
=== Pandora0 is now known as marisol
Capum321how to run a command after wake up - using anacron or system-sleep? - and parse? the login credentials?02:35
Capum321how to run a command, after wake up from sleep system - using anacron or system-sleep? - and parse? the login credentials? to DM so the script can run a GUI app like irssi?03:06
Capum321how to run a command, after wake up from sleep system - using anacron or system-sleep? - and parse? the login credentials to DM, so the script can run a GUI app03:30
=== hyperair is now known as Guest68547
=== mpmc_znc is now known as mpmc
Capum321how to run a command, after wake up from suspended system - with anacron or system-sleep ? - and parse? the login credentials to DM, so the script can run a GUI app, like a irc client.11:52
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest26568
Guest26568good afternoon15:47
Guest26568tehnical question in installer i cant see my hard drive in lubuntu 14.04.315:48
Guest26568in g partes it say /dev/zram0/1007.58 MiB15:50
Guest26568the herd drive is pata conected by pci to pata adapter15:51
Guest26568anzone here15:55
Guest26568anyone here15:55
=== Guest26568 is now known as respawn
respawni dont understand how it can troll me so much that hard drive conected over pci adapter16:19
respawnit is an older Mb if i conect direct the bis gets wild16:23
=== bel is now known as elementaru2

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