
=== JanC is now known as Guest35472
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dholbachsomebody just asked "Anyone knows why launchpad is failing to upload 'my' snap to the Ubuntu Store? Well, I have only one login for all my Ubuntu stuff. The error is: Store upload failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden" - I'm not quite sure what the issue might be. Does anyone have an idea?06:38
wgrantdholbach: First thing to try is unchecking and rechecking the store upload checkbox on LP, to get new authentication tokens.06:40
wgrantIf that doesn't fix it then we'll have to dig deeper.06:40
dholbachok, I'll let them know06:41
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aatchisonI'm having some build issues with launchpad, and I'm not sure what to do. pbuilder needs an Internet connection in my case, how might I remedy this? I have some ubuntu package build deps and also pip dependencies. I am using dh_virtualenv to create a source package, which seems to be good. How might I accomplish a build with no internet on the ppa farm?14:13
aatchisonWould it be a better approach to build the packages myself and upload to the PPA?14:14
dobeyyou need to depend on the binary python packages14:16
aatchisonI'm not sure that I can do that, as not all of them exist as packages14:21
dobeyif they're not available in the ubuntu archive already, you'll need to package them in your PPA14:21
aatchisonok, crap lol14:21
aatchisonI guess I need to contact some maintainers.14:21
dobeyi'm not sure what all snap builds can access, but you might want to look at packaging as a snap instead of debs. i think the snap builds are a little more lenient there14:25
cjwatsonThat's correct, but it depends what you need to achieve.14:28
apollo13anyone here who can fix my launchpad login? :(14:29
* apollo13 doesn't like to create new email addresses for services14:29
cjwatsonroadmr: ^- I think you helped me last time with somebody who had a confused SSO state14:29
cjwatsonhttps://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-b32e2f4e37f854e5a7614319da6b1398 is the oops14:30
roadmrcjwatson: yes, that time there were two SSO accounts and two LP ones, the openid was mismatched14:30
apollo13I can generate new OOPS if needed :D14:31
cjwatsonapollo13: Do you know your LP username?14:32
apollo13cjwatson: it might have been apollo13 or f.apolloner14:32
apollo13 (Error ID: OOPS-98fee25e8cb199977fa9a83f2afea2cf)  <-- new oops if it helps14:32
cjwatson~apollo13 exists and has the OpenID from that OOPS14:33
apollo13yeah, apollo13 should be relatively old (or rather recreated)14:33
apollo13I think I have/had one in 2007 or so14:34
aatchisonI'm actually building snaps and debs14:34
apollo13what is that snaps thingy? something new canonical is trying to push? :D14:34
* apollo13 has the feeling that we are ending up with more package formats than we need14:35
cjwatson~apollo13 is recorded as having been created in July14:35
apollo13cjwatson: yes, since I deleted the account last time the ubuntu forums got hacked or so :รพ14:35
apollo13and then recreated in july14:35
aatchisonI can upload my own debs correct? What would be the difference between that an packaging the python deps?14:36
aatchisonThere is another problem, some of the pip requirements need to use wheel to compile headers for that specific arch14:37
apollo13aatchison: not sure why you'd need wheel if you need binary stuff, just fetch the sdist and run bdist_ext or whatnot14:38
aatchisonSo, I would have to make dsc for all of the pip requirements, and build each one for each arch?14:38
aatchisonWell, I know that I need to compile python bindings I mean14:39
aatchisonfor at least one package14:39
apollo13yes, but how does that have anything to do with wheel?14:39
aatchisoneither that or update the upstream package (pocketsphinx)14:39
cjwatsonroadmr: Looks like there's an old ~apollo13-deactivatedaccount hanging around that this is conflicting with14:39
cjwatsonCreated in 2005, deactivated in February14:39
aatchisonWheel compiles locally during pip installation, unless I'm mistaken14:40
cjwatsonMismatching OpenID with this one of course14:40
wgrantcjwatson: Bug #160724214:40
ubot5bug 1607242 in Launchpad itself "Logging into a placeholder person OOPSes if email address already on another person" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160724214:40
apollo13cjwatson: oh wow, didn't know that I already was writing ubuntuusers.de at that time -- good old times :d14:40
cjwatsonwgrant: Ah yes, now I remember you filing that14:40
* cjwatson reads14:40
cjwatsonwgrant: In this case A is ~apollo13-deactivatedaccount and B is ~apollo13, right?14:42
wgrantcjwatson: Correct.14:42
cjwatsonwgrant: Do I then read it correctly that you suggest an admin merge of ~apollo13-deactivatedaccount to ~lp-void in this case?  I'm not sure I see how that clears out the email address14:45
wgrantcjwatson: Quite, the process was originally very dodgy and is now only quite dodgy: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LPHowTo/DeleteAccounts?action=diff&rev2=3&rev1=214:46
cjwatsonDo we need to check for multiple SSO accounts as well, then?14:49
wgrantcjwatson: Hm, how is that relevant?14:50
cjwatsonI don't know, but https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/WebOps/LPHowTo/SSOandLPAccountWoe is linked from that page and suggests it14:50
wgrantcjwatson: That is only a problem when there are multiple OpenID identifiers on a single LP account; both SSO accounts will advertise the same username.14:51
wgrantSo there are two main options here: fully delete the old LP account, or reactivate it and merge the new one into it.14:52
cjwatsonapollo13: Do you just want the old account back, or are you intentionally aiming for a fresh start?14:53
dobeyaatchison: you can only upload source packages to launchpad14:57
dobeyaatchison: so you'd make appropriate source packages and just specify arch: any or arch: all on the binary packages as appropriate, and launchpad builders will build the binary packages on the appropriate archs in the ppa14:58
apollo13cjwatson: I am fine either way -- whatever is easier15:22
cjwatsonwgrant: I think we should probably merge the two, then.  Procedure check: ~apollo13-deactivatedaccount/+reviewaccount -> Active, +adminpeoplemerge ~apollo13 into ~apollo13-deactivatedaccount, then once the merge completes rename ~apollo13-deactivatedaccount to ~apollo13?15:32
aatchison@dobey thanks15:49
aatchisonThis approach should work? https://github.com/spotify/dh-virtualenv/issues/11215:50
aatchisonThat way I could keep my virtualenvs and include the pip requirements in the same source package I think...15:52
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jose'ello! anyone around?22:31
josegetting some oops22:31
tsimonq2jose: be more specific?22:36
joseLaunchpad oops22:38
tsimonq2what pages?22:38
tsimonq2any page that isn't being mean?22:38
josewhen filing a bug, just tried with someone else and it's just oopsing22:43
josesomeone over at IS should be able to take a look at the oops report22:43
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cjwatsonjose: you need to tell us the oops id22:46
cjwatsonjose: we can see them but not telepathically22:46
josecjwatson:  OOPS-717ad70cf1704bd8a887098f992bd093 is the first one22:46
cjwatsonIllegalTarget: Package rlec not published in Juju Charms Collection22:47
cjwatsonyou can't file bugs against non-official branches22:47
joselet me try again, I had another one but closed the window22:47
josejust one quick sec22:47
josehmm, its not timing out anymore. looks like it's fixed - thanks though!22:48
joseI changed it and tried to file it against the general project and it would oops as well22:48
cjwatsonbug timeouts are usually transient22:48
josegood :)22:48
cjwatsonthere's a known problem with triggers that ~always goes away in about ten minutes22:49
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