
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r473 Tweak the look of OSDs... (by Simon Steinbeiß)01:14
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r474 Deflate GtkEntries so they resemble Gtk2 again (Fixes #144)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)01:14
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r475 Deflate the buttons... (by Simon Steinbeiß)01:14
Unit193flocculant: Found it.05:09
flocculantthanks ochosi :)05:58
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 16.10 - i386 - i386 built.06:07
ochosiflocculant: no problem. just sucks that the fixes for ubiquity will take longer, as the problems we're seeing there are also present in Adwaita06:33
ochosiso basically i havr to find a new wqy to draw progressbars :/06:33
ochosii also checked with Ambiance and I dont really see why thats still working06:35
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r618 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)06:35
flocculantochosi: ok, well at the end of the day if something looks odd during install - not too much of an issue, though the partition size box could be problematic I guess06:38
ochosiyeah, that one sucks. also not an easy straight-forward fix06:39
flocculantthat's nice then06:39
ochosiyou can also see the same problem in other apps, e.g. xfpm 1.6.006:39
ochosiso it's a systemwide problem06:40
ochosibasically the same is true for the progressbar problem06:40
flocculantaah - not so good then06:40
Unit193flocculant: Fixored.06:40
ochosiif i change the progressbar stuff, we have to cross-check for regressions elsewhere if it's not a clean fix06:41
flocculantI'd happily be laid back about the progressbar stuff - if it means not having to worry about elsewhere tbh06:42
ochosii already did a dirty fix yesterday, but a clean one would really be nicer..06:42
ochosiyeah, to the worst i'd also rather leave it as is then potentially break it elsewhere06:42
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 16.10 - amd64 - amd64 built.06:48
flocculantakxwi-dave: just in case you see - don't bother rebuilding iso unless you see they fixed the lock issue07:10
flocculantUnit193: yep - that's better :)07:11
akxwi-daveflocculant: ok.. will keep an eye out08:11
flocculantakxwi-dave: it should be back tomorrow11:55
akxwi-davecheers mate12:02
flocculantbluesabre ochosi - finally added the 2 gtk3 ppa's here - better than last time, firefox is usable :)15:32
Unit193"Bug information are updated every 5 minutes." well someone knows how to English.  Also, that was clearly more than 5 ago.15:52
flocculantsomething's awry with bug info on tracker again - it's not remembering reported bugs15:53
flocculantI did ping stgraber bout that - but no response, possibly on holiday15:54
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, since the LO theme is now in src:libreoffice, elementary-xfce is the last thing that should be split out, and it can be a proper package all on its own! :D18:10
Unit193(Might be nice if Mythbuntu and UbuntuStudio get to no longer ship 'xubuntu-icon-theme', but 'elementary-xfce-icon-theme' :P )18:11
knomeUnit193, send email to their devel lists and include me in the CC18:22
Unit193knome: I'm talking about *our* package.18:23
knomeUnit193, yeah but you were talking about other flavors not shipping our package18:37
Unit193knome: Oh, oh, oh!  Did you do the wallpaper? :D19:12
knomenot yet19:30
knomei've been busy whole day today19:31
ochosiknome: i can haz wallpaper??19:47
knomeyou can have an old and used.19:48
Unit193ochosi: Pull one from 6 cycles back, nobody will remember.19:48
knomeochosi, can do a wallpaper session some night, as we've done before19:49
ochosiyeah, but i'm afk from tday for a bit more than 2weeks19:52
ochosiso it'd have to be e.g. tonight19:52
knomethat could work19:52
knomewhen are you going to bed?19:52
ochosihm, not sure19:55
ochosinot in the next 20mins ;)19:55
knomei'll boot the desktop in 5-15 mins and then PM you19:57
knomei hope the session can last more than 5-15 mins though :P19:57
ochosiis 16min 10 secs enough?19:59
knomei was thinking more like 30-45'ish19:59
ochosiheh, still the worst burndown ever: http://dev.xubuntu.org/#tab-burndown20:08
ochositypicaal LTS+120:09
ochosiflocculant: btw, adwaita also exhibits that problem that we seem to be having in the installer with the partition size spinbutton that isn't big enough for the text/content20:46
ochosinot that that makes it any more fun20:46
ochosibut it explains why we suddenly see it20:46
ochosiit's adwaita, hence Gtk+ itself20:46
flocculantochosi: ack - I think I read that ^^, or an allusion to that 20:47
ochosiwell, i mentioned it also wrt the progressbar issue20:47
ochosibut i just confirmed it for the spinbuttons as well20:47
flocculantI still am of the opinion that if we need to we can release note this20:47
flocculantaah right :)20:47
ochosiyeah, we can. i'd still prefer to somehow find a solution20:47
ochosialso wanna know what the culprit is20:48
flocculantofc - but don't think that I'd be whining for weeks over it :)20:48
flocculantthe partition size is more issue than progress obviously - but if someone's not sure - they can gparted before starting installer20:49
ochosiyeah, i'm still investigating though20:50
ochosimaybe some gtk+ devs can help shed a light on this20:50
flocculantright 20:51
ochosiflocculant: btw, what's the latest daily of yakkety i can try?21:03
flocculant10th at the moment21:04
ochosik, thanks21:04
flocculantno-one built since then21:04
ochosijust need to see whether ambiance really makes it all work21:04
flocculantochosi: right 21:04
ochosicause on 16.04 with gtk3.20 it doesn't fix ubiquity's problem with the partition entry21:04
flocculantmmm - to be honest I didn't check that21:05
flocculantochosi: if it's just a check I can look - have ubuntu iso already21:05
ochosioh ok21:05
ochosiplease do so21:05
ochosia screenshot would be nice!21:05
ochosiand please check with partitions that have >=5 digits21:06
ochosibelow it always works21:06
flocculantmmm 21:06
flocculanthang on21:06
ochosithis is what i get21:07
* flocculant builds a stupid vm21:07
ochosithat partition has a size of 217410 MB21:07
flocculantochosi: in ubuntu?21:07
ochosithe 6 digits do the trick21:07
ochosiit's not about ubuntu necessarily, you just have to install and use their themes21:07
ochosithis is ambiance (from light-themes)21:08
ochosithe ubuntu default21:08
ochosiif ubuntu also screws this up, we need to file a bugreport against ubiquity21:10
flocculantochosi: I've not got enough space anywhere on the multiple drives I have to get >=5 digits ... 21:12
ochosidivide et impera?21:13
knomejust add a lot of non-1 digits21:14
flocculantyes I have - I'll put it in one of the media drives21:14
ochosigood thinking!21:14
flocculantochosi: ok - how big do you want it - I've got 250Gb21:15
ochosithat's enough21:15
ochosi6 digits should be fine21:16
ochosiflocculant: lucky for you my dl speed here is so slow that i really *have to* wait for your screenshot cause the iso will take another 30mins to download...21:18
flocculantochosi: http://i.imgur.com/DzQlvAK.png21:19
flocculantwhich I think you'll be pleased to see :)21:19
knomethat's silly...21:19
ochosiyeah, go silly ubiquity21:19
ochosiflocculant: mind to attach that to the bug nairwolf reported and re-assigning it to ubiquity?21:20
flocculantyea ofc :)21:20
ochosiawesome, thanks!21:20
flocculantwelcome - I'll get that space back now :p21:21
flocculantI'd go nuts if it took me 30 minutes to d/l an iso lol21:22
ochosiyeah, i'm not really at home21:23
ochosiotherwise yeah, same here ;)21:23
flocculantaah right :)21:23
ochosiso now that i dont have to worry about spinbuttons anymore...21:25
flocculantochosi: ok bug reassigned, commented with screenshot 21:25
flocculantnot sure who's going to want to look at that over there in Ubuntumainland :)21:26
ochosiwe'll have to ping around21:26
ochosiseb128 would be my go-to-guy for this21:26
ochosi(Laney is on holidays)21:26
flocculantyea I was going to say that 21:26
ochosii have to get some car stuff fixed tomorrow, if you're around and have time, please do ping him about it21:27
flocculantI'll try and catch seb before I go to work in -desktop21:28
ochosiawesome, thanks21:28
flocculantthat or I'll hassle Will :p21:28
flocculanthe's less likely to aks me questions ... 21:28
ochosiwell but who is more likely to get it fixed.? :)21:30
ochosianyway, either of the two should be fine21:30
ochosibut we should really try to bring it to their attentio21:30
flocculantyea ofc 21:30
ochosii might actually write a quick patch to fix it21:30
flocculantI'll do it in the morning 21:30
ochosiit's likely going to be a one-liner21:30
ochosihah, ok so the width in chars is set to "6" in that dialog in ubiquity21:32
flocculantso never going to show a Tb?21:33
ochosiand obviously struggling even with GB21:34
flocculantobviously not as it doesn't show 250Gb - tired :)21:34
Unit193ochosi: Tuberculosis.21:34
flocculantochosi: you want me to say about 6 characters or will you comment on bug? 21:35
ochosii'll comment21:35
ochosiand maybe submit a merge request21:36
ochosibtw, it might also have to do with the fact that we switched to a wider font21:36
flocculantok - I'll just point *them* at the bug tomorrow21:37
ochosior DPI21:37
ochosicause i'm really not sure why nobody noticed so far21:37
ochosior why it wasnt an issue in gtk3.1821:37
flocculantI did check 16.04 for us on hardware yesterday, but not huge drive21:38
flocculantwill quickly do that now21:38
ochosii'm pushing a fix as we speak21:40
flocculantgrabbing ubuntu 16.04 now too21:41
flocculantochosi: fine in 16.04 21:42
ochosiwell obviously they must've taken back the horizontal expand21:46
flocculantcan't imagine ubuntu fails - but doing that now21:46
ochosithe option simply isn't set21:46
ochosinah, no need to check21:46
ochosithe width of that widget is so much wider, it's definitely not theme related21:46
flocculantochosi: maybe when they stopped right aligning the skip button this happened21:46
ochosianyway, my merge request is done21:46
flocculantwell I did check - cos I had done everything but boot it :p21:47
ochosiplease also add your 16.04 screenshot21:48
flocculantochosi: done :)21:49
flocculantreally going to search bedroom for wasps and then sleep now - cya all tomorrow :)21:49
ochosiflocculant: great, nice to at least have nailed one of the two annoying installer bugs ;)21:51
ochosiflocculant: btw, in the future pls add these bugs to the bugs blueprint21:52
ochosi(or pls tell nairwolf to do so in case he doesn't know)21:52

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