
magicaltroutPasadena... one is in you01:01
marcoceppimagicaltrout: welcome!01:05
magicaltroutand i didn't run anyone over01:07
marcoceppimagicaltrout: oh no you rented a car?01:10
magicaltrouti'm here for 2 weeks, so i need to leave the hotel at some point01:10
marcoceppimagicaltrout: excellent01:12
magicaltroutbooking this summit at the start of the college and NFL football seasons is really going to hamper the likelyhood of me getting my stuff done tomorrow01:19
pragsmikeI am so ready to go to charm school01:52
lazyPowerpragsmike - almost time :)01:53
pragsmikeI arrive 5pm LAX01:55
pragsmikeno idea when I'll get to hotel01:56
marcoceppipragsmike: probably around 6-6:3002:12
magicaltroutaww see pragsmike you should'a turned up today, i could have given you a lift!07:39
pragsmikeok preparing for the trip, see you guys tonight13:33
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magicaltroutargh the jetlag15:00
Guest_94848allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848sun is not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848moon is not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848stars are not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848planets are not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848galaxies are not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848oceans are not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848mountains are not doing allah is doing19:10
Guest_94848trees are not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848mom is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848dad is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848boss is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848job is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848dollar is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848degree is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848medicine is not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848customers are not doing allah is doing19:11
Guest_94848you can not get a job without the permission of allah19:12
Guest_94848you can not get married without the permission of allah19:12
Guest_94848nobody can get angry at you without the permission of allah19:12
Guest_94848light is not doing allah is doing19:12
Guest_94848fan is not doing allah is doing19:13
Guest_94848businessess are not doing allah is doing19:13
Guest_94848america is not doing allah is doing19:13
lazyPowerthis guy again?19:13
magicaltrouthello Guest_9484819:13
magicaltrouti've missed you!19:13
Guest_94848fire can not burn without the permission of allah19:14
Guest_94848knife can not cut without the permission of allah19:14
Guest_94848rulers are not doing allah is doing19:14
lazyPowerand now, time for something completely different19:14
Guest_94848governments are not doing allah is doing19:14
Guest_94848sleep is not doing allah is doing19:15
magicaltroutGuest_94848: do you happen to live in Pasadena?19:15
magicaltroutWe're at the Sheraton.... swing by19:15
magicaltroutI'd love to know more19:16
lazyPoweri dont think they will make it to the summit now magicaltrout19:18
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