[06:56] Hello! [06:57] Is it possible to upgrade to GNOME 3.20 on 16.04? If it is, is it crashy? [07:41] the gnome 3 staging ppa was stable for me personally [07:52] mgedmin: Really? From what I read on OMGUbuntu's article comments (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/install-gnome-3-20-ubuntu-16-04-lts), it seems pretty crashy. Maybe it's better from Ubuntu GNOME? [07:59] your mileage may vary [07:59] if you're feeling brave, you can try it - and if you find it doesn't work for you, use ppa-purge to revert back to gnome 3.18 [08:04] Maybe I'll do it in a VM first to check. Besides, most of the users who experienced problems upgrading were those who kept Unity around. [12:13] lol well gnome 3.18 from ubuntu gnome 16.04 was sufficiently unstable for me today that I upgraded to 3.20 from the staging ppa to get some stability [12:13] launching polari should not make gnome-shell crash (with the int3 trap which makes gnome-session not restart it so entire session died) === swiss_ is now known as swiss === Guest4608 is now known as pcw === pcw is now known as PaulW2U === fooctrl2 is now known as fooctrl