
studio-user596posso installare flash player13:32
cfhowlett!flash | studio-user59613:32
ubottustudio-user596: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:32
studio-user25Holy crap! Was looking for some midi and other adio help on Ubuntu 16.04.....14:03
studio-user25Are any poeple other than bots here?14:04
studio-user25Going for a smoke.. Be back in 5 or so...14:05
studio-user535Helo!, my name is Alfonso, it's a new in the world to Ubuntu Studio.17:04
studio-user535I'm install Ubuntu studio in my pc.17:06
studio-user535Just one question : IF and irc Ubuntu studio in spanish or french?17:06
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ryanpcmcquenThank you to all the Ubuntu Studio devs, this is an awesome distro!22:18
marxyzStill no one ...?22:48

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