
menn0thumper: easy one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5658/00:02
mupBug #1622738 changed: Multi-series charms failing in 1.25.6 <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622738>00:03
mupBug #1622738 opened: Multi-series charms failing in 1.25.6 <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622738>00:12
redirwallyworld: updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5640/00:21
mupBug #1622738 changed: Multi-series charms failing in 1.25.6 <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622738>00:21
wallyworldta, looking00:21
redirmup stuttering?00:21
* redir wonders if that usually happens or if that is a new rocket feature.00:27
wallyworldredir: lgtm ty. const also looks nicer separated out from all the text00:27
redirwallyworld: tx00:27
redirmerging and heading out for EoD00:28
wallyworldredir: one mup was for opening the bug, the other for changing it00:28
wallyworldhave fun00:28
redirOIC, changed open changed00:28
redirwallyworld: Is the --file some.yaml flag only for app config?00:32
anastasiamacaxw: veebers: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5659/00:51
axwanastasiamac: thanks, reviewed01:00
anastasiamacaxw: sure, off-the-top-of ur-head, after bootstrap, what's GUI's URL?01:06
axwanastasiamac: just run "juju gui"01:06
anastasiamacaxw: tyvm01:06
wallyworldveebers: can you let me know when that set-config change is merged?01:46
veeberswallyworld: for the CI test? It's done now oh wait I'll just update the jenkins machines right now too01:50
veeberssorry I should have retyped that, but characters are expensive over here <_<01:50
wallyworldveebers: awesome, cause a merge job failed because it complained about set-config01:50
veeberswallyworld: oh? do you have a link?01:50
veeberswallyworld: sorry that's totally my fault, I merged it all etc. but forgot to update the jenkins machines with the updated code01:52
veebersThe update job is running now01:52
wallyworldno worries01:52
menn0wallyworld: migration prechecks now use your new MachineStatus helper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5660/02:12
wallyworldmenn0: i have a quibble about the message in the down case02:17
menn0wallyworld: ok02:17
menn0wallyworld: the message came from the fact that we're checking if the machine agent has StatusStarted02:18
menn0we call it "started" in status too02:19
menn0I'll try to think of something02:19
wallyworldsure, but consider where it was started and is now down02:19
wallyworlddown may be transient02:19
wallyworldso i think we need to special case that status02:19
menn0wallyworld: how about I just use the status string directly? "machine 0 agent is down" "machine 0 agent is pending" etc02:22
menn0wallyworld: actually, that doesn't work for error... "machine 0 agent is error"02:24
menn0wallyworld: I think I'll go with: "machine 0 agent is not functioning (down)"02:26
wallyworldor "not functioning at this time"02:27
menn0wallyworld: hmmm, a tad long but I see where you're going02:27
wallyworldjust want to convey that it is likely transient02:27
menn0yeah, fair enough. i'll go with that.02:28
natefinchnot functioning, to me, mean broken02:29
natefinchis it just not responding?  or not yet made it to a good state?02:30
menn0natefinch: in this case it could be either02:34
menn0natefinch: I think "not functioning at this time" covers both reasonably02:34
menn0natefinch: this is only for the error returned by migration prechecks. juju status will provide more detail.02:35
menn0wallyworld, thumper: FYI I'm looking at bug 161653103:03
mupBug #1616531: "panic: unknown OS for series" when running client on Fedora <juju:In Progress by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616531>03:03
menn0thumper, wallyworld, axw: the client won't work on fedora at all b/c we don't explicitly support it04:03
natefinch^^^^ this kills me04:03
menn0but we have Arch support04:03
menn0what do you think about me changing the support for Arch (which is only supported on the client) to "generic linux"04:04
menn0so any linux system which isn't ubuntu or linux uses that04:04
natefinchyes... please... although why is ubuntu special?04:04
menn0ubuntu and centos need to be special because we support them server side04:05
natefinchsure, but that's server side04:05
menn0so we need to know how to interact with package managers etc04:05
wallyworldmenn0: sorry, had to talk to a roofing man. my roof, my roof, my roof (is not on fire) but needs lots of repairs :-(04:09
* wallyworld reads backscroll04:09
natefinchmaybe I was misunderstanding... we should absolutely be able to run the client on any linux.  IIRC, when I was looking at it in December of last year, there's a spurious check in the version package that ensures it understands what series it is running on04:11
wallyworldmenn0: yeah, so client and server are different for the reasons you say. also, the basis for strictly knowing the series goes back to juju 0.1 when tools were series specific. they sort of still are but don't need to be. the issue though is still bootstrap but there the main problem is matching the arch which I think will be solved by your suggested approach04:12
wallyworldnatefinch: that's to build the tools04:12
wallyworldthere's some work to be done to uncouple tools from series04:12
wallyworldit's not necessarily a totally trivial exercise but really needs to be done04:13
natefinchwallyworld: IIRC we hit this just running the client on unknown series.. but I could be mistaken04:13
wallyworldyes, correct04:13
wallyworldthe series needs to be known in some circumstances04:14
wallyworldi think it may possibly over eager04:14
wallyworldin checking for it, but i'd need to look at the code04:14
menn0it's used to decide on paths04:14
menn0not sure if that's for good reasons yet04:14
wallyworldah yes, that rings a bell04:14
wallyworldit's probably all tied up to when tools had series in the path name04:14
menn0that code probably only needs to know about the OS04:14
wallyworldand we didn;t have simplestreams04:15
wallyworldso juju just had to read a directory listing04:15
wallyworldand pick tools matching series from the path name04:15
natefinchpaths *should* only be OS-specific04:15
wallyworldi agree, just explainign the history04:15
wallyworldthe assumption was that tools could be different on precise vs trusty04:15
wallyworldbut IIANM that has never been somthing we have ever done04:16
wallyworldwe have always shipped the same binary on all *nix etc04:16
wallyworldgoes to show how decisions made in juju 0.1 we are still paying for :-)04:16
natefinchin theory you could compile with different versions of go to get different binaries, but they'd still all work on all distros/series04:17
wallyworldcompile with the most modern/optimised compiler04:17
menn0so the way I see it there's 3 courses of action for me right now04:18
menn01. add support for Fedora explicitly - pretty dumb but gets us out of the immediate problem04:18
menn02. change the support for Arch to be support for GenericLinux - slightly more work but means the client will work on all Linuxes04:18
menn03. Work out all the places series is used where OS should be and fix them - lots more work and more risky04:19
menn0I'm thinking04:19
menn0thumper, wallyworld, natefinch: thoughts?04:19
wallyworldyeah i think 2 sounds ok. will need careful testing04:20
natefinch#2, but with the addition of removing this line: https://github.com/juju/version/blob/master/version.go#L143   which I think would fix our "Every 6 months juju breaks" problem because the client encounters series it doesn't know about.04:20
wallyworldyeah, it breaks if people's distroinfo package is not up to date04:21
wallyworldwe could remove the need to read the distro info file entirely maybe04:21
wallyworldon the client at least04:21
natefinchthat would be awesome04:22
wallyworldah wait04:22
wallyworldwe need the series to parse simplestreams onthe client04:22
wallyworldbut that may just be to see what tools are needed server side04:22
wallyworldso inother words, there be dragons04:22
wallyworldwe'll just need to think carefully04:22
natefinchand if you have series = xxxxxxxx  then it won't find tools, big deal04:22
wallyworldwell no tools = no bootstrap04:23
natefinchbut once the tools are in streams bam, bootstrap04:23
wallyworldand that's not good04:23
wallyworldi thinking about the custom tools case04:23
wallyworldanyway, it just needs careful thought and testing to cover all the cases we support04:24
mupBug #1598362 changed: MongoDB replica error in machine-0 <bootstrap> <mongodb> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598362>04:25
natefinchthe local series shouldn't impact what you bootstrap, anyway, IMO.  Why would I want my laptop's OS to change what OS juju runs on?04:25
wallyworldit used to matter if you compiled tools04:26
wallyworldbut we can make it not matter. but there's a bunch of code to change04:26
wallyworldand tests04:27
wallyworldthat will be the most sucky biyt04:27
menn0ok, I'll proceed with caution04:29
wallyworldwill be good to get this fixed though04:29
mupBug #1598362 opened: MongoDB replica error in machine-0 <bootstrap> <mongodb> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598362>04:31
natefinchmenn0: proceed with a large hammer and good protective gear :)04:32
* wallyworld weeps making changes which affect uniter tests. oh the joy04:39
anastasiamacwallyworld: opportunity to improve uniter tests? :D04:42
wallyworldthat would require a week all on its own sadly04:42
wallyworldthey're not that bad, just fiddly04:42
wallyworldthey use a DSL, and when one bit breaks, a lot of failures occur04:43
axwmenn0: I'd keep Arch, and add generic linux04:45
mupBug #1598362 changed: MongoDB replica error in machine-0 <bootstrap> <mongodb> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598362>04:46
menn0axw: do we support arch server side? there's some indications that the azure provider does (but maybe I reading that wrong)04:46
axwmenn0: I wish we used a format that retained OS + version04:46
axwerr, distro04:46
axwmenn0: no we don't. I guess we could just replace it and add it back later if we need it04:46
mupBug #1622836 opened: Cannot bootstrap to Google Compute Engine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622836>05:25
mupBug #1622836 changed: Cannot bootstrap to Google Compute Engine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622836>05:31
menn0wallyworld: with a very small change I can use the client on fedora05:35
menn0wallyworld: bootstrap works if I use --agent-version to grab a published version05:35
menn0wallyworld: but trying to use my own binaries fails to find local tools05:36
wallyworldmenn0: try hacking the client version to a released version and should shoul dnot need --agent-version either05:36
wallyworldthat's because it is using rc105:36
wallyworldas the version05:36
wallyworldoh wait05:36
menn0wallyworld: I thought it could have been something to do with the series being "unknown"05:36
wallyworldyou have built jujud locally05:37
wallyworldyeah, in that case, series will be reported by jujd as "unknown" i think yeah05:37
wallyworldi'd have to look into it to be sure05:38
menn0i've got to stop for now... will keep digging later05:39
menn0wallyworld: thanks05:39
wallyworldi'll look as well05:39
wallyworldi just need to finish something05:40
urulama_wallyworld: hey, did you have time to check charm caching issue? should i just file a bug?05:41
wallyworldurulama_: the relevant folks know about it; it's been on the radar for a few weeks I found out. there's a meeting tonight to discuss further05:42
wallyworldi hope something will be fixed over the next week or so05:43
wallyworldnot sure if there's a bug already filed05:43
=== urulama_ is now known as urulama
urulamawallyworld: kk05:44
mupBug #1622836 opened: Cannot bootstrap on Google Compute Engine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622836>05:46
thumperlaters folks05:50
mupBug #1622836 changed: Cannot bootstrap on Google Compute Engine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622836>06:07
mupBug #1622836 opened: Cannot bootstrap on Google Compute Engine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622836>06:13
mupBug #1622836 changed: Cannot bootstrap on Google Compute Engine <eda> <cloud-images:New> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622836>06:16
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
babbageclunkvoidspace, frobware, fwereade_: anyone fancy a boring mechanical review? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5665/11:22
frobwarebabbageclunk: as it touches apiserver is there any impact to other users/clients?11:26
babbageclunkfrobware: Hmm, good question. It doesn't change any of the values, just the names, so I don't think so, but I'll have a closer look.11:28
fwereade_babbageclunk, LGTM11:41
fwereade_frobware, babbageclunk: re apiserver, indeed, you *can* change type names and field names so long as the serialization doesn't change11:42
fwereade_frobware, babbageclunk: but it's easier to say and remember "don't touch apiserver"11:42
babbageclunkfwereade_: Cool - thanks!11:45
voidspacefwereade: if you have time https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/623113:58
rick_h_natefinch: ping for standup14:02
rick_h_frobware: ping for standup14:02
frobwarerick_h_: ah, yes. omw.14:02
alexisbperrito666, ping15:44
perrito666alexisb: pong15:44
alexisbheya perrito66615:44
perrito666hey :) how's health?15:44
alexisbwanted to confirm that you were on the critical backup and restore bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/162267715:45
mupBug #1622677: Agents lost after restore-backup <backup-restore> <ci> <regression> <restore-backup> <xenial> <juju:In Progress by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622677>15:45
alexisbI am feeling better, still sick but functional today15:45
alexisbperrito666, anything blocking you on teh bug above?15:45
perrito666alexisb: nope, running the test now to see if my fix worked :)15:46
alexisbnice :)15:46
dimiternfrobware: ping15:49
dimiternfrobware: updated https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6219, now running make check and later will do a live test on maas15:50
dimiternfrobware: but I'll appreciate if you test it live locally as well - it shouldn't cause issues for cases where it worked before15:51
babbageclunkHmmm, my build's failing in godeps with `cannot create repo: cannot find project root: unrecognized import path "google.golang.org/cloud"`15:52
frobwaredimitern: trying again16:01
frobwaredimitern: btw, I see something similar to brad using the manual provider16:02
dimiternfrobware: what's that?16:02
frobwaredimitern: just chooes lxdbr0 in lieu of all the bridges available16:03
frobwaredimitern: any chance you could try and gently persuade the big data charmers to try the NSS plugin... ? :)16:04
dimiternfrobware: sure :) will talk to them16:04
frobwaredimitern: Azure (surprise suprise) is the odd ball16:04
dimiternfrobware: yeah - frustrating.. I've read your update re reverse lookups16:05
frobwaredimitern: so even there it's nothing to do with the plugin. you cannot reverse lookup the hosts IP address.16:05
dimiternfrobware: oh - at all? that's weird indeed16:06
frobwaredimitern: in your testing are you layering my bridge-tout-le-monde on top of your changes?16:06
dimiternfrobware: no, intentionally16:07
dimiternfrobware: just tip of master with my PR16:07
frobwaredimitern: OK, I'm going to add the bridge script changes as well16:08
dimiternfrobware: one of the nodes is using the same config as CI - eth0 = unconf, eth1 = static16:08
frobwaremgz: would you expect a bootstrapped azure instance to last more than a few hours or are they automatically GC'd?16:09
dimiternfrobware: IIRC they are, for the shared account16:10
frobwaredimitern: I thought so too. but, equally, I thought I'd get a least an afternoon. :)16:11
dimiternfrobware: :)16:12
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mgzfrobware: we've had various fun issues with azure cleanup16:16
frobwaremgz: everytime I go back to my azure science experiment... it's all gone away16:17
mgzbut I'm not sure the winazurearm script actually deletes machines16:17
mgzlet me check16:17
mgzfrobware: OLD_MACHINE_AGE is 6, and that's in hours16:18
mgzso, it shouldn't wipe your stuff before that16:18
* frobware gives up on lunch16:18
frobwaremgz: in this case it's possible that it has been 6 hours. bootstrapped, got sidetracked...16:19
dimiternfrobware: so my PR seems to work fine on maas 1.9 with xenial and trusty nodes - both fullly conf'd and with some unconf'd NICs (mix of vlans and just phys); lxds come up with multiple NICs, as expected16:23
dimiternfrobware: make check also passed in the meantime, now testing the same on maas 2.016:23
natefinchgood god, aliases are annoying to code17:29
* redir is expecting a power outage in the near future.18:20
* redir got an SMS that I might experience one from the power company.18:21
natefinchredir: not sure if I would be impressed they're texting me or annoyed they're turning off my power18:28
natefinchredir: probably both :)18:28
redirnatefinch: agreed18:28
redirthere was a bunch of beeping (sounded like nearby UPSen) but I haven't lost power yet. So maybe I'm spared18:29
natefinchalexisb: you around?19:12
=== mwhudson is now known as Guest72628
alexisbnatefinch, I am now19:26
alexisbwhats up?19:26
natefinchalexisb: was working on expenses... things seems to have changed some since the last time I submitted them (granted, it was a few months ago).  what category do I give to expenses for using cloud services for work?19:33
redireasy review: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5668/20:14
rediranyone ^20:14
natefinchredir: whoa, a Get function that didn't return anything?  Wacky20:20
natefinchredir: I actually prefer it the old way (except for the get function that doesn't actually get)... but still looks correct20:22
natefinchredir: ship it!20:23
redirnatefinch: we talked about changing get to ensure and api to client20:23
redirbut there's a bunch of legacy stuff that isn't broken20:23
redirso why fix it20:23
redirintertia wins, this time.20:23
babbageclunkredir- I'm looking too20:27
babbageclunkredir - why cache the client on the command if you're going to pass it into the methods?20:29
redirbabbageclunk: I wasn't goign to pass it.20:29
babbageclunkBut In the diff you've got a kind of hybrid approach - you're caching it in getApi and then still passing it around.20:30
redirbabbageclunk: we collapsed 3 commands into one. They share an API in the same command, so why pass it to the three helper functions rather than make it an object member20:30
babbageclunkSure - call getApi in Init and store it in c.api?20:31
redirbabbageclunk: the c.api is for allowing tests to pass in a fake api at test time20:31
babbageclunkCan the tests set c.api?20:32
redirif there's c.api isn't nil the newcommandfortest func has attached one and we use it20:32
redirbabbageclunk: yes20:32
babbageclunkThen just setting it directly seems ok20:32
babbageclunk(Maybe I'm misunderstanding?)20:32
redirbabbageclunk: https://goo.gl/1AjCqJ is where the test sets the api for testing20:33
redirbabbageclunk: 2 primary reasons we put it back this way are: it's the way things already to it and returning the client makes it the callers responsibility to call client.Close when done.20:34
redirhopefully that made sense20:35
babbageclunkI don't think clients should have to get the api from one method and pass it in again, just so they can indicate when they're done. Instead they can call a close method on the thing that holds the api.20:37
babbageclunkotherwise you kind of smear the ownership of api out between the two bits of code.20:38
redirbabbageclunk: I agree20:38
babbageclunkOk cool - sorry to stick my oar in, just got excited by the prospect of an easy review! :)20:41
redirI know what you mean.20:42
babbageclunkHa, I got a trophy because my review id was a palindrome!20:50
rick_h_marcoceppi_: ping, trying to snap install charm but fails without sudo and sudo gives it to root but not me?20:57
=== Guest72628 is now known as mwhudson
thumpermenn0: oh look who is on call reviewer today... another one for ya http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5670/21:13
thumpermenn0: I was wondering about adding juju/errors to juju/txn21:16
thumperit doesn't currently use it at all21:16
menn0thumper: ok, of course. leave it then21:16
menn0thumper: rick_h_ created a dup ticket with bug 162309721:24
mupBug #1623097: remove juju list-shares <juju:In Progress by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623097>21:24
* menn0 sorts it out21:24
rick_h_menn0: oh sorry there21:25
menn0rick_h_: np. I kept the new one since that's referenced by the work thumper did21:25
menn0thumper: ship it21:26
thumpermenn0: just doing another with the updated juju/txn21:26
thumperrunning the state tests21:26
menn0thumper: ok21:26
thumperI figure if they pass (which they should), I don't have to run them all21:26
thumperI'll push and prep review now21:26
thumpermenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5671/21:28
menn0thumper: interesting theory regarding the tests :)21:29
menn0thumper: when I make that assumption I'm usually wrong21:29
menn0thumper: ship it anyway21:29
thumperwell, the bot still runs them all21:29
thumperbut this should give me a good check21:29
menn0the bot usually proves me wrong21:29
thumperhmm... bot got stuck on one of my other branches21:29
thumperdidn't pick it up again21:30
menn0thumper: are you using $$merge$$? apparently it's been changed to only accept that21:30
thumperoh really?21:31
menn0thumper: that bit me yesterday21:31
thumperhow boring21:31
menn0I know!21:31
thumperI didn't21:31
* menn0 likes being rude to the bot21:31
thumperused $$intermittent$$21:31
menn0yeah, that doesn't work any more21:32
=== menn0 is now known as menn0-exercise
wallyworldthumper: i'm -1 on removing list-shares. show-model is yaml by default. list-shares is a nice tabular output and has a different focus to show-model21:44
wallyworldi have found it very useful21:45
thumperwallyworld: merge is in progress...21:45
thumperwallyworld: fight with rick_h_21:45
wallyworldi think we really should get input from john etc first21:45
wallyworlddid you ask him?21:45
thumperno, was just going through critical bugs on the milestone21:46
wallyworldwell, that was a mistake IMO :-/21:47
thumperwallyworld: seeing if we can stop the merge21:48
wallyworldit could well be that it should be removed, but let's get a broader opinion from rick, john etc first. you can say "told you so"21:48
thumperI have on strong opinons21:48
thumperbut I do like tabular output of things21:48
thumperover yaml21:48
redirhow can I get the current cloud/model/region in a command?21:48
wallyworldthumper: yeah, that's part of it, the tabular. plus the focused question "who can see/access my model"21:49
thumperperhaps I should argue more21:49
rick_h_yea, rick_h_ fight, I'm -1 on keeping it for just that output format21:50
rick_h_it's clear in show-model, does't require us to find a new name for a command that does't fit anythingt21:50
redircan't tabular just be a --format21:50
rick_h_it's a show-* command21:51
rick_h_so it's yaml output21:51
rick_h_besides it's an uncapped list21:51
rediroh, missed that bit of docs21:51
redirbut at least it has a --format flag21:53
redirjust not a tabular option21:53
* thumper sighs22:05
wallyworldthumper: talked to rick. we agree to "juju list-users <modelname>"22:11
wallyworldso give list-users an optional positional arg for modl22:11
thumperupdate the bug plz22:11
wallyworldwill do22:11
thumperwith whatever the resulting discussion was22:11
thumperso this is a controller command?22:11
wallyworldbug number?22:11
wallyworldit is now a controller command yes22:12
wallyworldi think it can probably stay as one, access the model manager facade22:12
wallyworldwhich is a controller facade22:12
wallyworldthe output for list-users model vs list-users for controller can stay the same; in both cases show user name, display name, access level, last connected time etc22:13
anastasiamacwallyworld: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/162309722:16
mupBug #1623097: remove juju list-shares <juju:In Progress by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623097>22:16
anastasiamacwallyworld: it looks like there is a "tag escape" \o/ bug 162318622:23
mupBug #1623186: Login response for user-info includes user tag prefix <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623186>22:23
=== menn0-exercise is now known as menn0
menn0wallyworld: I think http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5639/ is rick_h_ testing out the "develop" branch for the new dev process :)22:29
menn0wallyworld: or were you being sacarstic22:30
wallyworldmenn0: no, i had no idea what it was22:30
menn0wallyworld: the description could have explained that better I guess22:30
menn0wallyworld: I just happened to remember the develop branch in the new process22:30
wallyworldmenn0: or i was just dumb22:30
wallyworldit makes sense now :-)22:31
wallyworldredir: did you want to chat?22:32
redirI just tune those calendar alerts sometimes22:32
redirtune out22:32
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mupBug #1623217 opened: juju bundles should be able to reference local resources <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623217>22:40
menn0natefinch: ping22:43
perrito666wallyworld: axw any of you is familiar with https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ed1d1878b8de26ce43e8b73a59c0a602 ?22:48
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perrito666this happened while bootstraped beta18 in gce22:51
mupBug #1623217 changed: juju bundles should be able to reference local resources <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623217>22:52
wallyworldperrito666: sorry, otp will look in a se22:58
perrito666when you return, this seems to be because in agent/agentbootstrap/bootstrap.go line 98 we seem to be crafting and instantiating a tag in an unsafe manner22:59
perrito666that is the cause of the panic, there is something else causing the error in gce23:00
mupBug #1623217 opened: juju bundles should be able to reference local resources <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623217>23:07
mupBug #1623217 changed: juju bundles should be able to reference local resources <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623217>23:10
thumperwallyworld: menn0 http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5673/23:16
perrito666axw: fwiw your name is on the faulty piece of code :p23:16
axwperrito666: what's that?23:17
axwperrito666: oh the invalid cloud cred code23:17
axwhum, should be ok...23:18
axwperrito666: we're only allowing alphanumeric, dot, and hyphen23:20
axw(in the credential name portion)23:20
perrito666so, if you check the if above that?23:21
perrito666it is checking for the existence of 2 variables, but then for the construction of the credentials its using other ones23:21
perrito666so, we just found that gce was choosing a zone that is not explicitly supported by us23:22
perrito666and have no clue why23:22
perrito666trying now with an explicitly supported region23:23
axwperrito666: hrm, that code looks ok to me? all that info should be validated in the CLI already...23:25
perrito666axw: well I say that if a panic is the option, an extra validation is not bad23:25
axwperrito666: sure, if we *are* validating up front and it's panicking, that suggests that something is terribly wrong...23:26
axwmaybe some validation got dropped along the way23:26
perrito666I have no clue how that is happening23:27
perrito666we clearly dropped a validation somewhere23:28
perrito666ok the bug was reported last night by antonio its number 1622789 this should be critical23:41
perrito666cheers all23:43
anastasiamacaxw: if by any chance, u do get to credentials today, ther is this bug that came in recently.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/161983023:43
mupBug #1619830: Unhandled panic: "cloud1-region1/admin@<email address hidden>" is not a valid cloud credential ID <landscape> <juju:Triaged by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619830>23:43
perrito666Anastasia it's the same as what I just pasted23:44
axwyeah, seems we're not validating in the client23:44
perrito666Si people are being bit by this all over23:45
axwwe could probably allow @ in the name too23:45
perrito666We should clean the string before using it that is all23:45
wallyworldanastasiamac: anyone can fix that bug, not just andrew :-)23:45
axwperrito666: true, we could add some form of escaping23:46
anastasiamacwallyworld: m not allocating.. just highlighting it's presence23:46
perrito666Wallyworld we know we just give him a hard time because of git blame :p23:46
perrito666Also the one Antonio reported is actually assigned to you :p23:47
anastasiamacperrito666: not the same bug 9numbers differ) but i've marked one as duplicate as the underlying issue is the same23:47
mupBug #9: Rosetta's po parser is too strict <lp-translations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by carlos> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/9>23:47
perrito666I meant duplicate bear with my lack of English when on a phone's irc23:47
perrito666Mmmm what is that mup?23:48
thumperah fuck!23:49
perrito666Thumper: ok23:49
anastasiamacperrito666: i don't *think* it was a suggestion :)23:50
menn0thumper: one thing fwereade mentioned last night is that we need to migrate the URLs for dead charms23:54
menn0thumper: to recreate placeholder dead charm docs on the other side23:54
thumpersounds icky23:54
menn0thumper: yep. otherwise there's a danger of reuse23:54
menn0thumper: we also need a new precheck to ensure that no charms are dying (now that charms have life)23:55
menn0wallyworld: axw and I talked to fwereade last night about the charm work.23:56
menn0wallyworld: the work for ensuring charms are cleaned up from the blobstore correctly has been done23:56
wallyworldshouldn't be too hard to add the cahrmcache cleanup23:57
menn0wallyworld: the on disk cache in the API server is still there and fwereade won't get to it before he finishes23:57
menn0wallyworld: but I've got a card for that23:57
menn0wallyworld: it'll be trivial23:57
wallyworldmenn0: also need to consider how charms are unpacked via /tmp etc23:57
menn0wallyworld: yeah. I know that code fairly well.23:58
menn0wallyworld: the apiserver cache was there when charms used to be kept in cloud storage23:58
menn0wallyworld: now that they're stored locally in gridfs there's not much benefit to having it23:58
menn0wallyworld: and it's causing problems obviously23:58
wallyworldmenn0: my take is that i know we want models isolated, but if model A and B both reference a charm with the same bits, then all that should be shared23:59
wallyworldand yeah, the blobstore dedupes23:59
wallyworldso even if the path is different per model, we store once23:59
menn0wallyworld: so that's fine then (as long as it's working as it should)23:59
wallyworldgot removing charmcache sounds like a good move23:59

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