
=== shuduo-afk is now known as shuduo
apwasala (N,BTOW5MBFTL) they have checksums and signatures for the checksums ...08:12
_ami_if i raise patch for ubuntu kernel, will it automatically reach to upstream linux kernel repo later on?10:49
apw_ami_, we will normally recommend you send it upstream yourself if you are able, you get the credit etc10:51
_ami_apw: ok.10:51
apw_ami_, if you want it reviewed before or just don't want to deal with upstream, we might be persuaded to help etc10:52
apwthey can be somewhat abrasive10:52
_ami_apw: :), i started learning device driver few weeks back. i think on 27th Aug last month. 10:54
_ami_i did raise two patches to upstream yet (very small ones). one got rejected by saying its not real improvement though. 10:55
_ami_2nd is yet to get reviewed. 10:55
_ami_so i know what you meant abt abrasive.  :)10:55
apw_ami_, change is always risky, and they tend to be risk averse10:55
ogra_no risk no fun !10:57
ogra_(someone had to ... sorry :) )10:58
_ami_ogra_: indeed, it is.11:01
_ami_i want to discuss abt gpio subsystem in kernel 11:05
_ami_by looking at the gpiolib-sysfs code, i can see there is no support of pullupdown ctrl on GPIO pins. 11:06
_ami_i think there should be a device attribute file to control pulldownup of GPIO pins.11:06
_ami_Many MCUs support it. like atmel avrs (although they have weird way of enabling pull ups :) ) 11:07
_ami_rpi2 GPIOs pins are also have this ctrs.11:07
_ami_so i wonder if its a good idea to support pulldownup in linux kernel?11:08
_ami_what do you guys think abt it?11:08
_ami_gpiod_ API will also require too for this. 11:10
_ami_apw: should i start working on it? By implementation, i shall learn more abt kernel.11:11
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk
willcookehi all,  I'm being asked if USB-C "will be properly supported" in 16.10.  Assuming it's an Intel chipset, does any know if there any significant improvements coming down the pipe?14:58
ricotzwillcooke, I guess you want to specify what you mean with USB-C ;)15:22
ricotzI assume you are referring to Thunderbolt 315:23
willcookehmm, good questions and I'm not sure I know the answers.  I guess this boils down to "are there newer Intel USB 3x chipset drivers in the kernel in 16.10"15:25
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
manjortg, is it possible to turn on udeb builds in tangerine ? is there some flag I can set to turn on udebs ?17:00
rtgmanjo, disable_d_i17:01
manjortg, disable_d_i=false ?17:01
rtgmanjo, 'disable_d_i='17:01
manjoah cool thanks17:02
=== Laney is now known as Lawayney
=== mhcerri_ is now known as mhcerri
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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