
_stink_haha, the thread is kind of funny too00:41
tony-smlrWe are getting ready to go live!  SMLR E208 (9/11/2016) Video: http://youtu.be/HXuln8iFr9s12:01
gamerchick02brother and i are getting stuffed bun when he finishes getting around12:43
cmaloneyneed more context, because 12 yo me is laughing12:46
gamerchick02it's a breakfast place in Pontiac12:48
gamerchick02on Walton. just down the road from my apartment...12:49
cmaloneyhow goes?16:27
gamerchick02we had our bun stuffed. i'm still stuffed even though we've been cooking the rest of the morning and early afternoon16:28
cmaloneyhow were your buns?16:28
gamerchick02delicious. i had pancakes but i couldn't finish them16:28
gamerchick02it's really good16:28
gamerchick02on Walton in Pontiac, near Josyln.16:28
cmaloneyso i've heard16:39
gamerchick02oh my brother's cookies are almost done16:48
greg-gI thought "had our bun stuffed" was some sort of new code phrase for pregnant I hadn't heard18:12
* greg-g only read partial scrollback18:12
gamerchick02no. i'm with my brother, ew ew ew18:24
cmaloneygreg-g: Yay, I'm not alone19:05
brouschThat's not as bad as what i thought it meant20:27
rick_h_greg-g: hoe goes?21:08
greg-grick_h_: mostly good, just dropped the already cracked phone this morning, now I can't unlock it :/22:37
greg-ggoing to be a long wait while the new one ships from China (should arrive on Wed, but I'm leaving Wed at 6am to go to the city for two days, staying over night)22:38

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