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slangaseksemiosis: if you could get Odd_Bloke to build an "official" vagrant test image against xenial-proposed, and then validate that test image, that would be best02:12
slangasekjamespage, LocutusOfBorg: fwiw the deal with python-oslo is that there was a never-migrated version of python-oslo in yakkety-proposed that still had python-oslo-messaging, then a later version of the package that dropped python-oslo-messaging; this plays havoc with our autoremoval detection and requires manual escalation just like this02:38
slangasekjamespage, LocutusOfBorg: (binaries removed)02:40
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pittiGood morning05:20
pittixnox: landing-1931> systemd is done, lava-server apparently got lost, I check the logs05:22
pittixnox: stats page is https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/webcontrol/browse.cgi (sql query and preparing the data struct) and https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/webcontrol/templates/browse-statistics.html (HTML jinja2 template)05:23
pittixnox: indeed, it's rather basic for now, we can/should expand it to what we want to know05:23
pittixnox: ah, lava-server hit a quota limit which somehow failed to get treated as temporary failure05:35
pittixnox: oops, no, it's something weirder: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety-ci-train-ppa-service-landing-1931/yakkety/i386/l/lava-server/20160912_113959@/log.gz05:40
pittixnox: lava-server got demoted to -proposed, I suppose that's related; looking closer05:41
pittixnox: created bug 1622846, tracking there05:44
ubottubug 1622846 in Auto Package Testing "packages that are only in -proposed cause stalled "in progress" tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162284605:44
pittirobru: does bileto pull britney git before running it on every iteration, or does that require a webops request?06:00
robrupitti: it pulls every 20 minutes, not before every run06:01
pittirobru: ok, great06:01
pittixnox: fix pushed, so the next britney run for that silo should drop these two lava packages and make it green06:16
pittirobru: hmm -- do bileto britney runs include proposed in the "testing" indexes?07:20
robrupitti: yes07:21
pittiah, that explains it -- then https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/landing-1931/yakkety/excuses.html will not be able to test lava-server07:21
pitti-proposed does not really belong into "testing"07:22
robrupitti: this is how we decided to do it originally... We're considering promoting packages to proposed, proposed is the destination archive07:24
pittihmm; we don't want to run tests against the entirety of -proposed07:24
doko_sarnold: that reminds me very much to a talk given at fosdem, debugging the hotspot jit on arm64 ....07:27
cariboupitti: any reason why you reverted slangasek's verif-done on LP: #1535898 ?07:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1535898 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Precise) "Trusty & Vivid multipath-tools (multipathd) seg-fault core dump" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153589807:35
pitticaribou: yes, there was *still* no explanation of what actually has been tested07:36
cpaelzerinteresting .. I just came by looking at landing 1931 as well, since I wanted to look at qemu - to double check since I'd do that the first time, can I edit and add my IRC nick to landers on the ticket without causing an unwanted side effect?07:36
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seb128dpm, pitti, hey, now that launchpad translations are enabled for yakkety could we get langpacks built?09:05
seb128dear launchpad, please stop timing out on edit09:07
dpmhey seb12809:09
seb128dpm, hey :-)09:09
dpmwgrant, cjwatson, did you update the launchpad translations export cron jobs when opening yakketty translations?09:10
dpmseb128, afaik, that's all it's needed for langpack-o-matic to pick up the exports and start creating the language packs09:11
seb128k, thanks09:12
wgrantdpm: Ah no, haven't done that yet.09:19
wgrantdpm: Do you have a suggested alteration to the existing schedule?09:19
wgrantseb128: What sort of edit operation was timing out?09:20
dpmwgrant, I can have a look, but I always have to look for the crontab in the LP code. Do you happen to have a link?09:20
seb128wgrant, editing tag and adding comment but it's back now...09:21
wgrantdpm: Isn't the schedule on a wiki page somewhere?09:21
wgrantWhich I can never remember.09:22
seb128wgrant, was there a rollout/update at 9utc maybe?09:22
wgrantseb128: No, possibly just the mysterious postgres issue that happens occasionally. All bug edits time out for 1-10 minutes, and we're not quite sure why...09:22
dpmwgrant, I think the wiki page is not up to date. At least the last times I've looked at the cron tab directly. Let me find that09:22
seb128I guess I might have hit the time of the day where launchpad is acting up because of daily $whatever09:23
seb128wgrant, k, that might be it, at least sounds similar09:23
dpmwgrant, https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule09:24
dpmthe notes say where the crontab lives, but I'm not sure if it's current09:24
pittiseb128: oh nice, will set this up!09:25
wgrantThat's accurate, but I can do all that.09:25
pitti... or not, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/+language-packs is empty09:26
* pitti reads backscroll09:26
pittiwgrant: so wily can certainly go09:26
pittiI suppose that wiki page is out of date anyway, as we most definitively exported xenial09:26
wgrantThe wiki page is up to date except that xenial is on Sunday.09:27
pittiwgrant: hm, not https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule, do you mean another one?09:27
wgrantpitti: That's the one.09:27
wgrantThe total diff for adding xenial was adding a new xenial job on Sunday.09:28
wgrantNothing was dropped.09:28
pittioh, ok -- so we still even export wily? I thought we only needed rtm-15.04 now09:28
wgrantpitti: When's your side of xenial?09:28
pittiwgrant: Monday morning, so that matches09:28
wgrantpitti: I've updated the wiki page, and that reflects currently reality at least on the LP side.09:29
wgrantI'm tempted to just s/wily/yakkety/ across the board.09:29
pittiwgrant: ack, thanks; I think you can safely kill vivid (unless that means rtm-15.04) and wily09:29
cjwatsonwgrant: It doesn't quite; we still export 15.04 on Friday as well.09:30
pittiwgrant: s/wily/yakkety/ WFM09:30
wgrantOh so we do.09:30
wgrantpitti: Done on the wiki page, will get our crontab updated.09:31
wgrantcjwatson: I suppose it's so quick that it doesn't really matter, but hm.09:31
pittiI build 15.04 on Friday late evening (22:30 UTC)09:32
pittiRTM-15.04 I mean09:32
wgrantadded that to the wiki page09:33
wgrantpitti, dpm, seb128: LP crontab update09:36
pittiwgrant: cheers!09:36
seb128wgrant, dpm, pitti, thanks!09:37
dpmnice one seb12809:38
jamespageslangasek, thankyou09:44
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xnoxpitti, could you please tell me where the source code for http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/ is ? I'd like to add a few tricks.10:46
pittixnox: you didn't see my response in scrollback about statistics?10:50
* xnox looks back10:50
pittixnox: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/webcontrol/browse.cgi is the flask app which does the sql queries and call the renderer, and https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/webcontrol/templates are the html templates10:51
xnoxpitti, aha, gotcha =) will tinker with that, thanks!10:52
* xnox never used flask, but should be easy enough to figure out how to expand existing template10:52
pittixnox: yeah, it's quite straightforward; the entire app is just 300 lines or so; look at the existing statistics query and template to get an idea10:54
pittixnox: you can also just toss me the SQL queries you are interested in, and I'll turn them into code10:54
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pittidoko_: oh noes .. things calling blocking getrandom() during early boot, rings a bell?12:19
pittidoko_: now it's not python (that got fixed), but latest gnutls28 :(12:20
pittibug 162289312:20
ubottubug 1622893 in gnutls28 (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager takes very log to start, or times out, blocked on RNG" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162289312:20
doko_xnox, pfff ... "that package uses really archaic ways of doing things"12:40
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ginggshi pitti, could we mark cacti autopkgtests on armhf 'aways failed' please? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/cacti/yakkety/armhf12:49
semiosisOdd_Bloke: can you help out with this? ... [22:12:44]  <slangasek> semiosis: if you could get Odd_Bloke to build an "official" vagrant test image against xenial-proposed, and then validate that test image, that would be best12:49
semiosisthis is in re: bug 162139312:49
ubottubug 1621393 in cloud-images "xenial64 image (20160907.1.0) has a broken (empty) /etc/resolv.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162139312:49
Odd_Blokesemiosis: Sure thing.12:50
semiosisthank you!12:50
xnoxdoko_, should i have said prehistoric? =)12:52
xnoxdoko_, rumors have it it's for DB2, but i don't buy that.12:53
Odd_Blokesemiosis: I've kicked one off, but foolishly did it in a private livefs so I can't give you a link to track.12:53
Odd_Blokesemiosis: I'll keep an eye on it and point you at it once it's done. :)12:53
semiosisthanks i'll be here12:53
LocutusOfBorgany core dev willing to merge vim for yakkety? 8.0 is out!12:58
LocutusOfBorgslangasek, ^^ :)12:58
LocutusOfBorgops infinity ^^ you are the last uploader ;)12:58
Odd_Blokesemiosis: Can you access https://i284108973.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/284108973/livecd.ubuntu-cpc.vagrant.box?token=K7Pp7BgzNCZ0b0BbvC3q3Vgc3LkJpwW0 ?13:56
semiosisOdd_Bloke: downloading now13:57
Odd_BlokeCool, that was built with livecd-rootfs <something>.4 from -proposed, so hopefully that'll work.13:57
notarobotAnyone here familiar with LXR, who can help me set it up? I'm not sure what to do the the swish-e database question in the config file14:33
semiosisOdd_Bloke: looks good to me!15:42
semiosisslangasek: tested Odd_Bloke's build and it looks good15:43
slangaseksemiosis: excellent - do me a favor and note that on the bug report, please15:44
semiosisslangasek: will do15:44
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slangasekstgraber, mdeslaur, infinity, kees: TB meeting in 1015:51
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slangasekrbasak: first stumbling block, I don't see anywhere in edit-acl to set a packageset description :)16:21
bipulI would be thankful if someone help me to understand the back end process of how temporary vg is creating and data is being migrated from /dev/sda1 PV to /dev/sda3 PV http://paste.ubuntu.net/23174271/16:23
rbasakslangasek: looking at the code, it looks like it'll prompt you.16:24
bipulSorry wrong channel.16:25
rbasakI presume the owner (--person) should be developer-membership-board.16:25
slangasekrbasak: oh ok16:25
seb128cyphermox, kenvandine, was the lintian warning in bug #1597453 a blocker?16:25
ubottubug 1597453 in content-hub (Ubuntu) "[MIR] content-hub" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159745316:25
cyphermoxseb128: hardening should be enabled, unless it really has a good reason not to be, so yes16:28
seb128kenvandine, ^16:29
seb128cyphermox, thanks16:29
pittiginggs: done now when I was looking over excuses; sorry, missed your ping earlier16:30
ginggspitti: danke!16:31
slangasekrbasak: personal-gunnarhj packageset created for yakkety and gunnarhj added to it16:31
slangasekrbasak: I don't see how to use edit-acl to set PPU rights either16:32
* rbasak looks it up16:36
rbasakslangasek: echo mariadb-10.0 mariadb-client-lgpl galera-3|xargs -n1 edit-acl -p otto -t upload add -s  # I think16:39
slangasekrbasak: oh, 'source'; hurray for option consistency16:39
slangasekrbasak: thanks :)16:39
slangasekrbasak: done16:40
rbasakslangasek: thank you!16:42
naccrbasak: https://code.launchpad.net/~nacc/ubuntu/+source/openipmi/+git/openipmi/+merge/29770916:46
xnoxpitti, you have patch in your mailbox =)16:52
xnoxautopkgtest-cloud is not a project, so cannot do merge proposals against it.16:52
pittixnox: nice! will test and apply in about two hours when I'm back (for real)17:10
kenvandineseb128, cyphermox i'll look at it17:56
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:07
pittirobru: sorry, n00b question (first time I use bileto since $verylong ago): how do I get from https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 to excuses.html to see what the tests are doing?18:30
robrupitti: first, you have to wait for britney to actually run. there are no excuses.html yet because britney status is just "queued".18:31
robrupitti: once it has run the excuses.html will show up on that page18:31
pittirobru: ah, makes sense (I ticked the box maybe an hour ago, is it normal to take that long?)18:32
robrupitti: yes it often takes an hour for britney to get through all tickets.18:32
pittiok, thanks!18:32
robrupitti: if you want to watch the log in real time, visit https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/index.html and grep for the latest log_*, you can see which ticket it's currently working through. I wouldn't worry unless it's been 2 hours though18:33
pittirobru: this one: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 was already published, so that should have a link; still too blind to see it?18:33
pittiand indeed https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/ticket-1839/landing-093-yakkety/excuses.html does exist18:33
robrupitti: again, "queued" means britney never ran. whoever published that likely just did it without waiting for britney18:33
pittirobru: well, it did run18:34
robrupitti: well maybe it ran then they rebuilt it, which cleared it. anyway since the most recent build britney never ran on that ticket18:34
pitti2016-09-06 21:48:57 +0200 (britney-bot) britney_signoff: Approved18:34
pittirobru: ah right, there was another build after that18:34
pittirobru: ok, thanks for the explanation!18:34
robrupitti: you're welcome!18:35
pittirobru: aside from my whining, it's a really nice workflow now!18:35
pittirobru: hah, and there it is18:51
pittirobru: now https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/log/1941/publish/latest/ says "ERROR Needs review: ~pitti unity-gtk-module env-race +merge 30561318:53
pittirobru: tedg did review and ack https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity-gtk-module/env-race/+merge/305613 , what does that mean?18:54
pittidoes it need top-approval?18:54
pittitedg: ^ do you know? If so, could you top-approve it please?18:54
tedgpitti: done18:55
pittitedg: I guess that was it, thanks!18:58
robrupitti: thanks19:00
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jbichadoko_: librevenge does some unusual things to its dbgsym pkg and I guess LP doesn't like it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/librevenge/0.0.4-6/+build/1074797421:44
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doko_jbicha: how do you do your syncs, are you using some helper scripts?21:45
jbichajust syncpackage21:45
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Unit193hloeung: Nice rDNS.22:45
hloeungheh thanks22:46

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