
=== teej is now known as Guest4584
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snypzhello all07:10
=== matt_ is now known as madacoo
konradosMorning :)09:26
konradosIf I wanted to remove all php5x packages, how would I do it? Like sudo apt-get remove --purge ... and then what?09:27
hateballkonrados: php5*, but that could break much09:28
konradoswhy hateball ?09:29
hateballwell if other things are depending on php509:29
hateballkonrados: anyhow, you'll be able to review the list of what is being removed before doing so09:30
lordievaderYou'd see that. Check the list of all the things it wants to remove.09:30
konradosWhat I want is to have both 5.6 and 7.0 and one machine, hateball, lordievader - someone suggested this: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php so I'd bring the 5.6 back. The thing is, I now know I have to remove 5.6 first (it's from another repo) - but you say it will want to remove things which depend on 5.6? Well, I would see that, OK, but I wanted to create a bash script, to help other ppl doing this :)09:33
konradosOK, so I did not use the php5* concept, but rather apt-get remove --purge php5 it said it removed "php5 (5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.19)" but when I list installed packages it still shows a lot of php5 - related ones, like "php5-curl" am I supposed to remove them by hand? Btw - I'm gonna install 5.x again, from a different repo though10:06
konradoshateball lordievader ^10:07
lordievaderkonrados: If nothing else depends on it 'apt-get autoremove' should remove it.10:07
konradosIt removed only one of them, so something depends on them? Is there a way I can see what? Maybe they depend on each other, like php-intl depending on php5-common?10:10
konradoslordievader, this ^ plus "objdump -p usr/bin/git | grep php5-common" gives me "no such file"10:13
lordievaderapt-cache can tell you that.10:15
AceKingQuestion: Every time I restart my PC, I keep getting a notification to install extra packages for Flash. When I click OK to install, and put in my password, I get a message, An error occurred while applying changes: If I click "Details" nothing shows. How can I fix this?10:22
hateballAceKing: if you want to install flash manually to get the notifier to shut up: sudo apt install flashplugin-installer10:23
hateballnote that that only pulls in an ancienct 11.2 npapi plugin for firefox10:24
konradosthanks lordievader , it worked10:24
AceKinghateball: Thanks10:29
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest49983
konradosHello again. There is a bug in older versions of Apache2 ( https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=791902   ), they already fixed it. but in ubuntu trusty, which I have, and right now can't upgrade, in repos there is the older, buggy version, of Apache. I'd like > 2.4.17 - how can I do this? Somehow manually?11:07
ubottuDebian bug 791902 in apache2 "libapache2-mod-php5.postinst: 291: [: !=: unexpected operator" [Important,Fixed]11:07
soee_konrados: better to ask on #ubuntu11:10
soee_as this package is not maintained by kubuntu11:10
konradossoee_ ok, I'll try, thanks11:11
konradosBut you meant #debian, right soee_ ?11:11
BluesKajHowdy folks11:12
soee_konrados: uhm maybe11:12
konradosisn't Kubuntu just ubuntu + KDE, soee_ ?11:13
konradosso every ubuntu / kubuntu package is maintained by ubuntu anyway?11:15
BluesKajnot all , some are maintained by the community of volunteers as well11:16
konradosOK, thanks BluesKaj & soee_11:16
konradospozytywny - a bit offtopic - are you Polish?11:18
konradosI mean nationality, of course :)11:19
user|95340I have msi cx21 laptop.11:24
user|95340Can i install kubunto my labtob whiteout problem11:25
=== VORAP is now known as Vorap
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chinmoyhi all, how can make the panel translucent?13:51
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> There is button to download new plasma themes. Some have translucent panels13:53
Dragnslcrchinmoy- I think it's part of the desktop theme (System Settings -> Workspace Theme -> Desktop Theme)13:53
chinmoyi want the translucency with breeze dark theme13:56
chinmoylike here https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/128802/file/333013:56
chinmoyin my desktop switching to breeze dark makes the panel completely grey13:57
acheronukbreeze panel should have some level of semi-transparency if your graphics allow it.14:01
acheronukpresuming plasma is recognising the status of compositing. there was a bug where it didn't in some cases, required a restart of plasma or toggling of compositing to make it apply14:03
ubottuKDE bug 362531 in Panel "Plasma panels are not transparent after login" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:03
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geniiBluesKaj: The fastest solution would be to buy a recent USB SD card reader which knows about 64G media sizes14:17
geniiBluesKaj: There might be some updated firmware for your existing reader to allow it to do this, but odds are probably not14:18
BluesKajgenii, the 64GB microsd shipped with a SD reader adapter. Even the 32GB card from my phone isn't detected by my laptop vinatege 201314:23
BluesKajok suddenly the sd reader sees my phone sdcard ...ok , now I can copy from there and use that card for my raspbian boot14:30
BluesKajthe original microsd card for the raspbian died...probly too many formats ...did a lotta playing around with different OSs etc14:36
hazamonzoHowdy BluesKaj14:36
BluesKajhey hazamonzo14:50
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HKitain1Hi, anyone with Thunderbird and Gmail here?18:47
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Guest82585"# service libvirtd start" gives me "Unit libvirtd.service not found" error. libvirt, qemu, and a VM was running prior to reboot. what happened? how can I fix this?22:08
=== Guest82585 is now known as vmguy
=== james is now known as Guest13004

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