
flocculantnairwolf - all good thanks, none of those appear to be xubuntu issues though :)00:02
flocculantall you can hope is someone somewhere cares00:02
knomegood day07:13
nairwolfHi, why there is no build for 20160911 ? 07:58
nairwolfUsually, it happens on the morning07:58
flocculantno idea - rebuilding now08:11
nairwolfthe build is automatic, right ? 08:21
flocculantyep - unless someone triggers it manually - like I just did :)08:21
nairwolfIf the build couldn't be done this morning, does it mean there is an issue with the build ? 08:23
nairwolfthank you for the links08:26
nairwolfI'm going to bookmarks them08:26
nairwolfso, I have time to have a breakfast during the build08:26
flocculantoh yea - be a while till they get to the tracker 08:27
nairwolfflocculant: do you have some issues when you try to come back from "sleep mode" with yakkety ?08:38
nairwolfIn fact, I have this issue on my actual computer, and I've verified that yesterday with the test computer08:38
nairwolfI should test it more precisely to write a bug report08:38
flocculantno issues here - never suspend08:47
flocculantbut I can try :)08:47
nairwolfmaybe it happens only with real hardware08:48
nairwolfI never tried on a VM08:48
flocculantnairwolf: so what issues do you see?08:49
nairwolfA black screen. It's simple, I can't recover from the sleep mode08:54
flocculantyup 08:54
nairwolfbut, I will test it more accurately to try to understand what happens08:54
flocculantcan confirm that08:54
nairwolfI don't wnat to do it on my actual computer08:55
flocculantI got unlock screen, then got a lock screen I couldn't escape from08:55
* flocculant blames power manager and bluesabre today :p08:55
nairwolfI should have said that earlier08:56
nairwolfbecause I've seen that since I've installed yakkety on my actual computer (and we talked about my installation few days ago)08:56
nairwolfI wanted to confirm that on a second computer, but I forget to do it08:57
flocculantthis is exactly why I've been trying to get people to run the dev install :)08:57
flocculantit's not suspend - it's an issue with locking09:00
flocculantnairwolf: you can see the same thing just by locking screen09:02
nairwolfthe fact is my computer has sometimes his own problem related to hardware...09:04
nairwolfsorry ^^09:05
nairwolfby the way, I have also something weird when I boot09:05
nairwolfIt's really really slow09:05
nairwolfand there is a message which says "check partitions"09:05
nairwolfbut maybe it's related to my dual-boot09:05
flocculantbluesabre: bug 162230309:15
ubottubug 1622303 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Fails to unlock/ resume to black screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162230309:15
nairwolfthank you09:21
bluesabrehey flocculant 09:59
bluesabreI just saw that bug and tested it out... seems related to light-locker09:59
flocculantbluesabre: so you see it too I assume10:00
flocculantyea - did think afterwards should have been light locker :)10:00
Unit193debhelper 10 uploaded.10:06
bluesabreflocculant, can you switch to VT1 and run "killall light-locker", then back to VT8 and try to unlock and see if that works for you?10:06
flocculantpoor old debhelper 9 - no-one cares :(10:06
flocculantbluesabre: yep - trying now10:06
flocculantbluesabre: yup killing light-locker does it10:09
flocculanthad music playing when I locked - when I 'unlocked' could hear music again, so it appears to be unlocking 10:10
bluesabreso, it gets you back to the desktop fine?10:14
flocculantkillall does yes10:14
flocculantwhat I'm trying to say is that while there's no desktop without - it appears to have unlocked as the music is back 10:15
bluesabrewhat happens for me is that I am unable to unlock from the login screen even after, but I can switch back to vt7 manually fine10:16
flocculantI can't manually switch (without killall) to vt7 - it's blank screen 10:16
bluesabreI think there's bugs with light-locker and lightdm10:17
flocculantI think that too :p10:17
bluesabreI'll look into that bug further10:18
flocculantokey doke10:18
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r617 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)10:39
nairwolfthe daily build is still not available ? 10:54
flocculantnope - looks like something up with archive11:26
flocculantwon't get looked at today11:26
flocculantnothing is getting finished - not just us11:30
nairwolfby the way, I will be afk during the beta test...11:35
Unit193flocculant: Someone said that last night-ish.12:31
flocculantUnit193: image build fails?12:44
flocculantoh yea - see it in -release now12:45
Unit193The "built but didn't publish to cdimage.ubuntu.com" remark.12:46
nairwolfThat's weird13:15
nairwolfDoes it happen often ? 13:15
nairwolfIs it because, it's sunday, and servers decided to not to work ? 13:16
flocculantdoesn't happen often - but because it's Sunday then people who can do anything are not working13:19
flocculantnairwolf: just going to see if I can confirm your "Editable box is too small" bug13:21
flocculantI'll be a while though - want to confirm on ubuntu as well 13:22
nairwolfok ;)13:25
flocculanthopefully it'll show in ubuntu - then it's not greybird :)13:26
nairwolfwhat I don't understand is I can't confirm on my actual machine13:34
flocculantnairwolf: can't confirm the partition size issues?13:40
flocculantochosi: please don't shoot me - I'm just the messenger here ... nairwolf found another greybird/ubiquity issue bug 162225813:53
ubottubug 1622258 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Editable box is too small to display all content inside" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162225813:53
flocculantbasically the box for you to enter a partition size during install when you're creating a new partition is too small13:53
nairwolfflocculant: yes, that's right13:57
nairwolfI don't know if it's normal or not13:57
nairwolfthe hard drive size is 500 Go, so in Mo it's 500 000 Mo, it's long, but, I'm not sure same thing happened before13:58
nairwolfI can test with 16.04 to see the "normal" behaviour if you want13:59
flocculantalready done that ;)13:59
nairwolfbut you see no difference, or you're unable to see what I saw ? 14:00
flocculant16.04 is fine, ubuntu 16.10 is fine, xubuntu 16.10 isn't - you'll see at the bug I've confirmed it - also changed it from ubiquity to greybird14:01
nairwolfI don't understand why you said firstly "can't confirm the partition size issues"14:02
nairwolfand with libreoffice calc ? 14:05
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-volumed-pulse 0.2.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-volumed-pulse-0-2-1-released-tp48250.html (by Sean Davis-6)14:06
flocculantnairwolf: that was a question to you - what can't you confirm? 14:53
flocculantand calc is fine here - but I think I updated from -proposed14:53
flocculantnope - same version should be14:54
nairwolfoh, I can't confirm the issue about libreoffice calc16:00
nairwolfI've seen this issue on the daily build (10th September), but I don't see that on my computer running the devel version16:27
flocculantnot seen it17:05
nairwolfI need to test it again17:06
ochosibluesabre: ok, about the visual nuisance of the CSD/headerbar toolbars, e.g. in evince or file-roller, i have now submitted a merge-request to fix it: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/evince/add_toolbar_class/+merge/30542321:45
ochosibluesabre: note that this would have to be done for every app we care about21:45
ochosiflocculant: fwiw, the ubiquity "progress dots" are also broken with adwaita. yay.22:08
Unit193ochosi: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-xfce-devel/2016-September/021903.html22:20
Unit193Isn't it still experimental though?22:22
ochosinot really22:27
ochosiat least i wouldn't consider it very experimental22:27
knomeBump strandards-version to
ochosi:'( somehow ubiquity doesn't seem to understand margin: -1px22:27
ochosisomehow i can't seem to be able to launch the gtk inspector on ubiquity22:30
ochosistupid pkexec seems to get in the way22:31
knomeyeah. blame others.22:31
ochosiso yeah, seems i've inherited that problem from adwaita22:37
ochosimeh, that'll be harder to fix...22:56
ochosii hope i manage before 16.10 gets released22:56
nairwolfochosi: are you talking about the bug I've found ? 22:58
ochosithat's not a very specific hint22:59
ochosior did you only find one bug so far?22:59
ochosinairwolf: wanna just post the link to the bug..?23:03
nairwolfThis one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/greybird-gtk-theme/+bug/162225823:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622258 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Partition creation box during installation is too small" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:11
nairwolfochosi: I thought you talked about that23:11
nairwolfBecause, if I remember correctly, flocculant pinged you few hours ago23:12
ochosiyeah, well i get pinged a lot about these things :]23:13
nairwolfsorry for that...23:13
ochosino worries23:13

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