
sony_hello, I would like to change the password for a shorter using the GUI users . Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. Passwd command line works but not with the GUI , even if I change /etc/pam.d/common-password13:22
=== dgtlphlk is now known as dgtlchlk
kungrAnyone get the 4.7 kernel into 14.04?22:52
jbichakungr: if you want a kernel that new, you need at least 16.0422:57
jbicha16.04 comes with a 4.4 kernel but there's an option for 4.8 next February https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:58
kungrya i like 14.0423:07
jbichaok, but the highest officially supported kernel in 14.04 is 4.423:10
jbichaalso Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 is only supported until next April23:10
kungrya ok, maybe make the move.23:10
kungrany caveat's?23:11
jbicharead the release notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuGNOME23:11
jbichaand run ppa-purge for any enabled ppa's first; if you still need the ppas, add them back again afterwards23:12
kungrya I will probably just do a fresh install23:13
kungrare some kernels incompatible with OS's?23:13
jbichauh yes23:14
jbichaUbuntu 16.10 will be released next month with 4.8 but 16.10 is not an LTS release and is supported for only 9 months23:15
kungrtried to update my 14.04 to 4.7.3 and it wouldn't boot23:18

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