
fishcookeris arch 64bit takes more resource esp on battery consumption rather than 32bit?01:19
Shawn186doesn't seem that the IBM Thinkpad R40 is capable of lubuntu :(11:24
Shawn186though my old late gateway solo 9300 ran it years ago11:25
Shawn1862008 or so11:25
reiseiShawn186: why do you think so?11:25
Shawn186I have tried twice to boot it11:26
Shawn186I'm about to try xubuntu11:28
Shawn186though I think that will have the same graphical problems11:28
Shawn186oh wait11:29
Shawn186I got to the installer11:29
Shawn|4650Mpulled laptop ethernet for the old laptop11:33
Shawn|4650Msince this laptop is already on wifi11:33
Shawn|i7-Q720Mlubuntu on an older single core p4m have enough muscle to use lubuntu?12:28
Shawn|i7-Q720Mwith 786 MBs of DDR RAM?12:28
reiseiI think so.12:29
Shawn|i7-Q720Mwow Lubuntu has increased in demand since 13.0412:33
Shawn|i7-Q720Mis irda0 no longer in the kernel?14:56
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freelancerbobmy external hdd is corrupted21:16
freelancerbobi try to fix it with testdisk21:16
t_hi....any news on lxqt?21:18
wxlt_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt21:19
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wxlPhaellow: nope, not all of us21:36
Phaellowlubuntu seems not to respond to my laptop lid powersettings21:36
PhaellowI've set it to everything and everytime it ends up suspeding the laptop21:37
wxlwhat version you on?21:37
PhaellowUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-31-generic i686)21:38
Phaellowkinda new to this21:38
PhaellowI just copied that from the motd21:38
wxland to be clear, your laptop, without fail, suspends when you close the lid?21:39
Phaellownot "without fail"21:39
Phaellowright now seems to be kind of random21:39
wxlrandom problems are very difficult to diagnose21:39
Phaellowlet me try and put it on clear terms21:39
Phaellowturn of screen option = suspension21:40
Phaellow"switch of display" as it's listed21:40
Phaellowlock screen = no suspension21:40
Phaellowsuspend = duh21:41
Phaellowshouldn't switch off display just do that?21:41
wxlso suspend always suspends and switch off display always suspends regardsless of whether or not suspend is on?21:41
Phaellowseems to be the case21:41
wxlquite strange21:41
wxli have a laptop that seems to not want to listen to my lid, though it CAN suspend fine21:42
wxlstill in the process of figuring it out tho :/21:42
Phaellowwell this one listens a tad bit too much21:42
Phaellowwhile I'm at it21:42
wxlyour completely different experience is affirming for me21:43
Phaellowhow do I keep a process running through ssh?21:43
Phaellowlike I want to run a .sh21:43
Phaellowand close the window21:43
Phaellowand have it keep running21:43
Phaellowusing putty21:43
wxlfor putty you need to go to windows support XD21:44
Phaellowok pretend I'm not using putty then :P21:44
Phaellowpretend I'm using lxde21:44
PhaellowI open the terminal21:44
Phaellowwant to run a .sh21:44
Phaellowand close the terminal21:44
wxlnot really relevant, as putty doesn't work with screen or tmux21:44
Phaellowand still have it working21:44
wxlnot afaik at least21:44
PhaellowI mean21:44
PhaellowI think it was tmux?21:44
Phaellowis that it?21:45
wxlboth of them are terminal multiplexers21:45
wxlthey give you the feeling like you've closed the terminal when it's really running in the background21:45
Phaellowthat's what I want then :P21:45
wxlnohup can do something similar although it's not interactive21:45
Phaellowi'll search about tmux21:45
Phaellowwhat's the best way to close lxde?21:46
Phaellowi've seen one using init.d and one killall21:46
Phaellowdoes it make a difference?21:46
wxlfor what purpose? to log out?21:47
Phaellowjust to close gui while I don't use it21:47
Phaellowthis is supposed to run as a homeserver and I'll mainly use ssh from my desktop21:47
wxlhaven't ever bothered to try21:47
wxli usually don't use GUIs on servers21:48
Phaellowoh my god21:51
PhaellowI think the issue with the settings was the resolution of the gui is so small21:51
Phaellowdoes the settings app have an apply/ok button?21:52
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