
lordcirthGuest40933, hello00:01
winsenbazhang: I already replied to you. go out and see if I am there.00:02
dirty_pages_joehey bazhang !00:04
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wabbits how do I get rid of overscan on my hdmi display(acutally a tv)?00:07
gp5stsince the 16.04 upgrade, I don't have a session-wide ssh agent. is that expected?00:13
lordcirthwabbits, well, try adjusting the TV settings first00:17
ltrtigerClean install of 16.04 and the disable touchpad while typing problem is horrendous. Any suggestions?00:22
lordcirthltrtiger, should be an option under mouse00:23
lucas_aiI can't get my @reboot crontab job to run my program. There is no error message in syslog (it shows up as if the command was run but it's not running). Any ideas?00:24
ltrtigerlordcirth...my only option is to turn off the touchpad which I don't want to do...I just want to disable while typing.00:29
lordcirthltrtiger, I think there's an option somewhere for that00:30
t0rWh0r3you could alternativly tape your thumbs on your hands :D00:32
bazhangt0rWh0r3, thats not helpful at all00:33
ltrtigerlordcirth, it seems that option was removed in 16.04.1.  I've not found it anywhere. Unity Tweak and Unity Tweak Tool were also of no help.00:33
ltrtigerIt's a real annoyance/bug to be sure.00:34
mchelen2anyone know of a upnp/dlna server that is still maintained?00:35
k1l!info minidlna00:35
ubottuminidlna (source: minidlna): lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.5+dfsg-2 (xenial), package size 136 kB, installed size 403 kB00:35
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mchelen2k1l: oh i guess they do have some commits in 2016, although their last release was 2-1500:38
k1lwell, it works. i dont know what there needs to be changed :)00:39
ChetManlyis there a place to only talk about 14.04?00:40
helpme8How does snaps in Ubuntu 16 solve the dependencies problem during package installation?00:40
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k1lChetManly: ask here00:40
ChetManlyI know there  is a +1 ...00:40
t0rWh0r3yes the place is called past00:41
orlockBluezHarp: Hohner?00:41
k1lqwas: there are no dependencies since snaps ship them.00:41
ChetManlyhow do I get a vbox 5.x qt in 14.0400:41
qwask1l: what are the disadvantages for snaps? Are they bigger in size since they have to include dependencies?00:42
k1lqwas: they are a bit bigger. but in todays storage times that is not a real issue00:43
qwask1l: would there be duplication of dependencies? Say, package X uses Y dependency. package Z uses Y dependency.  Both snaps include Y dependency.00:44
t0rWh0r3i suppose you want the contrib vbox google: oracle vbox and dl it from their page00:45
k1lqwas: i think yes. #snappy might have more details00:45
bumblefuzzso, when I open 'software & updates' and switch to the 'updates' tab, the drop down menu for 'when there are security updates' is totally grayed out and I can't change it... why is that? and how do I change it?00:47
wabbitslordcirth I tried that00:48
k1lbumblefuzz: is that the same user you created on install?00:48
wabbitsto recap I tried all display apects00:49
bumblefuzzk1l yes00:49
t0rWh0r3ChetManly, dont forget to dl the extension00:50
wabbitsgonna try this later on xrandr --output HDMI-0 --set underscan off00:51
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bumblefuzzso, when I open 'software & updates' and switch to the 'updates' tab, the drop down menu for 'when there are security updates' is totally grayed out and I can't change it... why is that? and how do I change it?00:58
bumblefuzzseriously, 1835 people and no help?01:03
xanguabumblefuzz: you mean gnome boutique?01:06
bumblefuzzxangua: I think01:06
bumblefuzzit just says software & updates01:06
bumblefuzzI think it's what edits /etc/apt/sources.list01:10
Phanesfor eol upgrade, in sources.list, when im swapping archive.ubuntu.com with old-releases.ubuntu.com, what should I be doing with the security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lines?01:15
Phanesleave as is?01:15
Phanes(i am on wiily)01:16
Phanes*wily moving to xenial01:16
k1lno need for using that right now on wily. the regular upgrade should still work01:17
Phanesnot accurate, does anyone know?01:17
Phanesk1l, wily is now EOL and the archive packages have been removed01:18
Phanesyou can see this if you go to the url01:18
k1lthe upgrade should still work since it looks for the next release to upgrade to which is xenial which is still available01:19
Phanesthat's simply not the case01:19
Phanesdoes anyone -know-?01:19
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | Phanes full details are here01:19
ubottuPhanes full details are here: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:19
Phanesyes im reading that as i go, i dont need a link to a page already in front of me, if it were in there i wouldn't be asking01:20
Phanesdoes anyone, anyone at all -know-01:20
k1lPhanes: ok, i can do that attitude too: you really need to -read- that site linked. because it tells you exactly what to do.01:20
Phanesit says absolutlye nothing to do with the security.ubuntu.com entries01:21
cfhowlettPhanes, "To begin the upgrade, make sure you have a sources.list like the following, with CODENAME being your release, e.g. quantal. "01:21
Phanesyou'd know that if you'd read it01:21
Phanesoh so it actually wants me to completely replace the file or comment out anything not matching those lines?01:21
k1lPhanes: so, it tells you what the sources.list should include. so what tells you that about the stuff you mention but is not mentioned on that example?01:22
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Phanesand for "codename of your release" do they mean current state or target release?01:22
k1lit means -exactly- "codename of your release"01:22
Phanesok well that would be both xenial and wily since im migrating from wily to xenial in this operation, so it really is important if they mean future state or current state, this could be more clear01:23
k1l"codename of your release" is very clear.01:23
Phanesok, anyone not pretending to know that can help?  could use a bone here.01:24
cfhowlettyou tried, k1l01:24
k1lPhanes: if i forgot what ma release is i would look it up with "lsb_release -sd". but what do i -know- ...01:25
Phanesno he didn't he just 'oh well hurdy dur dur its quite clear' instead of giving the expansion needed to clarify, because, having literally -developed- package managers in LFS builds, this could clearly mean either current state or future state for a release migration operation01:25
Phanesok so you mean -current state- like i directly asked?01:25
Phanes"<k1l> Phanes: Yes it's current state."  <-- 4 words vs. all the tooth pulling you just put someone through for a perfectly reasonable question01:26
* Phanes goes back to his upgrade, thanks01:27
TurBossI'm trying to load "fuse module into ubuntu 16.0401:28
k1lPhanes: a user with your history showing that attitude in here. i guess you are the very wrong guy to tell others what to do.01:28
bumblefuzzwhere do I go to tell the system what to do when there are new security updates and I want them to automatically update and install?01:28
TurBossbut I can't fint it under l/lib01:28
Phanesk1l, no but if you need retrained on how to do these kinds of things i charge by the hour and can definitely help in a friendly way01:28
cfhowlettbumblefuzz, system > software updater > settings01:28
k1lPhanes: just to let you know since it seems you -forgot-: this is volunteers help in here and we dont like the attitude you are well known for.01:29
Phanesk1l, i am 100% reciprocal in all of my interactions.  give me what you want reflected.  i offer nothing else, ever, i promise.01:30
bumblefuzzok, and what if the security dropdown is totally grayed out in there??01:30
k1lbumblefuzz: is your user in the sudo group? what is the output of "groups" in terminal?01:31
cfhowlettbumblefuzz, the system should demand your admin password before allowing changes.01:31
bumblefuzzuser adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare01:31
bumblefuzzit does ask for my password01:32
TurBossI can only find cuse.ko01:32
bumblefuzzand the other dropdowns are accessible01:32
TurBossis the same?01:32
bumblefuzzbut the security updates dropdon is grayed out01:32
bumblefuzzI can't do anything to it01:32
k1lbumblefuzz: right above that dropdown, is the security updates repo checked?01:32
bumblefuzzxenial-security? yes01:33
k1luncheck it and check it again01:33
k1ldoes it work now?01:34
k1lshould work tho. dont know what breaks it01:35
cfhowlettsame here01:35
bumblefuzzis there a .conf file that this program edits?01:35
bumblefuzzor similar?01:35
k1lbumblefuzz: i would try to relogin and see if its still the same01:35
cfhowlettbumblefuzz, yes.  try the relogin first01:36
thechickenchaserthis lit01:38
thechickenchaserthis is why fedora users hate ubuntu users^^^^01:39
cfhowlettthechickenchaser, this is ubuntu support. please stay on topic.  chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:39
Phanesha, http://paste.ubuntu.com01:40
Phaneslinux-*-virtual packages not found using those instructions01:43
Phanesi suspect that they intended target release and not current state01:43
Phanesfor sources.list01:43
k1lno they dont01:43
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Phanesman oh man look at all those 404s01:46
towerpinkIn the first hour Sinead talks with holohoax exposers Monica and Alfred Schaefer to discuss their awakening, their activism and the recent raid on Alfred’s home in Germany.01:46
Phaneshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23167427/ <--- 404s for most of those01:46
cfhowletttowerpink, stop spamming this channel01:47
bumblefuzzok, I rebooted01:49
bumblefuzzno change in the security dropdown menu01:49
Phanesthese 404s are making me pretty nervous01:50
* Phanes starts dd'ing the bad advice recovery thumb drive01:51
lucas_aiI installed opencv on ubuntu with apt. Where do I find the headers now so I can compile my c++ program?01:51
k1lPhanes: did you just say you got a bad advice from me?01:52
t0rWh0r3find / 2> /dev/null | grep -i opencv01:52
Phanesno but im quite nervous about these 404s in that paste and am worried this is about to tank due to something being wrong somewhere not accounted for in the walkthrough01:53
Phanesk1l, im currently running do-release-upgrade -m desktop right now because i got the same dump of 404s in the apt-get update01:53
Phanesbut it just rolled back because it goe the same 404s01:54
k1lPhanes: that is why i said to not change the sources.list and run the upgrade in the first place01:54
Phanesthe apt-get dist upgrade command doesn't work out of the box with EOL releases, im sorry but you can confirm this if you don't believe me01:55
k1lubuntu doesnt use apt-get to upgrade to a new release since ages.01:56
Phanesi backed up the source.list before making any changes, i could always move it back and run do-release-upgrade if that's what youre suggesting (nothing so far in the guide has installed anything)01:57
bumblefuzzwhat document does software & updates edit?01:57
bumblefuzzthe settings*01:57
k1luse update-manager on gui or do-release-upgrade on the cli to upgrade to a new ubuntu release. apt is only used for updates on ubuntu01:57
t0rWh0r3apt has super-cow powers it can everything01:57
SonikkuAmericat0rWh0r3: It can't perform *release* upgrades01:58
* Phanes is pretty sure do-release-upgrade wont work on wily to xenial migrations, but here goes01:59
* Phanes restores sources.list01:59
SonikkuAmerica15.10 to 16.04? it should!01:59
t0rWh0r3first i do after fresh install is disable the update-manager gui and install synaptic01:59
Phanesi really hope so02:00
SonikkuAmericat0rWh0r3: My personal recommendation is running [ sudo apt full-upgrade ] in the terminal to perform distribution upgrades02:00
Phanesannnnnd 404s, all down my terminal, invading my upgrade02:00
cfhowlettSonikkuAmerica, and that is STILL not a release upgrade.02:01
SonikkuAmericacfhowlett: You're correct.02:01
SonikkuAmericaI wasn't finished.02:01
SonikkuAmericat0rWh0r3: and [ do-release-upgrade ], in my opinion, has a better chance than the Software Updater GUI to perform *release* upgrades02:02
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.02:02
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:02
SonikkuAmericaAnd there you go, really02:02
SonikkuAmericaBut I've generally found that someplace the GUI release upgrade tool will break02:02
Phanescfhowlett, after restoring sources.list do-release-upgrade did this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23167466/02:03
* Phanes crosses his fingers and trusts the advice02:03
Phaneswish i knew more about what it was actually doing under the hood02:03
SonikkuAmericaPhanes: theoretically you shouldn't have to do that in a root shell prompt...02:04
k1lPhanes: well, you 3rd party repos make issues02:04
Phanesk1l, yeah02:04
Phanesk1l, is "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net wily/main amd64 Packages" a 3rd party repo issue?02:04
k1lPhanes: but as i said right from the start this method works when you showed your lfs guru attitude and say i dont know about it.02:05
terry364We are waking up. We know what's happened. They can their Samson Option. That's all they have.02:05
SonikkuAmericaPhanes: The fact it reads "ppa" in the beginning of the URL should tell ya02:05
terry364Wrong chan.02:05
* SonikkuAmerica facepalms02:05
Phanesno, i dont know what indicates, im relatively new to the ubuntu universe and dont know my way around the package sources yet02:06
k1lPhanes: read what it says down below02:06
t0rWh0r3i suppose you need also luck, i prefer a new installation, have separate home partition and your are in the same time done02:06
t0rWh0r3there need to be only one stupid brocken package, installed with dpkg and apt see this first while processing upgrade ...02:08
k1lt0rWh0r3: upgrades and updates do get automated testings on ubuntu. the upgrades do work. most times its 3rd party packages/installs that break the system because they cant get tested that way.02:08
Phanesso is ppa.launchpad.net 3rd party?  i was pretty sure those were official package sources?02:09
Phanesi honestly do not know02:09
k1lPhanes: they are not official. every person can make a PPA.02:09
hggdhPhanes: PPAs are not part of the official distro02:09
t0rWh0r3yes its true if you use only stable official pks you have better chances02:09
Phanesok so this was going to remove fglrx02:10
t0rWh0r3but i have tons of custom stuff installed...02:10
SonikkuAmericaPhanes: fglrx? That obsolete thing is gone, sir02:10
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD02:10
k1lamd stopped making fglrx.02:10
SonikkuAmericaTry amdgpu nstead.02:10
* Phanes is baffled02:11
freefallquestion.. in task manager where it say a file using so much VM like knotify4 it say it using 1.5Gib is this a bad thing?02:12
k1lPhanes: because amd stops making fglrx and every distro shipping the latest xorg verison will have the same issue. amd makes amd_gpu now02:12
Phanesoh wow, ok, i need to roll back, i need the prop drivers.02:12
cfhowlettfreefall, bad if you have only 2gb of VM.02:13
Phanesim using high end cards, the oss drivers will not do02:13
k1lPhanes: if its hight end cards they will be supported by amd_gpu from amd, which is the fglrx replacement02:13
freefallcfhowlett, how do i tell what my max vm is?02:14
Phaneswell, that's a shame, guess its time to get a GTX 108002:14
Phanesi was hoping to do that next month, i can wait a month to upgrade02:14
cfhowlettfreefall, open a terminal: df -h02:14
freefallPhanes, your limited to what driver are built for linux by the chip maker..02:14
cfhowlettfreefall, sorry.  terminal:   free02:15
freefallok gonna say what would i look at with df02:15
k1lPhanes: you dont understand correctly: amd is turning back from making a binary and is supporting a open source driver instead. they even helped on radeon02:16
t0rWh0r3try the hardware manager for preporitary driver  in the setting02:16
Phanesfreefall, yeah pretty much.  i was under the impression there was some kind of arrangement between canonical and amd for fglrx support not seen on most of the other distros, looks like that's fallen out, the open source drivers have never measured up to the propr. imho02:16
k1lPhanes: you are again too quick on your judgements making statements not based on facts.02:16
cfhowlettfreefall, mem: total   is what you should look at02:17
freefallso amd is gonna use nautilus for it video driver support02:18
Phanesk1l, how is gl and 3d support on amdgpu?02:18
k1lit is the fglrx replacement from amd.02:18
freefallcrap how do you copy paste from xterm?02:19
Phanesfreefall, not sure about xterm but most terms like it just copy to clipboard when you release while highlighting text02:20
cfhowlettfreefall, free | nc termbin.com 9999                should do it02:20
Phaneshrmmmm k1l: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver–Release-Notes.aspx02:21
thor_.desktop fil. This is in the commandline_: ~/Opt/dartium-lucid64-full-stable- What im I doing wrong?02:21
SonikkuAmericathor_: remove the "~" (tilde)02:22
t0rWh0r3i use xsel to pipe terminal outputs to clipboard. "pwd | xsel -i" copies current folder to one clipboard -b to the other02:24
cfhowlettfreefall, appears you have 1.5 gigs of ram.  technically ubuntu will run on that. you might find if helpful to run a less resource hungry desktop environment, e.g. xfce or lxde02:24
t0rWh0r3there are 2 clipboards02:24
freefallim on lubuntu02:24
cfhowlettfreefall, excellent02:25
freefallwhat a better term beside xterm02:25
Bashing-omfreefall: hold left mouse button and drag to copy . middle button to paste .02:25
freefalldoh.. that what it was.. i did it before but i forgot.. thanks Bashing-om02:25
SonikkuAmericafreefall: I'd give lxterminal or qterminal a try :)02:25
thor_SonikkuAmerica: haha.. Thanks man!Its working now :) Too much, or not enough coffee, im not sure :D02:25
freefallok SonikkuAmerica02:26
freefallso with VM like Knotify is there something id need to watch with free to know it not using to much? i though of killing knotify an use some xfce version..02:27
freefallknotify is eating up 1.5gib of it..02:27
freefallhi mo702:27
cfhowlettfreefall, you'll know it's too much if your system noticeably slows or freezes.02:27
Phanesk1l, looks like AMDGPU-PRO is the fglrx equiv for users who need gaming-level performance if i am reading correctly02:29
freefallwould this mean the swap file is full? or the page file use up the whole HDD?02:29
t0rWh0r3you can drop cache and free memory as root "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"02:30
freefallmay i ask what this does?02:31
t0rWh0r3it drops cache from ram and frees memory02:31
t0rWh0r3if your ram is full you will get significant part of it back02:32
freefallso it a force memery dump to the drive..02:32
mo7amed4 g ram02:33
freefallwell the cache that is.. does it reload it back when it needs it..02:33
t0rWh0r3no you drop caches memory in ram, so if its needed it have to be loaded again in ram02:33
freefalloh k02:33
freefallmo7 really?02:33
cfhowlettmo7amed, no profanity in this channel.  thank you.02:34
twyK_guys someone knows how to start screen on a script with crontab?02:42
twyK_because the script runs well a command but with screen doesn't start02:45
theoremhow can I verify that the custom font is installed properly ?  (I have a custom font in .pcf and .fon format)02:47
theoremon font cache renewal I can't seem to find it with any utilities02:48
theoremI mean -- it picked them up -- why can't I use the fonts ?  : /home/theorem/.fonts: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs02:50
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elspruowncloud question, can I have multiple servers which sync with each other and look as though they are one server (load balancing).03:50
lordcirthelspru, not really supported here, but yes, you can03:51
wabbitsfell very silly asking this how do I kill my x server so that I can run `xrandr --output HDMI-0 --set underscan off`03:53
lordcirthwabbits, 'sudo killall Xorg' ?03:53
wabbitsthanks will do03:54
wabbitsdo I run xrandr as the user or as root?03:54
wabbitslordcirth it respawned so fast I couldn't get xrandr run03:57
lordcirthwabbits, perhaps you need to stop your login manager temporarily03:58
wabbitstried telinit 3 and nothing happened03:58
wabbitsokay I killed lightdm but I still can't run the command it says can't open display04:00
wabbitsgot the command to run still no joy04:05
venkat_330Guys i have a unattended system which runs under "test" login. Recently, I enabled password expiry for 90 days.04:14
venkat_330All i am expecting is if someone login in manually with user TEST after 90 days it should prompt user fro password change. For auto login It should just login.04:14
stoneRsonmi-451hi. does anyone know a good video capture software? i have an USB capture device04:25
energizerThere is a keybinding resolver in Atom, which shows what keyboard shortcuts are doing when you push them.04:28
energizerWhen I push alt-f, it thinks I'm just pressing alt. This suggests to me that something in my desktop environment is capturing alt-f before it gets to Atom.04:29
energizerWhat could it be?04:29
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energizerIt opens the top menu of the application instead of doing what the application keybinding specifies.04:33
energizerWhy would alt-f do that?04:34
ChetManlyhow may I get more up to date versions of virtualbox in 14.04? namely 5.x and QT version04:35
ChetManlylike who makes the QT version?04:35
tatertotsChetManly: how did you install virtual box?04:40
ChetManlytatertots: havent yet04:40
ChetManlytatertots: I believe the oracle way is gtk isnt it?04:41
ChetManlyalso is the one in the repo only 32 bit?04:41
tatertotsChetManly: to get the latest greatest version obtain it from oracle's own website and install it manually instead of the sudo apt-get / apt install04:41
EriC^^try apt-cache show virtualbox04:42
tatertotsChetManly: be prepared to manually install it and deal with any dependency04:42
tatertotsChetManly: if this seems like too  much you're better of just "sudo apt install virtualbox-qt"04:42
tatertotsbetter off04:43
ChetManlyI be aiiht just asking questions04:43
tatertotsChetManly: are you running a 32 bit operating system?04:44
ChetManlyEriC^^: oh hey, you helped me sometime ago04:44
ChetManlycool story ...hey?04:44
ChetManlythink I had a different handle then thou04:46
lovelyliraKyle speaks with Frank Raymond, author of the novel Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells. Frank is an Indian man living in Canada who has done an extensive study of the White mind and how it contrasts with non-Whites.05:03
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UbuntivityHello everyone. I have Ubuntu 12.04 x64. My boot is taking too long. I looked at dmesg and found where the delay lies:05:47
Ubuntivity[   14.822090] EXT4-fs (sda2): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro05:48
Ubuntivity[   27.877591] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk05:48
Ubuntivity[   95.004280] init: failsafe main process (1068) killed by TERM signal05:48
UbuntivityWhat exactly is the problem? and how to solve it?05:48
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PistoleroHello. I have a question regarding gnome-terminal. Is it possible to make sure that CTRL+K does not affect the clipboard? If I press CTRL+K it will put the removed text into the clipboard.05:50
UbuntivityHere is my full dmesg output: http://pastebin.com/Z7rLEEBa . what is causing the delay?05:54
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Guest42751hows everyone06:06
guestHey I'm trying to use an old camera cradle. Would it show up in lspci even if there weren't a kernel module for it?06:06
Triffid_HunterGuest: if it's a pci device, yes06:07
guestWell... USB is on the PCI bus, right? lol06:08
guestIt connects through USB06:08
guestBut I can't tell if ubuntu is recognizing it or not06:08
sonicabtHey! I am running ubuntu 16.04 and for some reason the window auto-resize is disabled. Like, when I drag the window to right or left end the window resizes to half of screen starting from the respective end. Anyone knows how to enable it back?06:09
sonicabtPlease help me out here.06:09
NetworkingProhey everyone06:10
NetworkingProis there a command to determine what mount a file is in?06:10
NetworkingProlike if i try to edit a particular file, and it tells me that its r/o06:10
NetworkingProhow can i tell which mount to remount r/w?06:11
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Guest42751try linux mint or fendora it might help on ur old camera06:13
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guestWhy's that06:13
Guest42751or try "lshw" as superuser. it gives detailed list of all hardware, your camera and details about it should be listed in there.06:17
hateballguest: if you connect using usb, you use lsusb to list devices06:19
hateballguest: running "dmesg" after plugging the device in might give useful information as well06:20
guestA lot of "device descriptor read/64, error -110"06:21
glitchdhello all, i have a thunar question, is it ok to post it in here?06:21
glitchdim getting no reponse in #xubuntu..06:21
guestI wonder what kind of Zebra 17.04 will be06:22
glitchdzoiked zebra is my vote06:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:25
glitchdhateball, that was my first inclination, but didnt want to ruffle any feathers since its for xfce/xubuntu and this is ubuntu..06:26
hateballglitchd: No harm in asking06:27
glitchdhow can i find incorrect mime types and edit them? my 16.04.1 install will not display svg icons in thunar.06:27
glitchdthis all stems from the fact that the pictures icon on the left of my thunar window displays a broken link. upon further investigation, im finding the problem could be with mime types relating to svg images06:29
glitchdat least i think..06:29
ducasseglitchd: xfce has a mime editor, iirc you can find it under the settings manager06:31
glitchdducasse, dear god. i somehow missed that. ive been trying to correct this stupid problem for a bit of a while now. thank you.06:32
ducasseglitchd: no problem, you might also want to check out tumbler.06:34
Guest42751To check if 'extension' mime type exist: grep 'extension' /etc/mime.types06:34
glitchdducasse, im not even sure what exactly im doing lol06:34
Guest42751Open /etc/mime.types with text-editor(with root privileges) : gksudo gedit /etc/mime.types06:35
ducasseglitchd: tumbler is the thumbnailer service xfce uses. i would check that tumbler-plugins-extra is installed.06:35
Guest42751Add extension to /etc/mime.types in following format: text/extension                   extension06:36
glitchdducasse, it was not, but its installing now06:36
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ducasseglitchd: the mime settings for your user should be in ~/.config/mimeapps.list06:38
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glitchdducasse, here is what im trying to fix https://ibin.co/2unBPtlmxjb9.jpg06:40
glitchdducasse, it just installed tumbler-plugins-extras i wonder if i should logout and back in to see if anything changes..?06:41
glitchdducasse, if u notice in the picture, the link to my pictures displays a broken link..06:42
glitchdducasse, and any svg icon in any folder displays the same thing06:42
glitchdthats why i thinks is a botched mime type06:43
guestHeh torrents.06:43
guestU pir8 u06:43
glitchdhuh wha?06:43
guestI see yo Finished_Torrents off to da side06:44
glitchdoh, lol06:44
ducasseglitchd: hmm, that is odd. only svg icons?06:45
glitchdducasse, yes06:45
glitchdducasse, and its even more weird that only that one link is affected by it06:45
glitchdaffected/effected depending on how u look at it..lol06:46
ducasseglitchd: i'm sorry, i have no ideas. i really think the people in #xubuntu will be better able to help, or maybe #xfce.06:47
xianmeihello, i'm trying to unzip a .tgz file but tar -xvzf filename.tgz returns gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now. i tried without the -z parameter in case it was not a gzip file as the filename says but the same happened06:48
glitchdducasse, welp, thx anyways06:49
ducasseglitchd: have you tried another icon theme?06:50
glitchdducasse, yes, and its fine in another icon theme, just this one particular theme seems to be effected by it06:52
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glitchdand yes i know i can just use another icon theme, but i link this one.06:53
ducasseglitchd: can you try purging and reinstalling the theme?06:53
glitchdducasse, i have no idea how to do that..06:55
ducasseglitchd: which theme is this?06:55
glitchdelementary xfce darker06:56
glitchdmaybe just elementary xfce06:56
glitchdnot sure if they are stored seperatly or not..06:56
ducasseglitchd: let me try it here06:56
glitchdi dont think thats gonna work tho..06:56
glitchdmaybe it is tho06:57
glitchdi thought one thing but i was wrong..06:57
glitchdi changed icon themes and .svg images still didnt have thumbnails, but the icon for my pictures folder was fixed06:58
glitchdthink it could have to do with xubuntu-desktop?06:59
glitchdthis was ubuntu, but i installed xubuntu desktop on it06:59
glitchdfor whatever reason ubunut with xubuntu desktop seems to always run better than just xubuntu07:00
ducasseglitchd: no other ideas, i think you need to wait for a response in another channel - sorry.07:00
glitchdlol no problem, thx anywas again07:00
glitchdacutally im just gonna say screw it an wait to upgrade07:01
guestI've always found Lubuntu to run megafast, but for some reason I sometimes get file corruption when copying files. I wonder if I would get the same problems running Ubuntu then installing LXDE. Or installing GNOME on top of Lubuntu07:03
guardianL_why do you think it's lubuntu's fault, and not your hardware for example?07:07
guestBecause it's happened on various systems07:07
guestAnd the other buntus didn't do it to me07:08
guardianL_wow, ok, no idea07:08
guestYeah, heh. Maybe it just hates me. That's an explanation I'm willing to accept.07:09
ducasseguest: have you tried another file manager?07:09
guardianL_i know nothing about lubuntu, maybe it's the file manager application that comes with it07:10
zherlockSuggestions for where I went wrong when I du "shutdown -P" or "poweroff" and I get "system halted" where I want to to talk (ACPI?) and actually power it down07:11
guestducasse, I hadn't, no.07:11
guestDidn't really think to. Guess I just figured the file manager was tied to the DE07:11
ducasseguest: try thunar, caja or spacefm, for example.07:11
Triffid_HunterGuest: well linux apps need their libraries of course, but will run under any DE/WM07:13
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aniketh_I am using ubuntu 16.04. Its running on Hp laptop. I have a dual graphic card of nvidia GEFORCE + intel infact 4GB of nvidia graphics. Specification of my laptop are i7-6th gen processor, 12GB ram and 256SSD. My laptop is facing heating issue when it runs ubuntu and it gets stuck on boot up of ubuntu. As I have dual booted it with windows 10 till now I07:56
aniketh_haven't faced any such issues like this on windows. Can anyone help me to solve the heating issue and stuck of ubuntu on startup  ?07:56
ZoFaniketh_: how are you having heating issues in running ubuntu locally if you can't boot to it?07:57
cfhowlettaniketh_, I'm going to guess you may have improperly configured GPU drivers.  try booting the intel rather than nvidia07:57
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aniketh_zoF: If I power off with the button many times and run in recovery mode it boots up.07:58
cfhowlettaniketh_, that points to configuration isssues.07:59
ZoFaniketh_: were you ever able to boot local now sometimes? Or is it only coming up in rescue?08:00
aniketh_cfhowlett: okay. let me try re-configuring it.08:01
aniketh_ZoF: Now I am working in ubuntu. At the boot up it gets stuck. When I do hard reset and boot ubuntu again the issue seems to get solved. but heating issue and battery drain remains.08:02
omg_Is it a very new laptop?08:02
glitchdis it possible to stop the system from switching sound devices when the screen saver activates?08:03
aniketh_omg_: Yes.08:04
cfhowlettaniketh_, install tlp may help with battery.08:04
glitchdaniketh_, details?08:05
aniketh_cfhowlett : okay08:05
omg_Very neew hardware often times is not yet fully supported08:05
aniketh_glitchd: details on what ?08:05
glitchdaniketh_, ...i thought u were responding to my question..im thinking not now tho..lol08:06
KpuCkohello does anybody knows about mac-telnet server?08:06
aniketh_glitchd : I was asking you need details of my problem or the specifications of my laptop.08:07
samalno sorry08:07
glitchdaniketh_, and as i said, i thought u were responding to my question, but i misread. my mistake. as for you problem, i have no idea what your problem even is..08:08
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omg_aniketh_, I cant tell you exactly what your problem is but maybe your hardware is not properly supported yet.08:11
aniketh_glitchd: anyway thanks for your concern.cfhowlett is helping.08:11
omg_If i were you i would just leave it for some time and try again later08:11
adamicronwhat's the "default" screensaver, if there's one?08:12
glitchdaniketh_, alrighty then..08:12
aniketh_omg_: I do think so. But giving a try if i can solve it08:12
adamicronI'm on 16.06 desktop install08:12
omg_I myself have wasted so much time in the past trying to get things to work b08:12
omg_yes google around a bit08:12
aniketh_omg_ : on the heating issue ?08:12
omg_And most likely in some time it will be supported08:13
omg_Not heating issue specifically08:13
ducasseaniketh_: you could try a later kernel, maybe it has better support for your hardware08:13
omg_But other issues like not booting at all or hardware not woring (e.g. wireless)08:14
aniketh_omg_ : that's sad.08:14
aniketh_ducasse: I tried upgrading the kernel.08:15
omg_But now i dont buy the latest if i have to install ubuntu/other linux distros08:15
ducasseaniketh_: to which version?08:15
ChetManlyto pin do I have to know all dependencies and apps will work on my distro?08:15
ChetManlyI really want a better version of keepass on my system08:16
ChetManlywithout using a ppa08:16
aniketh_ducasse: its running on 4.4.0-31-generic08:17
atralheavenhi, I created a data partition with default options in /etc/fstab, now the user can't write to it, how can I fix it?08:17
omg_you could try 4.708:17
ducasseaniketh_: i was talking about a much later mainline kernel08:17
ducasse!mainline | aniketh_08:17
ubottuaniketh_: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:17
omg_atralheaven: try chmod08:18
atralheavenomg_: what number should I set?08:19
aniketh_cfhowlett: Installed tlp. It's great. Now it's not draining like it usually did.08:20
aniketh_ducasse: Don't haver much idea of kernels and all. If you can please elaborate the things i should be doing08:21
ducasseaniketh_: see the link ubottu gave you08:21
cfhowletthappy2help! aniketh_08:21
omg_if you set 777 all users can read and write08:21
aniketh_ducasse: okay let me see through it.08:22
omg_i would change it back afterwards08:22
atralheavenomg_: well, only one user, and why the last 7?08:22
aniketh_cfhowlett: help me out through the heating issue too ;)08:22
omg_atralheaven: check http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_lts0090.php08:25
omg_Those numbers are for the owner, group owner and other users08:25
atralheavenomg_: I know, but I don't know actually what the others mean here08:26
guestHow do I found out about the permissions string in ls -l08:26
ducasseatralheaven: chown or chgrp the file system to your user or group, then set perms afterwards.08:26
guestsometimes I see random letters at the end08:26
guestor at the beginning08:26
guest(Usually d)08:26
atralheavenomg_: and also does chown work here? if yes, isn't it better?08:26
riqjhello everyone, I got this result from smart test for my HDD: paste.ubuntu.com/23168312 ..while there are no current fails, there are pre-fail and old-age markings in some attributes..could you help me know what these tell?.08:26
aniketh_cfhowlett: how do I change the gpu configuration ?08:27
cfhowlettaniketh_, once logged in, you should have an nvidia app which performs the switch.  choose intel.08:27
aniketh_cfhowlett: I tried it through nvidia x-server setting. But didn't found any peculiar changes08:28
cfhowlettaniketh_, wait you don't have a dedicated app?08:28
omg_atralheaven: idont know which one would be better08:29
aniketh_cfhowlett: No I think. What I have is nvidia x-server setting.08:29
omg_i would use chmod and change it back afterwards08:29
omg_But that would be just a quick solution08:29
atralheavenomg_: I used chown, and then easily changed the permissions for myself08:30
atralheavenso, solved :) thanks!08:30
aniketh_cfhowlett: Can you suggest an app for that ?08:31
cfhowlett!nvidia | aniketh_,08:33
ubottuaniketh_,: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »08:33
guestMatrox lol08:34
guestThere's a blast from the past08:35
guestLegit question: Flash decided to stop working. I re-installed it via flashplugin-installer (it had originally been installed at setup [I'm guessing through ubuntu-restricted-extras]), and it started working again in Firefox, but not Opera.08:36
guest+How do I get it to work globally?08:37
glitchdhow can i tell ubuntu not to switch sound devices when the screen saver/screen blank activates?08:42
riqjhello everyone, I got this result from smart test for my HDD: paste.ubuntu.com/23168312 ..while there are no current fails, there are pre-fail and old-age markings in some attributes..could you help me know what these tell?.08:43
trudkoHi everyone, I've downloaded deb package from Atom.io to install Atom Editor but now there is an update, so what should I do so Atom updates are automatic? Do I have to add some ppa?08:43
EriC^^riqj: it looks clean08:59
EriC^^trudko: did it add a ppa itself?09:01
EriC^^try ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d and look for any ppa's09:02
trudkoEriC^^: doesn't seem so09:08
jn_jngiorno ubuntu09:11
horiz0nI've posted a question on linuxquestions.org forum:09:14
horiz0nDoes anyu one know when exactly rc.local script is running in 16.04.109:15
Guest96144anyone around?09:20
EriC^^Guest96144: yes09:21
Guest96144I'm having a  problem with gnome309:22
Guest96144everytime I reboot it resets gnome layout09:23
Guest96144I have to re-enable extensions09:23
Guest96144is there a way to solve this?09:23
EriC^^Guest96144: try find ~ ! -user $USER09:26
EriC^^see if it gives you anything09:26
Guest96144it gives me a big list09:26
Guest96144really REALLy big list I should say :)09:27
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riqjhello everyone, I got this result from smart test for my HDD: paste.ubuntu.com/23168312 ..while there are no current fails, there are pre-fail and old-age markings in some attributes..could you help me know what these tell?.09:32
riqjand the smart test in gnome disk utility says 'disk is OK'??09:32
EriC^^i got disconnected09:33
riqjtatertots could you please tell me why you dmed me to ask this 'how long have you been trying to learn what it means through chat room?'09:34
k1l!pm | tatertots09:35
ubottutatertots: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.09:35
riqjand with the knowledge that trolling is bad practice09:36
bazhangriqj, thats not needed nor welcome here09:37
riqjwhich one, bazhang? trolling?09:37
cupofCan my computer run Ubuntu https://postimg.org/image/o6kyg3rub/?09:37
bazhangriqj, do you have any actual ubuntu support questions, if so ask them, all on a single line09:38
riqjbazhang, I already asked thrice. while I was waiting, I got above dm. what do you mean?09:38
riqjI am not the one who trolled. and I don't need it either, and would like to resume to my question now09:38
bazhangriqj, I did not see it09:39
riqjok, once more:09:41
riqjhello everyone, I got this result from smart test for my HDD: paste.ubuntu.com/23168312 ..while there are no current fails, there are pre-fail and old-age markings in some attributes..could you help me know what these tell?.09:41
riqjand the smart test in gnome disk utility says 'disk is OK'??09:41
riqjthe same thing is true both for an HDD and an EDD09:41
Rockwolf<cupof> Pretty much any computer can Ubuntu09:41
\9riqj: the "pre-fail" and "old_age" don't really mean much09:41
\9the values are more important. you don't have much below 100 so there isn't much to worry about09:42
\9or at least this is my understanding09:42
riqjboth the HDD and external drive are shown as 'disk is OK' in disk utility, but I am getting errors when I would like to create a partition with, say, the EDD09:42
Rockwolfthat your hard drive is going to bite it pretty quick09:42
Ben64riqj: what error09:42
EriC^^riqj: i replied earlier, the disk looks clean09:42
Rockwolfhow old is the drive?09:42
riqjoh, sorry, EriC^^, must have missed it09:43
EriC^^it looks as clean as a whistle in the smart data09:43
EriC^^(just taken a fall or 2 maybe)09:43
\9i have a pretty much brand new ssd, and it also is full of pre-fail and old_age labels09:44
pv2bMy guess is that the pre-fail and old-age labels means what type of metric it is, not neccessarilly that there's a pre-fail or old-age condition09:44
KlausedSourcedoes anyone know of a tool with that i can extract information (page dimensions, number of sheets/sides) from a pcl print file?09:44
EriC^^\9: you need to see the raw data it gives at the end, especially for reallocated sectors,events and pending sectors offline uncorrectable09:44
riqjBen64, error like 'you requested a partition from x MB to y MB, the closest location we can manage is x MB to Y MB (yet the sectors in paranthesis differ by the last digit here)09:45
Ben64riqj: well that sounds self explanatory09:45
riqjBen64, so what does it explain?09:46
Ben64you requested a size that isn't possible, so it suggested x,y09:46
riqjI wanted to create a partition as I always did, it never gave this error09:46
EriC^^riqj: how big of a partition?09:47
Ben64yeah, actual details would help09:47
riqjEriC^^, it was a free space between other partitions, and I wanted to use the whole of this space to create a new one09:47
riqjsomething like 11GB09:48
EriC^^how big though?09:48
EriC^^try cfdisk/cgdisk to make it09:48
EriC^^(f is for msdos partition tables, g for gpt)09:49
riqjshould I maybe use gparted? gnome disk utility has a history with me of messing up the partitions with similar errors..09:49
ChetManlyif I installed ubuntu on surface pro would the touch work?09:50
riqjEriC^^, I will try with gparted now, and will proceed to your recommended tools if it doesnt work.09:50
bazhangChetManly, is that a tablet or what09:51
ChetManlyyeah a microsoft one, I dont know if unity supports touch on all displays09:52
bazhang!touch | ChetManly09:52
ubottuChetManly: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:52
k1lChetManly: ubuntu supports touchscreens. if that specific device works you best see if there is someone who actually got it running on it.09:52
bazhangtry that channel above ChetManly09:52
EriC^^riqj: ok09:52
k1lChetManly: and you will need to get the 32bit uefi stuff working.09:52
ChetManlyk1l: pardon???09:53
k1lChetManly: the "made for microsoft" tablets ship with 32bit uefi. that is a pain to get running on non-windows.09:53
k1lChetManly: but the internet is full of "how to get ubuntu/linux running on surface" howtos where people describe what to do09:54
ChetManly32 bit? so like uefi is 16 bit normally?09:54
horiz0nDOes anyone know the answer for my question posted here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5604049#post560404909:54
k1lChetManly: no, its 64bit normally. the 32bit part is a "made for microsoft" exclusive.09:55
ChetManlyso just to be clear the EFI is only 32 bit not the rest of the rig09:56
k1lChetManly: yes.09:56
ChetManlyok good to know09:56
Krisostoomusdudes, i installed ubuntu in 5 min yesterday09:59
Krisostoomusis that fast or slow?09:59
ChetManlyturbo negro09:59
acetakwasIs there any sticky note app for Ubuntu that docks to the right of the screen and appears when you click on it?10:01
Krisostoomusi have a problem. my mic is recording too quiet, is that some common problem? even though the input level is set to maximum10:01
Krisostoomusi had the same problem with opensuse10:02
acetakwasKrisostoomus::  Try Pulse Audio Volume Control to be sure you have the right settings.10:02
ChetManlyKrisostoomus: its like pavcontrol or something like that10:08
ash_workzwhat 'runs10:08
ash_workzwhat 'runs' the envvars file?10:08
riqjEriC^^, the partitions seem to have been created successfully with gparted..thank you very much!10:12
EriC^^riqj: great! no problem10:18
AnticomHi all. I'm looking for a ppa providing conky themes10:21
AnticomI guess this is the "usual" way to get them, right?10:21
Anticomexcept if you're writing your own of course10:21
RLGydeHey ... after a reboot of my ubuntu server I get channel: SHA1 verification failed, channel failed when I run sa-update, I am not sure about what to do, can you help?10:22
borsukhi, please help me - how to install amd rx 480 on ubuntu 16.0410:23
EriC^^borsuk: try going to the dash then type drivers10:24
erialdoHello, Where is the logout button in thunderbird. I want to logout from one account there10:24
borsukEriC^^: i try install this drivers http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx10:25
OnkelTemI'm trying to compress a folder in Dolphin and need to provide an option to a compressor10:26
OnkelTembut I don't see any ways to specify ANY options10:26
OnkelTemSo I've selected "Compress" item from the right-button menu and then appeared this window10:26
OnkelTem(This is KDE and Dolphin)10:26
EriC^^borsuk: explain more please10:27
Anticomerialdo: Edit --> Account Settings10:27
AnticomShould be somewhere in there (My lang is DE_de, so i have to guess the translation)10:28
erialdoAnticom: found it . i simply removed the account. Thanks10:29
borsukEriC^^: after install drivers and reboot a i have black screen10:29
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EriC^^borsuk: i got disconnected10:34
afrokarlssonhi, i got call from turtle, in white house10:34
EriC^^can you give details about what you tried and what went wrong?10:34
EriC^^afrokarlsson: leonardo? the blue one?10:34
afrokarlssonmayday mayday where female siamease twin livs, i wanna fuck her immeditely10:35
sonu_nkhi When i am enabling Less secure app from Gmail setting i am getting this http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/5633/U88RRf.png and it domain hosted on Linode10:37
k1lsonu_nk: gmail only wants its own gmail clients/weblogin to be used and is warning that other apps are insecure, while they arent10:39
sonu_nki know but if domain hosted on another server and you are using gmail app for that domain like email@mywebsite.com10:40
sonu_nkthen we need to do some setting on server and my server os ubtunu10:40
borsukEriC^^: after install drivers and reboot a i have black screen10:42
EriC^^borsuk: do you need it to work with that driver?10:45
aiyaiyaiHello, I have a remote xenial box that is giving me some trouble removing 3 old kernel related stuff10:51
EriC^^!paste | aiyaiyai10:52
ubottuaiyaiyai: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:52
borsukEriC^^: What are the alternatives10:52
EriC^^borsuk: the default ones in ubuntu10:52
k1lborsuk: did the install report any errors? can you show that in a pastebin?10:52
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23168746/10:53
aiyaiyaiit is doing it for 34 and 35 as well10:53
borsukInstallation is without error. In a moment I install Linux Mint 18 and pasted report10:54
EriC^^aiyaiyai: try to reinstall it then remove it with apt-get10:54
k1lborsuk: we cant support mint in here. ask the mint support10:54
k1l!mint | borsuk10:54
ubottuborsuk: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:54
k1laiyaiyai: did you manually remove the files before?10:55
dami0hi, one of my fonts randomly dissapeared, but it does still appear when i do fc-cache -f -v saying new cache contents 12 fonts10:56
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: I've tried, it complains about dependencies and requests that I uninstall the 3 broken packages10:56
dami0but fc-list seemingly has no mention of it10:56
aiyaiyaik1l: manually how?10:56
aiyaiyaik1l: I stick to aptitude when possible10:56
k1laiyaiyai: depmod: FATAL: could not load /boot/System.map-4.4.0-32-generic: No such file or directory10:57
EriC^^aiyaiyai: try sudo dpkg --force-all --remove <package> for all 3, then reinstall them with apt-get and remove properly10:57
dami0nvm, figured it out. turns out an update caused 70-no-bitmaps.conf to get recreated10:58
joost12345Hello,  I just started using ubuntu,  but now I can't boot my pc anymore.  It gets stuck at the following screenMessages https://imgur.com/gallery/rmZsS10:58
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23168759/10:58
aiyaiyaik1l: I see it but I didn't manually nuke anything10:59
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: do you think I'm OK to reboot this thing or is grub screwed?11:00
k1laiyaiyai: run a sudo update-grub11:00
aiyaiyaik1l:  ok, that didn't show any failures11:01
aiyaiyaik1l: rebooting11:01
EriC^^aiyaiyai: if you have other kernels that are newer it should just boot11:02
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: 36 and 3811:02
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aiyaiyaiEriC^^: I'd just like to figure out why aptitude is puking on itself11:03
EriC^^38 is installed fine or broken?11:03
EriC^^which one are you booted into right now? (uname -r)11:03
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: 36 and 38 are fine and I'm rebooting right now11:03
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: into 3811:03
EriC^^aiyaiyai: before rebooting, try the dpkg command with remove instead of --remove11:04
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: sorry, already rebooted11:04
EriC^^it's kind of odd it still complained about missing stuff, it should just remove it11:04
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: want me to try again? the --remove was accepted last time11:04
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: aka, valid command but still had the same problems11:05
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: reboot went fine but still have the problem with those 3 packages11:06
EriC^^yeah, give it a shot11:08
EriC^i got disconnected11:08
EriC^any luck?11:08
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: I tried a global upgrade again and it is saying use full resolver11:10
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: hmm, no, same shenanigans11:11
k1laiyaiyai: please run a "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" and put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com11:12
aiyaiyaiEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23168795/11:16
k1lsudo apt purge linux-image-extra-4.4.0-32-generic11:17
aiyaiyaik1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23168807/11:20
k1lnot aptitude :/11:20
aiyaiyaik1l: apt or apt-get?11:21
k1lapt is the new apt-get11:21
k1lif that still fails then try a "sudo apt-get install -f"11:22
aiyaiyaik1l: both commands return exactly the same thing11:25
riqjhello again! while I create partitions, there are little partitions automatically created next to them, like for a 30gb partition I see 1,2MB tiny partition next to it..why does this happen? is it an error?11:25
joost12345Hello,  can anyone help me?  After installing Nvidia drivers I can't login(because I loop back to the loginscreen after logging in11:25
k1laiyaiyai: did you run out of space?11:26
k1laiyaiyai: "df -h" will tell you11:26
aiyaiyaik1l: 53GB free11:26
k1laiyaiyai: is /boot a sperate partition?11:26
aiyaiyaik1l: it is not11:27
k1laiyaiyai: "sudo mv /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 4.4.0-32-generic /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 4.4.0-32-generic.bad"11:28
k1laiyaiyai: after that run the purge command again11:28
k1laiyaiyai: and there must have really been an issue in the first place. that mess doesnt create itself11:29
aiyaiyaik1l: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 4.4.0-32-generic doesnt exist11:29
k1laiyaiyai: erm, wait11:30
k1laiyaiyai: "sudo mv /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools.bad"11:30
aiyaiyaik1l: urm, can you explain your intentions please?11:31
cetabioHi can someone help me with an issue on terminal?11:31
cetabioWhen I run comands I dont see any output11:31
cetabiowhen in other machines I have worker with those comands give output11:31
cetabiolike service service apache2 restart11:32
cetabiowhat may be the reason?11:32
aiyaiyaik1l: will I be able to upgrade to future kernels after following your instructions?11:32
k1laiyaiyai: that script gets triggered when you want to uninstall a kernel. since you got a messy system and dont explain what you did, the intention is to set the script not to run so the remove doesnt fail. afterwards enable that script again11:32
aiyaiyaik1l: ok, trying now11:32
aiyaiyaik1l: after rename I try the removal again?11:33
wackoBrave browser?11:34
cetabioany idea?11:35
aiyaiyaik1l: wow, progress I think. it failed on 32 but success on 34 and 36. ran it again and 32 yanked out with just the one harmless error on all 311:36
k1lpastebin the output11:36
aiyaiyaiI'll rename the initramfs tools script now11:36
aiyaiyaik1l: sorry, half of it is off my screen but heres what is left http://paste.ubuntu.com/23168863/11:38
aiyaiyaik1l: thanks for the help!11:38
k1laiyaiyai: ok, that worked. now:11:39
k1laiyaiyai: "sudo mv /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools.bad /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools"11:39
aiyaiyaik1l: affirmative, I think I'm back to normal11:40
aiyaiyaik1l: guess I'll know next time there is a newer kernel11:40
k1laiyaiyai: no11:40
k1laiyaiyai: that is a very dirty  workaround. better to find what is the source of that mess.11:40
aiyaiyaik1l: urm, you have any more ideas?11:41
k1lagain: i dont know what you did when that first happend11:42
aiyaiyaik1l: should I try installing an older kernel again and removing?11:42
aiyaiyaik1l: darn, you're right, not fixed11:45
FletchDidly do11:46
aiyaiyaik1l: are you done?11:51
aiyaiyaiI could use some help with a kernel / initramfs / package issue11:58
k1laiyaiyai: is that a server on aws?12:00
zenifiedwhat's it12:01
k1laiyaiyai: what is the output of "ls -la /var/tmp"12:01
aiyaiyaik1l: negative12:01
aiyaiyaik1l: /var/tmp is empty12:02
k1lplease put the output in a pastebin since details matter12:02
aiyaiyaik1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23168966/12:03
zenifiedaiyaiyai: from when did ls start to return negative12:04
alexsavageHello guys, i have this problem where Unpacking linux-headers-4.4.0-36  keeps hanging. I have checked online and none of the solutions worked.12:04
aiyaiyaizenified: I don't follow12:04
alexsavageI should prob mention that this happens no matter what i attempt to install.12:09
aiyaiyaik1l: I'm finding some instances of others with these errors but no solutions yet12:10
aiyaiyaik1l: what is with /var/tmp ?12:10
alexsavageYeah i sometimes get locked out of that. So then I have to restart, and then do sudo dkpg configure. but it just hangs after tht again12:11
alexsavageshould i just do a fresh install?12:11
luggrian_luggrian_ ???12:12
riqjhello again! is it risky to install an OS to a partition on an external drive while there are already other partitions on it that contain data?12:22
ouroumovriqj: yes12:23
riqjouroumov, but there is the custom install option?12:23
riqjI mean I can choose the free partition that I'd like to use12:23
ouroumovYes, but any time you do stuff involving "partitions" it's risky. Please do backup.12:23
riqjouroumov, oh I see, it doesn't have to happen, but that just 'may' happen, you mean?12:24
ppfhi folks12:25
ouroumovriqj, yes.12:25
ppfbrainstorming question: i've got an ubuntu laptop, and a DP to VGA adapter to connect it to a beamer. when i plug in the beamer, xrandr doesn't even detect a new adapter being connected12:25
ouroumovriqj, Most likely it won't happen, but better safe than sorry.12:26
riqjouroumov, I understand. sure, I have their backups. thank you very much!12:26
ppfthe adapter works fine when i plug in another monitor, and the beamer works fine if i plug in another windows laptop12:26
ppfany random thoughts what i might try to get this working?12:27
BluesKajhiyas all12:28
ouroumovppf, check output of "lshw -C display"12:29
ppfouroumov: check it for what?12:29
Caelumanyone notice slow speeds from ubuntu.com repos right now?12:30
ducasseCaelum: are you using a mirror?12:31
Caelumnope, us.archive.ubuntu.com12:31
CaelumI guess I should switch to a mirror12:32
ouroumov!fr | volkan12:32
ubottuvolkan: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:32
volkanHello you speak fransh12:32
zenifiedvolkan: you will have your friends at #ubuntu-fr or #ubuntu-qc12:33
ducasseCaelum: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors12:33
ppfouroumov: lshw will tell me details about the controller inside my laptop, not about connected displays12:33
apaulhi all.12:36
ocx32hi all, i am using ubnutu 16 and want to access my desktop remotelty from home. i am using gnome how can i do that?12:36
apaulI need to create the iso image of my running system so that I can dd it to another hard disk directly.12:36
apaulIs there any way to do this?12:37
joelioapaul: why do you need to make an ISO? Why not just copy data directly with dd?12:37
apaulI have tried systemback to create iso image but dd it directly to disk takes me to installer setup. That I dont like.12:38
riqjhello again :) ubuntu installer usb has a small 2,4mb partition alongside the larger installer one. is it new? It was only one single partition before.12:39
apaulI need to run the disk as my system without running installer and all.12:39
borsuki have black screen after install kernel 4.712:39
EriC^^riqj: nope it's been that for a while, it's a hybrid iso so it works with legacy and efi12:40
EriC^^riqj: oh, i meant if you dd the iso directly, i'm not really sure about using unetbootin and other stuff12:41
ceesietopcI am running Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.1 in a VM. One way or another, the virtual disk got corrupted. It took me hours to get my installation up and running again, since the kernel and kernel libraries were corrupt. Now the boot seems to work, but I'm stuck in boot. A number of services fails to start (modemmanager, network manager, login service, account service).  See the following img: https://snag.gy/o08tEV.jpg  I tried chrooting into the12:41
ceesietopcinstallation and reinstalled a couple of 'm. Did not help. Any idea's?12:41
riqjEriC^^, I haven't used dd, but the startup disk creator of ubuntu.12:42
EriC^^riqj: dd is great, it's very reliable12:42
riqjEriC^^, but I see the same when I create a partition on external disk, next to the partition also tiny ~2mb partitions emerge.12:42
riqjthe same thing?12:43
EriC^^riqj: no that's odd12:43
riqjyes, they are my odd disks that have old-age and pre-fail attribs that I showed earlier today :)12:43
EriC^^you mean using gparted on an external hdd?12:43
riqjEriC^^, yes, that happened when I used gparted12:44
EriC^^riqj: can you supply a paste of "sudo parted -l" ?12:44
riqjEriC^^, here it is: paste.ubuntu.com/2316910112:47
riqjand it asks me a question at the end12:47
riqjthe tiny partitions are not shown in the paste12:48
k1laiyaiyai: the "mktemp: failed to create directory via template ‘/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_XXXXXX’: No such file or directory" seems to be the root cause. so anything you want to tell us about your setup?12:49
EriC^^riqj: yeah12:49
aiyaiyaik1l: do people actually come in here knowing what their problem is and just wanting to toy with you?!12:50
sicsscamaiyaiyai, whats ubuntu? how do i go about installing it to my IDE hard drive ?12:51
Vacuum_I am trying to install kubuntu 16.14.1 LTS but after a minut of boot from live dvd, I see a tty1 screen asking me login and password. What should i do?12:52
k1laiyaiyai: no. but as i said earlier: that is not a common issue you have there. and we do have a lot of people coming in here and hiding or not telling what they really did (for whatever reasons). and after 5 hours we find out that they removed some partition or package "because a youtube video said so". so i try to speedup things here.12:52
Vacuum_after 10 seconds, that also fades away and a courser starts blinking at top left12:52
k1laiyaiyai: so again: what did you change regarding ram, tmp, or such? what did you do when the issue came up the first time?12:52
aiyaiyaik1l: this is a box sitting in a basement far away. I log into it once a month.12:53
aiyaiyaik1l: nobody else has access to it. I logged in today to do the usual monthly maintenance, and this crap happened12:53
k1laiyaiyai: anything regarding hardware issues in "dmesg"?12:54
punkoivanVacuum, do you have AMD graphics?12:54
aiyaiyaik1l: I've perused the history file, I've checked everything I can think of12:54
Vacuum_punkoivan:  I have dell laitude e543012:54
ioriaaiyaiyai, with the linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic installed ?12:54
borsukplease help me how install kernel 4.712:55
aiyaiyaik1l: dmesg has been saying the cpu is running hot for about a year12:55
k1l!mainline | borsuk12:55
ubottuborsuk: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:55
punkoivanVacuum, I re;lay don't know what graphics in your laptop, but there is some issues with AMD.12:56
k1laiyaiyai: i was thinking of ram or hdd issues12:56
aiyaiyaik1l: last time I was there, it didn't feel even warm to the touch so I chalked it up to sensor malfunction12:56
Vacuum_punkoivan:  solution?12:56
punkoivanvacuum, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver12:56
aiyaiyaiioria: affirmative12:57
ioria!info linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic12:57
ubottuPackage linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic does not exist in xenial12:57
Vacuum_Latitude E5430 review unit features an Intel Core i5-3360M dual-core CPU with Intel HD Graphics 4000 (12:57
Vacuum_punkoivan:  ^12:57
ioriaaiyaiyai,  how did you install it ?12:57
aiyaiyaiioria: uname says Linux s0 4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:41:41 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux12:57
punkoivanwith Unity or gnome/xfce all right?12:57
borsukthanks, but after install i have black screen12:58
punkoivandid you try this one?12:58
Vacuum_punkoivan:  http://www.dell.com/pk/business/p/latitude-e5430/pd12:58
aiyaiyaiioria: aptitude update && aptitude upgrade or some such12:58
ioriaaiyaiyai,  maybe i'm wrong, but in repos there is no
Vacuum_punkoivan:  I am INSTALLING KUBUNTU. how can I issue these commands?12:59
aiyaiyaiioria: relevance?12:59
ioriaaiyaiyai,  well, you should have install it in some other way ...12:59
punkoivansomething like apt install ubuntu-desktop.12:59
punkoivanafter login in tty1.13:00
KamuelaHow does Ubuntu report "activity?" Like say to instant messenger programs and web browsers13:00
k1lKamuela: that depends on the used messengers and websites.13:00
ioriaaiyaiyai,  and ls -al /var/tmp gives me write permission for everybody13:00
aiyaiyaiioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23169145/13:01
ioriaaiyaiyai,  i see13:01
aiyaiyaiioria: there is no conspiracy, it just broke via normal usage13:02
aiyaiyaik1l: I found others with similar problems online and no solution too...13:02
ioriaaiyaiyai,  maybe a ppa ... or downloaded .deb files from mainline ....13:02
riqjso nothing accounting for the tiny volumes? :)13:03
aiyaiyaiioria: ok, hold on I'll try to get a ppa list13:03
k1laiyaiyai: do you have proposed enabled?13:03
ioriabrb, sy13:03
aiyaiyaiioria: ok, I have only a deluge ppa but that has been there years13:04
disco_Hi there.13:04
aiyaiyaik1l: I don't think so, how can I check?13:05
aiyaiyaik1l: is that an apt setting?13:05
OerHeksaiyaiyai, easy check, run updates and pastebin the output13:05
TKoLwould someone mind helping me? I have a package i'm trying to install on elementaryos and it's not working13:05
k1laiyaiyai: its a repo setting in the sources.list13:06
TKoLi'm trying to install this: https://github.com/agronick/Relay13:06
aiyaiyaiOerHeks: this is headless13:06
disco_Seems I've an issue with package key signing. When I do an apt-get update, APT pretends that there is no public key. Adding the key with pt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com KEYID # doesn't solve the problem, even though the key seems to be added correctly.13:06
TKoLand i get an error in terminal when i follow the directions13:06
OerHeksTKoL, try #elementary as it is not ubuntu13:06
OerHekselementary has its own issues ..13:06
OerHeksaiyaiyai, headless or not, makes no difference13:07
aiyaiyaik1l: this is sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/23169174/13:07
Vacuum_I am trying to install kubuntu 16.14.1 LTS but after a minut of boot from live dvd, I see a tty1 screen asking me login and password. What should i do?13:07
Vacuum_after 10 seconds, that also fades away and a courser starts blinking at top left13:07
teknoprepVacuum_, what video card do you have ?13:08
aiyaiyaik1l: so looks like a "no" on the proposed13:09
OerHeksaiyaiyai, you have proposed enabled.13:10
Vacuum_teknostatik:  I dont know but this is what I have http://www.dell.com/pk/business/p/latitude-e5430/pd13:10
k1laiyaiyai: deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main restricted universe multiverse13:12
Vacuum_I dont know but this is what I have http://www.dell.com/pk/business/p/latitude-e5430/pd13:12
teknoprephi all... does xfce look similar to unity ?13:12
k1laiyaiyai: that is a yes on proposed and that is an issue. since proposed is used for experimental automated testing of new packages.13:12
teknoprepi didn't think it did at all last time i used it.. how do i switch DE's ?13:13
OerHeksVacuum_, what happens if you waited a minute more? booting live dvd can take some time13:13
Vacuum_I dont know but this is what I have http://www.dell.com/pk/business/p/latitude-e5430/pd teknoprep <--13:13
teknoprepyeah that looks like an intel HD Graphics card13:13
Vacuum_OerHeks:  wait or no wait, password enter or no enter, it ends to a black scren with curousor blinking on left top13:13
aiyaiyaiOerHeks: agreed, proposed enabled13:13
teknoprepVacuum_, try setting nomodeset in the kernel option when booting... i will give you a link13:14
aiyaiyaik1l: so we're blaming it on that?13:14
OerHeks !nomodeset13:14
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:14
teknoprepVacuum_, skubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu13:14
Vacuum_teknoprep:  this will solve the problem?13:14
teknoprepVacuum_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu13:15
teknoprepVacuum_, it may... it will not use a vendor specific driver13:15
teknoprepVacuum_, you may also have to do this on first boot... and then figure out how to install your video card driver13:15
teknoprephow do i switch DE's ?13:16
OerHeksaiyaiyai, proposed are newer packages that needs to be tested.13:16
OerHeksteknoprep, logout, switch, login13:16
aiyaiyaiOerHeks: I'm certain disabling proposed won't fix the problem now13:18
OerHeksindeed, reversing proposed is a hell of a job, reinstall would be faster and saver13:19
k1laiyaiyai: in proposed are actual testing packages. so maybe you have installed that packages that create the issue now. or it was a testing package making a setting that never was reverted.13:19
aiyaiyaik1l: is this end of the line?13:20
k1laiyaiyai: no. but disableing that lowers the risk for the future.13:21
k1laiyaiyai: can you show a "mount" in a pastebin?13:21
k1li wonder why its not using /var/tmp13:21
=== root is now known as Guest76249
teknoprepyeah xfce is nice13:23
aiyaiyaik1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23169216/13:23
teknoprepway faster than unity13:23
teknoprepVacuum_, did nomodeset thing work ?13:23
aiyaiyaiI removed the proposed lines13:24
k1l"tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755)"13:25
k1lwhy is that ro?13:25
k1laiyaiyai: can you show your fstab?13:26
aiyaiyaik1l: sorry, I don't know why that is read only13:27
aiyaiyaik1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23169234/13:28
dami0hey guys, do you know of any documentation for the ubuntu install process?13:30
dami0i don't mean how to install, i mean the actual inner workings of what happens during installation13:31
EriC^^!install | dami0 maybe13:31
ubottudami0 maybe: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:31
k1l!ubiquity | dami013:31
k1ldami0: well it uses ubiquity as installer.13:32
Vacuum_teknoprep: working on it. it shows my a gui with13:32
Vacuum_teknoprep: working on it. it shows my a gui with 'try ubuntu', i'install ubuntu' check, these kind of options13:33
k1laiyaiyai: i checked 2 16.04 systems and on both its rw. maybe that is the issue why the tmp is not used. but i dont know how to handle that13:33
teknoprepVacuum_, i don't understand13:34
aiyaiyaik1l: me neither. did u c what happened when I tried force reinstall of initramfs-tools?13:35
k1lno, didnt see it13:36
Vacuum_teknoprep:  it does not shows grub13:37
aiyaiyaik1l: same as with kernels, it reinstalls itself with the script renamed but doesn't fix the renamed script13:37
aiyaiyaifails to reinstall if script is not renamed .bad13:38
teknoprepVacuum_, try hitting esc when you boot up13:38
k1laiyaiyai: because it still wants to use tmp which doesnt work (because its ro)13:38
aiyaiyaik1l: will things break worse if I change ro to rw in fstab?13:41
aiyaiyaik1l: but that is only on errors/ remount hmmm13:42
c1_what does push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" do?13:42
Picic1_: in what context?13:43
shashankcan any one tell me python related problem13:43
k1laiyaiyai: i really dont know.13:43
k1lshashank: is it #ubuntu or #python related?13:43
shashankhow to send pdf weekly?13:44
shashankon email13:44
Picishashank: that sounds like a programming question. Please ask #python13:45
shashankwhat is vpn13:45
aiyaiyaiI think shashank is a bot gone crazy13:46
aiyaiyaiit PMed me too13:46
joelioor a bot looking how to use cron.weekly plus a pipe to mail13:47
shashankwhat is this all about13:50
shashankples nyone tell me13:50
OerHeksshashank, time to read the topic?13:50
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:50
dami0don't bother, shashank is some kind of a bot13:51
shashankno yaar m not a bot13:51
=== c1_ is now known as Jakey3
Jakey3what is dh1024.pem used for?13:52
dami0k1l: thanks. i'm basically trying to respin my own iso, but the best i found is to force any packages i want to be dependancies of some core package13:53
shashankwhat is django-oscar used for13:53
Vacuum_teknoprep:  no mode set worked (it was in f6 options). Thanks!!13:53
Jakey3k1l, what exactly in the encrytion process13:54
shashankenryption used to hide messeges13:55
OerHeksJaroot certificate, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/certificates-and-security.html#certificate-authority13:55
shashankthere is secret key in encryption13:55
OerHekserr Jakey3 ^^13:55
OerHeksplease, shashank, don't spread fud13:56
OerHeksactually you are trolling this channel13:56
shashankno brother13:56
Dreamank1l пак си наежен :)13:57
Jakey3OerHeks, so what  dh1024.pem file used for13:57
Jakey3in simple terms13:57
OerHeksi cannot make it simpler thatn k1ls answer: encryption.13:58
OerHeksand if you want to make your own distro, good luck13:59
Jakey3ok a deeper than that13:59
Jakey3i dont13:59
OerHeksjackhum, deeper? read that page, pretty awesome info13:59
OerHeksoh misread, dami0 is brewing an iso.14:00
aiyaiyaik1l: I'm giving up for now, thanks for helping14:00
aiyaiyaiover n out14:00
k1lJakey3: i guess you dont really want it explained deeper but here you are: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2631.txt14:00
Jakey3k1l, thanks, i get its about exchanging keys in a secure manner14:01
stonefistdoes anyone have a problem with sound for xubuntu 16.04?14:02
stonefistbecause i am currently running 14.04 xubuntu LTS14:02
hateballstonefist: One would assume that you do, so you could give us some details14:02
stonefisti am getting sound through the headphones but not through the computer speakers14:03
stonefistthe built in speakers14:03
wabbitsstonefist are you proficient with pavucontrol?14:06
kiphey lisapike14:11
stonefistno @ wabbits14:15
stonefistbut can u tell me about it14:15
wabbitspavucontrol stands for pulseaudio volume control14:15
wabbitswhen an application plays audio an entry shows up on the playback tap14:16
stonefistcan u use terminal to get into it14:16
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stonefistok i will try it and see. i am hesitant to upgrade to 16.0414:19
wabbitsstonefist have a look at the currently playing audio on the playback tab. notice that on the right side of the tab you can choose the output device14:19
Jakey3what does echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward14:19
wabbitsstonefist let me know if this solves your problem14:20
Jakey3it pus a 1 in the ip_forward14:20
stonefistok thanks14:20
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tjjWhat can I use to share my screen with someone using a mac, without allowing them to control my keyboard/mouse? We're both behind a NAT - is there something that can work around that?14:29
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_0xbadc0deI cant restart14:30
Dreamansudo reboot14:31
tdannecytjj: I know it's not free, but Chrome Remote Desktop always works perfectly for me.14:31
lapionWhatever happened to the changelogs for updates and installs in synaptic ?14:31
tjj@tdannecy Thanks I'll check that out14:31
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: try sudo service networking restart14:32
daemon55does anybody know a good epub reader?14:32
tdannecydaemon55: calibre is great.14:32
daemon55punkovia i already tried that its not that great it doesnt scroll line to line14:33
tdannecydaemon55: I think there's a way to change that in the settings.14:34
daemon55i tried that even with the recent version still nothing14:34
_0xbadc0deEriC^^: Failed to restart network.service: Unit network.service not found.14:37
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: that's odd14:37
stonefistit could be a bug in the os14:37
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: wait, did you write network restart or networking restart?14:37
WiteStar2hi all14:38
WiteStar2when i boot UBUNTU on my cell machines the screen goes BLACK untill its fully loaded.  what could be causing this?14:38
WiteStar2(Dell machiens..)14:38
atralheavenI get this error when I want to mount my external hard drive: "http://www.hastebin.com/raw/puloxahuqo" , I know its because it wasn't unmounted on windows, but I don't have windows now! is there any way to fix that inside linux?14:40
Jakey3can some explain these ufw rules to me http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23169494/14:40
nicanaca0hey chat, i've tried doing a bit of research myself and it seems what I want just may not be possible ... Can you disable the "copy text when text highlighted/selected" as it's driving me crazy?14:41
_0xbadc0deEriC^^: http://puu.sh/r8Hfm/2a10adb065.png14:41
_0xbadc0deso that there are no doubts14:41
lapionatralheaven, "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb3"14:43
arca_voragoFor remote mounting smb, would it better to use systemd units (create one) or autofs?14:43
atralheavenlapion: oh my god thanks! it was sdc5 btw :) I just didn't want to install windows again!14:46
sharkmanis there a way to make an ubuntu computer turn on again automatically whenever it turns off? or any way to approximate this behavior? (assume it always has power)14:46
lapionsharkman, look in the bios .14:47
nicanaca0sharkman, that sort off stuff should be a bios setting, when power comes back the PC will try boot into whatever is set to be the main drive14:47
lapioneither use a bios/eufi setting to do this, or enable wake-on-lan and have your modem router or any other system wake it up every minute or something14:48
bswartzguys, this may be a stupid question, but can I run xorg with monitors connected to 2 different video cards and have my desktop span both? in my case I have a i915 and a amdgpu and I can't get anything to display on the i915, even though x recognizes the card and the monitor14:49
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: exactly what i asked :)14:49
Jakey3what does :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] mean?14:49
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: try sudo service networking restart14:49
EriC^^(you typed network before :) )14:49
lapionsharkman, some systems have the possibility for the bios to be configured from linux and then you should be able to set a time of some minutes + shutdown time to power on again14:50
EriC^^sharkman: there's rtcwake14:50
EriC^^sharkman: like rtcwake -m mem -s 414:51
EriC^^will suspend then wake up after 4 seconds14:51
lapionEriC^^, I think he wants the system to actually turn off and then on again.. a cold reboot in stead of a warm reboot14:53
lapionJakey3, when and where does that text appear ?14:54
EriC^^lapion: sharkman try with rtcwake -m off -s 414:54
ouroumovEriC^^, I'd like to request a PM if you've got a minute, it won't take long. :x14:54
EriC^^according to the man page it should turn the pc fully off, never tried it though, just the suspend option14:54
EriC^^ouroumov: ok14:54
Jakey3lapion, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-14-0414:56
teknoprephi all.. trying to remove freerdp14:56
teknoprepVirtual packages like 'freerdp' can't be removed14:56
teknoprephow do i remove it when i get this14:56
Jakey3lapion, or https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/firewall.html14:57
sharkmanthanks for respones14:58
ilmaisindoes anyone else have problems with cups web ui crashing often?14:59
lapionsorry Jakey3 I have no experience setting up a firewall for openvpn15:00
Jakey3lapion, np15:00
skinuxAnyone know how to convert a DVD ISO file to a playable MP4 or another format that VLC can play?15:00
usilhello. is there any other files were can I find official ubuntu pkgs. than /var/lib/apt/lists15:01
EriC^^usil: what are you trying to do?15:02
usillet say I like to manually check if installed pkg is official15:03
usilwihtout using aptitude15:03
EriC^^usil: apt-cache policy <package>15:03
usilEriC^^: without using anz other programs15:03
olscumpyI did it. I managed to lag ubuntu to a near standstill. many programs, many tabs... how can I check whether firefox, gimp, or something else is the primary culprit?15:04
usilEriC^^: in15:04
EriC^^usil: why do you want not to use the ..../apt/lists ?15:05
usilEriC^^:  in15:05
usil/var/lib/dpkg/status are all istalled pgks15:05
usilI like to know which pkgs is official15:05
usilthere is a Maintainer field, but thic can be set to random15:06
punkoivanwhat do you mean "off"15:06
Guest20266why not use aptitude?15:07
Guest20266or apt, or synaptic or any other tool15:07
usilI kwno I can use aptitude15:07
Guest20266yes, but why don't you use it15:08
usilbut I like know if there is any other way15:08
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EriC^^usil: apt-cache policy is on all ubuntu systems15:08
usilI can parse  files in /var/lib/apt/lists15:08
usilEriC^^: yes, but if I want to check for n pkgs, I need to call apt-cache n times15:10
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usilI like to know is there any file where can I find all avalible pkgs for ubuntu release15:10
usilEriC^^: where apt-cache get infos15:12
EriC^^usil: strace it15:12
tgm4883usil: what is your end goal here15:12
Guest20266you can do the same in synaptic clicking two buttons15:13
usiltgm4883: here I can find all official pkgs. fo release wily15:13
usilis there that kind of file somewhere on ubuntu system15:14
joeliowily is not in support15:14
dStructhey all, is there a best practice way to integrate data from a text file into syslog.  I'm trying to take a log file that is dumped out of an application and have syslog create a /var/log/my_app log file15:14
tgm4883usil: but why can't you use the methods already provided such at apt ?15:15
Guest20266but why?15:15
dumle29Any non sucky printer managers?15:15
EriC^^usil: download the packages list from online15:16
joeliodStruct: what application something written in-house?15:16
EriC^^tgm4883: he doesn't want to iterate it many times15:16
usilso this only posible way15:16
tgm4883dumle29: the printers dialog in the control centre doesn't suck15:16
dumle29It's pretty bad in my experience15:16
tgm4883EriC^^: That's not a reason. I asked for a reason15:16
EriC^^tgm4883: not sure what you mean15:17
dumle29I for example had to use the cups webinterface to add my unis smb printer15:17
dStructjoelio: yes, I have a kermit script grabbing serial printer input from a mainframe port, and dumping it to text file, however ideally I want it to pass thru syslog subject to archival such as something.log.0.gz 1.gz etc15:17
tgm4883dumle29: well maybe you should state what the problem is instead of asking subjective questions.15:17
dumle29And now I'm at it again :/15:17
tgm4883dumle29: well there's another. Cups doesn't suck15:17
dumle29tgm4883: Cups is great, but the stock printer manager just wants to use an ip, and then doesn't allow me to set anything15:18
dumle29oh right, I'm on ubuntu gnome, I don't know if that changes things15:18
joe4anyone ever have an issue where you are unable to ping machines by their hostnames? i have this issue at home and at work. i am thinking it has something to do with dnsmasq. i just don't know much about dnsmasq15:19
dStructjoelio: I should also point out, the output of said script doesn't necessarily need to dump to text file, it could output anywhere like stdout and pipe into syslog somehow15:20
dumle29tgm4883: So at the moment, I have to install the SMB printers, by adding the full URI, with username and password in it15:20
dumle29that is, password in clear text :/15:20
joeliodStruct: I've used this for console logging fwiw - https://github.com/raowen/conlog15:21
dStructjoelio: hey thanks, i'll take a look15:22
joeliodStruct: supervisord can handle logs from std{out,err} very well - I'd take a look - plus you get init service handling for free ;) http://supervisord.org/logging.html15:24
joelioand a nice shiny web interface for those that want it15:24
joelio(it's disabled by default for those that don't...)15:25
dStructjoelio: lol, that sounds like what I'm looking for, thanks for the info15:25
dStructjoelio: this mainframe was literally logging to a line printer via LPT port, I redirected the output to a new serial port and connected it up to a serial console server, poof instant profit15:27
b100shi2all! my tmpfs became 1Mb. what can be reason?15:29
joeliodStruct: easy wins are always satisfying :)15:29
b100sfir sure i didnt change it by hand15:29
b100subuntu 14.04. may it come with update?15:29
posiany way to find . | xargs .. | cpio -vpdum ... In a way that actually has multiple cpio going on at the same time behind the hood15:30
dStructjoelio: oh it wasn't that easy, trying to rebuild a "sysgen" on a kernel-less system just to add a serial port, with 10 books of very crappy documentation took a quite a while15:30
joeliodStruct: fun though?15:32
joelioposi: gnu parallel15:32
posijoelio: maybe a bit more help15:32
joelioposi: gnu parallel is a tool for running task in parallel, that can be fed from a pipe or something.15:33
posii am aware15:33
posii have used it15:33
posibut that's pretty tricky to use in a find . | cpio ?15:33
posii'm also dumb15:33
joeliowhy is it trick?15:33
posiactually maybe i already figured it out15:34
joelioposi: "parallel echo Job {#} of {= '$_=total_jobs()' =} ::: {1..5}"15:34
joeliois the kind of syntax it uses15:34
dStructjoelio: a blast, this mainframe runs the very first 32-bit parallel hard real-time OS, over 15k I/Os.  For a full motion flight simulator built in 1972 :D15:35
joeliodStruct: now that's something worthwhile :)15:38
WiteStar2hi all15:38
WiteStar2" Seat seat0: Failed to find session configuration ubuntu15:39
WiteStar2" how do i fix this?15:39
dStructjoelio: very much so, this device is actively certified by the FAA, and is used for training/maneuvers15:39
joeliodStruct: cool, well keep me informed if you get it rolling with supervisor :)15:40
dStructjoelio: I will, thanks for the help15:40
pasqualeil padrino15:41
joeliodStruct: np, anytime15:41
posijoelio: i still only see one cpio running15:42
wabbitswhen I switch inputs on my tv away from my pc. the pc can no longer display to the tv when I switch back. Is there a way to stop this from happening?15:42
wabbitsinterface is hdmi15:42
posils $BUCKET | (cd $BUCKET &&  parallel find . | cpio -vpdum $DST ) (ls $BUCKET should always be 16)15:42
joelioposi: check this out - it's similar to what you're trying to achive and I know it works (I did it) http://blog.widodh.nl/2016/08/chown-ceph-osd-data-directory-using-gnu-parallel/15:50
sappelhello everyone. I got a vserver running ubuntu and since 2 weeks I have weird performance drops. Websites take way to long loading, mailserver is slow etc. I can't recall having changed anything important, but I'm trying to narrow possible reason down since days now15:51
sappelanyone got an idea how to track things down?15:51
joeliosappel: check process, logs, iostat any other metrics15:52
ilmaisinsappel: could it be possible that your provider throttles your vps after high resource consumption?15:53
sappeltop gives me low cpu + ram usage, that shouldn't be the issue15:54
sappelilmaisin, no throtteling15:54
esetHey, I want to ask if there any requirements for making partitions? I don't if I'm making a mistake or is it the fault of xen, don't know. I'm creating a vm server on ubuntu+xen hypervisor. For disk I used img files created using dd . When I boot vm and the iso launched with system settings And I set everything it fails when I wan't to create partitions15:55
esetI don't know*15:55
sappelI'll check io first15:55
blinkblinkHi. I am using TIlda, it boots with root login! how can I prevent it from doing this?15:55
sappeljoelio, iotop shows barely any traffic, dd gives me good read + write performance, most memory is free, cpu is bored16:01
sappelbut especially apache is reeeeaaaally slow16:01
hariomI have opvn file from my old openvpn configuration. I want to setup vpn connection again. Where should I keep this file? I have compiled and installed open vpn 2.3.416:05
joeliosappel: dd wth directsync? (otherwise you'll be hitting fscache) - also, broken dns sometime slow stuff down..16:05
joeliohariom: why compile?16:06
joeliohariom: you'll need to maintain security updates yourself if you do that16:06
joeliohariom: packages are there for a reason :)16:06
hariomjoelio: It was mentioned to use that specific version, not sure why. But I am following that. Do you know where to keep opvn file?16:07
joelioyou put it in /etc/openvpn - but doing a manual install will miss of /etc/default/openvpn - which is where you specifiy which to load16:08
joeliohariom: if you're not sure why, then don't.. basically16:08
joeliohariom: use packaged versions16:08
hariomjoelio: you mean you don't know where to keep opvn file?16:08
hariomJust leave it if you don't know16:08
joeliohariom: ? did you read what I wrote16:09
joelioI'm trying to make this easier for you16:09
hariomI think I can try with --config16:09
joeliook, do what you want16:09
joelioyou're missing the point16:10
* joelio uses openvpn and has modern cipher support only in it - using ubuntu provided packages16:10
* dStruct loves OpenVPN, uses it all the time, even on my iPhone :D16:13
joeliodrussell: +116:15
joeliodStruct: +116:15
dStructit even roams over LTE for soft SIP connectivity :D16:16
wabbitswhat are the implications of removing lightdm from my ubuntu media pc?16:18
joeliowabbits: firstly what problem are you trying to solve?16:19
wabbitsmy media pc looses connection to the tv when I switch away from it.16:20
wabbitsIf I restart lightdm I get my display back16:20
wabbitsalso I have an overscan problem16:20
joeliolightdm is a login manager though, restarting lightdm is just killing your X session16:20
wabbitsso you are saying that X is the problem?16:21
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joeliowabbits: yea, lightdm is just a login manager16:21
joelioif you're in X and there's an issue with displays, when you restart lightdm, you're baiscally logging out and in again to X16:22
wabbitsany idea how to fix either/both of my issues?16:22
joelioI'm not sure what you mean by 'When you switch away from it'16:23
wabbitsthe tv has multiple hdmi devices connected to it.16:23
joeliok, so when you change hdmi source on the tv?16:23
wabbitswhen I switch to my xbox and go back I can't see the display on the media pc anymore.16:23
wabbitsjoelio yes16:23
joelioand does it come back if you unlcuk and replug hdmi? OOI?16:24
wabbitsbut restarting lightdm makes it come back16:24
joeliothat's interesting, what versions of ubuntu?16:24
joelioand waht desktop env?16:24
joelioit should come back if you unplug and replug - so chances are it's a driver issue16:25
wabbitsits the open source radeon driver16:25
joelioah, ok, so maybe that's something16:26
joelioI don't use radeon though, so can't give much info there16:26
wabbitsfor some reason the #radeon channel won't allow me to send "Cannot send to channel"16:27
iamawesomeWhich video player is suggested here for ubuntu?16:28
EriC^^iamawesome: vlc is pretty good16:29
gofuI have skype 4.3 linux in my ubuntu and i cant  call my friends i keep getting call failed or no answer !!16:29
tdannecyiamawesome: IIRC, totem is the default video player, but I use VLC.16:29
wabbitsgofu can you place the test call?16:29
DArqueBishopgofu: you may want to try the Skype for Linux Alpha. https://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Skype-for-Linux-Alpha-and-calling-on-Chrome-amp-Chromebooks/td-p/443429916:31
squintygofu, http://www.softpedia.com/blog/microsoft-officially-releases-skype-1-7-for-linux-508199.shtml16:36
gofuwabbits ; no i can't place the test call either !!16:36
wabbitsare you connected to the internet?16:37
wabbitsif you are using the same machine then we might assume you are but hey you never know.16:38
wabbitsgofu can you confirm that the machine is connected to the internet?16:38
gofuwabbits; yes i am connected to the internet !16:38
wabbitsdo you have any explicit rules on your firewall on your pc and/or your edge device?16:39
gofuwabbits; yes i can ping google and skype ..16:39
gofuwabbits:yes i have Gufw firewall !16:40
wabbitsgofu do you have a natting firewall between your pc and the internet?16:41
gofuwabbits ; no16:41
wabbitsthat suprises me. Most people do have a nat/firewall edge device?16:42
wabbitsare you sure?16:42
gofuwabbits ; am not sure what that is but i can use my other windows computer to make skype calls and they're both connected to the same network !16:43
gofuEriC^^: whats about it ?16:43
wabbitsyes but if there are explicit inbound or outbound rules edge router that could be a problem16:44
wabbitsalso the firewall on your own linux box could be the problem16:44
DArqueBishopgofu: like I said, try updating your PC to use the new alpha build and try again.16:44
gofuEriC^^: i will allow  all the incomming and outgoing s in Gufw , is it a good idea ?16:44
EriC^^gofu: sure why not16:44
wabbitshe doesn't even know if he has a natting/firewall edge device so turning off his pc firewall isn't a great idea.16:45
wabbitsgofu there is a difference between "no" and "I don't know"16:46
EriC^^oh no16:46
wabbitsgood luck16:46
murphyhow does apt know the package name of a file added to archives?16:52
dStructmurphy: magic16:53
murphyi like magic16:54
murphydo i need a wand?16:54
dStructmurphy: the short simple version is your /etc/apt.d/sources.list provides a list of packages for apt to "know" and you can apt-get install or apt-cache search them16:55
dStructmurphy: quite possibly16:55
murphyim referring more to a package i might have manually installed16:55
murphymaybe im asking the wrong question16:55
murphyif i downloaded a deb file16:56
murphyand copied it to archives16:56
murphyhow does apt know what the package is called?16:56
murphyor doesnt it16:56
dStructmurphy: what do you mean by copied it to the archives?16:56
murphyand you have to use dpkg16:56
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dStructmurphy: you should just be able to download the .deb and use dpkg -i I think is the cmd to install it16:57
murphyyeah i did that and it worked16:57
nacc"might have manually installed"? either you did or didn't.16:57
cetabioHi got a server where main partition /dev/root        20G   17G  1,6G  92% / is full because of database size growth16:57
murphyim just curious as to how the name for this gets set16:57
dStructmurphy: that will manually install whatever .deb you downloaded, completely separate from anything apt is doing, and will not be updated by apt16:57
_0xbadc0dewhats the difference between PREROUTING/POSTROUTING/OUTPUT and INPUT/OUTPUT/FORWARD iptables chain rules16:58
murphybecause after that you can do apt remove package right?16:58
dStructmurphy: well it should be something to the effect of dpkg -i <filename> so no package name involved16:58
cetabioDo I need to reinstall ubuntu to give / more space¿16:58
ren0v0Hi, does anyone here know if there is an app where i can manage photos, specifically RAW+JPEG pairs, that can be grouped by the software and the ability to only delete RAW from the set? I've tried darktable, rawtherapee, shotwell with no luck :(16:58
cetabiomaking partitions from scratch on install or I can do it without reinstall?16:58
dStruct_0xbadc0de: the chain your rules are in depends on when they're applied to the packets, for example pre-NAT or post-NAT, if you reference a public IP after it's been NAT'd in your post rules the rule wont work etc etc16:59
Jordan_Umurphy: It's a field in the Control file within the archive. (A .deb file is an ar archive containing many files).16:59
naccmurphy: if the .deb was well defined, the package name should be reflected in the .deb's name16:59
murphycetabio, i think you should be able to boot from another system like a usb drive and use gparted to resize it16:59
cetabiomurphy its a server so only acces is terminal ssh16:59
naccmurphy: but as Jordan_U said, the way apt/dpkg konw the name is metadata in the control file16:59
_0xbadc0dedStruct: I know what is a rule of type input ouput and forwarding17:00
Jordan_Umurphy: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-pkg_basics.en.html17:00
_0xbadc0debut in other guides it shows up as POSTROUTING / PREROUTING / OUTPUT17:00
_0xbadc0deot those the same?17:00
murphyi know its a trivial thing but for some reason i was wondering how17:00
gadgixren0v0: there's lightzone which is a bit like darktable but like you i couldn't get on with them17:01
dStruct_0xbadc0de: it really depends on what version of iptables you're running, and how it's installed.  For example the latest Ubuntu with IPTABLES + UFW has only INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD, but technically you can add other chains if you choose to17:02
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murphyi guess it was because there was a guide online that said you can copy the .deb to /var/cache/apt/archives and so apt-get install package_name17:02
naccmurphy: that guide is wrong and should not be used (imo)17:02
murphyive always just done dpkg -i package.deb and it always worked17:03
murphynacc, it seems so.. because i tried it and it didnt work lol17:03
naccmurphy: while that approache (mucking with /var/cache/apt) may work, it is not encouraged in any way17:03
_0xbadc0dedStruct: but those other chains? POSTROUTING/PREROUTING17:03
_0xbadc0deare those the same?17:03
murphyyeah stupid stackechange! :-p17:03
cetabiomurphy Myabe thats stupid, but I ever dealed with partitioning and so in ubuntu17:04
dStruct_0xbadc0de: no, POSTROUTING happens after packets have been routed, hence the name, PRE is the opposite happening before things are routed.17:04
cetabiocould I unmount the /dev/sda3 part mounted on /home17:04
cetabioand mount it also on / or add that space to /17:04
nacc_0xbadc0de: did you look at `man iptables`?17:04
EriC^^cetabio: you can mount it on /usr17:06
EriC^^cetabio: or delete /home and add it to "/" using a live usb17:06
cetabioonly terminal access ssh its a server17:06
cetabiocould a symblink also do the job?17:07
cetabioThe problem I have is the database is Big about 600gb or so17:07
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EriC^^i guess17:07
murphycan you add some external storage and just move the DB there?17:08
adamcquestions about fuseblk (ntfs partitions) I have 3 hard drives that are on USB mount what is the FSTAB rules on auto mounting the drives to a specific Folder because now I rebooted the PC at work here and can't access my home server.17:08
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions17:09
dStruct_0xbadc0de: in most cases inbound packets will hit the prerouting chain first, then depending on if they're delivered locally or not they'll go thru the output chain, and everthing will funnel into the postrouting chain, and then out to the machine/network17:09
akikadamc: just define the uuid of the ntfs partition and the usual fstab syntax applies17:09
adamcwold that not be /dev/sdc#?17:09
akikadamc: use sudo blkid to see them17:09
adamcakik, I will when I get home right now can't ssh to the box due to it being stuck on boot thanks to malformed fstab.17:10
Guest82376whois gtrs17:11
dStructadamc: the question should be, how do I keep my multiple USB drives the same after each reboot..  USB devices are detected as asyncronous, meaning /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd, etc may not always detect after a reboot in that order, sdc could be sdd and vice versa17:11
adamcah k17:11
adamcso best to manually mount then??17:11
akikadamc: just use the uuid in fstab and you're ok17:11
adamcakik will do17:12
dStructadamc: so if you spend a chunk of time building a pretty FSTAB and reboot, your usb devices may detect in a different order.  Unless you boot without them connected and then connect them in the order expected17:12
adamc<---hates external drives lol17:12
* dStruct hates usb to serial adapters that change on each bootup :D17:12
cetabiomurphy yeap probbly easier to just move postgresql to other part17:12
cetabiosomeone know how to do so?17:13
Jordan_UdStruct: That's why you use UUIDs rather than static device names. You should almost never use a static device name like sda1 in any configuration file.17:13
dStructJordan_U: I was not aware of that ability, I come from a land before linux :D17:13
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andrewpo /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER andrew_pom idhnvzmuzemi17:20
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dStructum... you probably want to change your password now :D17:21
Jordan_Uandrewpo: Change your password.17:21
sjoshiandrewpo: your passwors is known to all in this room, pelase chnage it17:21
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murphythats my biggest fear doing that17:21
murphythats why i only do it in the server window17:21
daxthat's a verification token, not a password17:21
daxthey're single-use and not particularly secret17:22
Surendilmurphy, that's why you shoul always use /notice tab to do that17:22
dStructdax: or it was the worlds most professional troll lol17:22
murphyits like the fear as forgetting to put your shorts on during PE and running out in your underware17:22
daxandrewpo: run /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER andrew_pom idhnvzmuzemi again without the space in front17:22
dStructmurphy: uhh, I can't say that I have ever done that one..17:22
murphyme neither but i was so worried about doing it17:23
daxdStruct: nope, actual user. people get confused because the email has a space in front of the command for some stupid reason17:23
murphyseen it happen a few times though17:23
murphyfunny as hell but felt REAL:LY bad for the kid17:23
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sobersabrehi. Is it possible to set overcommit memory settings for specific scope of processes or per user or per exec path?17:32
sobersabresysctl stuff :-|17:32
OerHekssobersabre, fancy question17:34
naccsobersabre: i believe the closest you'd get is cgroups? or perhaps you could specify it to a lxc/lxd container and run stuff in there?17:34
LTCDHi I'm running Ubuntu Server. How do I go about updating Tor (for my hidden service) and Tomcat? I want to stick with my Tomcat version, but install any patches.17:36
naccLTCD: "my tomcat version"? are you not using the Ubuntu package?17:39
LTCDnacc I set it up ages ago, however I think I used wget and installed manually.17:40
naccLTCD: not sure i understand how you intend to "update...Tomcat" and "stick with [a specific] Tomcat version"?17:41
LTCDnacc I mean install patches.17:42
dStructLTCD: you could update just tor and leave tomcat alone?17:42
LTCDnacc I might still use Windows Vista not 10, I can install patches without upgrading to Windows 10...17:42
LTCDdStruct They both need upgrades.17:42
dStructLTCD: is there a problem with updating both?17:43
LTCDdStruct I don't know how to.17:43
LTCDdStruct I didn't use Ubuntu to install them, I got them from their websites.17:43
dStructLTCD: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?17:43
dStructLTCD: ahh then that command won't update them17:43
LTCDYep I did those dStruct, however I don't think that command will update them. I mean is there a way of checking/17:44
dStructLTCD: if you manually installed them you'll have to manually update them as well17:44
dStructLTCD: if you didn't install them with apt-get then they will not update17:44
naccLTCD: it's outside of ubuntu support (imo) to support upgrading from source stuff17:44
naccLTCD: you should update them the way you installed them the first time, I guess17:45
LTCDIs there a way of checking if I installed them manually or not?17:45
dStructLTCD: what nacc said, or just remove them both, save their configs, and apt-get install them and insert your configs17:45
naccLTCD: you just said you "got them from their websites"?17:45
LTCDnacc I might be wrong as this was a while ag.17:45
sulfasalmpv crashes when playing video. Says 'Segmentation fault(core dumped)17:46
sulfasalwhere do I find this 'dump'?17:46
murphytry dmesg17:47
dStructLTCD: dpkg --get-selections will list all installed packages, maybe add a | grep -i tom or tomcat and/or tor to search the list as it's long17:47
LTCDnacc dStruct Thank you. While we are talking is there an easy to use Deepfreeze for Ubuntu Server?17:48
dStructLTCD: I don't even know what that is17:48
LTCDdStruct When you shutdown/restart everything changed is deleted. Like an internet cafe.17:49
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naccLTCD: which is a dupe of http://askubuntu.com/questions/349678/is-there-any-deep-freeze-like-application-for-ubuntu17:49
naccLTCD: deepfreeze is a windows-only thing, afaict, though (so you'd need to find an alternative as suggested in both questions)17:50
dStructLTCD: there are lots of options for something like that, one of which is LTSP which does remote diskless booting of Ubuntu for example, and you can wipe sessions on logout17:51
riqjhello everyone, I'd like to create an encrypted partition with gparted, but can't find this option. is there none?17:53
dStructLTCD: have you seen the Guest login on Ubuntu, it works that way I believe?  to a degree at least17:53
LTCDdStruct nacc Okay thanks.17:53
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DavidOwskihey guys I've set up a rTorrent with ruTorrent on Ubuntu and creating a torrent from 25GBs of files took me 3-4 hours18:03
cetabiois mysql broken?18:04
cscfcetabio, in general?  I doubt it.  Yours might be.18:04
cscfDavidOwski, is there a question?18:05
cetabiomean apt-get mysql-server18:05
cetabioupdate-alternatives: using /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf to provide /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.cnf) in auto mode Renaming removed key_buffer and myisam-recover options (if present)18:05
cetabiostoped there :S18:05
DavidOwskiWhy that much?18:05
cetabioI restoed my system form backup18:05
cetabioand same issue18:05
dStructDavidOwski: get a faster computer and or disk?18:05
DavidOwskiI have 1x1.90GHz processor and 1TB disk SATA18:06
cscfDavidOwski: Generating metadata and hashes for each 4MB? block over 25GBs takes time.18:06
DavidOwskiI set 16MB piece size18:06
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cscfDavidOwski, well, that explains it then.  You probably had 100% cpu usage.18:07
cetabioany idea?18:07
DavidOwskithat's what it shows in ruTorrent18:07
DavidOwskiso I'll get myself something faster18:08
cscfDavidOwski, and why is it surprising that hashing 25GB of data takes time on a 1.9Ghz CPU?18:08
DavidOwskicscf: I thought it won't take so long18:08
cetabiocscf Im restoring back my system18:09
cetabioany idea to fix that issue?18:09
cetabioapt-get stop at that line18:09
cscf!patience | cetabio18:09
ubottucetabio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:09
sacardewhat suggest me about undervolt (phc?) in ubuntu ?18:10
cetabiocscf I just dont get how system can break in that way with just using apt-get install a so popular package18:10
cscfcetabio, so after this runs, mysql isn't installed?18:11
cetabioit doesnt stop18:11
cetabioeven if I do ctrl+c18:11
cscfcetabio, oh.  ok, well, run 'top' or 'htop' in another terminal and see if it's still doing anything.18:12
cetabioi have to exit the session and then sourcelist seems to be corupted and any comand of apt-get will try to install mysql giving me error18:12
cscfcetabio, if you interrupt apt, it will try to finish & cleanup when you run it again, yes18:12
logicalhi, is it possible to set rhythmbox to reapeat one song?18:14
logicali love you all #shareUbuntuLove18:16
cscflogical, there's a repeat button at the top bar.18:17
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logicalit repeats the playlist but how to reapeat one song18:17
cscflogical, I don't have music here to test, cant you rightclick on the song?18:18
logicalnah the only logic is to search for the song and he will only play the one searched for18:19
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cetabiocscf im not sure if it still runing18:20
cetabiothere is a process that appear and dissapear18:20
cetabioapt-get and another mysql18:20
mpo42vr_Which driver would I need for this wifi card? TP-LINK Archer T8E18:21
mpo42vr_I can't find its chipset18:21
leeyaahow does the motd work on ubuntu? is it per user per ip basis or something?18:22
leeyaacause i was able to see it twice for the same user18:22
leeyaabut i logged from a different ips18:22
leeyaasecond login does not show it18:22
th0rmpo42vr_, couldn't have tried too hard...https://wikidevi.com/wiki/TP-LINK_Archer_T8E18:25
leeyaai mean how does it decide when to show motd and when not ?18:25
leeyaathe default one that is18:25
acovrigHow would I create a bootable USB of ubuntu (mini); I’ve used unetbootin in the past, but everyone I’ve talked to recently says I shouldn’t use unetbootin (I’m on a mac)18:26
Surendilacovrig, use dd18:26
acovrigSurendil: dd the mini.iso to the USB drive?18:26
cetabioit still at same point18:27
acovrigSurendil: if so, dd to /dev/drive or /dev/partition?18:27
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Surendilacovrig,  dd if=/where_the_iso_is of=/usb_mount_point bs=4MB; sync18:28
Surendilacovrig, example: dd if=/home/shin/Downloads/iso/debian-live-8.5.0-amd64-xfce-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M; sync18:29
acovrigSurendil: I’ll try that; I’ve also heard not to dd an iso, but we’ll see if it works18:29
akikacovrig: dd works for the ubuntu isos18:30
Surendilakik, i used dd to try kali, debian, fedora, gentoo, worked on all of them18:31
leeyaaanyone? :P18:31
akikwell i just thought that as this is #ubuntu18:31
ploxhello everyone, I needed a swap partition on my disk, and I created it via gparted, as a linux-swap partition. is it the same thing as that one creates during the installation?18:32
akikplox: yes18:32
akikplox: run mkswap on it18:33
ploxah, thank you akik. how do I run it?18:33
Surendilplox, it's the same, but you also have to add the partition to fstab18:33
akikplox: sudo mkswap /dev/sdxn18:33
veeplooking for my-weather-indicator.  Can't find the executable.  trying to add to startup items.  I've "find ~ -name "my-weather*" but the only things that come up are in the .config directories18:33
ploxSurendil, how do I add it? do I need to do it after running mkswap?18:33
veepwhen I press the super key it comes up when I search for it, but of coarse when you right click on it, doesn't show the path18:33
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Surendilplox, after18:35
acovrigSurendil: didn’t work: the BIOS doesn’t see it as a boot device18:35
ploxakik, swap set up, thank you very much!18:36
ploxSurendil, what do I need to do to add it to fstab?18:36
Surendilplox, UUID=xxx none swap sw 0 018:37
DavidOwskiwhat does it mean that HDD is: Ent.HDD18:39
cetabioAny idea what may cause a mysql isntall 5.7 on 16.04 to stop at this point18:39
cetabio  update-alternatives: using /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf to provide /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.cnf) in auto mode Renaming removed key_buffer and myisam-recover options (if present)18:39
cetabioonce that point it reached it stop there for ever already been 20min+18:40
acovrigSurendil: unetbootin will make a bootable drive, but it seems that in ubuntu 16 something happens to the installer, so it tends to fail partway through18:40
ploxSurendil, I don't know where I enter these. and mkswap already shows me an UUID value18:40
Surendilcetabio, have you checked the mysql error log?18:40
cetabioits not installed18:40
cetabioI want to install it but after asking for root password and so it freze at that line18:41
Surendilacovrig, i have the same problem with unetbooting, crashed all the time, but dd worked just fine!18:41
Surendilplox, you have to add that line to your fstab file, changing de UUID with the one you have18:42
ploxah, ok, where would I find the fstab file=?18:43
Surendilcetabio, wait, did you install mysql already o you want to install it? if you are trying to start mysql, first you have to configure my.cnf file18:43
Surendilplox, /etc/fstab18:43
cetabioSurendil want to install it18:43
cetabioupdate-alternatives: using /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf to provide /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.cnf) in auto mode Renaming removed key_buffer and myisam-recover options (if present) thats the last line I see18:44
Surendilcetabio, apt-get install mysql -y18:44
cetabiook will try that18:44
Surendilcetabio, apt-get install mysql-server18:45
cetabiobut seems same behavoir18:45
ploxthere are two lines that tell me where the swap was during installation. I guess one of them is correct. I replace the value with the one in the mkswap output18:45
AditHi. I copied a folder from one drive to another and I want to see whether the new folder is the same. I tried diff -r -q but it is taking too much time. Its there an alternative?18:46
cetabioSurendil -y have same result18:47
cetabiostucked at update-alternatives: using /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf to provide /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.cnf) in auto mode Renaming removed key_buffer and myisam-recover options (if present) already18:47
ploxis it really correct to enter the new value under the line that refers to the swap at the installation?18:47
plox can I just skip this if it is not too important?18:47
acovrigSurendil: yea, but the BIOS doesn’t see it if I dd it, so I’m trying unetbootin again18:48
AmazeCPKI installed ubuntu on a VM, and am using MetaCity window manager. Is there a way to run seamless mode across my 3 monit18:48
AmazeCPKmy 3 monitors*?18:48
Surendilcetabio, hhhmm....try apt-get install -f18:50
cetabioSurendil just restoring sysmte once again18:50
cetabioty of gods ints an vps18:51
cetabioand I can restore from snapshot18:51
ploxok, anyway, thank you very much Surendil, akik..have a good week!18:51
cetabioSurendil im gonna try installing maria-db18:54
TheLawyerI don't know how to fix this heating problem on laptop wiht xenial installation! it works fine when running windows 718:55
Surendilcetabio, go for it18:55
EstrI cannot connect to wifi on Ubuntu for some reason, works fine on window, any ideas?18:58
MonkeyDustTheLawyer  i have that too, there's a thermald bug ... still, install indicator-cpu-freq and psensors18:58
cetabioSurendil it worked18:59
cetabioinstalled in 30s18:59
Surendilhttp://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aEnZGPp_460s.jpg - Happy Proggrammers Day!19:00
PolarcraftHow would I check if something is equal to "bob" or "sam" in bash?19:00
Surendilcetabio, madia-db o mysql?19:00
MonkeyDustTheLawyer  pastebin the output of    sudo systemctl status thermald19:01
Surendilcetabio, great!19:02
cetabioyep, wonder what's the issue with mysql install19:03
cetabioTried atleast 10times and any other install works19:03
Surendilit seems there's a bug in the last upgrade or that's what I just saw19:04
cscfPolarcraft, if [ $STRING -eq "sam" ]; then19:04
Krisostoomuswhy is ubuntu so buggy?19:04
cscfKrisostoomus, it's not.  Did you have an actual question?19:05
OerHeksKrisostoomus, just because.19:05
Polarcraftcscf, I mean I want to see if a string is equal to "sam" or "bob".19:05
cscfPolarcraft, [ $STRING -eq "sam" || $STRING -eq "bob" ]19:06
MonkeyDustKrisostoomus  what brings you here19:06
Bashing-omKrisostoomus: Not at all buggy for me . Been using 'buntu for years and never a problem that I did not cause .19:06
Krisostoomusmy voice recording is not working...in audacity it works, on skype and on browsers not19:06
MonkeyDustKrisostoomus  skype is owned by MS, blame them for not working in linux19:08
joelioKrisostoomus: audacity may be using alsa or present you with which device to select in recording.. have you set the system audio to use the correct mic input?19:08
de-factosetup a correct default recording device19:08
dStructKrisostoomus: of all the linux distros out there Ubuntu is probably the least buggy of them all, completely free I might add, however it's not Winblows :D19:09
Krisostoomus"have you set the system audio to use the correct mic input?" how ?19:09
glitchdanytime i create a new image, weather its a jpg or a png, if i save it to the desktop the icon shows a gear with line through it. but if i clear the thumnail cache and logout/in, it displays fine. what could be the problem?19:10
glitchdand its specific to if i save it to the desktop, if i save it to my home folder the icon displays fine.19:10
Polarcraftcscf, my problem now is with this check, could you help me fix the errors?19:10
dStructKrisostoomus: have you tried google'ing something like ubuntu skype setup19:11
OerHeksskype is still beta :-D19:11
Krisostoomuson opensuse I got it working with apulse library "apulse skype", but i need to talk in facebook with mic... "apulse firefox" seemd not to work19:12
dStructKrisostoomus: you have to also understand, a lot of "linux" apps out there such as Skype are usually built for general linux distros, which means they don't always integrate into a particular distro correctly, where as a native package in apt-get would probably work right out of the box so to speak19:13
Krisostoomusand in skype I see blue blinking video on the other side...19:13
joelioKrisostoomus: pulseaudio is default in ubuntu, so you don't need to run those commands, just use as normal. What is important is you go into your settings panel, sound and set the audio19:14
joelioKrisostoomus: there is even a level meter, so you can speak into it and check it's the correct input19:15
Krisostoomusi have tried alsamixer and arecord and aplay.... recording with low quality, at the same time when recording with audacity, quality is good.19:16
Krisostoomusalsamixer for changing sound levels, mic levels19:16
dStructKrisostoomus: have you looked at alsamixer ?19:17
dStructKrisostoomus: oh wait you just answered my question :D19:17
ioriaPolarcraft, what error ?19:17
joelioI think most is driven via pulsaudio now with an alsa-sink.. could be wrong though, depends on the setup19:18
Polarcraftioria, run.sh: 5: [: missing ]19:18
Polarcraft and run.sh: 5: run.sh: y: not found19:18
joeliothere's pavumeter for pulse19:18
ioriaPolarcraft,  are you running a script ?19:19
Polarcraftioria, script: http://pastebin.com/FzYd9MKx19:19
Krisostoomusi executed sudo killall pulseaudio....still recording with bad quality19:19
ioriaPolarcraft,  if then structure , i think19:20
ioriaPolarcraft,  double [ ... i mean [[19:21
Polarcraftrun.sh: 5: run.sh: [[: not found19:21
Polarcraftrun.sh: 5: run.sh: y: not found19:21
joeliodo you have a bash shebang?19:22
joelioah yea19:22
joelioKrisostoomus: why kill pulsaudio? It's fundemental part of the system19:23
joelioPolarcraft: top line in the script, that sets the interpreter19:23
joeliocrunchbang is another term I guess19:23
joelioPolarcraft: Have you seen case statements in bash? might be a nicer way to handle your input19:25
PolarcraftYeah, but I don't know how to exactly do what I want with the case statements.19:26
ioriaPolarcraft, it's working for me with ]] ...19:26
KrisostoomusI thought pulseaudio is the whole reason19:26
Polarcraftioria, what line do I put the double square brackets on?19:26
ioriaPolarcraft,  if [[ "$response" == "yes" || "$response" == "y" ]]19:27
Bashing-omPolarcraft: A good read : http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide .19:27
PolarcraftWell yes I did that, but still the error I am getting is what I posted.19:27
PolarcraftBashing-om, too long to load.19:28
ioriaPolarcraft,  so the issue is in the first line : if ps ax | grep some > /dev/null19:28
PolarcraftSo change it from what I have to "if ps ax | grep factions > /dev/null"?19:28
joelioalso the logic is wrong, according to what the input request (Y/n), it's case sensitive don't forget19:29
ioriaPolarcraft,  tell us what is factions ... :)19:29
joelioplus you're not asking for yes/no :)19:29
Polarcraftioria, a screen name.19:29
ioriaPolarcraft,  it's running if you do ps -A | grep factions19:29
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joelioalso, yes no is a common thing for input, seek and there may be better ways ;)19:30
ioriaPolarcraft,  try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23170609/19:33
Bray90820_What kernel was default in 12.04?19:34
EriC^^Bray90820_: lastly or first one?19:35
OerHekscheck the releasenotes?19:35
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ioria!info linux-generic precise19:35
CHBMBBray90820_: Any use http://askubuntu.com/questions/517136/list-of-ubuntu-versions-with-corresponding-linux-kernel-version19:35
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB19:35
Bray90820_First one19:35
Bray90820_CHBMB: Thanks19:35
Polarcraftioria, run.sh: 2: run.sh: [[: not found19:37
ioriaPolarcraft,  paste again the script, please19:37
OhYashIs there any irc client which doesn't display join/exit status for freenode?19:38
OerHeksOhYash, some have that option, like hexchat19:38
PolarcraftWtf? Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.6-11ubuntu2 is this kids os??19:38
OhYash0erHeks : I have Smuxi and Xchat. Anyway to do that in these?19:39
OerHeksOhYash, xchat is no longer under development, hexchat is a spinn-of from that.19:39
adamcoh btw... Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is now my primary and only OS on my 13" macbook from mid 2007 :)19:39
OerHeksSmuxi i don't know, you could script it i guess.19:40
OhYash0erHeks : Alright, off to hex I go. Does weechat have the feature btw?19:41
OerHeksOhYash, full list of clients http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages19:41
OhYash0erHeks : Thanks, just what I wanted.19:42
PunicArdentHey guys!19:42
PunicArdentI wanted to ask you, I'm very interested in penetration testing and I am trying to choose between Kali and Ubuntu19:43
PunicArdentWhat do yo guys suggest? Should I install ubuntu and get the tools that I need or use Kali?19:43
OerHekspentesting is beyond the scope of this channel, see the #kali channel for that19:44
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:44
OhYashPunicArdent : Go kali!19:44
OerHekskali is no longer based on ubuntu, btw19:44
OhYashor other hacking focused distros19:44
PunicArdentIt's based on debian?19:44
PunicArdentThe only issue with other pen testing distro is that they come preloaded with bunch of tools that you probably won't need19:45
OerHeksso is the linux-kernel :-D19:46
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nelskI'm trying to use an existing efi partition to boot from and under the manual partitioning setup in the installer, there is no option to set the mount point to /boot/efi under edit partition, is this possible?19:48
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DarkSpiritAK47join /plank19:51
OhYashnelsk its there usually19:53
OhYashwell it was that last time I checked19:53
OhYashDoes your system support efi?19:54
nelskOhYash: yes, the option is not there. This link suggests it should be detected automatically? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Creating_an_EFI_System_Partition19:54
DarkSpiritAK47i dont know how to get into another room19:54
DarkSpiritAK47how do i get to plank19:54
DarkSpiritAK47im a idoit19:54
nelskShould I be selecting the partition specifically for the boot loader installation?19:55
DarkSpiritAK47figured it out19:55
OhYashDarkSpiritAK47 /join #plank maybe19:55
OhYashnelsk, just like swap space. sounds good19:56
brotkastennice it works o.O19:57
nelsk:/ grub-install /dev/sdb2 (the efi partition) failed19:59
fl0k1can anyone tell me where i can geht mingw32 for ubuntu?20:00
brotkastenwhy my mechanical Keyboard dont work on ubuntu but membrane keyboards works? sry for my bad english im from german20:00
fl0k1@query brotkasten20:01
MonkeyDustfl0k1  the W means Windows, guess you're not in the right channel http://mingw.org/20:02
PunicArdentguten tag!20:02
PunicArdentYou could always join #ubuntu-de20:03
fl0k1MonkeyDust, https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git > there i should install mingw3220:03
dwsrI'm following https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Troubleshooting_error_messages_during_Domain_Member_join and can't get ads to register its DNS properly. I have edited /etc/hosts as instructed and restarted, but am still getting the first error message described in the article.20:03
munskingHello, if i install ubuntu 14.04 server in a qemu VM (on a physical HDD) and then put that HDD in a physical machine, will it run as normal or will there be issues?20:11
munskingcause i'm kinda running out of ideas trying to use this old hardware as a local server20:11
reisiomunsking: how does qemu factor into using old hardware?20:11
munskingreisio: what do you mean?20:12
reisiowhat makes you think qemu would be useful at all?20:12
reisiodoesn't matter you're going about this wrong20:13
reisiostate the problem, not your perceived solution20:13
munskingreisio: well i know i can use said HDD as a drive in a qemu VM, and i know i can install ubuntu on it, so i thought i'd install it that way and then move the HDD over20:13
munskingreisio: if i manage to boot from USB it gives mounting errors right after loading the install UI20:14
reisiomunsking: right, but _why_ would you do it that way20:14
reisiooh okay so you're having trouble booting install media?20:14
Jordan_Umunsking: Yes, it should work fine as long as it's a BIOS based machine.20:15
reisiomunsking: alright, it's only got 3.5 drives?20:16
munskingnever had any trouble on my main pc, but that one has up to date hardware, this thing (http://i.imgur.com/Ip3vHJ8.jpg) is ooooold20:16
reisiomunsking: nice case :p20:16
munskingreisio: i tried 3 different hdds, a small laptop hdd, a WD black, an old 3,5 hdd, same errors all the time20:16
reisiomunsking: no optical drive?20:16
munskingreisio: thanks :P20:16
munskingnope, can't be bothered, and i don't wanna have to deal with finding a free dvd and burning it20:17
munskingJordan_U: ok, so no driver issues or so like on faildows?20:17
Jordan_Umunsking: Correct. With the exception of proprietary drivers, all drivers are detected at each boot.20:18
munskingJordan_U: kk, great, thanks!20:18
reisiomunsking: I would probably partition the drive on another box20:18
Jordan_Umunsking: You're welcome :)20:18
reisiomunsking: installing grub & an install image for Ubuntu20:19
reisiothen boot that20:19
reisioWindows doesn't really have more driver issues than GNU/Linux, it's just that overcoming driver issues is made more difficult by Windows20:19
munskingreisio: can i still install it if that drive would be the only one?20:19
reisiomunsking: yup20:19
munskingcause of the ram fs thingie?20:19
reisiomunsking: you can even reclaim the install media space as the swap partition afterwards20:19
reisioum, just because, really20:19
munskingalso, the windows thing, i have had windows fail catastrophically after changing hardware, so it's not as good as linux if you ask me20:20
reisioit definitely isn't20:21
reisiomy point is that it's not that way because of how the OS is, fundamentally20:21
reisioit's because they on purpose make it hard for you20:21
reisioyou might also check if there's a bios update first20:21
munskingi'll do that once i get something running20:22
munskingthe mobo is scavenged from an old pc without PSU,HDDs,GPU or anything in it, so it's not like i had a running setup with it before20:22
reisioit lives!20:24
munskingwho? my frankenstein's monster?20:25
dStructmunsking: most likely if you try to boot a VM installed drive in a PC it will have issues, not always, but probably.  There are a lot of variables to consider, EFI boot partition vs MBR, boot loader i.e. grub config, scsi vs ide, who knows20:30
munskingdStruct: i think i can simulate the hardware setup pretty closely just not exactly, i've managed it with arch before somehow but i can't exactly remember if something went wrong20:31
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dStructmunsking: if you have a secondary machine on the same network you can do a netboot/network install?  You can also install from USB if that box even knows what USB is20:31
reisioyeah I wouldn't bother with a VM20:32
dStructreisio: I second that20:32
reisioI'd try cloning a metal install before I bothered with a VM20:32
munskingdStruct: i'm trying USB but it keeps running into issues (somehow /dev/sda5 is in use, if i try to umount it says it's an invalid arguement)20:32
reisiobut really I'd just setup a hard disk to boot install media20:32
reisio(well, really I'd probably replace the hardware in question)20:32
reisiotime is the most valuable part20:32
dStructmunsking: how did you make the USB key?20:32
munskingdStruct: dd, as usual20:33
dStructmunsking: you know you can put together a really cheap modern "server" for like $200 maybe $300 depending on what you already have20:33
ankkaxHi, I have some problems with ubuntu 16.04 gnome 3.20 libinput . Here's Reddit Link for everything I'v tried https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/52bmt7/how_to_configure_libinput_ubuntu_gnome_1604/20:33
dStructmunsking: hell you could even buy a Beaglebone Black and make that a "server" although it wouldn't have much for storage lol20:34
Jordan_Umunsking: I've done this before multiple times actually with no problems. If the machine is UEFI then you'll run into issues, but as long as qemu is booting via BIOS (which it should by default) and the machine boots via BIOS (you said it was old) I expect it will work fine.20:34
munskingdStruct: my upload at home isn't nearly enough for spend money on a dedicated server, i'm just trying to make one with the scraps i have laying around until i'm 100% sure i can keep this job and rent a VPS20:34
dStructmunsking: why not just install Virtual Box, VMware, or Parallels (wouldn't recommend), on your existing PC and run it inside there?20:35
Jordan_Umunsking: Note also that recent versions of qemu protect sector 0 (the MBR) unless you explicitly specify that the drive is a "raw image".20:35
reisiothe point is to utilize extant hardware, not use an OS he doesn't use as primary20:35
nelskIs there a ubiquity help channel? Really having some trouble with the boot setup, renders the installer unresponsive after a grub-install failure...20:35
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munskingdStruct: i wanna be able to access my pc from the internet, i don't have a 2nd network card, i can't make my pc into a router cause i fucking despise networking20:36
guest2Wait you hate networking but you're ok with Linux?20:37
blargemunsking: you dont use your pc as a router as you cant or you dont want to20:37
munskingJordan_U: i always use raw files, so that's not a problem :D20:37
guest2Networking is baby-mode compared to Linux lol20:37
munskingGuest2: eyup20:37
munskingGuest2 no it isn't, at least not for my autistic brain xD20:37
dStructmunsking: well if your goal is to run/learn a linux OS, you should be able to install Virtual Box for free, and install whatever OS you want (or many) into it, and run them virtually, it will handle all the networking automagically, all you do is install and go20:37
dStructmunsking: if your goal is to see what you can do with some ancient hardware, I would say slave a spare HD into your PC, and install linux onto it, then pop it out and put it in the old box and see how it boots20:38
aroonihow do i install fzf on ubuntu?  via git?20:39
munskingdStruct: vbox gets an ip not in my routers range, i've got a dyndns set up and i can't forward traffic to it, i've tried, maybe i've been tinking too complicated but i never managed it to work :/20:39
thesebif i nuke some files of a package how repair?20:39
Jordan_Umunsking: Please watch your language in this channel.20:39
thesebis there easier way to repair deleted files than removing and reinstalling packages20:39
dStructmunsking: sounds like you want to run an outside facing server of some sort from inside your network, you'll need to forward I'm assuming port 80 TCP through your router to the PC running the VM, then you have to make sure you configure the VM networking to have a IP address on your local network and not use NAT, most VM software will default to NAT'ing traffic thru your PC's existing IP20:40
guest2I could do like iptables -A INPUT -s -j FORWARD; iptables -A somethign something something MASQUERADE something BUTT_FORWARD something iptables -A OUTPUT -d not my butt something holy crap wtf are all these freaking commands doing20:41
guest2Or I could plug a thing into a router20:41
blargehey guys.. I have a weird problem (using kxstudios repo)... at one point I turned off wifi and networking via nm-applet, but then the option to reenable wifi disappeared... Therefore my wifi is broken.. Please help! I've tried installing other guis but I cant even see networks that are available. any insights are much appreciated, thanks20:41
guest2I choose the router lol20:41
guest2Way way way easier to me.20:41
k1lguest2: this channel is for technical ubuntu support and not pointless rantings or other offtopic.20:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:43
blargehahah! thanks ubottu20:43
guest2How do I destroy a country with ubuntu?20:44
* dStruct slowly steps away...20:44
blargehey guys.. I have a weird problem (using kxstudios repo)... at one point I turned off wifi and networking via nm-applet, but then the option to reenable wifi disappeared... Therefore my wifi is broken.. Please help! I've tried installing other guis but I cant even see networks that are available. any insights are much appreciated, thanks20:44
reisioblarge: why do you want to use kxstudios for this?20:45
blargereisio: its just the distribution I use (context, I dont care about it, just not plain ubuntu is all)20:45
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blargereisio: even though technically its not a distro. I'm just trying to fix my wireless in whatever way I can20:46
reisioso it didn't work with plain nm-applet is what you're saying20:46
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th0rblarge, hae you checked /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/dhcpcd.conf?20:52
th0rblarge, if they aren't right, have been changed in some way, it could keep nm from working20:52
blargeth0r: k checking now - should i just delete and let it recreate? not sure how to tell if its been changed20:53
* FuriousGeorge 20:53
FuriousGeorgehey all20:53
th0rblarge, don't delete...they won't get recreated20:53
reisiohey ust you20:53
th0rblarge, I could send you a copy of the defaults, but they would be for raspbian...I no longer run ubuntu20:54
blargeshouldnt the conf file be recreated as the default if I delete it though?20:55
blargeth0r: the other option I saw online was rfkill unblock all or resetting to default on the bios20:55
th0rblarge, not sure...but I am pretty sure interfaces wouuldn't get recreated and it is the really important one.20:55
th0rblarge, here is what I know. I use static ip on all my servers in my home network so i control the wifi through /etc/network/interfaces. AS soon as I modify that file nm no longer works (no big deal on a server).20:57
blargeth0r: yeah I think i was switching around settings when trying to host a network so this is likely20:57
th0rblarge, on my desktop, when I wanted to go back to using nm, I had to restore interfaces to its default value to get nm working20:57
blargeth0r: and you do that how20:58
th0rblarge, just a sec20:58
blargejust by switching back the script file to the original?20:58
blargeth0r: k thanks I appreciate your help20:58
th0rblarge, no....just a sec20:58
th0rblarge, mind you this is off my desktop...a pi3 running raspbian, debian for arm. The interfaces file only has two lines....20:59
th0r'auto lo' and 'iface lo inet loopback'20:59
th0rblarge, so you might try commenting out everything in /etc/network/interfaces except those two and see if nm starts working again21:00
th0rblarge, the other file is /etc/dhcpcd.conf. If there is something amiss there it will probably show up in dns issues21:01
th0rblarge, but again....this is all off raspbian. I was hoping an ubuntu guru would jump in with any corrections21:01
blargeth0r: would I have to restart to see if it worked?21:01
blargeme too hahha21:01
blargeit seems I'll be able to figure it out21:01
th0rblarge, not sure if a reboot is necessary or not.21:02
blargebut it seems concerning I just realized the wifi not even listed in rfkill21:02
th0rblarge, it might just need something like 'sudo service networking restart'21:02
blargeoh yeah I tried that but it said stop: job failed while stopping21:03
blargei'm gonna try the interfaces21:03
th0rblarge, it would if the network isn't up and running. Cant stop what is started21:03
th0rwhat isN'T started21:04
blargeth0r: interesting. yeah the interfaces is the same already21:04
blargeoh by the 2nd half of the error is that it IS already running th21:04
jimhi, I'm looking for the package firmware-linux-nonfree... how can I search for it?21:04
reisioapt-file search21:05
jimit's not a file, it's a package21:05
ash_workzsomeone tell me if I'm going the wrong direction here21:05
jimwell that package is -in- a file, but not one that's written to an installation21:06
reisioash_workz: you are21:06
blargeth0r: I'll be back i'm gonna try restarting but thanks for your help i might be back hah21:06
th0rblarge, good luck21:06
TheLawyerMonkeyDust: I've already installed Psensors but that is nothing rather logging temperature21:07
jimhas it been removed from wily+1?21:07
ash_workzI wanted to do a full backup a server locally, so I did 'rsync -aAXv --exclude={...} ash@ .` but I got a permission denied on files /boot/System.map-...-generic21:07
TheLawyerMonkeyDust: I'm looking for away to decrease the cpu/hdd heat on ubuntu and calm down the fan21:07
ash_workz1) Should I be doing it that way?21:08
ash_workz2) is it possible to sudo21:08
ash_workz3) is /boot necessary?21:08
ash_workz4) is /boot/System.map* necessary?21:08
praethi room. is there any way to make mathomatic interpret ANSI escape sequences as movement?21:09
ash_workz5) should I be asking these questions in another channel?21:09
reisiojim: I see things on launchpad for it21:09
reisioand Debian still has it21:09
MonkeyDustTheLawyer  install indicator-cpufreq and thermald21:09
reisioprobably just nobody has been bothered21:09
praetin mathomatic, when i press up, it prints ^[[A instead of moviong to previous entry21:09
ash_workzreisio: yeah, that's usually the answer21:10
reisioit is isn't it :p21:10
k1ljim: that is not a ubuntu naming sheme21:10
ash_workzany advice?21:10
jimk1l, what's not?21:11
k1lfirmware-linux-nonfree, jim21:11
jimwhy then, did it exist in ubuntu? (and more importantly, why was it removed and what replaces it?)21:12
reisiojim: he means it isn't anymore, presumably21:12
k1ljim: ah wait, i found some old pacages for it.21:12
reisioI saw some stuff for 'firmware-nonfree', too21:12
jimso did reisio :)21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1513589 in linux-firmware-nonfree (Ubuntu Xenial) "linux-firmware-nonfree should be removed from Xenial" [Undecided,Fix released]21:13
* reisio yawns21:13
mustmodifySo I have this weird issue... I SSH into a machine. Then after some period of inactivity, I can't type anything, but the session doesn't die.  Then > 10 minutes later I get a "Pipe Broken" error. What's happening during that intermediate period?21:13
reisiomustmodify: it's trying to not be dead, even though it is21:13
jimdoes that bug report say what replaces it?21:13
k1ljim: "nothing" as i see it21:13
reisiojim: you can still get it from elsewhere at launchpad21:14
k1ljim: but you should get the firmware from the manufacturer directly21:14
jimk1l, so, the files that were in it are no longer packaged for ubuntu?21:14
jimthat sounds like an installation breaker21:15
reisiono particularly guarantee that unicorn wireless hardware will work regardless21:15
k1ljim: as i understand it the manufacturers dont want that because they choose a license that doesnt permit it.21:16
FrozenYogurtI need some advice regarding a dual boot I am attempting to set up on my Asus laptop running windows 8.1. My concern is how the system will boot?(GRUB or Windows Boot manager)?21:16
reisioFrozenYogurt: best to use grub as primary21:16
reisioFrozenYogurt: since it's designed to be aware of more than one OS, and Windows' boot loader is not21:16
reisioalso it's just... less bad? :p21:17
mustmodifyreisio: Well that's nice, I guess.  Not nice enough. :P21:17
reisiomustmodify: :D21:17
reisiomustmodify: solutions abound21:17
mustmodifyI'm setting ServerAliveInterval.21:17
mustmodifyWe'll see if that works.21:17
FrozenYogurtreisio: I have read about some people experiencing issues with grub booting windows 8.21:17
reisioFrozenYogurt: I've read about some people experiencing issues with Windows' boot loader booting Windows21:17
reisiogrub boot issues are usually, maybe 99% of the time, simple text file misconfigurations21:18
FrozenYogurtAlso I am curious if I were to completely format all partitions including efi and bootloader and then install both os which one should I install first?21:18
praetdoes mathomatic use readline or ncurses?21:20
OerHekswindows goes bezerk when it detekts ubuntu/linux. so start with windows.21:20
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FrozenYogurtOerHeks: Exactly, that's what my concern is. Windows seems to be a bit of attention hog, perhaps I should just forget it entirely and make the switch to linux21:21
reisiopraet: readline and ncurses aren't really alternatives to one another21:22
reisiomathomatic looks like a GUI app to me21:22
reisioso not primarily either21:22
reisiothe only commandline thing I see looks pretty win32-y21:23
reisioif it uses open source unixy libs at all, no it's not ncurses21:23
blargehey wonderful peoples.. I have a very frustrating problem that I could really use some help on... I need my wifi for the work I'm doing and for a few days, the enable wireless option has straight disappeared, from nm-applet, and there is no wireless showing up in rfkill... I have no idea what happened, but could really use some backup from people.. Thanks much, any insights are appreciated21:26
lordcirthblarge, does your laptop have a hardware switch?21:26
braggitso why exactly do we need to partition the drive? can we only store and access files specific to that partition? let's say, if I have dual boot with windows and I am using ubuntu, i cannot access any files that would be saved on windows?21:26
blargep.s. there is no on/off wireless on the hardware,21:26
blargelordcirth: na21:27
lordcirthblarge, you're sure there's no keyboard shortcut to toggle wifi either?21:27
jimblarge, might you have done something that caused its removal?21:27
blargeunless theres some secret hotkeys that can do it... no theres not switch on the computer21:27
lordcirthbraggit, because Linux uses a different filesystem, so it needs to be separate.  And you can mount your Windows partitions in Linux to access them.21:27
braggitlordcirth: so ubuntu and windows will both be independent in terms of saving and accessing files per each other, correct?21:28
blargeactually there is a short key for it...21:28
lordcirthbraggit, yes, that's the idea21:28
blargebut apparently its not changing anything21:29
lordcirthblarge, open a terminal, run 'dmesg -w', and toggle the keys21:29
Bashing-omFrozenYogurt: Look before you leap ? http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/347533/ubuntu-guide-displaced-windows-users .21:29
braggitlordcirth: i see. thank you21:30
braggitlordcirth: and how much does ubuntu itself take up? if I'm looking to partition 25gb, then how much of that will be available storage space?21:31
lordcirthbraggit, perhaps 15GB left once you install some software.  It depends how much you install21:32
reisiog, too21:32
hatoryh for now21:33
abaldygle blarge:  Suggest you do a live boot from the ubuntu insall cd   see if your wifi is recognized by the live boot.  Rules out hardware issue.21:33
hatorytry ifconfig wlan0 up21:33
hatoryor switch your wifi via button(or toggle button)21:33
braggitwhy is it recommended to access the network during installation? in my previous experiences using windows, i usually do not connect to the network until after I have completely finished loading the OS21:36
k1lbraggit: to load updates that were released in the time when the iso was made and now21:36
Surendilblarge, what's the status on /etc/init.d/network-manager?21:37
k1lbraggit: its better to intsall the updated package in the first place than to load the "old" package and then let you wait another time to update your system on first reboot21:37
braggitk1l: got it. how often does ubuntu roll out updates?21:39
blargeSurendil: theres only "networking" file right now...21:39
porkstoreanyone know if there is a simple way to get past this problem with W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available21:39
porkstoreall the google results are saying to delete and recreate a long list of keys manually21:39
porkstoreon the other hand, i don't feel like doing that21:39
k1lbraggit: all the time. there are securityupdates as fast as there is a known fix and udpates to fix heavy bugfixes. usually they are collected for one week and then the udpater asks you to install them. but for heavy security updates it will ask immediately21:40
Surendilblarge, maybe that's why it doesn't work, try to install network-manager package with apt-get21:40
braggitis it possible to repartition the drive at a later time? (if dual booting with windows and ubuntu). let's say later down the line i'd like to modify the partition size, would that be possible?21:40
blargeSurendil: it is installed... but I think some settings might have been changed21:41
k1lbraggit: yes. just load a live ubuntu again and resize the partitions21:41
braggitk1l: okay got it. but i'm sure it's no where near a headache as they are on windows. i'm pretty damn fed up with windows to be honest21:41
braggitk1l: okay so technically you would just have to reinstall?21:41
k1lbraggit: yeah, and you dont have to reboot 3 times to install updates etc.21:42
blargeSurendil: its really confusing actually.....21:42
nettoolsalguien experto en FOREMOST21:42
Surendilblarge, it is!21:42
Surendil!es | nettools21:42
ubottunettools: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:42
Bashing-ombraggit: Updates - security - sometimes within the hour . There is no set schedule for updates - there is for point releases .21:42
k1lbraggit: no. you just need to boot a live system, because you can change the partitions you are using with the OS booting from the hdd.21:42
Surendilblarge, just wondering, if you use an ubuntu live usb, does the wireless work?21:44
braggitmy laptop only has an ssd. this will not be an issue, right?21:44
k1lbraggit: it will work as a hdd, just faster :)21:45
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blargeSurendil: i mean the wireless has worked fine on ubuntu (kxstudios), it just recently stopped working21:45
Surendilblarge, my guess is that something weird is going on with your network-manager21:46
OerHeksor a fn + wireless key on your laptop21:47
SurendilOerHeks, he already tried that21:48
blargeSurendil: your probably right. is a reinstall a sensible thing to do?21:48
blargep.s. nothing but bluetooth shows up in rfkill list right now21:48
abaldygleblarge:  have you tried to boot to the livecd and see if it recognizes your wifi?   Rules out hardware issue.21:49
Surendilblarge, it would be nice to fix the wifi, but re-installing is not a bad idea21:50
braggitk1l: awesome!21:50
braggitso my desktop PC has windows installed on the SSD and all data/files on an HDD. does it matter how/where i install ubuntu on my desktop PC with two drives?21:51
blargethanks Surendil and abaldygle i'll check in windows to confirm its not ACTUALLY broken, and try reinstalling nm if its just linux. thanks21:52
Bashing-ombraggit: SSD install is much much faster operating system .21:52
Surendilblarge, np! =)21:52
TheLawyermoneylotion: ok, but what are those and how are they going to affect/change/reduce the building heat of the pc/?21:53
neoromantique_hehi; My audio card (USB) is making crackling and popping noises;21:54
neoromantique_heSame issue in gentoo and 16.0421:54
u0_a206no quitting pun?21:56
cyphixHi. A friend try to connect his laptop to an external monitor. The monitor is detected (as show xrandr), the mouse can go on the external monitor, but nothing is displayed there. The monitor works, as tested with another laptop. Any idea what could cause the issue? Apparently, rebooting the laptop with the monitor connected solves the issue, but it's not a satisfying solution.21:57
KubiusI'm on Lubuntu and trying to access a hard drive from a deadish TiVo21:59
KubiusIt's apparently got some sort of unconventional file system, but it showed up as "mac formatted" when I did lshw -c21:59
Kubiusanyone got any ideas for how I can get onto this thing?22:00
lordcirthKubius, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TiVo_Media_File_System22:01
Kubiusokay, so it's a clusterflop... figured as much22:02
blargesooooooooo Surendil apparently my wifi is not being detected in windows either.... so I'm really hoping my wireless didnt actually just brake and its fixable in bios or something..22:02
Kubiusit says enough is known to do reads - my goal is just to grab a few videos - but it doesn't actually bother to mention any methods22:02
cyphixOther thing: when pressing Fn + F5 (to activate the external monitor), everything becomes black, on both monitors. Any input would be much appreciated...22:03
Surendilblarge, well, first of all, check BIOS to see if it is enabled, if not....well, you know!22:03
lordcirthKubius, a quick search shows that there is a thing called mfstools for this22:03
blargehmmm Surendil I dont know but I just checked around in the bios and it seems like everything was enabled22:04
KubiusI tried using apt-get to load mfstools, but had no luck22:04
lordcirthKubius, something this obscure is unlikely to be in repos.22:05
blargeSurendil: think that means that hardwares just fucked somehow? seems impossible but22:05
lordcirthYou'll probably have to track it down and compile from source22:05
blargeSurendil: I guess a wireless usb isnt the worst thing in the world...22:05
blargedoh, a wifi usb*22:05
lordcirthKubius, http://mfstools.sourceforge.net/22:06
Surendilblarge, haha, no is not, it could be much much worse!22:06
Kubiusguess I'll give it a whirl, see how it turns out22:06
Surendilblarge, just to be sure, check BIOS and then boot with an ubuntu live cd to be sure!22:06
blargeSurendil: yeah if bios doesnt work I cant imagine it not working in windows anymore and still working with live22:07
blargethanks though22:07
Surendilblarge, anytime!22:08
blargecheers, enjoy the day22:08
Kubiuswell that's a delight22:09
Kubiusevidently you can add volumes, check the partitions, backup and restore22:09
Kubiusbut the file system itself is one of those lovely black-box situations22:09
munskingJordan_U: it worked, the machine's running now :)22:14
munskingbut now i can't install tmuxinator for some reason22:14
munskingah well, that's a problem for tomorrow22:14
munskingthanks again to everyone who helped22:14
bladepipeubuntu is buggy!22:16
bladepipegma500 is not working!22:16
DzAirmaXI crashed again22:16
bladepipeubuntu is crashing hard. ACPI probe failed gma 500 - trying to get vblank cound for disabled pipe22:17
bladepipeany help?22:19
bladepipewhy doesn't ubuntu support gma500???22:19
k1lwasnt gma 500 the very bad card 5 years back?22:20
ash_workzI'm trying to rsync a remote / locally; there are permissions issues and I don't want to change the sudo policy or sshd; I know I can rsync in reverse from the server, but I think I need to have my local computer allow the connection somehow.... help?22:20
bladepipek1l so bad that even windows 10 doesn't support it.22:20
bladepipeso... any operating system supporting gma 500 card?22:22
bladepipeI have several computers with GMA500 card!22:22
Guy1524what made it bad?22:22
bladepipeGuy1524, windows 10 doesn't support it:(22:22
tanxenis it possible to install software that hasn't been compiled for the most utd LTS release?22:23
k1lits a video card from 2008 that never had good drivers for windows or linux.22:23
tanxenI just noticed there was no pd-extended package (pure data)22:23
bladepipek1l, a video card that is top 1 search in gooooogle:)22:23
daxgma500 is awful22:24
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daxget a video card that isn't terrible22:24
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daxcheaper in the long run, if you value your time at all22:24
bladepipedax so awful that no one likes it, but is top 1 search on gooooogle.22:24
daxi'm not sure what its position in google searches (not that that makes any sense) has to do with how absolutely craptacular it is22:25
k1lbladepipe: top one search on google doesnt say its a good one. actually its a rubbish one so all user do google their card to find some help desperately.22:25
bladepipek1l ya, but ubuntu doesn't support it, so is so bad that no one cares.22:25
daxIntel farmed that chipset out to some other company, proper drivers never got made for it on any OS, apparently you didn't research before purchasing, hopefully you can find something that actually boots. If not, oh well.22:25
k1lbladepipe: its not a ubuntu issue. its a linux issue. and even intel doesnt care about that card while they ship open source drivers for their other cards.22:26
bladepipedax so... should I put my vaio p 31zk on garbage? it's new and it's awesome!!!22:26
nettoolssome one expert in FOREMOST22:26
daxyou bought a *new* machine with a *gma500*?!22:26
bladepipedax no, i have a VILIV N5 and a VAIO P 31 ZK22:27
daxanyway. yes, if it has a gma500 inside you couldn't pay me to take it22:27
bladepipedax I love them, they are mini laptops:)22:27
daxhave fun with that, then22:27
bladepipedax, windows 7 runs fine on it:)22:28
daxthen run Windows 7 on it22:28
bladepipedax sad is that windows 10 doesn't support it22:28
k1lbladepipe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo22:28
bladepipedax and ubuntu doesn't even cares.22:28
daxi would not recommend running any form of Linux on a computer using Poulsbo22:28
daxi would rather throw the computer into a fire, walk barefoot over shards of glass to the nearest computer store, and purchase a new computer, than do so22:29
k1lbladepipe: intel doesnt even care. since they dont ship drivers for that. ubuntu doesnt make drivers at all. its a linux distribution.22:29
bladepipek1l ya, you're right.22:30
kus-queensk1l btw what is this proprietary microcode that I get on Ubuntu?22:30
bladepipedax do a search for the models before say something22:30
luke__Anyone know how I move the [X - and square] buttons to the right?22:32
k1lluke__: on unity? its not possible22:32
luke__Kk, thanks for letting me know.22:33
OerHekssome programs do, without system-theme enabled, like chrome22:34
OerHeksvlc too, for example22:35
Jordan_Ukus-queens: All CPUs have what is called microcode, which you can think of as sort of your CPU's firmware (not to be confused with your boot firmware, which is entirely different). Every once in a while Intel may for instance fix a bug in their CPU, and so they release new microcode. This new microcode can either be permanently added to the CPU (sort of) or you can have linux load the new microcode at22:37
Jordan_Uboot. I would always recommend using the newer microcode. It's no more proprietary than the microcode you're already running, and it may contain fixes that will benefit you.22:37
Hoffmanhow do I prevent a cifs filesystem in fstab from automounting?22:44
reisioHoffman: man fstab, /noauto22:46
reisioor, pretending like we didn't know about 'noauto' already: man fstab, /auto22:46
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xmonad_newbhi room23:07
lordcirthxmonad_newb, hi23:07
xmonad_newbI have a question. When I log into my ubuntu desktop (default dm which i assume is lightdm) does ~/.xsessionrc get executed?23:08
xmonad_newbThe reason I ask is that I'm using xmonad WM and I want to start appliactions like trayer, xcompmgr etc when I login23:09
cyphixAs said previously, I encounter issues using a second monitor. Nothing shows up, except if I restart the computer. It seems that it does not wake up properly from sleep. What could I restart to reset the display settings?23:12
Bray90820_So my bunSo ubuntu 16.04 boots correctly with nomodeset and once like every 10 times it boots without nomodeset is there a way I can get it to always boot without nomodeset23:25
Bray90820_Idk what other information to give so just ask23:25
k1lwhat video card is it and what driver is in use? "lspci -nnk" will tell23:27
OerHeksit makes no sense, 1 out of 10 boots without nomodeset.23:31
AditIs there a command that compares to folders and outputs which files exists and which do not (unlike 'diff' which compares files line by line)23:32
Bray90820_k1l: www.termbin.com/p0rp23:33
AditIs there a command that compares 2 folders and outputs which files exists and which do not (unlike 'diff' which compares files line by line)23:33
k1lthere is a diff for directories. doesnt diff work that way alread?23:33
OerHeksdiff can compare filenames solely too23:34
Bray90820_k1l: Sorry do you want a different paste?23:34
k1lBray90820_: hmm, nomodeset for intel only setups is quite unusual.23:35
Bray90820_It works 100% of the time with nomodeset and 10% of the time without23:35
HakarinIs this the correct place to ask about ubuntu phones?23:36
k1l!touch | Hakarin23:36
ubottuHakarin: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:36
OerHeksHakarin, they hang out in #ubuntu-touch23:36
Bray90820_k1l: So what should i do?23:38
k1lBray90820_: do you have the latest bios updates installed?23:40
Bray90820_it's uefi and I think so23:41
k1lso you alerady did update it?23:41
loadedanvilsI am attempting to recover my encrypted home partition after errors on my /boot/efi or / partitions by upgrading Ubuntu Gnome to the next version23:41
loadedanvilsshould the /home mount point on the partition be visible if it is encrypted with ecryptfs?23:42
Bray90820_k1l: I didn't update it because the latest was already installed23:42
k1lBray90820_: ok. because i found some people saying it worked after a bios update23:43
Bray90820_What else is there to try?23:44
Bashing-omBray90820_: k1l :; bodhi.zazen advises in a similar vein to reinstall the driver : http://askubuntu.com/questions/550307/can-only-start-with-nomodeset .23:45
Bray90820_Should I try "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel"23:47
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Bashing-omBray90820_: Well O have in mind perhaps a --reinstall .. look presently at the status ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-intel " .23:49
fishcookerwhy this ipset can't get the resource23:50
Bray90820_Bashing-om: I disabled boot loader graphic with xdiagnose and now nomodeset  won't work23:53
Bashing-omBray90820_: Having to boot with nomodeset os a bad thing . need to find out where the graphics fault is . Can you boot to the console ( ctl+alt+F1) at the login screen ? Mind ya, I have very little experience with Intel !23:55
Bray90820_Bashing-om: Well as of right now I can't even boot with nomodeset because I disabled bootloader graphic with xdiagnose23:56
Bashing-omBray90820_: Be aware . nomodeset disables Kernel Mode Setting .. ya loose a lot of control of the system with that . Will not load the higher level graphic's driver .23:58
Bray90820_Bashing-om: do you not understand that I currently can't boot with nomodeset because I bootloader graphic?23:59

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