
cory_fupetevg: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-apache-zeppelin/pull/1300:00
lazyPowerreturn greetings pragsmike01:03
rick_h_on the way01:04
pragsmikehow long does it usually take before a release winds up in http://ppa.launchpad.net/juju/devel/ubuntu01:04
rick_h_pragsmike: few hours for things like getting launchpad builds and such01:04
rick_h_streams sync/etc01:05
pragsmikeis there a picture somewhere of that process01:05
pragsmikeit sounds cool01:05
rick_h_not that I've got handy unfortunately01:05
rick_h_it's part magic heh01:06
lazyPowerrick_h_ - at some point, you should give a talk over our release pipeline for juju01:15
lazyPoweras a lightning talk :)01:16
rick_h_lazyPower: hah, I see what you did there :P01:16
lazyPoweri do try :D01:17
pragsmikeIt's not just you! http://streams.canonical.com looks down from here.12:31
hloeungpragsmike: try now12:40
pragsmikeok, that's reachable now, thanks12:45
pragsmikesad to report that even with beta18 my containers still end up on the lxdbr0 bridge, and not on br-eno113:48
pragsmikei'm trying again, this time with MAAS 2.0.0+bzr5189-0ubuntu1 as Dimiter said he hadn't tested with MAAS 2.1.0 alpha yet13:50
pragsmikeMAAS 2.0 from stable won't even successfully deploy the machine to run the juju controller, curtin hangs forever on "install kernel"14:40
pragsmikeso i'm going back to MAAS 2.114:40
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