
=== lili is now known as Guest13502
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estelondonoHi everybody! I have a question: Today I had to install again Kubuntu 16.04. in the past, after install it said that I had to install more packages for my language (Spanish) but this time it didn't happen and I have my apps with some parts in English and some parts in Spanish. ¿What can I do to make everything appear Spanish?03:50
estelondonoBy the way: I already installed aspell-es and myspell-es but without results03:56
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lordievaderGood morning06:29
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=== apb is now known as apb1963
apb1963Muon wants me to remove, install, and upgrade hundreds of packages - over 1.6 GB.  Is this wise?  I'd offer to show you a list, but Muon doesn't let me copy it.07:51
konradosMorning :)07:58
hateballapb1963: run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" and paste that instead08:02
hateballapb1963: it will let you cancel before making any changes08:03
konradosI'll try again... I installed the newest Ubuntu and KDE, how to change font size in the taskbar08:05
konradosplease help me...08:06
momoeGoodmorning, I've recently updated using "backports-landing" ppa, and almost everythign went fine. I do need some help with Discover not working...08:06
momoeError loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.discovernotifier/contents/ui/main.qml:23:1: module "org.kde.discovernotifier" is not installed08:06
apb1963hateball: Good idea.  Thank you.08:07
apb1963It gives different results:08:07
apb1963The following packages will be upgraded:08:07
apb1963  lsb-base lsb-release lsb-security08:07
apb1963I keep getting these popup notifiers that  new version of Kubuntu is available.08:08
apb1963And that's what gives me different results when I click on that notifier and follow it.08:09
apb1963konrados: System Settings > Application Appearance > Fonts > Taskbar08:13
apb1963konrados: I just worked that out earlier today.  It's pretty well hidden.08:13
konradosapb1963 - thanks, sec...08:15
hateballapb1963: oh you are on 14.04 or 15.10 ?08:16
apb1963hateball: 14.0408:17
apb1963hateball:  It wants to do: do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE08:17
hateballapb1963: yes, that's alright then08:18
hateballapb1963: tho I'd personally start a screen and run it in a terminal08:19
apb1963hateball: But... it wants to delete pidgin08:19
hateballin case your GUI crashes mid-upgrade08:19
apb1963hateball: good to know.08:19
hateballapb1963: did you manually install pidgin?08:19
hateballthen that is strange08:19
hateballif it was installed via some metapackage it might get removed during upgrade, thats normal08:20
hateballanyhow, you can just make a note of what gets removed and add it back later I guess08:20
apb1963All 700 or whatever packages :/08:20
hateballapb1963: also... make a backup of your kwallet08:20
hateballthe migration from kwallet4 to kwallet5 hasnt worked for me once thus far08:21
apb1963I don't even know where that is08:21
hateballapb1963: in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet on 14.04 i think08:21
apb1963Yeah... this is why I really don't want to do this... there's no telling what will break.  I just got done restoring the system manually.08:22
hateballapb1963: if you run do-release-upgrade in a terminal it'll tell you what happens, so you can paste the packages08:22
hateballso we can tell if  it looks normal or not08:22
apb1963hateball: Ha!  I ran it in a terminal it printed a couple o f things and then popped up the GUI.08:24
hateballapb1963: well the gui should have some... detail dropdown button thing, to reveal the underlying terminal08:25
hateballyou can probably copy/paste from that08:25
apb1963Yes it does, no I can't.  I've typed this:  31 pkgs no longer supported, 116 removed, 924 new, 1871 upgraded.  1.635M08:27
apb1963hateball: ^^08:27
apb1963hateball: that's what it would do, I haven't done it yet.08:28
hateballapb1963: well that looks pretty normal08:29
hateball116 obsolete packages is nothing strange08:29
apb1963hateball: ok that's good to know.  I'm still going to put it off for another day.  I have more important whales to fry.  Thanks for the help!08:32
hateballapb1963: :)08:32
konradosapb1963 there is no such animal, like "System Settings > Application Appearance > Fonts > Taskbar" in my case :(08:33
hateballkonrados: are you on 16.04 ?08:33
konradosyes, hateball08:33
konradosI really clicked everything everywhere, hateball08:34
konradoshateball : plasma KDE: 5.5.5, qt: 5.5.108:40
momoeI'm still trying to fix the KDE update plasmoid if anyone can help08:44
hateballkonrados: wel apb1963 was giving instructions for kde4 :)08:44
hateballkonrados: and I dont quite know where it is in plasma5 either08:45
hateballkonrados: #kde or #plasma perhaps08:45
konradosok, I'll try, thanks :)08:46
BluesKaj-piHiyas all10:58
=== homer is now known as Guest91810
konradoshow to deactivate windows effects? I mean, after an upgrade the interface is generally slow, I thought disabling something might help12:47
soeeall effects ?12:51
soeetoggle them with ALT + SHIFT + F1212:51
soeeor  manually disable compositing in System Settings -> Display & Monitor -> Compositor12:52
hemorPls how do I turn on wifi in kubuntu 16.04? There's no wifi settings in network settinngs12:52
hemorHello! anybody online?12:54
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Hi there12:54
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Can you open a terminal, and type lspci -v12:54
hemorHowdy. how are you doing?12:54
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Check that you Wireless card has been detected12:55
hemorIt is12:56
hemorNetwork controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe12:57
hemor        DeviceName: Ralink WLAN Ralink RT3290LE Roma 802.11bgn 1x1Wi-Fi + BT4.0 com12:57
hemor        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Ralink RT3290LE 802.11bgn 1x1 Wi-Fi and Bluet12:57
hemorHey. Are you still there?12:58
soeeyou dont have this checkbox in network manager http://i.imgur.com/yurhxG0.png ?12:59
hemorI had it but it somehow disabled itself. I can't click it in order to enable it13:01
soeedo you use laptop?13:01
soeeuse func + fX keys to enable wifi13:02
soeefX = F1-F12 - one of them with wifi icon13:02
soeesomething like: http://www.notebookcheck.com/fileadmin/_processed_/csm_Presario_CQ58_WLAN_Taste_01_43bc642eb8.jpg13:03
konradossoee - thanks, do I need to restart now? I manually disabled it.13:10
soeeno you don't have to13:11
soeeif thy are disabled13:11
user|4215hello there13:14
user|4215i have a couple questions13:14
hemorafter restarting my laptop the I can now turn on/off my wifi from the network manager on system tray13:15
konradossoee I deactivated it and I still see animations.... I have the same issue with changing "general font", it just doesn't work... I'm starting to believe I have a general problem with settings, do you have any ideas?13:15
hemorbut I'd like to know what made it get disabled before so as to prevent it13:15
soee!ask | user|421513:17
ubottuuser|4215: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:17
user|4215i have a laptop. COMPAQ cq7 / celeron 1.5 mhz / ram 4GB / hdd 320gb <--- what version of ubuntu could do real good with such spec? thank you!13:17
soeekonrados: try reboot than13:17
soeeuser|4215: i suggest latest LTS13:18
soee16.04 that is13:18
user|421532 or 64 ?13:18
hemor64 bits should be fine13:19
konradossoee reboot helped, thanks again!13:34
hemorlspci -v shows bluetooth adapter but under bluetooth settings in kubuntu 16.04 I see the error no bluetooth adapter found13:40
hateballhemor: is bluetooth enabled? usually a hardware switch13:44
hateballhemor: "rfkill list" will show if it is blocked for some reason13:44
konradoshateball, you probably don't remember so a quick reminder - I cannot change taskbar's font size - I asked on #plasma and #kde to find out I need to change settings -> (...) general font - that doesn't work for me, although it does for the other, you know maybe what logs can look at? Maybe there is an issue and this is logged somewhere?13:55
hateballkonrados: afraid I dont know, I use mostly default settings :|13:55
hateballas for logs, there's typically not much logging for userspace stuff13:57
hateballkonrados: perhaps you could try restarting plasmashell in a terminal and see if it prints something ovbious13:57
BluesKaj-pikonrados, perhaps the dpi settings in system settings13:57
petersaintsI guys, I recently noticed that KDE Plasma 5.7, Applications 16.04 and Frameworks 5.24 have landed on the backports-landing PPA. Is testing going well, i.e. do you expect to move those packages to the backports PPA soon?13:58
hateballpetersaints: #kubuntu-devel will know :)13:59
konradoshateball thanks, I'll try - BluesKaj-pi - I don't want to change the entire GUI, only the taskbar :)13:59
hateballkonrados: "kquitapp plasmashell && kstart plasmashell" if you didnt know13:59
konradosok, sec...13:59
hemorhateballs sorry for not replying since14:07
hemorI just ran that command "rfkill list" but it has nothing on bluetooth14:08
konradoshateball, well, there is a lot of it: https://gist.github.com/konrados/98d8975f462e7611bdf040dd258e246f - I know you don't have a time to read  almost 300 lines of strange messages, but if you could give it a look for 10 seconds and tell me if I should be very worried :) ?14:16
Guest20527why kubuntu so dead? :(14:59
marco-parilloBecause nobody has any problems?15:03
DragnslcrIt seems pretty alive on all the computers I have it running on15:05
apb1963My Konsole has a tiny little font.... how can I enlarge it?15:13
apb1963i.e. change fonts for the terminal15:13
s_20_ctrl+ is a quick fix15:14
apb1963no that's a  zoom15:14
s_20_no..not really in that context15:14
apb1963great lets argue the semantics of what I don't want and don't care about.15:15
s_20_now aren't you just a friendly fellow15:15
apb1963although I admit it does work.15:16
apb1963I don't want to have to  do that everytime I pop a window.15:17
apb1963You stay up for over 24 hours and have someone argue with you over the "right" name for something when you're just trying to get some work done.15:18
apb1963See how "friendly" you are.15:18
s_20_it's not my fault you've been up for that long, i just tried to help and you were rude. easy as that from my side.15:20
apb1963Oh you need some water?  Well... we don't call it water around here.  And you need to have your own cup.  Sorry... just trying to help.  Nice help.15:20
s_20_i *tried* to help you and didn't refuse to help, i was in fact just about typing where you set the font properties permanently15:21
s_20_but really, if you have that attitude with people who try to help you, for free in their own time, enjoy googling just like everyone else.15:22
Simonioushow do I chat w/ another user on a kubuntu box?  I was thinking 'talk' and it's there, but it isn't working16:17
Simonious Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused. Press any key...16:19
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DragnslcrSimonious- what operating system does the other user have?16:59
paranoidabhiIn bluetooth system settings it shows "No Bluetooth adapters have been found."18:05
paranoidabhi"/etc/init.d/bluetooth status" doesn't print anything.18:05
paranoidabhi some info about device: https://bpaste.net/show/c114b2ea279618:05
paranoidabhiplease help if possible.18:05
geniiparanoidabhi: What says result of: lsusb18:07
=== mgolden is now known as mgolden_
paranoidabhiany ideas?18:15
paranoidabhi Failed to restart bluetooth.service: Unit bluetooth.service is masked.18:16
geniiparanoidabhi: What says result of: lsusb18:18
geniiOnce we get a vendor:device code it can be researched18:18
paranoidabhigenii, lsusb18:19
paranoidabhiBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub18:19
paranoidabhiBus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:b006 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.18:19
paranoidabhiBus 001 Device 003: ID 04ca:0060 Lite-On Technology Corp.18:19
paranoidabhiBus 001 Device 002: ID 04f2:b50d Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd18:19
paranoidabhiBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub18:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:19
* genii makes sure soee gets their favourite kind of cookies18:19
paranoidabhigenii, https://bpaste.net/show/c3fb8b6fcff918:23
geniiYou don't have any bluetooth devices. You have 2 root hubs, a Realtek ethernet device, a Chicony fingerprint scanner, and a Lite-On external DVD18:26
geniiSorry, the chicony is webcam18:30
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irsaqhi all18:49
Gotoleidoes anyone know what this tiny, sticky window is? only appeared after upgrading plasma to 5.6 today https://i.imgur.com/rQj2quJ.png19:09
Gotoleionly shows in desktop wall, not even wmctrl lists it19:09
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