
pittiGood morning04:51
willcookemorning all07:50
willcookeFull set of replacement generic toner cartridges for my laser printer - 80 quid.  Brand new printer 75 quid.07:53
dufluwillcooke: Yes, but the new printer only comes with half (or less) as much toner(?)07:55
dufluThat's how it usually goes07:55
willcookewhat a rip off :)07:55
willcookeNot that I really print very much07:56
willcookemainly kids stuff for school07:56
willcookeso a new set might last a long time07:56
dufluI think mine is dying (colours out of alignment and can't fix it now). But probably almost 10 years from a colour laser and only having changed all catridges once is OK07:57
dufluOnce? Twice?07:57
pittiI gave up owning a printer many years ago, and I just pay the 10c/page in a copy shop for the three times a year I need to print something07:58
willcookethats a good idea07:58
pittiin my case, the things I actually do want to print are usually the high-quality color stuff, which looks so much better in a professional shop anyway07:59
pittibut I guess school kids are still a lot more dependent on paper than us :)07:59
dufluTrue. Although my experience printing photos (e.g. on Kodak terminals) while superior quality, is also fragile. They don't for example survive being mounted behind glass08:00
dufluWhereas a laser print has no problems, and is cheaper and more convenient08:00
willcookemorning flexiondotorg08:08
flexiondotorgLaney, may I request a little assistance please.08:08
flexiondotorgwillcooke, o/08:09
willcookeflexiondotorg, laney is on hols this week08:09
tjaaltonanyone else noticed that the update manager popup that asks to restart the machine after installing updates takes a fair bit of cpu just sitting idle08:38
ochosiwillcooke: oh, darn, so Laney is away, is seb128 around?08:38
willcookeochosi, yeah he'll be around generally08:38
ochosiok good, i have a MR pending for review that i already discussed previously with Laney08:38
willcookehey seb128!  Happy birthday!08:39
pittibonjour seb128 !08:39
ochosibut it's more or less self-explanatory08:39
seb128hey willcooke, thanks ;-)08:39
seb128salut pitti08:39
pittiseb128: hereux anniversaire ! *accolade*08:39
seb128(I've been around for a while, just dealing with emails/backlog from the w.e)08:39
seb128pitti, merci ! *accolade* ;-)08:39
pittiseb128: I was hoping you were dealing with your cake :)08:39
pittior was it ice cream?08:40
seb128no cake/ice cream yet, but I got a nice smoothie+yagourt+cereals mix preparred for me this morning ;-)08:41
ochosioh wow - bon anniversaire seb128!08:41
seb128ochosi, merci !08:41
seb128but yeah, summer is still there, probably going to get some ice cream after lunch!08:41
ochosiseb128: so you'll get an easy-cheesy one-line 0-regression-potential MR from me for your bday ;)08:41
pittiseb128: quand tu devient vieux, tu dois manger sain :-P08:42
seb128ochosi, sorry, share the url ;-)08:42
* seb128 slaps pitti08:42
ochosiseb128: yeah, sorry about that ;)) https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/evince/add_toolbar_class/+merge/30542308:42
seb128my age is still starting with a 3, I'm not old yet :p08:42
* pitti ^5s seb12808:42
seb128ochosi, thanks, putting on my list for today08:42
* seb128 ^5s pitti back08:42
ochosiseb128: great! lemme know if you have questions/doubts08:43
seb128ochosi, looks fine/makes sense to me08:43
seb128so should be fine08:43
tjaaltonfiled bug 162251008:47
ubot5bug 1622510 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager popup consumes a lot of CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162251008:47
seb128tjaalton, weird08:51
tjaaltonyeah, spinning somewhere08:51
seb128when did that start?08:51
tjaaltonjust noticed it, perhaps it's old08:52
tjaaltonor not08:52
* tjaalton goes to lunch08:52
larsuhappy birthday seb128!09:30
seb128larsu, danke!09:31
larsuseb128: how are you doing?09:31
seb128I'm good thanks!09:33
seb128summer is back09:33
seb128had a nice w.e as well, played some tennis on saturday, went to a party in the evening and did some walking along the beach yesterday09:34
seb128larsu, how are you?09:34
larsuseb128: ah that sounds nice! I'm great too, thanks :)09:35
larsuseb128: summer is here as well, Faina is here for *over a week*09:35
larsuholidays in Saudi09:35
seb128quite some travelling for you it seems!09:37
larsuyeah, I visted her in Dubai a couple of times09:37
larsulast time we went to Oman - really nice!09:38
seb128not to hot out there?09:40
seb128south of France is already too warm for me in summer09:40
seb128not sure I would enjoy deserts09:40
larsuyeah it was around 40° there09:40
* larsu was happy to only be there for a couple of days09:41
larsuand, for the first time, glad about having AC09:41
jbichalarsu: I hear the mountains in Oman are nice09:59
larsujbicha: we were actually in Khasab, a little enclave in UAE10:02
larsuvery impressive rock formations there; it's where two tectonic plates meet10:03
larsuso all the mountains look tilte10:03
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=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
desrtseb128: happy birthday :D12:58
attenteseb128: happy birthday :)13:00
desrtseb128: we're all invited to your party tonight, right?13:01
desrti think seb is already at the party13:13
attentedesrt: does pixbuf loading require a mime-cache database available?13:22
desrtapparently yes13:23
desrtfor pretty stupid reasons i think13:23
desrtthe data required to do magic and extension-based identification of filetypes is encoded in the plugins and in the cache file for the plugins13:23
desrtbut at some point someone casually modified pdf-pixbuf to use the GIO mimetype system instead13:23
desrt(which, indeed, requires a mime database)13:24
desrtcould be fixed13:24
desrtfind the patch that introduced the GIO dep and figure out why it was done, and consider reverting and/or changing it?13:25
attenteis it recent?13:25
desrtit's newer than GIO :)14:01
seb128desrt, attenten thanks!14:18
seb128desrt, you can come for dinner if you want ;-)14:19
desrtlemme check trains14:19
seb128attente, the common desktop launcher should be taking care of the mimetype thing iirc?14:20
desrtseb128: seems that there is no trans-atlantic train with a good schedule.  perhaps next time :)14:24
seb128shame, but yeah let's see next time!14:24
desrti'm officially a resident of the EU now, btw :)14:24
desrtso who knows... maybe next year indeed14:25
seb128brb, session retart, intel driver sucking again14:33
seb128hey Sweet5hark, back from Brno? how was the hackfest?14:56
* Sweet5hark hugs laney for merging ubuntu-themes while I at the conference.14:56
Sweet5harkseb128: lots of work, a few fires to fight, but nothing heart infact inducing, which is good. in general the project seems to be a very good shape, so we need to take care not to get sloppy ;)14:58
seb128reading the news was "fun"14:58
Sweet5harkaaaand: City of Rome announced it will migrate to LibreOffice. Also we will have the next conference tehre.14:58
* Sweet5hark has libreoffice 5.2.1 building as snap on big bertha right now.14:59
seb128some picked up that openoffice is struggling and a good part of users just think that openoffice and libreoffice are the same thing and so that libreoffice is having issues14:59
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah, the whole thing is hilarious. Why do we even code? People are aware of brands only anyway ... ;)15:00
seb128I've to admit I don't correct people when they say openoffice, I just mentaly translate15:01
seb128it's too complex to explain why it was forked, people don't understand/care about those details/politics15:01
Sweet5harkyeah, but bing translate silently "translating" libreoffice to openoffice made me a bit mad. That was the worst.15:03
Sweet5harkseb128: the best narrative is "libreoffice is the well maintained continuation of openoffice.org, while apache openoffice is something else that you dont have to care about". if and only if someone asks about details: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1245826815:04
Sweet5harkseb128: also libreoffice currently has more former StarOffice/Sun/Oracle OOo developers than AOO ever had.15:05
seb128you are cute :p15:06
seb128to "normal" people openoffice is all they know15:06
seb128they don't know there is an "apache" openoffice15:06
seb128they just remember the name for the "equivalent of microsoft office that you don't have to pay for"15:06
Sweet5harkseb128: aye. but its hurting Open Source/Free Software as a whole, because the Windows crowd downloads that crap and sees it as all FLOSS can do ....15:07
seb128yeah :-/15:07
seb128I'm not saying it's not a problem; just that it's not easy to fix15:07
Sweet5harkseb128: well, jimjag (Apache board) already suggested a reasonable fix: have the openoffice.org page point to libreoffice. Unfortunately the rest of his ideas had not so much basing in reality  ... http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/openoffice-dev/201609.mbox/browser15:12
Sweet5harkeh, rather: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/openoffice-dev/201609.mbox/%3C81029122-B6E8-4C72-A7AD-7B40E5A934ED%40jaguNET.com%3E15:15
davmor2cyphermox: you about dude?16:13
cyphermoxbad headache, but I'm around and working on ubuntu core things and verifying an SRU16:14
cyphermoxdavmor2: what can I do for you?16:14
davmor2cyphermox: installing yakkety on xps13 4k, I get a double header at the top I believe because of the huge a11y icon16:14
davmor2cyphermox: is this known?16:14
willcookeseb128, about still?16:18
cyphermoxdavmor2: not that I know16:22
seb128willcooke, yes16:39
willcookeseb128, I have an animal!16:39
willcookeIt's a sort of birthday present for you16:40
willcookeit's not16:40
willcookeseb128, anyway, I will update the slideshow now and we can talk about the rest of it tomorrow16:40
seb128let's do that16:41
davmor2willcooke: is it this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qisaGTajtvk16:46
davmor2you know how seb128 that that one :)16:46
cyphermoxwillcooke: awesome, looking forward to the slideshow update :)16:50
davmor2cyphermox, willcooke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/162268617:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1622686 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "double header in 16.10" [Undecided,New]17:04
willcookeTheMuso, might this be related to a11y profiles? ^17:11
willcookeThe a11y icon is double size and is making the indicator panel double size too17:11
* Sweet5hark has scored a 33c3 ticket! \o\ /o/ \o/17:12
willcookecyphermox, thoughts on updating the screenshots from the slideshow with the correct 16.10 wallpaper?  Do we do that for non LTS releases usually?17:15
willcookecos, ya know, I don't have the hours free to do it really17:15
willcookeif it's a must have, then OK, but if not - then suits be better :)17:16
cyphermoxI don't know that I would update all the screenshots, as I recall most don't show the wallpaper17:16
willcookethere's a tiny bit showing around the edges17:16
willcookeI'll skip it for now17:16
cyphermoxbut I would typically do the first and last slides, which is just adding the wallpaper, and the image of the wallpaper with the animal17:16
willcookecool, that's what I hoped you would say17:16
cyphermoxespecially if the software is pretty much the same, I wouldn't sweat over it17:16
cyphermoxthat is, unless you tell me the new wallpaper is vastly different from what we've had in the past?17:17
ochosiseb128: just a quick reminder (in case you're still around) https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/evince/add_toolbar_class/+merge/30542317:20
ochosiseb128: and now hf and enjoy your bday! ;)17:20
seb128ochosi, thanks, did that needed to go in today? it's probably going to be for tomorrow but still on my todolist don't worry17:23
willcookecyphermox, any ideas... I can't run the slideshow test... https://pastebin.canonical.com/165296/17:28
willcookethe PyGI warnings are ok I think17:28
cyphermoxsounds like it will need a little fix for that DynamicImporter thing to work correctly again?17:29
cyphermoxwillcooke: if you file a merge requests, I'll review it and fix it as soon as I'm done with my MIR reviews17:29
willcookecyphermox, I installed this:  sudo apt-get install gir1.2-webkit-3.017:30
willcookeand it works now17:30
cyphermoxoh, good17:30
cyphermoxI was expecting the first error to be the issue, not the gir to be actually missing :)17:30
willcookeit's not a build dep it seems, but that's probably fine17:31
cyphermoxit's probably just needed as a binary depends17:31
willcookecyphermox, https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-1610/+merge/30550417:36
willcookeNow with 100% more Yak17:36
willcookeseb128, ^17:40
ochosiseb128: no, no rush!17:52
cyphermoxwillcooke: what email do you want me to use for your commit?17:52
cyphermoxubuntu or canonical?17:52
ochosiseb128: since you already confirmed the general approach is ok that's enough for me17:52
willcookecyphermox, will DM my email address18:02
willcookecalling it a day, night all18:43
drabhi, trying to track down a bug/behavior I don't understad in ubuntu desktop 16.04, hopefully this is the right channel18:56
drabwith lightdm, I see a line /dev/sda1: clean before lightdm kicks in18:56
drabthis is quite confusing/feels like an error for users not familiar with linux (and even for some who are)18:56
drabI don't understand why just that line (on tty7)... if it was the full output I'd expect to see more/the all thing, like if I start with quiet=false18:57
drabseeing all services and kernel messages as stuff is brought up18:57
drabinstead I just get that line, sometimes two, and that's it, then ligthdm login manager shows up18:58
drabat the same time during boot I don't really see the plymouth screen18:58
drab(I see that during shutdown)18:58
drabso it's like there's some kind of situation where something finishes and something else hasn't started yet, like grub and plymouth give up or something, but lightdm/X isn't up yet18:59
elbrusSweet5hark: winff FTBFS and seems to time out on libreoffice generating pdf's19:06
elbrusany idea?19:06
* elbrus was pointed to you at #ubuntu-motu by jbicha19:07
Sweet5harkelbrus: thats likely https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/1616548 see https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?h=ubuntu-yakkety-5.2&id=28031ef15ac104122180669727c9420bcd51c147 show a likely workaround broken CUPS19:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1616548 in sbuild (Ubuntu) "Cups causes LibreOffice unittests to loop in a sbuild" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:17
Sweet5harkelbrus: thus you need to set SAL_DISABLE_CUPS=true in the env for cups not stalling LO in an sbuild19:19
elbrusSweet5hark: ok, but am I correct to say this is Ubuntu specific?19:20
elbrusIn Debian, the build was OK (in pbuilder)19:21
Sweet5harkelbrus: yes, this is likely ubuntu specific. testbuilds up to libreoffice 5.2.0~rc4 were fine, then it broke, likely by a cups update.19:22
Sweet5harkelbrus: you might help triaging if you downgrade cups and retry. Using LibreOffices own build as testcase is annoying due to the buildtime. but with winff you might have found a good smaller testcase for our CUPS guys ...19:29
Sweet5harkelbrus: FWIW, "in Debian" is somewhat ambiguous, given the number of releases etc. it has. ;)19:30
elbrus"in Debian" I mean in unstable... I just uploaded the package several days ago19:32
* elbrus is running a yakkety pbuild right now19:32
elbrusfirst without the fix (see if it reproduces here)19:33
elbrusif so, I will try with the env var work around19:33
Sweet5harkelbrus: FWIW, I couldnt repro that in a pbuilder, only in sbuild. I dont know exactly was the difference/root cause.19:35
elbrusSweet5hark: I don't have an sbuild setup...19:37
elbrusI'll ask ginggs...19:38
elbrusor try in my ppa19:38
elbrusmaybe that is smarter then19:38
jbichawinff built for me in a yakkety sbuild last week19:39
elbrusjbicha: ?19:39
elbrusit fails in launchpad multiple times19:40
jbichayes I know19:40
jbichaI test built locally and it worked, but not in the launchpad builders19:40
elbrusjbicha: were you the one that also requested a retry?19:40
jbichalast week I did yes19:41
* elbrus noticed that the retry was fresher than his own retry19:42
elbrusjbicha: you didn't try building it in a ppa did you?19:43
elbruswell, I will try that tonight probably19:43
elbrusjbicha: seems to reproduce in MY pbuilder env....19:56
elbrusit's hanging currently19:56
jbichagood! ;)19:56
elbrustrying again with the CUPS env var19:57
elbrusSweet5hark: with your fix, winff builds in my pbuilder env.... so seems like winff is a smaller testcase for the issue20:15
ricotzelbrus, jbicha, it likely works if the host system has a running cups instance20:20
jbicharicotz: good evening, do you think we should sync gobject-introspection 1.49 to match our glib 2.49?20:21
ricotzjbicha, absolutely! while it wasn't done in the recent releases for some reason20:27
jbichayeah, it looks like it stopped happening around utopic20:27
ricotzsync as in merge if this non-gobject stuff is still needed20:27
elbrusSweet5hark: thanks a lot, I now have a successful build in my PPA. Will upload to Ubuntu Yakkety shortly20:29
elbruswinff is fixed: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/winff/1.5.3-7ubuntu1/+build/1074273620:46

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