
kvconjure-up 2 and juju 2 are still no luck01:13
ArturasRHello, I have asked question in maas devel mailing list about ability to have software raid solution with non ubuntu images, and Christian recommended to ask it here. Well, I'm looking for a way, how to tell maas to use software raid devices as TARGET, instead of simple disk. It's available with ubuntu by default, but it's disabled for other distros. builtin: [curtin, block-meta, simple] - as I understood, I should somehow pass 'custom' to that place, instea06:50
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
neithroaksoax: because I have 2 nic , each one on a different subnet. The subnet used to pxe boot and the 'public' from which hosts are reachable from the rest of the network. My assumption is that I only need a default GW on the public network.07:42
=== Sagar is now known as Guest75192
Guest75192Hi All, I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 image on a node and my MAAS version is 2.0 , but after around 40 minutes deployment fails giving timeout error message08:12
Guest75192nothing appears in the logs08:12
Guest75192did someone try Ubuntu 12.04 image deployment?08:13
Guest75192any ideas or thoughts on how I can troubleshoot?08:13
KpuCkoMy experiance says maas 2.0 is in very active development state, so for me this is running very unstable.08:14
KpuCkoI've installed ubuntu 16.04 lts with maas 2.0 and try to deploy node with ubuntu 16.04 - same problem like you, just failed to deploy08:15
KpuCkoAfter that i've switched to 14.04 and everyting was fine. I mean 14.04 maas node, and deploy nodes only the same version of ubuntu.08:16
KpuCkomaas is 1.6 i think, default with the 14.04 lts ubuntu from repositories08:16
mupBug #1622971 opened: controllers do not load on nodes page <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622971>10:17
mupBug #1623027 opened: [2.1] MAAS should not allow user to select releases that are EOL <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623027>13:05
mupBug #1623027 changed: [2.1] MAAS should not allow user to select releases that are EOL <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623027>13:11
mupBug #1623027 opened: [2.1] MAAS should not allow user to select releases that are EOL <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623027>13:20
rockroaksoax : Hi. As you said yesterday, I am trying to setup maas on KVM machines. Facing issue while setting initially maas slave nodes with PXE boot. Issue details : http://paste.openstack.org/show/573609/. I request you please provide me the solution for this. I tried to solve this. But Still I am getting the same issue.13:44
kikorock, it's unclear for me -- are your KVM nodes PXE-booting successfully?13:51
rockKiko: No. While creating KVM machine[maas slave node] only I have choosen PXE boot . But It was showing "Network selection does not Support PXE".13:54
kikorock, I think you need to fix that first13:55
kikorock, what do you mean by "slave nodes"?13:56
rockKiko: mass nodes.13:56
kikorock, VMs which you want MAAS to install Ubuntu on?13:56
roaksoaxrock: that's a strange error, seems related to libvirt/kvm13:57
roaksoaxrock: so your VM's are telling you that they cannot PXE boot ?13:57
roaksoaxi wonder if this is with the VM/libvirt configuration itself13:57
rockroaksoax: Yes.13:57
roaksoaxrock: how does your libvirt network config look like ? mine looks like: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23173664/13:58
rockroaksoax: Mine also similar to your config. http://paste.openstack.org/show/573617/14:01
rockroaksoax: Is there any other way to do. Actually I don't have enough machines to test my JUJU bundle. So I have to test that on [MAAS+OpenStack base bundle] setup.14:05
roaksoaxrock: what if you try to get your config look more like mine ?14:07
roaksoaxrock: honestly i'm quite surprised that libvirt would tell you that when the network seems to be configured correctly14:08
roaksoaxrock: that config above I showed you is proven to work14:08
rockroaksoax: Hi. Exactly I did as shown here. http://paste.openstack.org/show/573619/.14:14
roaksoaxrock: do you have a screenshot of the VM config or what the VM tells you that cannot PXE boot ?14:15
rockroaksoax: Yes. How can I send screeshot  through chat. please tell me14:16
roaksoaxrock: https://imagebin.ca/14:18
rockroaksoax: Sorry for the late. https://imagebin.ca/v/2uwUL9uVDXEY.14:30
rockroaksoax: https://imagebin.ca/v/2uwUpRacX3D914:31
roaksoaxrock: i think that should be ok because libvirt is not providing PXE, hence it is hoswing you the message14:36
roaksoaxrock: what I dont understanding is the bug that libvirt gives you14:36
roaksoaxrock: what if you create a new one with selecting it to be PXE14:36
rockroaksoax: So Is there a bit other way of doing this?.14:38
rockroaksoax: (or) What are the other possible ways to do MAAS setup on Virtual machines. If we have please provide me detailed info for that.14:42
roaksoaxrock: no, you will have to create your own VM's for MAAS to manage them14:43
roaksoaxneed to step out for a bit14:44
rockroaksoax: OK. Thank you. MAAS can manage VBox VMs?14:49
rockroaksoax: (or) MAAS can Manage VMware VMs?14:50
rockIf it can manages VBox VMs (or) VMWare VMs , What power types it will genarally take?14:51
rockroaksoax: SO How can we configure network for those setups. Is there any specific docs for that. If you have any idea please provide me the Info.14:54
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mupBug #1623110 opened: Networks page doesn't load fully on yakkety <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623110>16:14
mupBug #1518414 opened: NVMe model info/serial number is not seen <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1518414>18:28
valeechCongrats MAAS team on the 2.0 stable release! It’s been a fun process to follow along.18:51
kvhi roaksoax19:05
kvare you around?19:05
kvhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23171693/ i am getting this error on the latest conjure-up19:06
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baldpopesup peeps - couple of questions about maas setup19:51
kikohey baldpope19:51
kikonice netsplit19:51
baldpopein the quick-install documentation from ubuntu, the documentation implies that booting a new host will have that box show up in the list of nodes19:52
baldpopebut I've had to manually add nodes, is that normal?19:52
baldpopesup kiko19:52
kikoyes, it will if auto-enlistment succeeds19:52
baldpopeso then I should assume auto-enlist is failing?19:52
kikoyes, it is19:52
baldpopewhat would cause auto-enlist to fail?19:53
baldpopethe setup instructions are pretty simple - I don't think I missed anything19:53
kikobaldpope, does the host PXE-boot correctly from MAAS?19:53
baldpopewell - best I can tell19:53
kikoand what happens after it boots?19:53
baldpopeubuntu appears to be running via iscsi back to the maas host?19:54
kikothat's very much correct19:54
kikoit's an ephemeral environment19:54
kikoread-only iscsi19:54
kikoand then?19:54
baldpopedoes not appear to be an 'and then' just sitting at a login prompt19:54
baldpopemaas still shows commissioning19:54
kikohang on19:54
kikothat doesn't make sense19:55
kikothe first time you pxe-boot a node19:55
baldpopeapologies - let me start over19:55
baldpopeif I do nothing (after setting up maas)19:55
baldpopeand I boot a new host - call it blade119:55
baldpopeif I do nothing more than power on, it boots via pxe19:56
baldpopegoes through what appears to be a pxe boot, with an iscsi root (similar to nfs root) and then eventually will get to a traditional login prompt19:56
baldpopeif I review maas - maas never upates the list of nodes19:56
baldpopeso then if I manually add a node (same blade) - it will reboot the blade and run through the same steps - but with 'commissioning' in the status19:57
kikobaldpope, it is stuck at the login prompt forever?19:57
kikonever shut downs?19:57
kikoerr shuts down?19:57
kikoso yes19:57
kikosomething in the ephemeral environment is getting stuck19:57
baldpopewell - admittedly, not watching it like a hawk - possible I missed a reboot19:57
baldpopebut yea - appers to just sit there19:57
kikoit won't reboot19:57
kikobut it will shut down if it was successful19:58
kikoif it's not, it's not successful19:58
kikocan you ssh in with ubuntu:ubuntu?19:58
baldpopeno, I don't think it's powered down19:58
kikoroaksoax told me that's supposed to work but I've never seen it in action19:58
baldpopecannot ssh in - publickey only auth19:59
baldpopeand stupid me I didn't define a public key at the time19:59
baldpopei do have a public key defined now - but was not at the time of initial power on / deploy19:59
baldpopeside note - supermicro ipmi/ikvm not working for me very well - so I lose console access as soon as the frame buffer kicks in - no more SoL20:03
kikobaldpope, are you talking about enlistment and commissioning20:03
kikoduring enlistment I think we do enable passwords20:04
baldpopewell .. i would assume enlistment is a stage 1 and commissioning a stage 2?.. if that's the case then stage1 never occurs and stage 2 is reporting 'failed commissioning' after some number of minutes20:04
baldpopethat's assuming enlistment is automatic (based on pxe boot of a clean / new host)20:05
baldpopeand at the moment, it appears that the host is just sitting at a console login screen20:09
kkkkkhey kilo, is it okay to install maas 2.0, and conjure-up 2.0, juju 2.0 on the same box?20:12
baldpopekiko, we lose you bud?20:18
baldpopewhen booting up -there is a config element that shows cloud-config-url=http://blah20:30
baldpopebut the IP listed is NOT the 'internal' IP where the new hosts sit20:30
kikobaldpope, am otp sorry :)20:51
baldpopes'all good20:54
baldpopejust ran dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller and changed IP to internal20:55
baldpopebooting a node - see if that fixes it20:55
baldpopelooking better - it auto enlist in nodes now20:59
baldpopeit might be obvious - but someone might wantto clarify when running the setup to mark the controller IP as the internal address20:59
baldpopewow - it even added maas as a user in the ipmi21:01
kikompw we21:03
kikonow we're talking!21:03
=== Guest72628 is now known as mwhudson
kikobaldpope, funny that you got caught on that one, it's such a common problem that I didn't think of asking21:04
baldpopecaught it by chance watching ilom - and found another user ran into similar problem21:04
baldpopemy mistake21:04
baldpopeok, running commission now21:05
baldpopebtw - for reference - following http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud21:05
mupBug #1623192 opened: Cannot create DHCP snippet <docteam> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623192>21:10
baldpopekiko, thanks for being a sounding board - looking good21:16
baldpopefirst node is showing ready now21:16
baldpoperunning through the remaining 421:16
baldpopethe default node names are interesting21:17
baldpopethat can't be good...21:17
kikobaldpope, it was a very controversial feature implementation21:18
kikobaldpope, and tbh some people have encountered rather offensive names21:18
baldpopei can imagine21:18
kikobut.. I kind of like them :-)21:18
baldpopei can see the humor21:18
baldpopebut as a request - should make an option in the cluster/server config for a base name21:19
kikoso that all nodes come prefixed?21:19
kikoyou know you can tweak everything through the API, right?21:19
kikoi.e. the equivalent of a for n in get_nodes(): n.rename("us-east-"+ n.name)21:20
baldpopewas unaware21:20
kikoeverything the UI can do (and a bit more) can be driven via the API21:21
baldpopeis that the maas tool?21:21
kikothe maas tool is a (somewhat clunky) API client21:23
baldpopethere are likely several bits I need to read up ... like how to configure the the nics as bonded21:23
kikoyep, see maas.io/docs21:23
baldpopecool - ty21:23
baldpopeheh - impractical clocks21:24
kikookay, I need to split for tonight21:26
kikowill see you tomorrow?21:26
* kiko waves out21:26
baldpopelater kiko21:26
baldpopelikely hit the channel up some more later/tomorrow21:26
=== CyberJacob is now known as Guest45771
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* baldpope sigh21:47
baldpopehad to kill openstack-install - and now I cannot run it again, openstack-install -u fails...21:49
baldpopehow to manually clean up openstack-install?21:49
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mupBug #1623266 opened: [web UI] Proxy is for APT only <docteam> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623266>23:34

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