
floridagram<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze is that gamewisp thing a monthly thing?00:24
floridagram<ahoneybun> k00:25
ahoneybunI think I would rather do google wallet then patreon or that thing00:27
ahoneybunsince I never know when I might have extra money00:27
ivoriesablazeno worries00:27
ivoriesablazei also have a donation link to streamerlabs on my twitch page00:34
ahoneybunthat or google wallet?00:34
ivoriesablazeeither/or, you don't have to donate if you don't want to, man, lol00:34
ahoneybunI know00:35
ahoneybunall the decent events are in Miami00:35
ahoneybunI don't like miami...00:35
ahoneybuntech wise00:35
floridagram<ahoneybun> @All Mojo's next week?01:01
floridagram<ahoneybun> Or something I need a Hour for the LoCo01:01
floridagram<SivaMachina> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgBDdDdSqNE01:03
floridagram<SivaMachina> mojos?01:03
floridagram<ahoneybun> Mojo Donuts in Pembroke Pines01:04
floridagram<ahoneybun> holy crap: https://news.slashdot.org/story/16/09/08/2121254/wells-fargo-fires-5300-employees-for-creating-millions-of-phony-accounts01:10
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Mojos sounds good01:18
floridagram<ahoneybun> You need a ride down right?01:25
floridagram<ahoneybun> so it seems I'm going to Orlando for horror nights lol01:39
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Lol02:12
floridagram<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze how would you get down here?02:35
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Train, probably09:40
floridagram<RazPi> Why does rap music sound so good sped up http://aralai.net/LoveKing.ogg17:03
floridagram<RazPi> and pitch shifted17:03
floridagram<KMyers> This was a short week but it feels like a long week17:25
floridagram<KMyers> https://plus.google.com/+GoogleWallet/posts/jgaejLu7z9S17:48
floridagram<KMyers> Nice19:38

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