astraljava | eylul: Sure, yeah I have done some in the past. I can check in a while myself, but if you have it handy, what is the deadline for new packages in yakkety? | 07:22 |
sakrecoer | astraljava: i believe the deadline is feature freeze (past already, but i hear its possiblebto ask for exceptions). but perhaps eylul is interested in learning? :) | 07:29 |
sakrecoer | also, good morning fellow europeans and africans, afternoon fellow asians and oceaniand, and night fellow americans | 07:31 |
astraljava | Hello hello. :) Yeah I've worked against FF in the past. Let's see how big changes there are, so that we can discuss with the relevant people on whether or not we should ask for an exception. | 07:35 |
sakrecoer | if we talk about krita, just make sure you stay in sync with Ross, i know he is looking into it, and we don't want no one to do double work.. (ping krytarik) | 07:39 |
astraljava | Ok ok, cheers. | 08:03 |
geirdal | Good morning | 08:06 |
eylul | astraljava: what sakrecoer said. I am interested in learning, and while Ross did also kindly offer to teach, he has very limited time. | 08:44 |
eylul | (and good morning everyone) | 08:45 |
sakrecoer | hi geirdal ! re:website images, yes highres would be great! :) | 08:54 |
geirdal | sakrecoer, ok will do it right away ;) | 09:01 |
astraljava | eylul: Well, as do I. :) But like mentioned before, I'll try to pay more attention to these matters in the future. | 09:03 |
eylul | alright that is fair astraljava | 09:04 |
astraljava | I'm glad to hear you're showing interest in these things, though. Whatever you need, just let me know. :) | 09:04 |
eylul | *nods* mostly I'll need somebody to who I can ask possibly stupid questions with potentially obvious answers when I get stuck. ;) mostly about procedures etc | 09:05 |
astraljava | eylul: That's awesome. It's been a while since I've worked on packaging, so asking questions gives me perfect opportunity to refresh my skills as well. :) | 09:07 |
eylul | astraljava: awesome | 09:08 |
eylul | I shall poke, soon enough about my first attempt. ;) | 09:09 |
astraljava | Cool. :) | 09:17 |
sakrecoer | | 09:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1616175 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Studio Live CD build failing due to dependency loop" [Undecided,In progress] | 09:33 |
sakrecoer | it seems the iso are failing again though, not sure how to read th error mails, but they look different from the ones when it was this depency error. | 09:35 |
eylul | sakrecoer krita update isn't even in the iso yet I think | 09:37 |
eylul | we are waiting for somebody to upload it | 09:37 |
eylul | unless iso builds directly from the seeds | 09:37 |
eylul | and I misunderstand how this works (which is entirely possible) | 09:38 |
sakrecoer | i think you are right eylul, its not on the iso yet. | 09:49 |
sakrecoer | i read it as it builds, but the tracker chokes.. | 09:51 |
eylul | tracker? | 09:52 |
sakrecoer | the site where the ISOs are downloadable.. | 10:01 |
eylul | oh | 10:03 |
eylul | I do wonder if other variants are also failing | 10:07 |
eylul | | 10:07 |
flocculant | sakrecoer eylul - there is an issue with builds - everyone is affected - you'll see what's up on your buildlog(s) :) | 11:46 |
* OvenWerks is wondering what has happened to MIR. Any of Ubuntu's web pages about MIR seem to be mostly two years old (except for the addition that MIR is now a snap). The last bits seem to be getting GPU drivers... | 14:03 | |
astraljava | Well, it seems to be getting commits pushed quite regularly, so seems to be under development still. | 14:11 |
eylul | ross, astraljava, sakrecoer, and anybody else following the krita saga: "Drop krita entirely from this source, since a newer version of it is going to be provided by a separate krita source" | 14:33 |
eylul | can we request exemption to feature freeze for an experimental package? | 14:34 |
eylul | (and flocculant, thanks!) | 14:34 |
astraljava | eylul: Basically anything is possible, if you can convince the proper people at #ubuntu-release (if my memory serves correctly). :) Is there a possibility that something else could fail? | 14:44 |
OvenWerks | astraljava: I guess unity relies on it, but it kind of looks like MIR as an X replacement hasn't gone anywhere. I get the idea that maybe desktop ubuntu will build on top of X and tablet will not? It is interesting that two years ago everything was going to be MIR... and then nothing. | 14:46 |
* OvenWerks take on it is that the GPU manufacture's do not want to make any linux driver... but in any case not more than one. | 14:47 | |
* eylul waves hi to OvenWerks | 14:52 | |
OvenWerks | o/ | 14:52 |
eylul | astraljava I mean 3.0.1 has been out for a few weeks already, I haven't heard any screaming from anybody, the person who is doing the packaging seems to be the same person doing calligra packaging so I am not sure what could go wrong? *famous last words* | 14:53 |
OvenWerks | eylul: Are there two kritas now? has there been a fork? | 14:55 |
eylul | no, it seems packaging of it in debian is moving from calligra package into its own package | 14:56 |
eylul | ovenwerks ^ | 14:56 |
eylul | :) | 14:56 |
OvenWerks | So there will be a krita that does not need calligra? Sounds great. | 14:57 |
eylul | OvenWerks: there has been a krita that didn't need rest of calligra suite for a while yup. :) but now it seems debian package will reflect that | 14:57 |
OvenWerks | calligra seems add a lot of extra stuff... even if one wants calligra. | 14:59 |
eylul | exactly | 14:59 |
astraljava | I'm not sure if there are any caveats to that. Some people more in the know could shine some light on it. But if it builds, and making the necessary changes to seeds won't break anything, I don't think there's reason to object. | 15:07 |
astraljava | Homebound via grocery store; talk to you guys later. | 15:07 |
geirdal | eylul, and everybody hi-res vertion of images with 1 new image | 17:10 |
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