
xubuntu-user(padgaland) You're talking to me ?00:00
padgalandno to the room00:00
xubuntu-userok ;)00:01
knomepadgaland, maybe tell us what kind of issues...00:01
padgalandI downloaded the iso from a torrent as well as straight from the mirror, I used universal usb installer to make a loadable usb and it just wont load00:01
padgalandI have loaded other ubuntu flavors the exact same way00:02
padgalandno problems00:02
padgalandIt sometimes gets to the gui loading screen then it says its miising a file and goes to a terminal like screen00:03
xubuntu-userThanks for answers00:03
padgalandother times it just doesnt boot from the stick and the hard drive takes over and loads windows00:04
xubuntu-userpadgaland, have you try unetbootin ?00:04
xubuntu-userTo make create you usb booting00:05
padgalandill try it00:05
xubuntu-userWith which software you did it ?00:06
xubuntu-userusb-creator ?00:06
xubuntu-userOk guys... Wish you a good night ;)00:08
padgalandI got a newish lenovo that i was trying different flavors on00:14
padgalandThe only two that I couldnt get to work was Xubuntu and open Suse00:14
uzrnmCan't connect to a Wi-Fi network on 16.04.1. Anyone knows a solution to this problem, which was initially present 3 months ago, when they first rolled out the 16.04?00:41
uzrnmCan't connect to a Wi-Fi network on 16.04.1. Anyone knows a solution to this problem, which was initially present 3 months ago, when they first rolled out the 16.04?00:58
padgalandOk just tried to load xubuntu again using unetbootin as the iso stick creator same issue01:21
padgalandThis time i left the error and terminal thing open01:28
padgaland(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system01:30
UQlevpadgaland: you don't need unetbutin to create live-usb01:41
UQlevpadgaland: just use dd01:41
UQlevpadgaland: dd if=ubuntuXXX.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M01:42
padgalandim using windows01:43
padgalandto create the live-usb01:43
glitchdhello all03:42
glitchdweird problem, as usual..lol03:42
glitchdi use my tv as my monitor and select the hdmi output for the audio.03:43
glitchdthat works but whenever the screen goes to sleep or the screen saver kicks on, the sound is reverted back to the analog output03:43
glitchdany ideas why, or how to stop/fix this?03:43
wongbaeHelp me04:44
laserleviI need some help installing xubuntu 16.04 on an older laptop07:10
xubuntu52whi everybody, I hope someone can help me with the issue here. I have no internet and the Network Manager is no longer working after a crashed upgrade on Ubuntu 14 to 15. Can someone advise here?11:42
xubuntu52wMany thanks11:43
quantibilityhello, my gmusic browser is playing static. or a feedback sounding crap.. anyone help?12:49
knomechange the track12:50
quantibilityplays on all songs12:50
quantibilityplays the static on all songs..12:51
knomeon a more serious note, it's likely not gmusicbrowser that is causing this issue... what happens if you play some sounds on some other software?12:51
quantibilityyeah its fine, your right it is knome12:51
quantibilityis there a help channel for that?12:51
knomego to settings, then tab audio and select a difference output12:51
knomethat might help, though the auto detected one should work12:52
quantibilityalright ill give that shot..12:52
quantibilityok, it give me and error and won't change back from the HDMI output to the laptop speakers12:53
quantibilityanyway to change it manually?12:53
quantibilityjust keeps going back the hdmi12:54
quantibilityhold on let me unplug hdmi12:54
quantibilityunplugged and tried to changing it from hdmi to laptop speakers and still.. the same issue, it won't just change12:55
knomechanging what where?12:56
quantibilityFrom HDMI output to laptop speaker output12:57
knomevolume control?12:57
quantibilityyeah in volume control i swtiched from HDMI to bult-in audio... from the laptop speakers12:58
knomeok, let me rephrase... go to the12:58
knome*gmusicbrowser* settings12:58
quantibilityyeah i did, but it took a few times of messing with it12:59
quantibilityit works now12:59
quantibilityfrom some reason going from built-in to hdmi causes the mess up12:59
quantibilitywow, had this problem for a over a week.. thanks guys13:02
quantibilitydude, the auto detect option is the issue, i left it on pulse audio, it swtiches fine to HDMI13:07
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xubuntu10wjust installed xubuntu first time - tiny bit surprised to see no irc client included. anyone recommend native irc client? xchat?18:18
ochosixubuntu10w: pidgin does an ok job18:20
ochosithat's why we dropped xchat18:21
xubuntu10wpidgin? isnt that IM?18:21
pleia2it does IRC as well18:23
pleia2can also look at hexchat (xchat isn't well maintained)18:24
xubuntu10wthanks: im going to try to connct using pidgin18:28
xubuntu10wtest 118:32
chuckmcmsigh, ok my Xfcedesktop process now has consumed 16GB of ram, *again* and so I'm rebooting. Is this a known issue?19:02
ochosichuckmcm: you can also just kill xfdesktop and it should be restarted20:17
ochosisounds like there's a huge leak20:17
ochosinote that xfdesktop only draws the wallpaper and icons on the desktop20:17
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