
=== jorge is now known as Guest28775
=== james is now known as mv-var2root
mv-var2rootI am trying to move /var back to / instead of its own partition, because I am out of space. How should I do this?03:56
SporkWitchmv-var2root: that is so much a google question that when i googled it to confirm my advice, it was in the giant blurb at the top, with numbered steps (read: i didn't even have to click on one of the results)04:12
SporkWitchsearch "move var to another partition04:13
mv-var2rootI googled it to, and that answer doesn't seem to fit my issue04:13
mv-var2rootvar is already on a separate partition.04:14
mv-var2rootI want to un-separate it from /04:14
mv-var2rootso I can make /home (sharing a device with /var) bigger.04:14
mv-var2rootdoes that make sense or are you confused, sporkwitch?04:16
SporkWitchmv-var2root: it shouldn't make a difference whether you're moving it to root or from root.  The procedure would be the same.04:17
mv-var2rootso it's same thing even though i'm moving /var to an already existing partition?04:19
mv-var2rootbecause that's the part that's confusing me is that all the results i got were people asking about moving var to a new partiton.04:19
mv-var2rootof course, none if this matters at all if I can simply make a /foo with permissons that libvirt won't complain about.04:21
mv-var2rooti can't seem to get it to have permissions for any other directory besides /var/lib/libvirt/images04:21
mv-var2rootand /var is just too small. maybe my questions was too much work for what I really needed?04:22
* mv-var2root is schizophrenia and can be confused/ing sometimes.04:22
SporkWitchso this is really an XY problem, heh04:27
SporkWitchthe real problem is you need to help learning qemu-kvm, the permissions it needs, and how to set them.04:28
SporkWitchi would ask for help in that channel.04:28
mv-var2rooti tried to go to that channel but i couldn't connect to them04:28
SporkWitchas far as moving /var, yes, it would be the same.04:29
SporkWitchmost channels won't let you talk unless you register your nick.  Some won't even let you enter.04:29
SporkWitchyou need to register with nickserv by typing: /msg nickserv register <password> <email>04:30
SporkWitchmv-var2root: i'd choose a better nickname before doing so, though; you can change you nick with: /nick <newnick>04:30
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=== GreySpirit is now known as Fae|Away
=== Fae|Away is now known as GreySpirit
ChetManlyis the issue with dual display lightdm login manager still an issue?05:10
ChetManlyor whatever its called now?05:10
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=== nilesh is now known as Nilesh
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> @ahoneybun, I asked a question yesterday but - I think - I did not get an answer. I coukd not find the answer anywhere so I decided to ask here. I have a Kubuntu 14.04 installation without backports. To what versions of KDE will it update if I add the backports repo?07:41
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Robert Welti, It will just upade you applitions a bit, but wont change the version of the plasma desktop08:08
IrcsomeBot<Robert Welti> @acheronuk, Thank you very much. :-)08:11
acheronukNo problem :)08:12
user|86388hi, how install new kde in kubuntu 16.04, i think about KDE repo testing08:28
SporkWitchuser|86388: do you mean the backports?08:28
SporkWitchuser|86388: if so, google 'kubuntu backports 16.04'08:28
user|86388my  next ask, kde neon = backports?08:29
acheronukno, neon is not kubuntu backports08:32
user|86388ok thanks for help, backport is instaling08:36
acheronukwhat do you mean by "i think about KDE repo testing"?08:37
acheronukIf you are literally looking for development builds of kde packages rather than stable releases, Neon might be better for you.08:38
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Ajaxxhi all11:45
BluesKajHiyas all11:57
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=== kubuntu is now known as Guest53347
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman
emmarandomly but not infrequently my audio just stops workig. When I look in the audio volume in the taskbar there is even a red speaker at the bottom. When I try to adjust anything then kpannel crashes.20:31
emmathe only known way to get audio back is to turn off my laptop and restart it20:31
emmaAny ideas how to get audio back *that will be faster and easier than* restarting my laptop?20:31
emmalooks like i have to restart then.20:37
valorieemma: you might try alsa-tools...... I think that's the name20:39
valorieyeah, that's the name20:40
valoriein your commandline, just `alsa-tools` as I recall20:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:40
valorieemma: it is probably not random, but something like skype or flash hogging the sound20:42
valoriethere is a widget to control pulseaudio if that's the case20:42
valoriehmmm, where did that go20:43
=== S_ is now known as linux__
linux__When I run text file by kate does not run the file from start line, it is run from last edited line , How I can stop this option?22:58

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