=== ItSANgo is now known as 7YUAB03B9 [10:28] On uploading packages, the kubuntu CI is getting html timeout pages and errors such as "Unable to connect to SSH host ppa.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation" this morning [10:34] is there maintenance going on at the mo? i'm getting 503 errors and (almost immediate) build failures with no logs... [10:35] [11:28] On uploading packages, the kubuntu CI is getting html timeout pages and errors such as "Unable to connect to SSH host ppa.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation" this morning [10:36] jonathon: ^^ so I think you are not alone [10:36] acheronuk: right, thank you [10:36] just as extra info (and to say I checked it) there's nothing on the twitter feed since 27th August (https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus) [10:47] +1 other unable to upload. something is not well @ LP end [11:02] Just to add some info: ssh bazaar.launchpad.net gives ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host [11:12] i think it's back [11:17] Yeap [11:18] see a few builds managed to get going, but still getting... [11:18] 11:17:04 Host key verification failed. [11:18] 11:17:04 [11:18] 11:17:04 Unable to connect to SSH host ppa.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation [11:18] 11:17:04 E: Error uploading file. [11:25] acheronuk, maxyz, jonathon: did anybody file something here? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ [11:28] i didn;t... :( [11:31] Not from my side. [12:08] jonathon, acheronuk, maxyz, tsimonq2: One of our datacentres lost power for a few minutes, but all should be OK now. [12:09] wgrant: thanks :) [12:09] I'm just checking that everything's come back okay. [12:26] Thanks William Grant, that solved my question. [12:27] Heh [12:27] :) [14:26] wgrant: thanks :) [16:14] hi everyone, i have lp branch with sourcecode of my app inside a dir called "snapcraft-qt" how can i point builder to look into the dir to compile the code , it basically look to the root of branch by default [16:14] (using a recipe) [16:17] using a recipe , how :P [16:50] hi everyone, i have lp branch with sourcecode of my app inside a dir called "snapcraft-qt" how can i point builder to look into the dir to compile the code , it basically look to the root of branch by default [16:58] does your application compile with a ./configure; make ? [17:00] or via a debuild? [17:27] basically, as far as i can tell, if you want to use recipes what you put into a LP project should be able to be packaged in the normal way. if not, it won't package. [17:34] jonathon, make , qmake [17:35] right, and does it package if you run a `debuild` in the top-level directory? [17:35] jonathon, i have separate branch to build packages but , am looking for a way to build from src inside a directory in branch [17:35] oh [17:35] then no [17:35] convention is you run the make in the top-level dir [17:36] yeah in my other branch code i do that [17:36] it build packages there [17:37] problem is , i want build code from my github branch on lp , my branch consists a directory where the code exists so ,i thought there should probably a way to do that [17:38] my branch at github look like https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui , and code i wana compile is inside snapcraft-qt dir [21:57] Is there a blog post somewhere that explains (for idiots) how to use git and git recipes on lp? I have made such a dogs breakfast of my repos trying to switch from bzr recipes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. [21:57] any advice would be gratefully accepted