
mupPR snapcraft#788 opened: support npm install from npm-shrinkwrap.json in nodejs plugin <Created by mvayngrib> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/788>01:45
=== bull is now known as bulldog
bulldoghi all14:28
bulldoghow a snap finds system tray icon ??14:29
bulldoglike in deb packaging i use to put a icon.xpm in certain location and gnome use to get the icon from there and set for app systray14:30
bulldogeveryone enjoying weekend :D ?14:49
bulldogmhall119, hi :)15:12
tsimonq2bulldog: not many people are online on weekends15:19
bulldogguys how to copy directory with content with dump plugin help plz i did  directory/*: desktination but it returns with error directory/* no such file or dir15:19
bulldogtsimonq2,  mm15:20
tsimonq2!patience | bulldog15:20
ubottubulldog: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:20
tsimonq2or you can email snapcraft@lists.snapcraft.io15:21
tsimonq2you'll get more eyes15:21
bulldogokay ty15:21
tsimonq2no problem bulldog :)15:21
bulldogtsimonq2, am working on https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui15:22
tsimonq2OH hi :)15:22
tsimonq2I'm Simon from the Gitter channel15:22
bulldogdid you tried the tool yet , now its very easy to get nightly build from launchpad ppa . i set it all there to build my code from github branch15:23
tsimonq2I'm running Yakkety15:24
tsimonq2bulldog: https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/pull/215:26
mupPR keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui#2: Change apt-get to apt <Created by tsimonq2> <https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/pull/2>15:26
bulldogwow , i will :)15:26
tsimonq2bulldog: build passes :)15:28
bulldoghaha ty15:28
tsimonq2bulldog: https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/pull/315:33
mupPR keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui#3: Change apt-get to apt <Created by tsimonq2> <https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/pull/3>15:33
bulldogty , merged15:36
tsimonq2bulldog: I'm also submitting a few issues as well15:36
bulldogokay i will look into them15:36
tsimonq2bulldog: do you know how to fix GitHub issues when you commit?15:38
bulldognope :P15:39
tsimonq2bulldog: https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/15:40
bulldogtsimonq2, there was an issue raised by a user about installation methods i closed it by providing installation method :)15:40
bulldogty , am checking it out15:40
tsimonq2ok :)15:40
bulldogoh i see ,15:42
bulldogthanks man :)15:42
tsimonq2bulldog: https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/issues/415:44
bulldogtsimonq2, did you read the code of the current snapcraft-gui ?? this is in c++ and qt , am not good in pyqt :P15:49
tsimonq2bulldog: I said it *may* need to happen15:50
bulldogi will contact them if they will able to accept it as c++ tool15:50
tsimonq2bulldog: regardless, they need unit tests15:50
tsimonq2bulldog: otherwise, do what I suggested in the issue :)15:50
bulldogtsimonq2, i can make it work like snapcraft , and it is currently working well am able to snap out some apps with it .15:51
tsimonq2great :)15:52
tsimonq2bulldog: you know you can use Git with Launchpad and just mirror your code over there right?15:52
tsimonq2or is it a recipe?15:53
bulldogtsimonq2, you suggest me what should i do , you try the tool first , does it meet the standards , only way to do this is testing , more people who will test and report bugs will help me make it better15:53
bulldogyeah tsimonq2  i did this15:53
bulldogtsimonq2, i connected my launchpad project ,to get code from github .15:54
bulldogi need help with lp , how can i fork branches from the web version of lp if you know please help. i want create separate branches there to make it easy fix specific stuffs15:55
tsimonq2bulldog: where is the current code?15:58
bulldoglp branch ?15:58
bulldogtsimonq2, https://code.launchpad.net/~keshavnrj/snpacraft-gui/snpacraft-gui15:59
bulldogtsimonq2, this one is sync with github branch https://code.launchpad.net/~keshavnrj/snpacraft-gui/master16:00
tsimonq2bulldog: that's in Bazaar...16:00
tsimonq2I have an idea16:00
bulldogtsimonq2, tell16:01
tsimonq2first, rename https://launchpad.net/snpacraft-gui to snapcraft-gui if possible16:01
tsimonq2then, create a Git repo16:01
tsimonq2let me know when that's done16:01
bulldog:P that was done by mistake16:01
bulldogtsimonq2, i think it wont change now16:04
tsimonq2well make sure of that 100%16:04
bulldogtsimonq2, i have to do everything from scratch i guess16:05
bulldogname can be changes but url are the issues16:06
tsimonq2I see16:06
bulldogtsimonq2, i have a question , you seen structure of my github branch , now when link lp with github branch it fork as it is , now when i build with the recipe here on lp it cant look into source which  is inside "snapcraft-qt" dir16:10
bulldogso i have separate branch on lp which is used to build tha deb package ,16:11
tsimonq2it should be able to do that...16:11
bulldogtsimonq2, is there something we can put in build recipe to point the builder to snapcraft-qt dir??16:12
tsimonq2bulldog: maybe ask in #launchpad16:12
bulldogokay ty16:12
tsimonq2bulldog: https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/issues16:17
bulldogomg , there are lots of i can see now :P16:18
bulldoghang on am let me take them one  by one16:18
tsimonq2bulldog: you wanted feedback? :D16:37
bulldogyeah i need :P16:37
bulldogon issues ?? if you think they are necessary then yes16:38
tsimonq2yes there's a good amount of problems here ;)16:38
bulldogtsimonq2, keep up the good work :) thanks for contributing to project , you will be counted as contributor16:50
tsimonq2no problem :)16:52
tsimonq2I had surgery yesterday, so I need to nap16:54
bulldogtsimonq2, okay good bro :)17:39
mupPR snapcraft#789 opened: Some plugins fixes <Created by ehbello> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/789>18:17
tsimonq2bulldog: https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui/issues/1018:42
tsimonq2bulldog: urgent18:42
bulldogtsimonq2, wait18:42
bulldogam adding some stuffs in about dialog :)18:43
bulldogWTFPL should be there ??18:44
bulldogtsimonq2, which LICENSE should we choose man ?18:47
tsimonq2bulldog: I'd recommend GPL-218:49
bulldogokay ty18:49
bulldogcan you make a commit there ?18:49
tsimonq2I'm in bed, sorry :(18:50
bulldogokay ,18:51
bulldogtake rest and get well soon bro,18:52
tsimonq2thanks :)18:52
tsimonq2bulldog: you have more issues to look at when you have a min19:11
bulldogyeah seems like my life going to be full of issues :D19:12
bulldogwell i will fix each of them , thanks for your valuable time :)19:13
tsimonq2no problem :)19:13
bulldogam adding a contribution widget to about dialog ,19:13
bulldogwhere file will contributions details will be loaded .19:14
tsimonq2well I meant on GitHub19:14
bulldogyou are probably be going in the list :P19:14
bulldogi got ya19:14
tsimonq2as an .MD file19:14
bulldoghmm i will19:14
bulldogokay , will be back soon hmm ,19:15
tsimonq2ok o/19:15
mupPR snapcraft#789 closed: Some plugins fixes <Created by ehbello> <Closed by ehbello> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/789>20:02
mupPR snapcraft#790 opened: Reduces download time of `git clone` fetching just a single branch <Created by ehbello> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/790>20:02
mupPR snapcraft#791 opened: Crosscompilation dump copy plugins <Created by ehbello> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/791>20:02
mupPR snapcraft#792 opened: Fix `git clone` when transport is http and it does not support --depth <Created by ehbello> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/792>20:02
mupPR snapcraft#787 closed: Release changelog for 2.17 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/787>21:15
bulldogsergiusens, hi21:31
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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