
=== zigo_ is now known as zigo
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mhall119hey guys, something is going on with #ubuntu-communitycouncil19:32
mhall11915:31 -!- ServerMode/#ubuntu-communitycouncil [-o mhall119] by services.19:32
mhall11915:31 !tepper.freenode.net *** Notice -- TS for #ubuntu-communitycouncil  changed from 1473795091 to 132044901119:32
mhall11915:31 -!- ServerMode/#ubuntu-communitycouncil [+cit] by services.19:32
mhall11915:31 -!- ServerMode/#ubuntu-communitycouncil [+o ChanServ] by services.19:32
mhall11915:31 -!- mhall119 was kicked from #ubuntu-communitycouncil by ChanServ  [Invite only channel]19:32
pleia2there was a netsplit and that channel is invite only19:32
pleia2so things will get a bit weird until things settle down, you'll want to re-identify and join again19:32
Unit193mhall119: Identify to services, then try to rejoin.19:32
mhall119thanks, I re-identified but still can't seem to join19:34
Fuchsmhall119: what message do you get?19:34
Unit193That ACL also needs updated.19:34
mhall119Fuchs: see above19:35
mhall119now I just get 15:33 [freenode] -!- Cannot join to channel #ubuntu-communitycouncil (You must  be invited)19:35
mhall119so maybe the invites haven't settled down yet19:35
Fuchsif it got completely empty, the +Is would be lost19:36
Fuchsbut someone™ could use chanserv's invite and go set them again19:36
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* mhall119 doesn't know how to do that or if he has the permissions to do so19:37
Fuchseasy, but you don't19:37
Fuchssee   /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-communitycouncil list19:37
Fuchs(and what Unit193 wrote, some Ubuntu GCs could have us do that if people with the needed flags can't)19:38
Unit193Fuchs: I can't pull up the LP right now, but yeah I can ACK that.19:38
FuchsUnit193: give whom what flags?19:39
pleia2mhall119: try now, I just gave you access19:40
Fuchswell, that works :)19:41
pleia2mhall119: /msg chanserv invite #ubuntu-communitycouncil19:41
pleia2then you can join19:41
FuchsI recommend to check whether the +Is are still there and, if not, to (re) set them :)19:42
Unit193pleia2: Could likely drop cprofitt from the ACL. :319:42
pleia2Unit193: not my job19:42
pleia2(I should probably be dropped too!)19:43
FuchsI think she can't19:43
FuchsI think I could19:43
Fuchs(I might be wrong on the former, with +f and same flags)19:44
FuchsUnit193: so if you need any changes to the ACL, just excplicitly tell me what to add and/or remove and I shall19:44
Unit193Should likely come from someone like mhall119 to me first, or dh<tab> could just do it™19:45
Unit193Anywho, I'm soon out.19:45
FuchsOkay :)19:46
Fuchsdoesn't seem like it needs to be done quick anyway19:46
Unit193Or, hggdh can do it all because he's on both! :D  And yes, certainly not time sensitive at all.19:46
mhall119pleia2: thanks, I'm in!20:04
mhall119Unit193: Fuchs: can you give me channel op permissions to #ubuntu-communitycouncil so I can reset our topic?20:08
Fuchsmhall119: /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-communitycouncil20:08
pleia2you have op permissions20:08
pleia2there you go ^20:08
Fuchsmhall119: pleia2 granted you that earlier on :)20:08
Fuchssorry for all the noise and extra work, btw20:09
mhall119how do I elevate myself?20:09
Fuchsmhall119: see above20:09
Fuchsjust copy & paste my command20:09
mhall119ah ha, thanks Fuchs20:10
Fuchsyou're welcome :)20:10
mhall119I never have gotten the hang of IRC permissions20:10
Fuchsno worries, we are here to help in such cases20:10
mhall119can I add people to the invite ACL?20:10
mhall119or do I need to request that20:10
Fuchsmhall119: yes,   see the current list with   /mode #ubuntu-communitycouncil +I20:10
Fuchsmhall119: add someone with e.g.   /mode #ubuntu-communitycouncil +I $a:PutTheirAccountNameHere20:11
Fuchsyou get the accountname by  /whois name,   it will give you a   "is logged in as $accountname"20:11
mhall119what's $a?20:11
mhall119ah, ok20:11
Fuchs$a:   you need to leave as is20:12
lubotu1Fuchs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:12
Fuchslubotu1: oh shut it, tincan20:12
lubotu1Fuchs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:12
Fuchsmhall119: $a:  tells the entry that it shall match on an account20:12
Fuchsotherwise you'd be limited to  nick!ident@host, which is not terribly secure or great20:12
FuchsI'll be heading off to bed, but my colleagues should be around if you get stuck somewhere, check either  /stats p   or poke one in here or in #freenode :)20:14
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