
DzAirmaXRoyK: is 24 hours enough?00:00
keithzgDzAirmaX: Any time I've had bad memory, it's taken less than 24 hours to find out. But the main thing is the passes; once memtest has run all its tests more than once or twice you *probably* have the result (which, depending on the hardware in question, might take not much time at all)01:17
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keithzgAt least with all the RAM issues I've ever had, it's been very reliable. That is to say, the moment even the first test gets to a bad sector the errors start piling up.01:18
RoyKDzAirmaX: normally you just run it until it's done with all passes - older versions of memtest ran in a loop, I don't think the current ones do that anymore02:20
DzAirmaXok boyz02:21
DzAirmaXits not the ram02:21
DzAirmaXI have 2 passes02:21
DzAirmaXdone 2 passes like 2 cycles02:21
sarnoldit doesn't loop any more? aww02:22
RoyKall the passes?02:22
RoyKsarnold: last I checked, no02:22
sarnoldif you're in a hurry try manually selecting one of the 'random' passes, like #7 or something, I think that one has found most of my memory faults02:22
DzAirmaXRoyk: you boot on it and run the test, then it loops02:22
RoyKDzAirmaX: it goes through something like 7 or 8 tests phases, but at least last I ran it, it didn't start over after the last test02:24
RoyKyou should at least let it run through the first four stages02:24
DzAirmaXI did02:25
DzAirmaXits last  hours right?02:25
DzAirmaX6 hours02:25
RoyKmakes sense02:25
RoyKwell, probably not memory, then ;)02:26
RoyKis this intel?02:26
RoyKor amd02:26
RoyKdo you have mcelog installed?02:26
DzAirmaXno I have rsyslog and kdump02:26
DzAirmaXnothing shows02:26
RoyKinstall mcelog02:26
RoyKmachine check exception log02:26
RoyKindicating hardware failure02:27
DzAirmaXRoyK: Family 6 Model 5e CPU: only decoding architectural errors02:30
DzAirmaXRoyk: we good?02:30
RoyKit'll log and email you errors if they are discovered02:31
RoyK(that is, email you if you have configured the mta correctly)02:31
RoyKDzAirmaX: postfix or exim or sendmail or qmail or whatever obscurure thing you're using02:33
DzAirmaXall configured and working02:33
* RoyK prefers postfix02:33
DzAirmaXI just checked the nano /etc/mcelog/mcelog.conf02:33
DzAirmaXand its looking good ,)02:34
RoyKok, then it's just wait and see02:35
RoyKsometimes it's hard to provoke an error02:35
RoyKthe old way, which I beleive should work well still, is to recompile a kernel, using all cores02:36
RoyKit should stress pretty much everything on the system02:36
DzAirmaXthe system crash after 24 hours, I just have to be patient02:36
RoyKtry to compile a kernel02:37
sarnoldkernel compiles go too quickly these days02:37
RoyKit'll take some time and if you use make -j <numberofcores>, it'll stress pretty much everything02:37
RoyKsarnold: guess that depends on how many modules you're adding02:38
RoyKsarnold: it's still a nice way to stress the system, at least for a wee wile02:38
RoyKsarnold: it's still a nice way to stress the system, at least for a wee while02:38
DzAirmaXRoyK: what is the command for achieving what you are asking for?02:38
sarnoldwget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/testing/linux-4.8-rc6.tar.xz ; wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/testing/linux-4.8-rc6.tar.sign ; gpg linux-4.8-rc6.tar.sign && tar xf linux-4.8-rc6.tar.xv02:39
sarnoldcd linux-4.8* ; make defconfig ; make -j 6002:39
RoyKor .xz02:39
sarnoldsomething like that02:40
RoyKsarnold: make oldconfig, perhaps02:40
RoyKsarnold: cp /boot/config-something .config02:40
RoyKmake oldconfig02:40
sarnoldor make localmodconfig?02:40
DzAirmaXis it going to impact the actual kernel?02:45
sarnoldyou're just compiling it :) don't go to any effort to install it, or the modules02:45
DzAirmaXPlease enter name of data file:02:47
DzAirmaXafter the gpg linux-4.8-rc6.tar.sign && tar xf linux-4.8-rc6.tar.xv02:47
RoyKxz, not xv02:48
RoyKsarnold is probably drunk02:48
sarnoldgood idea02:48
patdk-laptar xaf02:48
RoyKtar xf02:48
DzAirmaXsame request02:48
RoyKDzAirmaX: use tab completion02:49
RoyKtar xz linux-5<tab>02:49
RoyK(that is *press the tab key*)02:49
RoyKsarnold: asking a newbie to compile a kernel can sometimes be bothersome :P02:49
sarnoldRoyK: it doesn't help that I'm a very lazy person and didn't try it first02:50
DzAirmaXI am maybe a newbie02:50
DzAirmaXbut there is definitively wrong in the command line02:50
RoyKwell, forget about the gpg sign part02:54
RoyKjust unpack the tarball and cd into the dir and cp /boot/config-whatever .config and run make oldconfig02:55
RoyKthe then run make -j $(lscpu |awk '/^CPU.s.:/ { print $2 }')02:56
RoyKthe then run make -j $(lscpu |awk '/^CPU.s.:/ { print $2+1 }')02:57
RoyKjust to stress it a bit extra02:57
sarnoldoh, that's the trouble. silly kernel devs didn't sign the .tar.xz, but the plain .tar.02:57
RoyKsarnold: shouldn't matter much, though02:57
sarnoldRoyK: btw man 1 nproc02:57
RoyKah - didn't know that one :)02:58
sarnoldRoyK: it depends on how much you like sending untrusted data through decompression programs02:58
RoyKthe then run make -j $(( $( nproc ) + 1 ))02:58
RoyKsarnold: satisfied? ;)02:59
DzAirmaXthanks boyz02:59
DzAirmaXnoob question again03:01
RoyKThere is no such thing as a dumb question, only stupid people ;)03:03
sarnoldRoyK: what are you doing up this early/late anyway? :)03:03
RoyKcouldn't sleep03:03
sarnold:( sorry to hear it03:03
RoyKI have a week off and gf is snoring like a small volcano03:04
sarnoldweek off is nice though :)03:04
DzAirmaXmake -j $(( $( nproc ) + 1 )) => I ahve to confirm every line03:04
DzAirmaXwhich is not intended I guess03:05
RoyKDzAirmaX: make oldconfig first03:05
RoyKDzAirmaX: that is03:05
RoyKcp /boot/config-4.4.0-31-generic (or whatever it's called at your place) to .config03:05
sarnoldDzAirmaX: when you're running 'make oldconfig' just hold down enter for a while03:05
RoyKas in cp /boot/config-4.4.0-31-generic .config03:05
RoyKthen run make oldconfig03:05
DzAirmaXok done03:05
DzAirmaXthanks for the compliment by the way, always appreciate the smart comment03:06
RoyKDzAirmaX: the part 'stupid people' goes to both sides, both to whoever asks and who answers ;)03:06
DzAirmaXRoyK: no worries br003:06
RoyKjust my little pun03:07
DzAirmaXscripts/extract-cert.c:21:25: fatal error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory03:07
DzAirmaXI guess this is not my night03:07
DzAirmaXthe server is going to crash anyways xD03:07
DzAirmaXstress or not stress03:07
sarnoldapt-get install libssl-dev03:07
sarnoldthen try again :/ whackamole to find them all..03:08
RoyKapt-get install build-essential # too03:08
sarnoldheh yes get that one out of the way quickly :)03:08
DzAirmaXyou were right03:08
DzAirmaXit's a good stress03:08
DzAirmaXwe will see how long it can handle it03:09
sarnold{standard input}: Fatal error: can't close drivers/net/ethernet/intel/i40e/.tmp_i40e_main.o: No space left on device03:09
RoyKtune2fs -m0, perhaps ;)03:10
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sarnoldnah, more like "don't build in a tmpfs"03:14
sarnoldrunning mosh / tmux / ssh / screen / and -then- running yes ""   inside is a good way to piss off a pandaboard03:14
sarnold100% cpu use, I had to kill mosh-server03:14
RoyKpoor panda03:15
RoyKendangered species - be nice03:15
DzAirmaXHow long shoud I stress it?03:21
sarnoldgood question03:22
sarnoldnormally a few cycles of this will find memory faults, if you have them, and if it uses all your RAM in the process..03:22
DzAirmaXthanks for your help boyz03:23
DzAirmaXgoing to let it work for the night03:23
sarnoldgood plan :) just don't forget to -look- at that terminal in the morning before using it :)03:24
sarnoldgoodnight :)03:24
jeffrey3234Im running Ubuntu server 14.04, I had about 100days uptime, the server reset itself for some reason, now when I try to run 'zpool status' Im getting Kernel modules are not loaded: http://codepad.org/yoLGvTJU04:59
jeffrey3234uname -r returns: 3.13.0-91-generic04:59
jeffrey3234if I try to start a vagrant box, I also get "WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded"05:00
jeffrey3234If I try to start these modules with modprobe I get: modprobe: FATAL: Module zfs not found.05:02
jeffrey3234Could this kernel be the problem? Should I try somethign like "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-91-generic"05:16
lordievaderGood morning06:29
baptistemmjeffrey3234: You have booted on a new kernel and certainly you don't have the zfs module and vboxdrv not compiled for this kernel version06:40
jeffrey3234baptistemm What do you suggest?06:54
jeffrey3234just reinstall these 2 modules?06:54
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hxmhi, is it possible to create a samba shared folder without editing smb.conf?08:51
hxmah, net usershare08:53
jamespageddellav, coreycb: the ryu update fixed the neutron-gateway n-ovs-agent hang for me09:13
jamespageI've pushed that into newton-proposed in the uCA09:13
ddellavjamespage i figured out my issue was dependency based: neutron-lbaas-agent : Depends: neutron-lbaas-common (= 2:9.0.0~b2-0ubuntu1~cloud0) but it is not going to be installed09:14
jamespageddellav, erm09:14
jamespageddellav, yeah - you need to update your neutron-gateway charm from the master branch09:14
jamespageddellav, we have a slight issue that orphaned binary packages are not removed from the uCA09:15
jamespageso you can still try to install neutron-lbaas-agent09:15
jamespagein the UCA09:15
jamespagebut it won't due to mismatching -common09:15
ddellavI'm using the o-c-t latest next.yaml, so i need to pull neutron-gateway manually then09:16
jamespageddellav, no09:20
jamespagebut you must run juju-deployer with the right cli args09:20
jamespageI'm not sure that by default it will automatically pull new charm versions from git repos09:20
ddellavwell my normal process is to delete the downloaded local charms before i run the command, then i do juju-deployer --bootstrap -c next.yaml -d xenial-newton09:21
ddellavi'll double check and make sure i deleted the right folder09:21
jamespageddellav, yeah I do the same09:34
ddellavjamespage ok i re-deleted the xenial directory and ran it again, got farther this time but now It's failing here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23172840/09:37
jamespageddellav, bzr pull on o-c-t09:37
jamespageddellav, coreycb: I'm happy with ovs+dpdk - those tested ok for me, so I'll backport those to newton-staging for more exposure09:40
jamespagelibvirt/qemu looks OK, but undecided as to whether we really need them09:40
jamespagethey are always the pain point for security issues09:40
cpaelzerjamespage: did you test the 16.07+2.6 combo updating your charm?09:41
jamespagecpaelzer, not with dpdk, but vanilla is just fine09:41
jamespagecpaelzer, I still don't have any real hardware to test on09:41
FManTropyxas what user does Apache2 run?09:41
cpaelzerjamespage: ok, I postpone running it ovs-dpdk on yakkety on a daily base for the last 8 workday or so :-/09:42
cpaelzerjamespage: I hope I can feed back what on the config changed to you so you can adopt in your charm09:42
cpaelzerwhenever I get to it09:42
jamespagesure - we can do that at any point09:42
jamespagecpaelzer, tbh I suspect we don't have fast amounts of users of that feature yet anywya09:42
bipulWhat is segments in lvdisplay09:49
cpaelzerbipul: a segment is a contiguous allocation of space on a pv10:06
bipulcpaelzer, So if i get segment = 2 that shows what?10:08
bipulPV physical volume is nothing but collection of P.E which is equal to 4 MB default. P.E= Size of partition in MB/410:09
bipul1 Physical extent = 4M, And Total P.E = Size of single Partition in MB/ 4*10:11
jamespagecpaelzer, congrats btw10:12
* jamespage looks forward to no longer uploading cpaelzer work :-)10:13
cpaelzerhehe, thanks - still I might ask for a review every now and then - so you might never get totally away :-)10:14
jamespagecpaelzer, do we have s390x porters yet btw?10:17
jamespageI wanted to try out the ovs test suite on powerpc and s390x (be's) to see if things have improved10:17
jamespagetesting powerpc now10:17
jamespagecoreycb, did the announce of b3 go out?10:19
jamespagecoreycb, ftr apparently I used to post to my blog as well which is syndicated to planet.openstack.org10:19
jamespageyou might want to setup something similar, or ask me todo that!10:19
jamespagecoreycb, posted on javacruft to get the syndication10:46
joeliokeen to know if I can help in anyway to get https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/7155 working.. I'm unsure as to why there's so much broken practice there10:56
cpaelzerjamespage: there were no s390x porterboxes that I'd new of - but there might still be some10:57
cpaelzerjamespage: if I can test something for you or lend you my machine let me know10:57
jamespagecpaelzer, just drop the s390x exclusion from d/rules, and try build the package!10:57
cpaelzerhehe, openvswitch as in yakkety?10:58
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jamespagecpaelzer, yes11:08
jamespageddellav, coreycb: uploaded snapshot of ceilometer with fixes for autopkgtest failures...11:08
jamespageI debated doing it on the released b3 version, but as we're coming up to rc I did not see that it would hurt.11:09
cpaelzerit seems I'm locked out of the vlan :-/ going to is ...11:13
cpaelzerah no, I just tried to log on from the wrong system for 3 minutes :-/11:14
cpaelzerjamespage: currently building, do I understand it right that you are interested int he test results that will now be executed?11:21
jamespagecpaelzer, yeah11:21
jamespageI had four failures on powerpc11:22
cpaelzerok, I'll check the console later and let you know then11:22
cpaelzerit just started tests, but those usually take a while11:22
cpaelzer1108 still no error ...11:35
cpaelzerwhich ones failed on powerpc ?11:35
cpaelzer2223 just failed when I checked the console, still ongoing11:45
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cpaelzerjamespage: 1159, 1165, 2223, 2237 failing - maybe the same four you had http://paste.ubuntu.com/23173348/12:12
jamespagecpaelzer, yes identical list12:35
jamespagecpaelzer, I renabled all tests last night - today getting some races and failures12:36
* jamespage sighs12:36
cpaelzerjamespage: on x86 you mean the transient ones we already had before?12:44
cpaelzeror races and failures on powerpc12:44
jamespagecpaelzer, yeah - I have a clean run on i386 armhf amd64 and arm64, so uploaded with just a single tests disabled on ppc64el12:44
jamespagetodays backport for the UCA has the old failures again12:44
cpaelzerand now they showed up again :-/12:45
* cpaelzer joins the sigh'ing12:45
jamespageI can only think that they really are racey, and when there is more load on the builders, we see these problems12:45
cpaelzeryes, but that "just" means you have to continue masking them12:45
cpaelzerI'm rather happy with just 4 errors on the be architectures12:45
FManTropyxI somehow like Ubuntu as server OS more than my CentOS12:54
cpaelzerFManTropyx: you are in the right chan to find a lot of ack's :-)12:55
FManTropyxhahah, I thought that comment would probably be less successful on #centos12:56
FManTropyxI just need to learn more, to better manage the system12:56
cpaelzerFManTropyx: like managing many systems as one as an admin including deployment and such, or just managing a linux system in general?12:57
FManTropyxjust my tiny little VPS12:57
elKosynierohey guys I'm trying to install seedbox on my server. Is there any script which can do it fast?13:19
cpaelzerelKosyniero: https://www.reddit.com/r/seedboxes/comments/3ntadw/best_tutorial_for_manually_setting_up_a_seedbox/ ?13:22
elKosynierocpaelzer: thanks. I'm looking for multi-user tutorial but these ones are not ;>13:26
NOVAtechihello, all.  i'm having a problem with a remote host accepting ssh connections.  it seems like my computers ip got banned somehow and i can't figure out how to unban it14:09
NOVAtechii thought i whitelisted it but all connections from this one computer are refused14:09
joelioNOVAtechi: check in iptables, are you using fail2ban or denyhosts?14:13
joelio#sudo iptables -L -v -n14:13
joelioif not then in hosts.deny or something. Are you getting anything back (actual rejected connection) or is it a steath drop?14:14
joelioetc. etc. :)14:14
NOVAtechiusing fail2ban,  i'll double check iptables.  when trying to connect it says 'network error: remote host refuses connection'14:18
NOVAtechithe only thing i can think of is there is a key conflict14:19
NOVAtechiwhat if i used a proxy to reroute the traffic so the remote host thinks i'm coming from somewhere else?14:21
NOVAtechiit's a dirty workaround but i think that will work for now14:21
NOVAtechiproxy didn't work, this host is downstairs so i'll be a minute14:27
jak2000not know why, always always need type: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 for start work with network card? any advice? thanks14:40
NOVAtechiso apparently my fail2ban configs got all crazy14:48
NOVAtechireloaded from last weeks backups and that fixed the problem14:48
NOVAtechiany idea how that could've happened?14:49
NOVAtechimy fail2ban and ssh configs were both read/write to everyone14:49
NOVAtechiwhen to check them and the whole thing was blown away, completely empty.14:51
elKosynierowhen I'm sending files from server to server then one file is sent with speed 20mb/s and next 500kb/s14:52
elKosynierohow can I check what it is so slow??14:52
elKosynieroCPU usage is low, memory as well14:52
smoseranyone know anything about xenstore ?15:17
smoseron a vm rackspace guest, i expected i'd be able to see some things in xenstore15:18
smoser# xenstore-ls15:18
smoserxenstore-ls: xs_directory (/local): Permission denied15:18
craptalkwhat can i possibly do with ubuntu server that i am using in my own home LAN?15:42
nacccraptalk: not sure I understand the question? or maybe it's too broad? you can do whatever you want with your ubuntu server15:44
craptalknacc, is it hard to use it? lets say for file server or something ?15:44
craptalknacc, what do you want to suggest for such local network usage?15:45
nacccraptalk: it totally depends on your needs15:45
craptalknacc, since i am asking you, what do you think it is cool to do with it?15:45
naccif you don't have needs for a server, don't run a server? :)15:45
craptalki need learn how to manage it15:45
nacccraptalk: why?15:46
craptalknacc, i am asked to handle server with ubuntu in it15:46
nacccraptalk: by who? what will that server be doing?15:48
craptalknacc, lol, it is not important man, i just need your suggestion15:49
craptalknacc, i want to do it within the local network and play with what ubuntu server can do15:50
craptalkfile server, managing user control to access the files, maybe some network additional usage15:50
nacccraptalk: ok, do those things?15:50
craptalknacc, yes15:51
coreycbjamespage, yes b3 announce went out last week. I'll be sure to blog it in the future as well.15:57
nacccraptalk: to be clear, i meant those are all things you can do with ubuntu server, so do them.15:58
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bipulI would be very thankful if someone help me to understand the back end process of how temporary vg is creating and data is being migrated from /dev/sda1 PV to /dev/sda3 PV http://paste.ubuntu.net/23174271/16:25
rbasakjgrimm: would you like to take bug 1611923?16:25
ubottubug 1611923 in python-django (Ubuntu) "http.request does not support ipv6-formatted ipv4 addresses" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161192316:25
jgrimmrbasak, ack16:26
naccrbasak: would you have time for a quick HO today?16:26
rbasaknacc: briefly, give me ten minutes?16:27
naccrbasak: sure, that's fine with me16:27
rbasakSorry I know I didn't get back to you yesterday16:27
naccrbasak: totally fine!16:27
naccrbasak: we can also talk tmrw AM my time, if that'd work better for you16:27
rbasakpowersj: how about bug 1448500 and bug 1583503? For the latter, determining a Won't Fix may be fine if nobody is actually affected any more (due to the workaround in neutron).16:31
ubottubug 1448500 in tftp-hpa (Ubuntu) "tftp-hpa doesn't accept IPv4 connections by default" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144850016:31
ubottubug 1583503 in keepalived (Ubuntu Xenial) "keepalived fails to start when PID file is empty" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158350316:31
powersjrbasak, ok! I'll add to sheet16:32
rbasakThank you!16:32
rbasaknacc: rebooting now. I'll send you an invite in 2-3 minutes probably.16:40
naccrbasak: thanks16:42
cyphermoxjgrimm: hi! I have this MIR bug which seems to be about packages that would be maintained by your team, I think16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1620293 in python-requests-kerberos (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-requests-kerberos and pykerberos (deps of python-keystoneauth1)" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:44
cyphermoxfor the MIR bug I would need to know if keystoneauth1 must require kerberos and checking that there is sign-off on committing to maintain these packages16:45
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jgrimmcyphermox, looking16:59
jgrimmcyphermox, tho i'm guessing openstack team unless its generally being used by other packages16:59
jgrimmcyphermox, yeah, we've split out openstack only dependencies to "Ubuntu OpenStack" team.   Those 2 packages mentioned in the MIR would seem to apply.17:08
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fricklercould someone take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1621257 ? this seems to affect mitaka as well as master, so it might well be caused by some package below nova18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1621257 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "VNC console keeps reporting "setkeycodes 00" exception" [Undecided,Invalid]18:03
cyphermoxjgrimm: alright, thanks18:16
SupaYoshiHi guys, I'm currently busy following this tutorial on how to setup a secure LEMP server with specific users / groups for each individual website.18:42
SupaYoshiHowever, I'm stuck since the tutorial was written for PHP5 FPM, I'm using PHP 7.18:43
naccSupaYoshi: are you on 14.04?18:43
SupaYoshiNow in the instructions it tells, me to put this into my php 7 conf.18:43
SupaYoshilisten = /var/run/php5-fpm-site1.sock18:43
SupaYoshiYes I am.18:43
naccSupaYoshi: so you're using a PPA? php7 isn't supported officially in 14.0418:44
SupaYoshiYeah I am using the PPA.18:44
SupaYoshiI believe.18:44
naccSupaYoshi: as much help as I'm willing to give, you'd probably follow the guide at: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-nginx-mysql-php-lemp-stack-in-ubuntu-16-0418:44
naccSupaYoshi: which is updated for php718:44
SupaYoshiAh I see.18:44
naccSupaYoshi: but regardless, not supported here, really :)18:44
SupaYoshiyeah, when I installed 14.04 that was the latest LTS.18:44
SupaYoshi:P Okay.18:45
SupaYoshiWell. Thanks for the guide.18:45
SupaYoshiDo you suggest me upgrading the system to 16.04?18:45
naccregardless of LTS, using a PPA takes you out of support in this case (php7.0 not present at all in official 14.04)18:45
SupaYoshiI;ve never really done a release-upgrade before on a server. I've a homeserver with 12.04.18:45
naccSupaYoshi: that's totally up to you, i'd say18:45
SupaYoshiI'm asking what you would do, and why yes or no.18:45
SupaYoshiTrying to learn a bit from experienced people ;)18:46
naccI don't administer any servers, so I'm probably not the right person to ask :)18:46
SupaYoshihehe. Okay! No bother.18:47
SupaYoshiWell.. the tuturoail you gave me isn't for securing users in their own jail. / website.19:04
SupaYoshiSo I'm going to go to #php and try there ;)19:04
SupaYoshiThanks though!19:04
naccSupaYoshi: i meant just compare the sections about php19:05
naccSupaYoshi: it will require *some* thought on your part :)19:05
SupaYoshiThanks ;)19:07
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=== smoser` is now known as smoser
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
=== Guest96370 is now known as Adri2000
=== Guest72628 is now known as mwhudson
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest56430
=== masACC is now known as maswan
jgrimmxnox, what's happening with qemu 2.6.1?22:01
=== imr is now known as i-
=== Guest67489 is now known as spammy

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