
flocculantochosi: not able to use that ppa, it fails here with "The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/yuri-sucupira/thunar1.6.10-fix/ubuntu yakkety Release' does not have a Release file." not seen that before06:19
flocculantdon't know if bluesabre got further last night06:19
flocculantinstalled the deb files for the moment06:22
flocculantochosi bluesabre - so doing https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12264#c32 I still see the bug here, pretty much immediately06:25
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12264 in core "Crash when renaming single file in folder" [Major,New]06:25
Unit193Just means it hasn't been updated for yuk.06:30
flocculantUnit193: ok06:30
flocculantif it worked was going to ask testers to test, but as it doesn't nothing lost06:31
Unit193I was going to review the packaging, but then figured that'd be effort.06:31
flocculantcould check in xenial I guess06:31
flocculantgah - that wants a kernel upgrade too06:34
flocculantalmost immediately fails here to06:40
Unit193flocculant: Set it to details view, click an item, then click a second item.  Does it select the second item?06:40
flocculantback in yak already :p06:41
Unit193It's OK, that's only reproducable on one host for me.06:41
flocculantbut yes in yak - selects what you expect it to06:41
flocculantnot seen that ever btw06:42
Unit193knome: Left a gem for you. :P08:32
Unit193bluesabre: Don't forget to push?10:38
bluesabreUnit193, ?10:38
bluesabreUnit193, I think what happened there... is that I didn't have push rights to the branch or something10:40
Unit193bluesabre: Should, I have them due to x-dev.10:40
bluesabrenope, thats def. not the case10:40
bluesabregot some commits in there :D10:40
bluesabreno idea10:41
bluesabrejust a slacker it seems ;)10:41
Unit193I was going to do a .10 upload, but don't want to push until things are fixed (and the uncommitted fix isn't removed)10:42
ochosibluesabre: also: https://code.launchpad.net/~glolol/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/fix-pkexec-shebang/+merge/30432110:44
bluesabreUnit193, I'll get the branches up to date now10:47
Unit193lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings: http://paste.openstack.org/show/qBGmk0kwSmIcd9OfnWsO10:47
ochosithanks you guys10:47
bluesabreand greeter-settings possibly tonight10:48
bluesabrenoticed some things in there I wanted to fix anyway :)10:48
ochosibluesabre: so update on the headerbar visual nuisance in 16.10:10:49
ochosii'll check whether i can get patches into ubuntu to set a new style class on those headerbars to identify them as toolbars without breaking other DEs10:50
ochosiand then i'll also submit a PR to light-themes so that ubuntu gets some benefit for merging my patches10:50
ochosiand then we'll have them look like regular toolbars10:50
ochosii hope i manage to do that for 16.10, since after next week i'll be afk for two weeks10:50
ochosiuntil the end of september10:50
bluesabreochosi, that sounds promising10:50
ochosishouldn't be too hard though, i just need to get around to it10:50
bluesabrexenial branch is updated https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/xenial10:54
ochosiuif is around the corner...11:02
Unit193Real wallpaper time?11:03
bluesabreyakkety branch is updated https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/yakkety11:04
bluesabreknome probably has some dazzling wallpaper to knock us off our feet for 16.1011:05
flocculantochosi: what like in about a few hours :p11:09
ochosiyeah i know :]11:09
ochosiwe'll likely need some UIFe11:09
flocculantmmmm - will that taste as good as TOffee ?11:09
flocculantor should that be TOFFEe11:10
ochosiso when knome is not around, you're the joker11:11
bluesabreprobably SAFe to say its not as good11:11
flocculantochosi: someone has to do it :p11:12
flocculantwhile ochosi bluesabre are both here - tried the patched thunar - no change here11:12
bluesabresaw that, haven't tested it myself11:13
flocculantk 11:13
ochosik, thanks flocculant 11:13
bluesabrecould be it fixes a bug and reveals yet another (like every other thunar fix before)11:13
ochosiyeah, possible11:13
ochosianyhow, gotta run11:13
flocculantI did see the comment a while back on that bug - which is why I commented then11:13
flocculantcya later11:13
knomei have some wallpaper planned, but yeah, i think we'll go with the UIFe...11:15
Unit193ochosi: Good to upload artwork?21:54
ochosii think so, since knome doesn't have the wallpaper ready and i haven't really pushed anything noteworthy to the icons...21:55
ochosibtw, has jbicha meanwhile uploaded a new greybird to yakkety?21:55
ochosianyway, time to get some sleep21:58
Unit193!info greybird-gtk-theme21:58
ubottugreybird-gtk-theme (source: greybird-gtk-theme): grey GTK+ theme from the Shimmer Project. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.20.0-1 (yakkety), package size 502 kB, installed size 3671 kB21:58

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