you I will move that direction then...thanks so much for your help!18:01
Jakey3ducasse, I found out the reason, for some reason using SU misplaces the UID of the original user. So if you ssh in directly as that user it works18:01
Jakey3in the comments18:02
ducasseJakey3: aha, you didn't mention su was involved :)18:03
ducasseJakey3: i can't tell you exactly what happens, though, it's bitten me too in the past.18:04
Bashing-omapb1963_: What you often run into multu booting is a recursion effect in the boot loader . My solition ( I boot 5 'buntu's _ is to only have my primary system controlling boot . All others I have disabled 30_os-prober .18:05
apb1963_Bashing-om: How does one do that?18:07
apb1963_Bashing-om: I can't boot at all now.  I'm getting the infamous Dell reboot cycle and I don't even get to grub.. hell... it's not staying on long enough to even light up the monitor.  Maybe it needs to cool off.18:09
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Bashing-omapb1963_: A lot of time and effort .. ask me ,, been there ,, took me weeks to figure it out . Takes effort to rebuild the grub.cfg of the primary operating system .. In my use case it works very very well .18:10
terribleit is possible make a program run in the background when im in the tty?18:11
ducasseterrible: 'program &'18:12
Bashing-omapb1963_: Have a read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaintenanceFreeCustomGrub2Screen . Cavsfan's solution works really well .18:12
terribleducasse: look what i get [1]+  Segmentation fault      (core dumped) deluge18:13
terribleducasse: the program i want to run is the torrent called deluge18:14
ducasseterrible: are you trying to run this from a console or a terminal window in x?18:14
jhutchins_wkterrible: Client: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient18:16
jhutchins_wkterrible: Service: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/Service18:16
terribleducasse: from the console tty right now im working in the console tty but i want to run the program deluge while i still working in the tty18:16
SchrodingersScatis there a way to clear/wipe the display?  I have some video that has frozen into my x11 and I'd like to learn how to clear that18:17
terriblejhutchins_wk: i need a client for that??18:18
ducasseterrible: deluge is an x program, you need to set up environment variables so it will connect to your x server. it won't run without an x server to connect to. are you thinking of deluged/deluge-cli?18:18
apb1963_Bashing-om: thank you.  that guide is exactly what I was looking for.18:20
terribleducasse: ok it is easy to set up an environment variables for deluge because i not a expert in linux?18:23
ducasseterrible: if x is running, why not just run it from an x terminal window?18:23
terribleducasse: to tell the true sometime i get so lazy to switch to the x server i think deluge & will be my best bet :)18:25
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puchogenzohi guys18:26
L_1hi bro18:26
SmitH_to install a bootable ubuntu on my ssd18:27
SmitH_I just copy the image I would use with dd18:27
ducasseterrible: that's a terrible reason ;) set DISPLAY to your display number, probably :0.0 and XAUTHORITY to point to your .Xauthority file, probably in your homedir.18:27
SmitH_using gnome-disks18:27
akikSmitH_: no you need to create a boot media18:27
akikSmitH_: either an usb stick or a dvd18:28
OerHeksSmitH_, that would only be possible if you have grub installed already, isoboot.18:28
SchrodingersScathmm, locking the screen and unlocking worked, but for how long?18:28
SmitH_so it's possible but not obvious18:28
SmitH_I'm intrigued18:28
ducasseSchrodingersScat: have you tried switching workspaces, or switching to a console and back?18:29
OerHekselse pxe boot18:30
SchrodingersScatducasse: it's a VM if that matters.  I'll try both of those next time.18:30
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ducasseSchrodingersScat: my display gets corrupted by a bug sometimes, switching to console and back fixes it. dunno about vm, those tend to just work...18:31
L_1I need make usb booting ubuntu i386 and amd64... on UEFI and BIOS Legacy in same USB . Possible?18:31
apb1963_SmitH_: See if cp bootimage.iso /dev/sda  where you fill in proper values for device and bootimage.  Not, you copy to /dev/sda NOT /dev/sda1, etc.  Device must NOT be mounted when you copy it.  You can mount it after the copy and verify it by eye.18:32
terribleducasse: lol i now but it is safe to mess around with the environnment variables without having any problem because like a told you before im not a expert here?18:32
SchrodingersScatducasse: originally I thought it was maybe opengl being weird, which it does do strange stuff, like if a video window is behind a terminal emulator then the video shows through.  Tried changing video driver to x11, got rid of that always being visible behind other windows, but still glitched on me, i'll keep you posted18:32
apb1963_SmitH_: sorry... some typos in that.  Let me know if it's not clear.18:33
SmitH_I know how to use dd18:33
ducasseterrible: depends on which variables you mess with, with these two the worst you can do is that it still won't connect to the server.18:33
L_1anyone help me make USB boot both in UEFI and BIOS?18:34
SmitH_I don't know what else I need18:34
sgo11hi, I am just wondering, if I use ecryptfs-setup-private to setup the encryption directory and then remove .ecryptfs/ directory, is that easy to recover?18:34
SmitH_L_1, good luck18:34
L_1SmitH_: kkk18:34
SchrodingersScatsgo11: I wouldn't think so, I think that's where it stores the actual files.  If you did this i would stop touching the disk asap18:34
apb1963_SmitH_: <OerHeks> SmitH_, that would only be possible if you have grub installed already, isoboot.18:35
L_1SmitH_: not possible?18:35
ducassesgo11: no, that would be nearly impossible18:35
apb1963_<OerHeks> else pxe bootSmitH_:18:35
sgo11SchrodingersScat, no, that directory just stores Private.mnt Private.sig etc..18:35
sgo11ducasse, why not? if I know my password.18:35
sgo11SchrodingersScat, the actual encrypted files are stored in ~/.Private18:36
apb1963_so I think my mamaboard might be fried... my monitor doesn't even get a signal anymore18:36
SchrodingersScatoh, k18:36
ducassesgo11: it also has your wrapped passphrase, do you have a copy of your unwrapped passphrase?18:37
sgo11ducasse, I input the unwrapped passphrase by hand, the passphrase is just in my head.18:37
terribleducasse: who wont connect to the server? the program deluge? or what?18:38
ducassesgo11: then i would think you are ok18:38
sgo11I am just wondering how important the files Private.mnt  Private.sig  wrapped-passphrase are. and how to generate them easily.18:38
ducasseterrible: deluged won't connect to the x server18:38
terribleducasse: ok i get it and thank for the help18:40
ducassesgo11: Private.mnt just points to where the ecryptfs should be mounted, it seems18:40
sgo11ducasse, yeah, I am wondering if they can be generated by some commands automatically. there are two lines in Private.sig. I am not sure if the second one is important or not and if the file can be generated.18:42
b100sis it possible to install .rpm by rpm utility on ubuntu 14.04 ?18:44
Bashing-om!alien | b100s18:44
ubottub100s: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !dpkg, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)18:44
ducassesgo11: no idea, sorry. there's a ton of ectptfs-* man pages, and most of them are light on info...18:45
b100sBashing-om, hmm.. let me put out my though: if i have rpm utility on my system, why i cant use it to install?18:47
ducasseb100s: don't install rpm packages as-is, it's a bad idea.18:47
b100sanswer is not supported is not what i expect : ) i mean, what obstacle it?18:47
OerHeksthe rpm's are written for a different branch of linux. next generation snap and flatpack will be both usable18:47
b100srpm is just archive and berkley DB, what can be a problem to use it?18:48
OerHeksdouble orchestra of packagemanagment, great18:48
Bashing-omb100s: could be a lof of reasons why not. maybe 'alien' can not check/resolve dependencies ??18:48
OerHeksit is not supported.18:49
ducasseb100s: why do you want to do this in the first place?18:49
OerHeksyou *can* retrieve files that are not available.18:49
b100ssometimes i want to do thing just because want to do it : )18:49
ducasseb100s: still a terrible idea.18:49
b100sducasse, dont thing so. it can be impossible or hard to do, but still not terrible.18:50
OerHekstry it out with libc :-D18:50
ducasseb100s: if you want to break your system, go ahead. just don't come back here for support when it does.18:50
b100sbut main thing is: i want to understand why. so let go through it step by step. rpm take spec and try to put files to them place. what can be wrong on that step?18:51
OerHeksagain: try it out with libc :-D18:52
ducasseb100s: take this to #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux please, we're here to help people with actual problems.18:52
OerHeksthe error will give a clue18:52
b100sOerHeks, ) ducasse, that is a problem strongly relative to #ubuntu because i want to do "thing" under ubuntu. how important thing is strictly mine decision and you can help or not help, but that place, i think, is right one for ask that kind of question, IMO18:55
ducasseb100s: "sometimes i want to do thing just because want to do it" = "not an actual problem"18:56
OerHeksYes, your decision, but offtopic.18:56
naccb100s: put another way, this is the official ubuntu support channel. What you are describing is not supported. Therefore it is offtopic.18:57
Bashing-omb100s: And you are looking at a bag of worms, that might mislead others .18:57
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Ntemishello guys18:59
b100sducasse, bad, bad guy :) actuality(for me) of problem determined only by me and have no any link with why that problem is born. nacc , that s right, can be a good reason to stop speak about it.18:59
OerHeksagain, you *can* retrieve files from rpm that are not available  as source/deb format. what you do with it, if it works, fine.18:59
Ntemisi just copied 300gb of data into another hdd and i need to make sure everything went ok before i delete18:59
Ntemishow i can do that?18:59
OerHeksNtemis, 33333diff the folders?19:00
OerHeksor likely you would see errors if there is something wrong.19:00
Ntemis33333diff is an app?19:01
adamcanother Mid 2007 MAcbook restored thanks to Ubuntu! :) did not want to throw this laptop out as now this is my media server :)19:01
Bashing-omNtemis: One way is with md5sum verification , See: ' man md5sum ' .19:01
OerHeksoeps > diff19:01
NtemisOerHeks: i saw my data corruption once before evn if they went ok19:01
OerHeksdiff -r <directory1> <directory2>19:01
Ntemisdiff will hash compare every file and dir too?19:02
OerHeksyes, and joey gives the filename compare example http://askubuntu.com/questions/421712/comparing-the-contents-of-two-directories19:02
OerHeksand more filters ..19:02
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Ntemisnice ans easy thanks19:03
Ntemishow long will be for 300gb?19:04
Ntemisjust started the proccess and doesnt have an output19:04
OerHeksdepends, internal/external? or both internal, same drive or dual?19:04
Ntemis1 usb ext other internal19:05
rifanyone here ?19:05
OerHeksblocksize and filesizes .. 5 minutes or so?19:05
Ntemistoo many i can guess19:05
NtemisOerHeks: that was for rif19:05
sgo11ducasse, I think I figured it out. I simply mv .Private to somewhere else. and then run ecryptfs-setup-private again. finally, rmdir .Private and mv my old .Private back. that's all. the .ecryptfs will be created automatically by the command ecryptfs-setup-private.19:06
Ntemisi can see this Only in /media/demetris/wbfs2fat: .Trash-100019:06
Bashing-omNtemis: Where did the external drive get mounted to ? ' mount ' may give a different mount point than "media" ??19:09
NtemisBashing-om: both mounted in /media19:09
ducassesgo11: ok, and it then mounts without problems?19:10
sgo11ducasse, yeah.19:10
pffffffftI'm hitch-hiking a NICE truck to France.19:11
* pffffffft is triggered!19:11
EraUh I need help with OpenJDK 819:15
naccEra: please describe your problem in more detail19:16
EraI installed openjdk-8-jdk to run Minecraft, whenever I try to launch it through the right click context menu however it just doesnt do anything19:17
EraNo entry in htop either19:17
naccEra: can you run it from the terminal and see what, if any, errors it reports (minecraft, i guess)19:18
EraI dont know the command for it, could you tell me what it is please?19:18
naccEra: i don't run minecraft, so I have no idea... where did you install minecraft from?19:18
EraExtracted it from zip19:19
EraIt works plenty fine on my 2nd machine19:19
EraSo its not the file itself, atleast in my opinion19:19
mortidoes it have something like launcher.jar?19:19
EraYes it does.19:19
mortitry running java -jar launcher.jar in the terminal19:19
naccmorti: thanks19:20
EraIt says the program Java can be found in the following packages, then lists a few packages19:20
naccoh you installed the jdk, Era ?19:20
naccyou need the jre, i think19:20
EraI did19:20
Erajre as well19:20
EraI've installed any and all jre packages19:20
mortinacc: no problem :)19:21
ShaggyIncis there any way for the unity launcher to only show apps on the current workspace?19:22
ioriaEra, dpkg -l openjdk-8-jre19:23
naccEra: 16.04, right?19:23
EraYes, 16.0419:23
EraShould I up the output to hastebin?19:24
ioriaEra,  it shows 'ii' ?19:24
ioriaEra,   and you get "the program Java can be found in the following packages" ?19:25
naccEra: could you pastebin taht output and `dpkg -l openjdk-8-jre-headless` ?19:25
naccEra: and does `which java` report anything?19:25
Erawhich java does not report anything19:26
naccEra: and can you pastebin the full ouput from when you tried to run java?19:26
naccah you did :)19:26
ioriaEra,  java --version19:28
mortiDoesn't ubuntu have update-alternatives command, which allows you to set which package you want to use? Maybe this would help?19:28
EraSame as above, Java can be found in packages19:28
mortimaybe just sudo update-alternatives --config java will do19:29
naccEra: `ls -ahl /usr/bin/java` ?19:29
EraNothing to configure19:29
naccmorti: yeah but it shoudl already have been invoked if it needed to be (aiui)19:29
Era`lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Sep  8 23:39 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java19:30
mortinacc: well, it was worth a shot :)19:30
naccEra: ok, what is your $PATH set to ?19:30
naccEra: e.g. `echo $PATH` ?19:30
naccEra: hrm, ok, `ls -ahl /etc/alternatives/java` ?19:32
Era`lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Sep  8 23:39 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/bin/java`19:32
naccah ha19:32
naccok it's odd that update-alternatives didn't see that, though19:33
EraI see the problem19:33
naccmorti: ioria: normally, it should have, right?19:33
EraDerp, I forgot to mention that openjdk-9-jdk install failed because a dpkg error19:33
naccah yes, don't use it19:34
EraI removed it19:34
Erainstalled 819:34
EraI thought it would have been fine -_-"19:34
jhutchins_wkHow can I find out what version of alsa is current on Ubuntu if I don't have an ubutu installation?19:34
ioriaEra, dpkg -l | grep openjdk-9*19:34
ducassejhutchins_wk: packages.ubuntu.com19:34
jhutchins_wkducasse: thx19:34
nacc!info alsa-base xenial | jhutchins_wk19:35
ubottujhutchins_wk: alsa-base (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu5 (xenial), package size 141 kB, installed size 464 kB19:35
Era`rc  openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64          9~b114-0ubuntu1                                             amd64        OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)`19:35
naccjhutchins_wk: or similar if you konw the package name19:35
ioriaEra, from Oraclae ?19:35
EraNo, Havent installed anything oracle yet, only openjdk19:35
naccioria: no, it's in the archive, but doesn't work (iirc)19:35
iorianacc, i see19:36
naccit doesn't release officially until next year anyways19:36
nacci've seen others hit similar problems, though19:36
ioria!info openjdk-9-jre-headless19:36
ubottuopenjdk-9-jre-headless (source: openjdk-9): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless). In component universe, is optional. Version 9~b114-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 230603 kB, installed size 354376 kB19:36
ioriaEra, from the ubu repo ?19:37
naccLP: #158411819:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584118 in openjdk-9 (Ubuntu) "16.04 incorrectly installs openjdk-9 to satisfy java8-runtime dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158411819:37
ioriaEra  sudo apt-get purge  openjdk-9-jre-headless19:37
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Era`dpkg: warning: while removing openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64, directory '/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/lib/amd64/server' not empty so not removed`19:38
gabriel_awestay the f away of jdk919:38
gabriel_aweit crashes a lot of stuff19:38
EraYea well I didnt know that -_-""19:38
gabriel_awehonestly even 8 hurts19:39
EraHow am I supposed to run minecraft then...19:39
gabriel_aweThe issue is that they deprecated some stuff in the last versions, but instead of dealing with the exeptions the programs simply crash and burn19:39
gabriel_aweinstall 719:39
gabriel_aweyou shouldn't note much of a difference19:39
Era7 isnt in the repo tho?19:39
gabriel_aweyes it is19:39
gabriel_aweeven 6 is in the repo19:39
ioriaEra,  la -al19:39
ioriaEra,  la -al /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/lib/amd64/server19:40
Erait only shows me 8 and 919:40
ioriaEra,   sorry, ls -al /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/lib/amd64/server19:40
gabriel_awedu an aptitude search jdk19:40
gabriel_awethen unisntall the 9 and install the 7 or 619:40
naccgabriel_awe: 16.04 doese not have 6 or 719:41
gabriel_aweI'm running 16.04 with 619:41
gabriel_aweAnd I did it all with aptitude19:41
nacc!info openjdk-6-jre xenial19:41
ubottuPackage openjdk-6-jre does not exist in xenial19:41
nacc!info openjdk-7-jre xenial19:41
ubottuPackage openjdk-7-jre does not exist in xenial19:41
naccgabriel_awe: are you usinga  PPA?19:41
gabriel_aweyep xD19:41
gabriel_awesorry ! My bad19:42
naccgabriel_awe: np :)19:42
EraPosted the output of ls -al19:42
ioriaEra,  try to mv that file ... if no avail restore it19:42
gabriel_aweI would add the ppa, remove the 9 and then install the 719:43
gabriel_aweit's what I did and the .jar woek perfect19:43
Erashould I try to move just the classes.jsa or the whole OpenJDK 9 dir?19:44
gabriel_aweSorry, gotta run, but that should work. Otherwise open the configuration of the file and comment the line that is giving you trouble (seems to wrk depending on th issue)19:44
ioriaEra,  just the file19:44
EraNow what?19:45
ioriaEra,  purge again19:45
Eranot installed, so not removed19:45
ioriaEra,  no other errors ?19:45
=== MarkusDB1 is now known as MarkusDBX
EraShould I try running MC again?19:46
ioriaEra,  apt-cache policy openjdk-9-jre-headless19:46
ioriaEra,  apt-cache policy openjdk-8-jre-headless19:48
daku_hopefully a quick question: what level of black magic would I need to use to know why databases don't show up in "show databases". I KNOW there are wordpress databases there but they seem to not be showing up. (Website works so I know they're there)19:48
ioriaEra,  java --version19:48
EraSame as before19:49
EraJava can be found in following packages etc19:49
ioriaEra,  which java19:50
Erano output19:50
naccdid the alternative get updated?19:52
EraIt did not19:52
EraShould I do it manually19:52
Erawould rm'ing `/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/bin/java` break more than fix?19:53
ioriaEra,  /usr/bin/java19:53
ioriaEra,  ls /usr/bin/java19:53
ioriaEra,  ls -l /usr/bin/java19:54
=== mike_ is now known as Guest37490
Era`lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Sep  8 23:39 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java`19:55
mstfhi everybady19:56
ioriaEra,  java -version19:56
naccso i'm guessing because i got distracted, but i think /etc/alternatives/java need to be updated to point to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java19:56
Erasame as before19:56
mstftuk var mi19:56
EraShould I remove /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/19:57
Guest37490il aurait un canal irc sure hexchat ubuntu ou d autre canal francais je vient seulement de commencer ici lol19:57
ioriaEra,  sudo update-alternatives --config java19:57
ioriaEra,  maybe purge 8 as well, and install default-jre20:00
EraUh, Okay20:00
ioriaEra,  java -version20:02
Erainstalling default-jre, a sec20:02
Erathis will take a while20:02
Eramy net isnt the best out there20:02
ioriaEra,  you're not 32 bit right ?20:04
EraNo, 64bit20:04
squigdeath to 32 bit20:06
Eraioria, Done20:09
ioriaEra,  java -version20:09
elisa87can someone help me with this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39398918/postgresql-9-4-ubuntu-15-10-could-not-load-pg-hba-conf?noredirect=1#comment66124666_3939891820:09
EraUh Hastebin isnt loading so20:09
Erait returns stuff now20:09
MonkeyDustelisa87  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue20:10
ioriaEra,  it's ok20:10
elisa87MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 15.10 \n \l20:10
EraIt works now?20:10
MonkeyDustelisa87   is dead, that'qs why nothing works20:10
ioriaEra,  which java20:11
ioriaEra,  seems ok20:11
EraLook at that, it launched20:11
EraThanks for all the help20:11
elisa87MonkeyDust: why it doesn't work?20:12
ioriaEra,  good, have fun20:12
MonkeyDustelisa87  because 15.10 is !eol20:12
ubottuforzanapoli76: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:12
k1lelisa87: upgrade to 16.04 asap20:12
MonkeyDust!15.10 > elisa8720:13
ubottuelisa87, please see my private message20:13
=== sfb is now known as swant
=== swant is now known as sfb
Arexsshey guys is there any of you that passed the comptia security+?20:24
gzooI created a Link to a shell script in a subfolder under my $HOME. If I place the Link on my desktop and run it it runs in the wrong folder so it won't work20:29
gzoo(runs on Desktop instead of the $HOME/subfolder)20:30
pffffffftdo you know what I hate most about negros (including sand niggers and hispanics) and homosexuals? Their tendencies to rape, kill and steal. This is because of their low IQ and their lack of foresight. Women and niggers are at the same level intellectually and are inferior in every way. That's why the jews and the dirty white racist male pigs are trying to mix racially.20:30
Arexsshey guys is there any of you that passed the comptia security+?20:58
MonkeyDustArexss  that's for #ubuntu-offtopic21:00
megaJohnNoobish Question: So far I've only installed packages (on to you ubuntu) from the default ubuntu repository. However, for my academic work, I really want to install Mendeley -- commonly used software. Is this wise??21:02
GibbsHi, I'm having an issue with Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS21:25
silvianHi Gibbs21:26
GibbsCould anyone help me figure out the problem? The server stays up, but my website goes down for a period of a few to 15 minutes.21:26
silvianwhat's the issue?21:26
silvianok what webserver or servlet container do you use?21:27
silvianwhich version?21:27
GibbsHold on21:27
silviananything weird in the error logs?21:28
silvianusually in apache home /logs/error.log21:28
silvianor access.log21:28
GibbsI had an issue ever since the server had some maintenance and I thought it was just that they're doing something, but now they've been done for over a week and there's still random unresponsiveness to the website.21:28
Elvis4357f**k i got a blue screen21:29
silvianyeah that is weird21:29
GibbsThat's the thing, I didn't see anything strange there. Except a blank space during that time.21:29
k1lGibbs: running out of ram? does the server hardware has issues? did you look at syslog in /var7log ?21:30
silviani'm thinking what does your usual server runtime process activity look like21:30
silvianhave a look at top21:30
GibbsLet me double check that log21:30
silvianor install htop which is quite nice21:30
mikodoI've decided on using ubiguity to encypt the drive (dm-crypt) for my next install, (first time). Does anyone know if ubiquity allows for minimizing the size of Swap?21:31
* Elvis4357 slaps cadeskywalker around a bit with a large trout21:32
silviani wonder Gibbs if your server's free memory is running low21:33
GibbsLooks like it ran this at the time of crash: cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly21:33
silvianor there are more processes taking up CPU time21:33
GibbsMemory usage is only 8%21:33
GibbsSystem load 0.3521:33
silvianno that can't be the issue then21:33
silvianeverything seems fine21:33
silvianyou only have to start to worry if system load goes over 5.021:34
silvianand stays above 5.021:34
GibbsHmm I checked and another cron hourly job ran around a different "crash" time. The server stays up, but website crashes.21:35
silvianwhat exactly is that cron job doing i wonder21:36
silvianhave a look at that... why does that job run?21:37
GibbsCMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)21:38
GibbsThat was in cron.log21:38
veil__Hello all, having a small dependency/candidate issue. Here's the link to my problem posted on reddit since I can't fully post here, if you can help please PM21:38
OerHeksveil__, i don't do pm, 14.10 is EOL, dead21:39
silviancan you see your crontab?21:39
veil__Sorry, new to linux. Come back alive and explain lmfao.21:39
Gibbssure, hold on21:39
OerHeksupgrade 14.10 > 15.04 > 15.10 > 16.04 LTS... or just reinstall21:39
silviando you have access to the crontab to see exactly what is scheduled21:39
OerHeksveil, good troll, succes21:39
GibbsI was just looking at it and I changed it because it was running a php script but the directory was wrong21:39
silvianok and you don't have other cron jobs running as other users on teh system or as root that coincide with the time of the crashes no?21:40
Gibbs1 2 * * * sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php "/home/folder/public_html/another_folder/cron.php" "password"21:40
silvianif it does something super intensive and hogs up all the resources in that time it could slow down your site hosting21:41
GibbsI do have an SQL backup script running every night21:41
GibbsBut the crashes happen at random times21:41
silvianyeah no that's not it21:41
GibbsEven during daytime21:41
GibbsSeems totally random21:41
silvianyeah it is21:41
GibbsBut luckily been mostly at night21:41
silviani would keep an eye and maybe record access logs for a week perhaps21:42
silvianthen grep through them for matchin re occuring ip addresses21:42
GibbsI ran crontab -e to check the cron jobs, is there a possibility there's more somewhere else?21:42
GibbsI have access logs running all the time21:43
silvianyeah it depends what user you use crontab for21:43
Gibbsas root21:43
silvianyou can say sudo su && crontab -l for root21:43
silvianif you are root21:43
silvianthen you can say crontab -l -u user21:43
silvianto see other user's cron jobs on the system21:43
GibbsOk, looks like nothing else on only user either21:44
veil__I've tried to update, and it wont fetch and I have ubunutu  hard installed, will I have rewrite on partition?21:44
silviananyway i was saying the guys i was helping with site hosting... i noticed someone attempted a DDoS type attack and the frequent reoccurance of about 4-5 IP addresses was an indication of something nasty. They kept hitting the page up to 50 times in a minute on average. But luckily it wasn't enough to take the site down, was just running slower.21:45
GibbsI'm checking the access log21:45
k1lveil__: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?21:46
dStructveil__: that error looks like it's for trying to install on Debian?21:46
GibbsHmm, ok21:46
k1lveil__: 14.10 is dead long time.21:46
k1ldead over a year now.21:47
veil__Not sure exactly what you mean? Should wipe and install 16. whatever then?21:47
k1lveil__: your only chance now is doing 3 OS upgrades to 16.04 or install 16.04 over the 14.10.21:47
dStructveil__: you should be able to apt-get dist-upgrade to the most current version usually21:47
k1ldStruct: veil__ ubuntu doesnt use apt-get to upgrade to a new ubuntu release21:47
veil__didn't work.21:47
veil__tried earlier.21:48
k1lveil__: the fastest solution is to do a reinstall of 16.0421:48
veil__Okay, I can install over old part. right?21:48
veil__no problems?21:48
GibbsThere's many IP addresses during the time of the issue, but the same one's are accessing many files when the website loads, that's all. I don't see something alarming...21:49
k1lveil__: yes21:49
dStructk1l: when did apt-get dist-upgrade stop being an option?21:49
veil__Okay, just making sure. Thanks I'll go do that now.21:49
k1ldStruct: right from the start? ubuntu uses update-manager on gui or do-release-upgrade on cli21:49
dax(not right from the start, but it was like a decade ago)21:50
Gibbssilvian: Nothing strange in access log afaik. Is there any other log or anything else I could check to find out what happened?21:50
dStructk1l: dunno, I've always used sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, but maybe that won't go past the version I'm currently on, I'll have to check that21:50
k1li am not sure about the first ubuntus.21:50
ultrixxhi! anyone with a 4k monitor here? i would like to know if ubuntu ui/fonts look good on a 4k monitor21:51
k1ldStruct: that method with changing the sources.list will still work since apt wokrs with that. but ubuntus upgrader do handle the PPAs etc. so that is the supported ubuntu way.21:51
dStructk1l: ahh gotcha, ok then that makes sense21:52
slicktuxyo know poquito espanoll21:55
janopinedame too21:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:55
nuno_nuneshi goodnigt for all :)21:55
janopinedaafter here21:56
silvianGibbs: hmm the only other thing i could think of is whatever web framework you are using21:56
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:56
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。21:56
silvianif your web application has other logs outside of apache21:56
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:56
Gibbssilvian: For example, Expressionengine?21:57
silvianGibbs: not familiar with it... is it a PHP based framework?21:58
GibbsIt's a CMS based on PHP21:58
Gibbssilvian: Do you think this could have to do with updating PHP?21:58
silvianah right similar to Joomla, Wordpress etc21:58
silvianoh hold on21:59
silviandidn't think of that21:59
silvianwhich PHP version are you running21:59
silvianand are you running apache 2.2.22 with the right php modules for that version?21:59
silvianwhen you update PHP you need to update php modules21:59
silvianaccordingly and re build apache with the correct module22:00
silvian5.3.10? that is ancient :P22:00
Gibbssilvian: I only ever ran "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"22:00
ranyI use Sophos for my servers, is that a good choice?22:00
Gibbssilvian: Well, my code might be ancient too...22:00
silvianreally and they don't offer you a later version than 5.3?22:00
silvianfrom apt-get22:01
Gibbssilvian: I'm afraid my code might stop working if I update22:01
Gibbssilvian: let me see22:01
ranyIt is a paid product BTW22:01
ranyNot open-source like the community likes it, but I think it is good.22:02
Gibbssilvian: no, they don't offer any newer version22:02
ranyDoes anyone think my option was a bad one?22:02
silvianGibbs: yeah fair enough22:02
silvianbut whatever version they offer it should be the stable22:02
ranyShould have i just setup a cron and used clamav instead?22:02
silvianit is weird22:03
Gibbsyeah :/22:03
silvianmy only concern is Expressionengine and the databse it uses22:03
silvianassuming it uses one22:03
silvianif the connection between that and the db drops for whatever reason22:04
silvianthat could stop expression engine from service the pages then22:04
silvianand it wouldn't be apache's fault and it wouldn't show up in the error logs22:04
GibbsIt uses SQL22:04
Gibbssilvian: Oh, but no22:06
silvianif you installed MySQL from apt-get then i reckon there should be logging in /var/log/mysql/22:06
silvianwhat sort of log files do you have there?22:06
Gibbssilvian: I have a separate "system" running that's just pure PHP and not through Expressionengine and that doesn't work either.22:06
silvianyou mean separate virtual hosts service different web content22:07
Gibbssilvian: Yes, I checked the logs now but they're empty.22:07
silvianand they both suffer from same issue during the same time it happens22:07
Gibbssilvian: No, same host but not Expressionengine. Just PHP.22:07
silvianyeah mysql log files probably log only errors and they get rolled over quickly22:08
Gibbssilvian: Yeah22:08
Gibbssilvian: Both suffer from the issue22:08
Gibbssilvian: There's lots of .gz files in mysql logs, but I have no clue how to read them.22:08
silvianyeah so apache server here is doing something... that or the combination of apache version and php version you're running22:09
silvianoh they are gzip22:09
Gibbssilvian: The .log are empty22:09
silvianthey get rolled over and archived22:09
silvianyou have to run22:09
Gibbssilvian: Hmm ok22:09
silviangunzip your.gz file22:09
silvianto unzip it22:09
silvianthen you can do maybe view file.log22:09
Gibbssilvian: Weird. I did, but .log.1 is empty as well22:10
Gibbssilvian: And .222:10
silvianlog for what22:10
naccsilvian: you can just use `zless` fwiw22:10
Gibbssilvian: Yes, error.log22:11
silvianyeah so that's not been loggin any erros22:11
geniinacc: Beat me to it, was going to mention that and zcat22:11
Gibbssilvian: Mysql log is empty as well22:11
Gibbssilvian: log.1 I mean22:11
Gibbssilvian: And .222:12
=== Wicaeed_ is now known as Wicaeed
Gibbssilvian: Wonder why it's making these gzips if the logging is disabled...22:12
silvianno its not disabled but it hasn't logged any errors22:12
silvianso it zipped empty log files during the scheduled process22:13
Gibbssilvian: Anyway, should I do some checking about PHP and Apache?22:13
silvianGibbs: I would try perhaps to post a question on Stack overflow22:13
silvianor similar forums22:13
silvianwith exact version of PHP and apache22:13
Gibbssilvian: Hmm, ok good idea22:13
silvianand the php module installed22:13
silvianand see if someone else experienced similar issues22:13
silvianmaybe mention the CMS framework you're using22:14
Gibbssilvian: How do I see the modules? I have practically 0 experience on Linux22:14
silvianwe ran through the obvious steps here to try to find the root cause here22:14
silvianGibbs: there is usually a php.ini file22:15
silvianlet me remember where its located.. usually under /usr/local22:15
silvianor /usr/share/lib22:15
silvianhmm no ubuntu it says its in /etc/php5/apache222:16
silvianif there is such a directory on your system22:16
silviantry that first22:16
squintyinstall mlocate -> locate php.ini  in terminal22:16
silvianor try what squinty suggested yeah22:16
GibbsYep, found it22:16
Gibbsat /etc/php5/apache222:17
silvianyeah do view php.ini22:17
silvianthen in view you can use the /22:17
silvianto search keywords22:17
silvianlike apache22:18
silviansee what modules it has22:18
silvianto escape from view22:18
silvianyou press escape then : and then q22:18
silvianhit enter22:18
GibbsI'm using nano22:18
GibbsBut anyway22:18
silvianor yeah cool22:18
silvianwhichever you love the most :D22:18
GibbsThis file is huge22:19
silvianyeah all modules extensions and their configurations  should be in there22:20
Gibbssilvian: Should I search for extensions?22:21
Gibbssilvian: I found module settings22:21
silvianyeah that will give you the path to each extension22:22
silvianif they have ; before exension= whatever22:22
silvian; is comment in php.ini22:22
silvianso that means that line is commented out22:23
silvianwhich means that module is not enabled22:23
silvianso you can disregard those with ;22:23
GrorcoHi can you have ubuntu act as a wireless ap and a server at the same time?22:23
silvianAnyway Gibbs hopefully this has been somewhat helpful and will get you the information you need when posting a question on stack overflow and get nearer to the root cause here.22:24
GrorcoI want to make a login page for the wireless ap, but last night I noticed I couldn't share a folder with samba22:25
Gibbssilvian: Yeah, I think this really helped to get to the bottom of this. I really appreciate it mate.22:25
silvianIts a tricky one and it might not be a single component here causing the issue but a combination of the things you run together22:25
silvianGibbs: No problem... glad we can help a bit :)22:25
Gibbssilvian: Yeah probably. So strange it started suddenly after over 1 year of no problems...22:25
tomreynwhat Gibbs  needs is better monitoring22:25
silvianyeah somethig has changed22:26
Gibbstomreyn: You're probably right, any suggestions on what to use?22:26
Gibbssilvian: Must've been something about server config when they did maintenance or maybe I happened to run updates around the same time.22:27
silvianbe it verion of php or new module installed or perhaps upgrading php but without the right module installed and running in apache. Could be combination of reasons here.22:27
tux_Hey guys .. just installed Ubuntu Trusty on a old computer (AMD Turion64) .. ubuntu shows to run smoothly which is cool but NetworkManager shows only WEP encription for me, not WPA ..  I dont think this is a HW limitation, I'm trying to get it updated after this fresh install but any idea?22:27
silvianGibbs: or server config in other places yeah22:27
silvianits a tough one to nail down you have to think of even changes over time22:28
silviansilly question... but was apache restarted after the php update? :P22:28
Gibbssilvian: True, I think it's not an easy issue... Was thinking of trying to move to another server, but not sure if that would help at all.22:28
tomreynGibbs: munin or http://my-netdata.io/ ... or one of the many others ;)22:28
Gibbssilvian: Yes, several times, most recently today.22:28
silvianyeah cool22:29
silvianthe only thing crossing my mind is that apache will not pick up latest module configs/installs unless it is rebooted22:29
silvianso it will run with old ones precached in mem22:29
Gibbstomreyn: Thanks, I'll check those out22:29
Skiphi guys22:30
Gibbssilvian: Ah, I see. I did reboot the whole server after update though.22:30
Skipnew here, just trying out hex22:30
GibbsThanks for all your help guys, I'll try to figure something out.22:30
silvianGibbs: yeah maybe upgrading to latest Ubuntu 16.04 LTS might give you access to latest apache/php but again be mindful if you're running old code/framework that could have other impact on backwards compatibility/support. You'll have to check the php support pages and release docs to see.22:30
GibbsThanks silvian22:30
Skipwhat server u using gibbs22:30
silvianGibbs: You're welcome :)22:31
GibbsSkip: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS22:31
Skipim on 14.0422:31
Skipstudying fir lfCS22:32
GibbsSilvian: Yeah I'm afraid it will wreck my code. Seems more logical at this point to keep this release.22:32
silviantoo right :)22:32
GibbsOk, cheers guys. Maybe I'll be back someday and let you know how it went.22:32
Skipanybody here taken that test22:32
silviancool :)22:34
=== Xi0N is now known as Xi09
Surfer2010Is there a ubuntu picture server which can write tags to the file itself instead of writing it to a database?22:40
tux_has anybody already seen this issue? Fresh Trusty, network manager shows only WEP encryption ?22:41
k1ltux_: is it a very old wifi card?22:41
daxif the card supports wpa, my next guess would be broken wpa_supplicant install/integration22:42
tux_it's old, a turion64 laptop .. it's back from 2010 ..22:42
daxno idea how to diagnose it tho22:42
LukeLRbut it should support wpa if it's from 201022:43
tux_not that old tough22:43
LukeLRespecially if you have used wpa on it before22:43
LukeLRmaybe you should re-install wpa_supplicant22:43
tux_its a fresh install running updates now.. lets see if once done, it fixes22:43
k1ltux_: can you show the line in lspci that is that wifi card?22:44
tux_ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros ar242x / ar542x Wireless network adapter (pci-express) (rev 01)22:48
Grorcoanyone know how to share a file from a ubuntu computer setup as a wireless ap?22:52
Om4rSinC4rapeople join and quit....  nothing else.22:52
k1ltux_: you can run "nm-tool" and see what wireless properties the hardware and driver offer22:53
k1l!quietirc | Om4rSinC4ra22:53
ubottuOm4rSinC4ra: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages22:53
gde33how configure ubuntu to focus applications when things are send there?22:55
gde33like if I open an url/torrent/video/textfile etc I would want to be looking at it22:56
tux_Grorco, what kind of share? File share, I use samba ... media stream, can't remember the name I was using, but there's lots of options23:16
tux_minidlna, that's what I used to use23:17
mennohi guys23:24
menno find /STORAGE2/TV -print -type f -mtime +2 -delete | grep -i '.*[.]torrent'23:24
mennowould this delete two days old torrent files or more? :D23:24
daxno, it would delete every file older than 2 days in that directory23:24
mennooh fuck23:24
mennohow should the command be?23:25
daxyou probably want the -name or -iname tests for find, see man find23:25
Bashing-ommenno: Great tutorial on find: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind .23:34
menno@dax also in subdirs?23:37
menno find /STORAGE2/TV -print -type f -mtime +2 -delete | grep -i '.*[.]torrent'23:37
naccmenno: i think you are misapprehending what the grep is doing23:38
naccmenno: find will finish (including the delete) for each file found before outputing to the pipe23:38
naccmenno: what do you think the grep is doing?23:39
mennoHmm first idea was to select it, but I know it will only show a list , a selection of what is generated lets say by the find command23:40
mennoso the find would return every file in that dir /STORAGE2/TV (no subdirs?) that are older than 2 days....23:40
mennoand than grep would give me some verbose output of files that fill the requirement of *.torrent23:41
mennoout of all the files that are deleted23:41
mennowhich isnt what I wanted :)23:41
mennoI just try to grasp now23:41
mennowhat I deleted....23:41
naccmenno: find will recurse the path you provide, so it does include subdirs23:42
mennoso i deleted quite some stuff....23:42
mennoI did break it off by a ctrl c23:42
mennobut still23:42
mennoall files in subdirs were aged >2 days so23:43
naccmenno: it's hard to say, you deleted anything htat could be found under /STORAGE/TV that was 2 days old or more23:43
mennobut not folders right?23:43
mennoI did give it a -type f23:43
naccmenno: yes, any file, sorry23:43
mennoso to see what I deleted23:43
mennoI still see empty dirs...?23:43
naccmenno: um, how can you see what you deleted?23:43
naccmenno: you deleted it23:44
mennonot the dirs...23:44
mennoso i see empty folders23:44
mennoif I understand correctly23:44
naccdo you see empty folders? that doesn't seem like a question for me?23:44
naccmenno: you won't be able to see what was deleted with a find command using a find command, as the files are now deleted.23:45
mennoI know but since I used -type f23:45
mennoI haven deleted any folder23:45
mennojust its contents in files aged >2 days23:45
mennoSo lets say I had / STORAGE2/TV/LALA/thisfileisolderhtan2.days23:46
mennoI wouldnt be able to find traces of /thisfileisolderthan2.days23:46
mennobut I would still see the folder /STORAGE2/TV/LALA23:46
naccmenno: agreed.23:47
mennoi got it23:48
mennoI did a ls -ltr23:48
mennodrwxrwxrwx  2 root root  4096 Sep  9 01:07 Welcome.to.Rio23:48
mennoI lost a great docu23:48
mennobut thats it !23:48
mennothank god23:48
mennowhat do you think about this try23:49
mennofind /STORAGE2/TV/*/*/ -name *.torrent -mtime +2 -type f -delete23:49
mennohope this fixes my previous error :D23:49
nacci would suggest you stop passing -delete until you know you are only `find`'ing the files you care about23:49
Grorcotux_, samba doesn't work :( I'm not sure if its because I'm using the laptop as an ap or what23:49
linuxperiaHi all. I have xenial ubuntu bootstraped os and every time i try to use nmcli network manager to establish a connection my dns somehow is not working or better not changing to my desired dns name servers aka no mater what i do in /etc/network/interfaces /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf or /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf nothing changes the dns servers from to  I kindly ask anyone to please help me with this very str23:50
linuxperiaange dns problem everytime i use nmcli to establish a connection! thank you in advance for any help!23:50
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Jordan_Ulinuxperia: Having your DNS server set to just means that you're using dnsmasq, which is itself likely correctly using
OverDose1server irc.efnet.org23:59

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