
mwhudsoni guess i need to learn how to use ubuntu-image now then?00:16
* mwhudson has lunch instead00:16
mwhudsonhow do i get ubuntu-image to use a code snap i just made?01:08
sergiusensstgraber popey fwiw I have a pending task to move to your built-in `ubuntu:` shortcuts01:17
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sergiusenswhich is the only reason I went with random names, to not conflict with any image repo that might have been pre-existing01:17
deadlockHello, guys! I'm trying to run the snap on openSUSE Tumbleweed, but the daemon doesn't starts. Service status [# systemctl status snapd]: http://pastebin.com/cDtiHqVd Anybody knows how solve it?02:26
slangasekogra_: fonts, you're not making extensive use of font support and there's a built-in and honestly I'm not sure why we do what we do currently with grub menus on the snappy devices which is definitely different from the designed classic experience02:32
slangasekogra_: should be no problem losing unicode.pf2 - but anyway, snapd will need to depend on grub-common (I've filed a bug for this) which will pull some bits back into the image02:33
mwhudsonadsadadsa das02:43
* mwhudson stabs agetty with a spoon02:43
mwhudsonor something02:46
mwhudsonmaybe UNIX02:46
mwhudsonwhy the heck is agetty leaving ICRNL off on the serial line?03:12
mwhudsonand why am i caring about this in 201603:12
mupPR snapcraft#794 opened: Improve lifecycle execution of steps <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/794>04:00
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pittiogra_: eww, no; kill shim with fire, please05:24
pittiogra_: I removed shim from yakkety; it was still necessary in xenial for upgrades from trusty05:25
mupPR snapd#1893 closed: packaging: make sure debhelper-generated snippet is invoked on postrm <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1893>05:49
mupPR snapd#1889 closed: tests: add yakkety test host <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1889>05:52
dholbachhey hey06:36
* mwhudson waves07:51
liuxgcamera is not working on qualcom snapdragon 410c board. is there any way to enable it? I am now building a demo for a show.07:59
morphismvo, ogra_: are there any good options to debug when I can't configure a ethernet connection via console-conf and serial access isn't available?08:15
ogra_i assume attaching a screen is also impossible ?08:19
liuxgmvo, is camera working on 410c board? thanks I followed the example project at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/tree/master/demos/webcam-webui, it is not working. thanks08:19
ogra_liuxg, if you use a camera that has a supported module it should surely work08:21
abeatomvo, ogra_ does anybody know how to give more permissions to enable dbus services? it looks like I cannot start a dbus service using dbus-launch in a script in ubuntu core?08:21
ogra_abeato, do you ship dbus-launch ?08:21
liuxgogra_, what is a supported module? My current camera worked with pi2 and pi3 well, but it does not work with the 410c board.08:21
ogra_and do you make it create sockets inside the confined space ?08:21
abeatoogra_, yes08:22
ogra_hmm, then it should work i imagine ... whats the error08:22
abeatogimme permissions :p08:22
ogra_well, syslog/dmesg journalctl ... etc08:22
abeatodmesg looks fine08:22
ogra_no apparmor denial ?08:23
ogra_liuxg, dunno,. watch dmesg while you plug it in (dmesg -w)08:23
ogra_it should tell you if it finds a driver08:24
liuxgogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172681/, is this the correct image?08:25
ogra_liuxg, yeah, that sounds fine ... so it loads a module (uvcvideo) and also creates an input device for the button08:26
liuxgogra_, but it does not get the picture while I run the sample app. on the pi2 and pi3 device, the same camera works fine. it is a little weired.08:26
ogra_liuxg, and you connected the interface ?08:27
ogra_or ... rather ... is the interface connected ?08:27
liuxgogra_, on the 410c, there is no "camera" interface at all. I used devmode08:27
liuxgogra_, this is how it looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172688/08:28
ogra_zyga, ^^^ in which case would ubuntu-core on a device offer a camera interface ? does the device need to exist on startup ?08:28
liuxgogra_, maybe the camera service is not up yet in the ubuntu core?08:28
ogra_liuxg, did you try rebooting with the camer plugged in ?08:29
ogra_might be that the video device needs to exist when snapd start08:29
liuxgogra_, yes, I did it. anyway, I changed another camera and reboot to see what happens.08:29
seb128zyga, hey, is bug #1622678 something for you?08:34
mupBug #1622678: /etc/profile.d/snapd.sh is overwriting PATH and XDG_DATA_DIRS <packaging> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622678>08:34
seb128zyga, it's a bug in the fedora package it seems08:34
liuxgogra_, , thanks. at your suggestion, after I changed one camera, and it worked. Interestly, the camera worked with p2 and pi3, but it does not work with 410c. it does not need to have driver at all.08:35
ogra_liuxg, i guess there are bits missing in the dragonboard kernel to make it fully work ... file a bug against the linux-snapdragon package ... and attach the pastebin with the dmesg output08:37
ogra_(the stuff you captured whenplugging in)08:37
liuxgogra_, could you please give me link for reporting the bug?08:38
morphisogra_, mvo: how are you guys debugging problems on Ubuntu Core and a console-conf which does not let you into the system and network configuration fails?08:40
ogra_morphis, try asking mwhudson :) i havent really debugged console-conf issues apart from complaining to him :)08:40
morphishah :-)08:41
mwhudsonmorphis: systemd debug shell, if you're in kvm08:41
morphismwhudson: I am not08:41
morphisbeing on a device08:41
mwhudsonif you are stuck on serial, it's hard :/08:41
morphisthere is no login and no user :-)08:41
mwhudsonwell indeed08:42
mwhudsonmorphis: pull sd card, look at logs on your desktop?08:42
mwhudsonif it's on board flash, even less fun08:42
morphismwhudson: I have a serial console, so I have the whole log but nothing interesting in it so far08:43
mwhudsonmorphis: console-conf logs stuff to /var/log/console-conf/something.log08:43
liuxgogra_, mvo, I have reported a bug for it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-snapdragon/+bug/162290908:43
mupBug #1622909: Camera is not fully working on snapdragon 410c board <linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1622909>08:43
ogra_liuxg, right, thats for ppisati08:44
morphismwhudson: see PM08:44
liuxgogra_, alrightt :)08:44
ogra_mwhudson, we need some kind of kernel/bootloader cmdline option that allows debugging i think08:44
ogra_else porters wont get very far08:45
ogra_some root shell or so08:45
mwhudsonogra_: has to be something done at image creation time i think?08:45
mwhudsonor it's a bit of a security open door?08:45
ogra_mwhudson, ??08:45
ogra_what could i do at image creation time that makes console-conf give me a root shell instead of firing up the UI08:46
mwhudsonuh wait08:46
ogra_i mean some internal path that can be taken in the code if there is a certain kernel cmdline option08:46
ogra_since that comes from the gadget you would need a special debug gadget build08:47
mwhudsonah ok08:47
ogra_the assertions should keep you safe from someone abusing it then08:47
mwhudsonnot something that you get at at boot time08:47
ogra_heh, not a bootloader selection like we have on desktop, no :)08:48
ogra_it is fine to make that a tad complex as long as we offer debug abilities at all :)08:48
zygaogra_: camera interface is created unconditionally for now08:49
ogra_morphis, i think thats worth a ML discussion to get input from all deciders on that topic08:50
morphisogra_: absolutely08:50
ogra_we dont really have a plan for people doing bringup ... currently its all just "lock down as much as possible"08:50
mwhudsonogra_: i guess your best bet for now is to unsquashfs the core snap, chroot squashfs-root adduser ubuntu and remove the drop-in files that start console-conf08:50
ogra_mwhudson, i doubt that will boot properly afterwards08:50
mwhudsonogra_: why?08:51
ogra_the snaps are signed ...08:51
morphisyou can resign them etc.08:51
mwhudsonogra_: and make an image using UBUNTU_IMAGE_SKIP_COPY_UNVERIFIED_MODEL=1 or whatever08:51
ogra_we need something that gets put into writable from the initrd and that is understood by console-conf08:51
mwhudsonogra_: i agree that's a better solution08:52
mwhudsonbut not one that's going to arrive this evening :)08:52
zygaseb128: yes, thank you08:52
seb128zyga, yw!08:52
ogra_consoleconf=rootshell cmdline option ... -> makes the wrapper script call a systemd debug shell instead of the UI ... or some such08:53
ogra_mwhudson, yeah, i didnt mean today/night ... a proper implementation needs discussion and approval first ... i guess morphis needs to start a discussion on the ML describing the prob08:54
* mwhudson finds ConditionKernelCommandLine=08:54
ogra_well, your wrapper is shell, isnt it ?08:55
morphisogra_, mwhudson: hm, I could bypass console-conf by creating the complete flag in /var and adding a user to extrausers08:55
mwhudsonmorphis: ah yeah, that would work08:55
mwhudsonogra_: something about starting a root shell makes me super paranoid, maybe i'm overdoing that08:55
ogra_        for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do08:55
ogra_            case "${x}" in08:55
ogra_                # new kernel/os snap vars08:55
ogra_                snappy_os=*)08:55
ogra_                        snappy_os="${x#*=}"08:55
ogra_                        ;;08:55
ogra_something like that should work08:56
ogra_(+ esac and done ... )08:56
ogra_mwhudson, that is why i want discussion and approval first ... including security people etc08:57
ogra_morphis, did you know that on big.Little the cores can have different cache sizes ... but the arch allows you to migrate processes aroudn from core to core ?09:06
ogra_how gross09:06
ogra_slangasek, well, given that grub-common is 11MB installed i'd rather see us split grub-editenv into its own package and depend on that ... though long term mvo wants to include grub config handling into snapd itself like we do for uboot with uboot.go09:10
mwhudsonogra_: hardware bug according to mark rutland on cross-distro09:17
ogra_oh,. heh you are subscribed :)09:18
zygamwhudson: hey, still no update on collab-maint, still fighting some issues09:27
mwhudsonzyga: yay debian09:27
mwhudsonzyga: happy to pull anything you have off github or lp in the meantime09:28
zygamwhudson: I didn't do any downstream work lately, still doing upstream things09:28
pedronismwhudson: you can use a local snap  with ubuntu-image with --extra-snaps lOCAL.snap (it can even be one of those listed in the model assertion)09:36
pedronisit will be installed unasserted09:36
mwhudsonpedronis: yeah i figured that out in the end09:36
mwhudson(by reading the source)09:37
mvoogra_: its probably straightfowrad to write that code, might be quicker than to split the pkgs09:41
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morphismwhudson: creating /var/lib/console-conf/complete should disable console-conf, right?09:48
ogra_morphis, but wont give you any login ability09:49
mwhudsonmorphis: yes09:49
ogra_(you need a user too)09:49
morphisogra_: I've created a local user09:49
morphisplacing files manually in /var/lib/extrausers09:49
ogra_that might soon be more complicated ... i'll have to at least add the adm group there as a default group ... so in the future you will have to add, not replace ...09:50
morphisogra_: so a >> rather than a > :-)09:51
ogra_red: dont take for granted that these files are/stay empty09:51
ogra_yeah :)09:51
morphisogra_: empty passwords are not forbidden in the system?10:03
ogra_we dont do anything special10:03
morphisthen a :: should just work10:03
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mupPR snapd#1856 closed: asserts: required account key name header <Created by emgee> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1856>10:52
ogra_mvo, looks like i'm done with removing grub (i only actually kept the grub-editenv binary in place) ... amd64 went from 75+ to 66MB ! everything is still working fine (all tested)10:54
* ogra_ knows the above will make manik and zyga very happy :)10:57
mupPR snapd#1896 opened: cmd/snap: match UX document for message when buying without login <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1896>11:24
liuxgdoes anyone successful read data via bluetooth in ubuntu core? My snap app works well in the ubuntu classic (desktop and NUC). However, it does not work in the raspberry pi devices. thanks. I am not so sure whether the bluetooth device has been enabled or not.11:53
zygaliuxg: I've seen successful data transfer with ubuntu-core and bluetooth stack from bluez but it was not on a rasberry pi11:59
liuxgzyga, how did you set it up? did you have any special steps to set it up? For my case, https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/sensortag-test, my project works well on classic ubuntu.12:00
zygaliuxg: it was a while ago, we created a snap with bluez inside, the tests used bluetoothctl to pair and communicate with some devices12:03
zygaliuxg: the goal was to automate bluetooth setup and testing12:03
* ogra_ guesses the kernel does not set u the device correctly yet on the pi 12:03
liuxgzyga, is it possibe to share me the source code? I have just packaged the bluetoothctl command.12:04
liuxgzyga, when the command is run, I cannot input anything there. Is this a problem?12:05
zygaliuxg: did you install the bluez snap?12:05
zygaliuxg: I think all of that was public, I don't recall where it is12:05
zygaliuxg: maybe ask morphis, I think he might know12:05
liuxgzyga, the output is like http://imgur.com/a/3b7hr, yes, I have bluez inside the package.12:06
liuxgzyga, this is my snapcraft.yaml file https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/sensortag-test/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml12:06
liuxgzyga, I packaged it into my package. I once installed the bluez package.12:07
liuxgzyga, how did you make use of the bluez snap? I am currently using devmode to do that. I know bluez has a "bluez" slot.12:09
zygaliuxg: do you use the bluez plug in your snap>12:11
zygaliuxg: please report the mkdir error there, make sure to report which snap versio you had there12:11
liuxgzyga, no, I am now using it . previously not.12:12
zygaliuxg: check snapd sources as AFAIR we have a test that uses bluez plug/slot now12:12
zygaliuxg: (or perhaps it was proposed recently)12:12
liuxgzyga, do you mean here at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/tree/master/tests/lib/snaps?12:13
zygaliuxg: grep for the interface name in the tests directory12:14
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liuxgzyga, yes, thanks. I found it there in the main dir. I will take a look at it12:16
morphisliuxg: you have to run bluetoothctl as root12:27
morphissudo /snap/bin/bluez.bluetoothctl12:27
morphisthe source of the snap is at https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-hwe-team/snappy-hwe-snaps/+git/bluez12:27
mupPR snapcraft#795 opened: WIP: snap-build generation and pushing support <Created by caio1982> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/795>12:36
liuxgmorphis, ok. thanks. how can I set it up? is the section in the doc enough? https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+git/artik_doc/tree/artik-guilde.txt12:37
morphisliuxg: what do you mean by set it up?12:38
mupPR snapd#1881 closed: cmd/snap: i18n option descriptions <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1881>12:39
mupPR snapd#1880 closed: asserts: use gpg --fixed-list-mode to be compatible with both gpg1 and gpg2 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1880>12:41
liuxgmorphis, how do I use bluetoothctl command? should I use it?12:42
morphisliuxg: depends, what are you going to do?12:42
liuxgmorphis, ok. for my case, it scans (les) the sensortag. maybe not needed?12:43
morphisliuxg: so you want to pair and connect the sensortag?12:44
liuxgmorphis, I think it does not need to pair, at least for the case of running on my desktop.12:45
liuxgmorphis, what is the correct command to make the connection? for my case, my app is "sensortag", and I have defined plug "bluez". snap connect bluez:sensortag bluez:service?12:48
morphissnap connect sensortag:bluez bluez:service it is12:48
morphiswe just name the slot "service" on the bluez snap12:48
morphisliuxg: next thing is, you can use bluetoothctl only as a user and not run it programmatically12:49
liuxgmorphis, then I think this document is a little bit confusing https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/main/interfaces-bluez/task.yaml12:49
zygatyhicks: should this happen?12:49
morphisliuxg: why confusing?12:49
zyga    signal (send) set=("int") peer=@LIBEXECDIR@//mount-namespace-capture-helper,12:49
zygaSep 13 14:47:48 autopkgtest kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1473770868.312:13): apparmor="DENIED" operation="signal" profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=5532 comm="ubuntu-core-lau" requested_mask="send" denied_mask="send" signal=int peer="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//mount-namespace-capture-helper"12:50
liuxgmorphis, it says " bluez:client" instead of "client:bluez"12:50
zygatyhicks: ah, ignore me, I see the problem12:51
morphisliuxg: as I said above, we're giving the plug and slot in the bluez snap names12:52
morphisso we have12:52
morphis  client:12:52
morphis    interface: bluez12:52
morphis   service:12:52
morphis     interface: bluez12:52
morphisand then this is totally correct :-)12:52
morphisit ensures you connect just a single plug/slot within your snap12:53
morphisotherwise you connect all which are using the interface bluez12:53
liuxgmorphis, ok.. I got it.  I thought " snap connect bluez:client bluez:service" was the command for use. I need to replace the "client" there.12:53
morphisliuxg: in your case you need: snap connect sensortag:bluez bluez:service12:54
morphisliuxg: next thing is, you can use bluetoothctl only as a user and not run it programmatically12:54
liuxgmorphis, got it. thanks12:54
morphisliuxg: you can write a python client to talk to bluez, see https://git.kernel.org/cgit/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/test/ for examples12:55
morphisliuxg: and https://git.kernel.org/cgit/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/doc for the API documentation12:55
liuxgmorphis, thanks. I will read them12:56
morphisliuxg: and regarding your question what you have to do to get the sensortag connected: discover it, pair it, connect it12:57
morphisthen all the GATT things become available12:58
liuxgmorphis, so, what should be command for use? bluetoothctl?12:58
mupPR snapd#1897 opened: snap: run all tests with gpg2 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1897>12:59
liuxgmorphis, I still get some errors like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173499/, I think the bluetooth is not set up correctly.12:59
morphisliuxg: can you talk with bluez when using the bluetoothctl coming with the bluez snap?13:00
liuxgmorphis, strangely, in my place, when i run the command like "sudo /snap/bin/bluez.bluetoothctl", in the "[bluetooth]#" prmopt , I cannot type anything there.13:01
liuxgmorphis, no.13:01
ogra_ is that a pi2 or a pi3 ?13:01
liuxgmorphis, ogra_, it is snapdragon device13:02
ogra_note that we use the same kernel for both ... but if there is a special module used by pi3 it might not be enabled13:02
ogra_oh, you said pi above13:02
liuxgogra_, morphis, I want to get this working for a demo in a qualcomm event. We do not have much to show.13:02
morphisliuxg: what does journalctl --no-pager -u snap.bluez.bluez.service give you?13:02
ogra_ogra@dragonboard:~$ dmesg |grep Blu13:03
ogra_[   15.016483] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized13:03
ogra_[   15.017965] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized13:03
ogra_[   15.022818] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.1113:03
ogra_[   15.027751] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.213:03
ogra_[   15.031521] Bluetooth: HIDP socket layer initialized13:03
ogra_dragon should definitely have BT enabled and running by default13:03
liuxgmorphis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173514/13:03
liuxgmorphis, ogra_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173518/13:04
morphisliuxg: can you give the full journal --no-pager then?13:04
morphisliuxg: you need to connect bluez:client too13:04
morphisonly then "sudo /snap/bin/bluez.bluetoothctl" is supposed to work13:05
liuxgmorphis, that is huge13:05
morphisliuxg: do a: snap connect bluez:client bluez:service13:05
morphisthen: sudo /snap/bin/bluez.bluetoothctl13:05
liuxgmorphis, do I need to start the board? After I install the bluez, I did not reboot13:05
liuxgmorphis, yes, this time, I see it works13:06
morphisliuxg: inside bluetoothctl13:08
morphispower on13:08
morphisscan on13:08
morphisthen it should starting finding your device13:08
liuxgmorphis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173542/ how can I pair the device?13:11
morphisliuxg: agent on13:12
morphisbefore you call pair <MAC>13:12
liuxgmorphis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173549/13:12
morphisliuxg: try a: connect <MAC>13:13
liuxgmorphis, after I pair the device, I do not need to pair again, right?13:13
liuxgmorphis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173557/13:15
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/13713:16
mupPR snap-confine#137: chdir to original directory after setns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/137>13:16
liuxgmorphis, can I quit this bluetoothctl? then run my app?13:16
morphisliuxg: type "exit"13:16
liuxgmorphis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173562/13:17
liuxgmorphis, after exiting, my app still fails to connect to the device. the snap app works in the classic ubuntu13:19
morphiswhat does it say?13:20
liuxgmorphis, after exiting the bluetoothctl, I run my app, the error message is like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173571/, basically, it is the same as before.13:22
morphisliuxg: so what does your app actually do?13:22
morphisdoes it talk to bluez over dbus?13:22
liuxgmorphis, i reuse a project on the github. https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/bluepy, I do not think it uses dbus13:24
morphisliuxg: then bluez wont help you at all :-)13:25
morphisif it doesn't use bluez13:25
morphisliuxg: so how does it then talk with the bluetooth kernel stack?13:26
liuxgmorphis, oh, that is bad. this is just weird to me. it works on the classic ubuntu.  Previously, I thought the bluetooth was not set up correctly.13:26
morphisliuxg: lets take a different view on this, what is the use case you actually want to demo?13:27
liuxgmorphis, it does use bluze https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/bluepy/blob/master/bluez-5.29/src/log.c13:28
liuxgmorphis, from the ubuntu core, it uses bluetooth to connect to a sensortag device http://www.ti.com/tool/TIDC-CC2650STK-SENSORTAG, we can push the data to mobile or cloud.13:29
popeyAnyone packaged a desktop app which accepts keyboard input from arrows, enter key, escape, but _not_ from alphabetic characters?13:36
ogra_isnt that aa matter of the app and what keycodes it accepts ?13:39
popeythe same app works fine when not in snap13:41
ogra_https://github.com/ogra1/nethack/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml ...13:42
ogra_console-setup ... ?13:42
popeyperhaps, lets see, thanks13:42
ogra_(though there i added it for the font handling)13:43
jdstrandzyga: ack13:44
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popeyogra_: that didn't do it :(14:05
ogra_yeah, was just a wild guess14:08
sergiusensfgimenez any update on our testing infra?14:19
sergiusenselopio said you'd check14:20
fgimenezsergiusens, yes, the provision scripts seem to be broken, it seems to be related to the way the nodes are being labeled14:21
fgimenezsergiusens, but nothing yet, i'll ping you with any progress14:22
sergiusensSamYaple the pip branch looks good, just added a simple comment in there14:22
jdstrandogra_: oh! linux-generic-bbb. is this a community kernel? should I update the review tools for it? (will it get autouploads based on -generic in the archive?)14:42
ogra_jdstrand, well, it is knd of a community kernel ... effectively it is the same as all our others, just using linux-generic on armhf14:43
ogra_i didnt want to grab the linux-generic name though ... assuming we might want to use it for something official later14:43
jdstrandogra_: on a personal note (I have two bbbs), is there scripting/whatever to just get what floats into -security or will you be doing that manually?14:45
ogra_jdstrand, for now it is only for playing around with the BBB ...14:45
ogra_jdstrand, i have some lp-lib scripting on my TODO14:46
ogra_today i simply watch the -changes MLs and just bump the version (which triggers a rebuild) in the tree14:46
ogra_every time i see a new -meta hist -proposed or -security14:47
jdstrandok thanks. until the snap declarations are in place, I'll leave this as manual review, but I'll add a note for other reviewers to approve so you aren't blocked on me14:47
jdstrandogra_: what is the recommended gadget snap? I have in my notes 'beagleblack', is that still up to date?14:49
ogra_yeah, i doubt i'll need any new uploads soon though ... not before we have a working gadget at least14:51
ogra_well, currently we have none14:52
ogra_either beagleblack or we find a new name14:52
* ogra_ wouldnt mind calling it just bbb14:52
jdstrandogra_: to be clear, I was talking about https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4014/rev/7/ ('beagleblack' from the store for series 16, from mvo), not me creating a gadget14:54
ogra_jdstrand, yes, me too14:54
jdstrandjust wondering if that is still the right thing to use14:54
ogra_no, it isnt14:54
ogra_it hasnt been ported for ubuntu-image14:55
ogra_and u-d-f is now obsolete14:55
jdstrandogra_: I see. if you come up with a gadget snap to use and upload, if you remember, would you mind pinging me?14:56
ogra_will do14:56
ogra_if elopio doesnt get to it before me :)14:56
jdstrandI'd like to move at least one of these to series 1614:56
ogra_he was the one pushing for it :)14:56
* jdstrand thanks elopio :)14:57
jdstrandogra_: and thank you too :)14:57
ogra_np, doing a kernel is just a matter of changing a few lines in the existing scripts (as long as there is a package in the archive)14:58
SamYaplesergiusens: it was not intentional to change the import order. please ignore15:01
ogra_slangasek, so i'm trying to get an ubuntu-image that only creates a 500MB image ... i cloned https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image, edited snapcraft.yaml to use "source: ." and changed all occurences of "4000000000" to "500000000" in ubuntu_image/builder.py ... yet it still produces a 4GB image :/15:01
ogra_(interestingly it also forces me to use sudo for a loop mount, i thought that bit was gone with teh fixed mcopy)15:02
slangasekogra_: the sudo loop mount is because you're on xenial with old e2fsprogs15:05
ogra_well, i dont get that on my laptop15:05
ogra_where i use the ubuntu-image from the store15:05
slangasekogra_: yes, because the snap has bundled newer e2fsprogs :)15:05
ogra_ah, because i built it locally ... understood15:06
ogra_so why dont i get a 500MB image with these changes ? i cant see "4000000000" being used anywhere else in the code15:06
slangasekAs for the image size, hmm.  I was going to be working on that today, tracking down all the hard-coded sizes and changing it to size the writable partition to the contents15:06
slangasekmaybe there's a 3.6G hard-coded somewhere also, don't know for sure15:07
slangasekregardless, feel free to leave it to me to hack on todya15:07
ogra_well, i wanted to test the new ubuntu-core ony my dragon and i actually only have a 3.9GB card spare :)15:08
ogra_i find it more worrying that the card is trash after dding a to big image to it ... i dont understand why ... the end of the img should only be zeros15:09
liuxgdholbach, do you know whether the classic server image at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/raspberry-pi-2/ works for pi3 device?15:10
dholbachliuxg, sorry, I hvae no idea - I think they're different though - ogra_ ^ can you confirm?15:10
ogra_liuxg, i dont think it does15:11
ogra_pi3 needs its own uboot binary15:11
liuxgdholbach, ogra_, but on the page, it says "Get started with a Raspberry Pi 2 (or 3)".15:11
ogra_well, they try it15:11
liuxgogra_, so where can I find the image for the pi3?15:11
ogra_*then try it15:11
ogra_i have never used classic on a pi315:11
liuxgogra_, it seems that it is not working. I got a color screen output. but the image works for pi2 for sure.15:12
ogra_no idea about that15:12
* ogra_ only does snappy on pi315:12
liuxgogra_, it is because another colleague got confirmation from didier, so I had a try.15:13
ilivis there a way to define CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc. in snapcraft.yml?15:14
ogra_slangasek, oh, bah ... i see why my hack doesnt get used ... obviously the snapcraft build does a git clone ... and then does a py3versions -d ... which does another git clone it seems15:14
ogra_iliv, there surely is ... dont ask me how though :)15:15
ilivhow? :)15:15
ogra_liuxg, well, use the snappy images, they definitely work :)15:15
liuxgogra_, yeah, I just want to try whether the bluetooth works on classic :)15:16
ogra_i doubt it15:16
ogra_same kernel ... similar setup15:17
stgraberzyga: any idea when we'll be getting a new snap-confine?15:17
liuxgogra_, ok.. I got it. thanks!15:17
zygastgraber: as soon as I can land ns sharing, I was aiming for last Friday but there were a few more things to polish15:20
slangasekogra_: speaking of testing images, did you see the discussion about the pi3 not unxz'ing?  did you create this image or did mvo?15:22
ogra_slangasek, mvo_ did and i pinged him about it yesterday morning15:23
ogra_he wanted to re-do it15:23
ogra_(i havent checks if he did though)15:23
mvo_ogra_: uh, I did not, sorry15:23
mvo_ogra_: let me do it now15:23
* zyga added some extra sanity checks to snap-confine and fires another spread run15:23
ogra_mvo_, thanks15:23
mupPR snapd#1895 closed: store: refactor auth/refresh tests <Created by matiasb> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1895>15:30
mvo_ogra_, slangasek: how about a new set (not just pi3) that is still based on the snaps from the beta but has 3.8gb instead of 4gb (or even less) to ensure it fits on 4gb sd cards?15:36
ogra_mvo_, that requires a new ubuntu-image first ... the size is hardcoded15:37
slangasekmvo_: I'm going to fix that bug properly today, if you'd like to wait for it to land15:37
mvo_ogra_: sure, but that it not hard to change15:37
slangasekproperly == autosizing the image based on the writable partition's content size15:38
ogra_mvo_, thats what i thought ... i gave up after 1.5h trying :P15:38
mvo_slangasek: aha, sure, depends a bit on "today" as your today is a bit longer than my today :)15:38
mvo_ogra_: oh? hm15:38
slangasekmvo_: yes, you'll be offline by the time I'm done15:38
mvo_ogra_: in any case, looks like slangasek has it under control15:38
mvo_slangasek: ok, I will just redo pi3 then15:38
ogra_mvo_, though i'm trying with a local snap ... i think it still pulls to much remote stuff when i call snapcraft and overwrites my local hackery15:38
ogra_[FAILED] Failed to start Run snappy firstboot setup.15:41
ogra_See 'systemctl status snapd.firstboot.service' for details.15:41
ogra_GRRRRRRRRR !!!!!15:41
ogra_mwhudson, sooo .... i finally managed to test the wlan config in console-conf ... it pretends to work, but does not give me the final info about IP and ssh login on the finish page ...15:43
ogra_hrm ... so why does the firstboot service fail15:45
mvo_ogra_, slangasek: pi3 updated15:55
mvo_ogra_: if you have a pi3, wouldbe great if you could do a quick test15:55
ogra_mvo_, oh, one FYI ... not sure you saw last nights backlog .. LP builds of ubuntu-core to edge do not get published, despite the store saying so in the UI ... you need to manually unpublish them all and re-publish via the UI to make it work15:56
ogra_mvo_, i do have a pi3 buit cvurrently no spare SD big enough15:56
mvo_ogra_: meh, how annoying, are the right people aware of this?15:59
ogra_mvo_, yep ... the bug also got updated ... that was the reason why i couldnt snap refresh --edge on the released images15:59
ogra_Feb 11 16:28:07 localhost snap[1623]: error: assertion is signed with expired public key "-CvQKAwRQ5h3Ffn10FILJoEZUXOv6km9FwA80-Rcj-f-6jadQ89VRswHNiEB9Lxk"16:02
ogra_from "canonical"16:02
ogra_Feb 11 16:28:07 localhost systemd[1]: snapd.firstboot.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE16:02
ogra_hah !16:02
ogra_so that is why my dragoboard image doesnt work16:03
ogra_we really need such errors more prominent16:03
mvo_ogra_: uh, Feb 11? what date is you dragonboard?16:03
ogra_mvo_, just built right now16:03
ogra_i'm testing the new ubuntu-core with dtropped tasks16:03
mvo_ogra_: I mean, the log says its "Feb 11"16:04
mvo_ogra_: what does "date" print on your dragonboard?16:04
ogra_eb 11 16:30:29 localhost rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 11' suspended, next retry is Thu Feb 11 16:30:59 2016 [v8.16.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]16:04
ogra_Feb 11 16:30:29 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping Ubuntu Core Firstboot Configuration ttyMSM0...16:04
ogra_Sep 13 16:00:47 localhost systemd-timesyncd[1627]: Synchronized to time server (ntp.ubuntu.com).16:04
ogra_Sep 13 16:00:47 localhost rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 11' suspended, next retry is Tue Sep 13 16:01:17 2016 [v8.16.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]16:04
ogra_Sep 13 16:00:47 localhost systemd[1]: Time has been changed16:04
ogra_thats fixrtc ...16:04
ogra_it uses some imaginary date thats not the epoch before it can sync the time16:05
ogra_(well, actually it should use the last mount date of the SD ... but thats a first boot)16:05
mvo_ogra_: what year is it imagining?16:05
ogra_good question :)16:05
mupPR snapd#1898 opened: many: clean out left over references to integration tests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1898>16:06
ogra_Filesystem created:       Tue Sep 13 15:32:20 201616:06
ogra_Last mount time:          Thu Jan  1 00:00:25 197016:06
ogra_Last write time:          Thu Jan  1 00:00:25 197016:06
ogra_hmm, i wonder where that feb 11 comes from16:07
mvo_ogra_: I think that is the issue, however that is a bit tricky, we probably need to make snapd not fuzzy about really old times16:07
mvo_ogra_: right now its pretty strict about key valid times16:08
ogra_dumpe2fs -h "$ROOTDISK" 2>/dev/null|grep "Filesystem created"16:08
ogra_thast what it uses to find a date16:08
ogra_(if there is no last mount time)16:09
* zyga iterates on snap-confine16:10
zygaI fixed a few more aa issues16:10
zygafingers corossed, maybe this time it will work16:10
ogra_mvo_, but that means it should be fine on second boot and the firstboot job should run then16:10
ogra_and as far as i can tell it doesnt16:11
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ogra_bah and the wlan setup doesnt persist over a reboot16:11
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:30 localhost systemd[1]: Found device /sys/subsystem/net/devices/wlan0.16:13
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:31 localhost sh[1497]: sed: can't read /run/systemd/netif/leases/*: No such file or directory16:13
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:33 localhost sh[1497]: message repeated 2 times: [ sed: can't read /run/systemd/netif/leases/*: No such file or directory]16:13
ogra_oh, lovely16:13
zygaI need to patch spread restore in snap-confine to ensure there were no denials16:13
zygaand then patch any tests that are designed to trigger denials to clean the buffer16:13
zygaI found a few interesting issues just by accident16:13
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:29 localhost systemd[1]: snapd.firstboot.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE16:14
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:29 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Run snappy firstboot setup.16:14
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:29 localhost systemd[1]: snapd.firstboot.service: Unit entered failed state.16:14
ogra_Sep 13 15:33:29 localhost systemd[1]: snapd.firstboot.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.16:14
ogra_this time it doesnt complain about the key16:14
* ogra_ sighs ... no way to get wlan up manually in the netplan world it seems16:22
ogra_and no way to get a local user in the console-conf world anymore16:22
ogra_this is annoying16:23
nacci thought the local user was tied to your lp id?16:23
naccogra_: --^16:23
ogra_nacc, its not local16:23
ogra_its an ssh user16:23
naccogra_: oh right16:23
ogra_there is no password set16:24
naccusing lp keys, makes sense16:24
naccand w/o network, you can't ssh in :)16:24
ogra_without working network, no ssh16:24
ogra_without password, no serial login16:24
* ogra_ sighs and starts another 20min dd 16:26
mupPR snapd#1886 closed: tests: fix spread tests on yakkety <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1886>16:26
mupBug #1623119 opened: wlan setup done by console-conf not persistent <Snappy:New> <nplan (Ubuntu):New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623119>16:31
* ogra_ files bug 1623119 so pitti and mwhudson can battle over it who is at fault16:31
mupBug #1623119: wlan setup done by console-conf not persistent <Snappy:New> <nplan (Ubuntu):New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623119>16:31
ogra_and another one for mwhudson16:33
ogra_bug 162312016:34
mupBug #1623120: console-conf does not show ssh credentials on last page when wlan is involved <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623120>16:34
mupBug #1623120 opened: console-conf does not show ssh credentials on last page when wlan is involved <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623120>16:34
kgunnogra_: just checking, is the dragonboard image "good'16:34
kgunnhere http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/16.04/current/16:34
kgunnogra_: is it still risky atm if you roll your own off edge?16:35
kgunnlike it eats itself or something :)16:35
ogra_you will hit the issues i'm currenmtly hitting above see the backlog of the last 1h16:35
kgunnogra_: good enough...cool, i will use the beta image16:36
ogra_sudo snap refresh ubuntu-core --edge16:37
ogra_that should work16:37
kgunnogra_: yeah, i'm on ~aug 20 image i think16:37
ogra_yeah, you want the one from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/16.04/current/ as base16:37
ogra_anything before that is dead beef16:37
SamYaplethe pip/url/glob thing is solved and tests are passed16:38
popeyogra_: i think bug 1580463 might be what I'm hitting16:46
mupBug #1580463: Snap blocks access to system input methods (ibus, fcitx, ...) <snap-desktop-issue> <snapd-interface> <verification-failed> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Fix Released by tyhicks> <im-config (Ubuntu):Fix Released by jdstrand> <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <apparmor (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed by16:46
muptyhicks> <im-config (Ubuntu Xenial):In Progress by jdstrand> <snapd (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released> <apparmor (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released by tyhicks> <im-config (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released by jdstrand> <snapd (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580463>16:46
ogra_popey, aha !16:49
ogra_yeah, that makes sense16:49
mupBug #1623125 opened: fixrtc script does not catch "Last mount time: n/a" string <Snappy:Triaged by ogra> <initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core (Ubuntu):Triaged by ogra> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623125>16:49
popeytyhicks: jdstrand is 1580463 perchance on your radar?16:50
mupPR snapd#1899 opened: [store] don't discard error body from request device session call <Created by emgee> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1899>16:54
jdstrandpopey: I'm quite familiar with that bug. curious why you are asking about it?16:58
zygaall snap-confine regression tests now pass16:58
jdstrandzyga: nice! :)16:58
zygathat's not all but it's encouraging16:58
zygathere's still a bug there that I hit on main test suite16:58
zygaand I still need to check a few things for the apparmor profile16:58
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mupPR snapd#1846 closed: overlord/auth,store: fix raciness in updating device/user in state through authcontext and other issues <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1846>17:14
mupPR snapd#1898 closed: many: clean out left over references to integration tests <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1898>17:14
mupPR snapcraft#796 opened: Only discover dependencies on files coming from that part <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/796>17:27
elopiocan I modify the frequence of the autoupdates?17:32
elopioChipaca: I think you might know this one ^17:32
popeyjdstrand: because I have packaged an app which we suspect may be hitting it18:21
popeyjdstrand: it's a game which accepts no keyboard input when snapped, but is fine when not snapped18:22
popeyjdstrand: http://popey.com/~alan/bussard_snap.tgz contains the snap, yaml etc18:26
mupPR snapcraft#785 closed: Check if option is url for pip <Created by SamYaple> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/785>18:37
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mupPR snapd#1900 opened: interfaces: miscellaneous policy updates for default, browser-support and camera <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1900>19:15
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kyrofaYeesh, welcome back everyone19:27
kyrofaGuest94770, might want to fix that19:28
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dobeyuhm, how the heck am i supposed to know if i have to pass --dangerous, --force-dangerous, or nothing, for "snap install local.snap" to work?20:17
sergiusensdobey !! I can't release snapcraft anymore due to this :-)20:18
dobeysergiusens: the worst part about this is that i'm downloading a snap from the store and installing it, so it came from a trusted source!!20:19
kyrofadobey, then you shouldn't need the --[force-]dangerous flag20:19
kyrofadobey, that's just for local snaps20:20
dobeykyrofa: right. i downloaded a snap from the store, and am installing it with "pkexec snap install foo.snap"20:20
kyrofaAh ha, then it's not fetching the assertions, so still a local snap20:20
kyrofaSo you DO need it20:20
dobeybut how do i know WHICH one i need?20:21
dobeybecause it's changed three times now apparently20:21
kyrofadobey, try --dangerous, if that doesn't work, use the force one20:21
dobeykyrofa: and what if --dangerous works but the install fails for some other reason?20:21
kyrofadobey, then I'd ask to see a pastebin20:22
dobeythis is in a script we ship20:22
dobeykyrofa: what i mean is, i don't want to run "snap install" 3 different times just because the command line option changed, and now i can't tell if the error is because of that, or because of something else20:22
kyrofaI agree that the churn is annoying, but the error you should get due to using --force-dangerous should be "unrecognized option" or some such20:23
kyrofaWhich should be obviously different from a failure deeper in the install process, no?20:24
dobeykyrofa: well i presume they all exit with exit code 120:24
kyrofadobey, ahh, "in a script" I see what you mean now20:25
dobeyi don't want to have get into parsing stderr/stdout too20:25
kyrofadobey, indeed, I see where you're coming from now20:25
dobeykyrofa: yes, i'm trying to install snaps from the existing click scope, with the smallest changes possible. and i had it working two weeks ago before i went on vacation, but now this --force-dangerous is required, and apparently that will be --dangerous soon :(20:26
kyrofadobey, well this isn't ideal anyway, because like you said, you shouldn't need to use --dangerous if you know it's a signed snap, and the scope should only be installing those20:27
dobeyi was basically ready to land this, and then bam, new snappy broke it20:27
kyrofadobey, the people I'd ask are EOD, but there much be a way to handle this case20:28
kyrofadobey, you should email the list20:28
kyrofadobey, some way to say "hey, grab the assertion from the store," or at least provide the ability for the scope to grab the assertion and provide it to the install command20:29
dobeythe latter would be quite complicated i think, if we'd have to then do two separate downloads20:31
dobeybut snap could clearly parse the filename as $snapid_$revision.snap and then grab the assertions for that20:31
kyrofaYeah. Though I suspect that's the more likely to happen since they probably want to enable self-signed assertions, etc.20:31
kyrofaBut yeah, shoot for that20:32
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mwhudsonogra_: still around?21:07
mwhudsonum, is it known that the snapd.firstboot job runs on every boot?21:14
dobeyoh it just makes the rev always be "x1" when you do --force-dangerous :(21:14
kyrofadobey, yeah, it's a local install: x1, x2, and so on21:15
kyrofadobey, it's been that way for a while. That's why you need the assertion21:15
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tsimonq2elopio: you might want to keep teward in the loop on your nginx snap21:29
elopiosure. who's teward?21:30
tsimonq2Ubuntu "maintainer"21:30
tsimonq2Thomas Ward21:30
tsimonq2he has upload access to nginx and might be interested in what you're doing21:31
tsimonq2elopio: upstreaming, remember? ;)21:31
elopiotsimonq2: yes. That's the kind of help I need to get it working strict. Thanks tsimonq221:31
tsimonq2no problem elopio :)21:32
tsimonq2(there's a reason I subscribe to these emails :P)21:32
tsimonq2elopio: he's always told me email is the best contact method21:33
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mupBug #1593407 opened: Guest session cannot run snaps <xenial> <Snappy:New> <lightdm (Ubuntu):Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1593407>23:06
mupPR snapd#1901 opened: firstboot: do not overwrite any existing netplan config <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1901>23:34

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