
bluesabreevening all00:55
ochosibluesabre: conveniently ignored all my pings, eh? :)06:10
Unit193I know. :(06:11
flocculanthi ochosi 06:11
flocculantochosi: pinged seb - blaming you :p06:24
flocculantand he threw the ball - I should have thought about Mathieu :)06:29
flocculantbluesabre: assuming you've got yak installed - have you tried webcam/mugshot?06:33
nairwolfhi flocculant 06:46
nairwolfwebcam with mugshot works ? 06:46
nairwolfI haven't found the button to take a photo with the webcam06:46
flocculantyea - it's disabled - hence asking bluesabre - who's going to know what he did to disable it - and re-enable it and test it :)06:48
nairwolfoh, ok06:48
flocculantnairwolf: your ubiquity/create partition box has been handed over to canonical now btw06:50
nairwolfthank you. I'm reading logs from yesterday, right now. I've seen builds are come back in the tracker ;)06:50
nairwolfflocculant: yeah, I've seen that06:51
nairwolfBut nobody confirmed what I've seen on Libreoffice Calc ? 06:51
nairwolfI need to confirm it again06:51
flocculantakxwi-dave: admin on -testers so you can contact members 07:12
nairwolfochosi: for the bug with the partition box, you said you have created a patch ? But it's not on the build, right ? 07:19
nairwolfflocculant: do you know if someone is in charged of this bug : 162230307:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622303 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Fails to unlock/ resume to black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:20
nairwolfBecause, this is really annoying, don't you think ?07:20
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [yakkety] r619 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-core-doc)07:20
flocculantbluesabre is looking at it07:22
nairwolfochosi said "flocculant: btw, in the future pls add these bugs to the bugs blueprint". Does it talk about this http://dev.xubuntu.org/#tab-details/spec=xubuntu-y-bugs ?07:23
nairwolfBut, I'm not sure I can add anything07:24
nairwolfoh, this is done from this page ? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-y-bugs07:24
flocculantbut - please don't randomly add things to it07:25
flocculanthas to be confirmed07:25
flocculanthas to be something that Xubuntu can fix07:25
nairwolfAnd this one is not related to Xubuntu ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-locker/+bug/162230307:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622303 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Fails to unlock/ resume to black screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:28
nairwolfoh, no, it's light-locker07:29
flocculantsomeone's looking at it - and it's on the bug list too07:29
flocculantyea - I changed it recently after talking to Sean07:29
nairwolfI don't see this bug on dev.xubuntu.org07:30
flocculantnot real-time updating07:31
nairwolfok ;)07:31
flocculantoff now07:31
nairwolflight-locker is not from xfce ? 07:49
nairwolfwhere is from ? 07:49
nairwolfDoes xfce has a something equivalent to light-locker ? 07:49
nairwolfI still have the bug issue with libreoffice calc : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/162226008:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622260 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Calc doesn't highlight focused box" [Undecided,New]08:16
nairwolfI need to try this with Ubuntu08:16
nairwolfwhere is from the command 'umount' ? 08:41
nairwolfI've seen something related to umount08:41
nairwolfIf you have an usb key called 'Xubuntu 16.16 amd64', usually, when you type 'umount /media/' then tab. You should have the autocompletion 'umount /media/nairwolf/Xubuntu 16.10 amd64'. But I haven't. It stops to 'umount /media/nairwolf/Xubuntu'08:43
knomenairwolf, what does 'ls /media/nairwolf' say?09:17
bluesabreochosi, certainly wasn't intentional09:32
bluesabreochosi, that patch looks easy enough for the ubuntu folks to review and include09:33
nairwolfknome: Xubuntu 16.10 amd6409:36
nairwolfI've sent an email to explain that09:36
nairwolfI'm downloading Ubuntu Yakkety to test it09:36
bluesabreUnit193, for elementary-xfce-icon-theme and xubuntu-icon-theme, what would be the best way to have "elementary-xfce-icon-theme" and for each to set the distributor logo?09:39
bluesabreUnit193, perhaps it would be unset in "elementary-xfce-icon-theme" and there would be additional conflicting packages generated "-generic", "-xubuntu", "-mythbuntu", etc that set it?09:44
nairwolfknome: I can confirm the auto-completion bug with Ubuntu11:03
nairwolfBut, I'm unable to confirm the one with libreoffice. 11:03
flocculantbluesabre: good morning :)11:05
ochosiflocculant: thanks!11:18
flocculantochosi: welcome :)11:18
nairwolfI've reported this bug on the tracker : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/162298711:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622987 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "Auto-completion seems broken with umount command" [Undecided,New]11:20
flocculantnairwolf: maybe ask in #ubuntu-bugs what to report it against, might even find that someone knows an existing bug for that umount issue11:21
nairwolfit's not related to Xubuntu11:21
nairwolfwe were synchronized ;)11:21
flocculantor not 11:21
nairwolfGood idea ;)11:21
nairwolfBy the way, I couldn't reproduce the bug with Libreoffice Calc on Ubuntu11:21
nairwolfbut I've seen it again with the daily build11:22
nairwolfI know you were unable to see it flocculant...11:22
nairwolfI'm wondering why...11:22
flocculantochosi: I'll try and catch Mathieu later today re that 11:22
flocculantneed to try and catch stgraber too :p11:22
ochosicool, ty11:32
sakrecoerUnit193, bluesabre: i'm not to clear about your issue, but if it can help some how, we do have this for the distribution logo: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/trunk11:53
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Unit193bluesabre: tl;dr of compat 10: --with autoreconf, --with systemd and --parallel by default.17:23
flocculantcyphermox: you about ?18:04
flocculantcyphermox: quick ubiquity issue - not sure if you saaw pings in -desktop from ~12 hours ago18:18
flocculantbasically > https://launchpadlibrarian.net/283994776/ubiquity.png18:19
flocculantfor which ochosi has done mp on bug 162225818:19
ubottubug 1622258 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Partition creation box during installation is too small" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162225818:19
cyphermoxyup I merged in this change already18:34
cyphermoxlooks like I uploaded it too18:35
ochosiawesome, thanks cyphermox!18:38
nairwolfcyphermox: thank you for the merge ;) 18:38
nairwolfSo, it should be in the daily build tomorrow, right ? 18:38
cyphermoxyeah, most likely18:41
cyphermoxit's currently in proposed, I expect it will make it to -release soonish18:41
flocculantcyphermox: awesome :)18:43
Unit193Oh bah, now I have to make a new VM.18:43
flocculantUnit193: ha 18:43
ochosiwell i'll be happy if that one is fixed. the progressbar issue is less of a problem18:44
Unit193I'm, uh, actually testing to see if another bug in that is fixed. :P18:45
nairwolfUnit193: which another bug ? 18:45
Unit193nairwolf: Crashing installer.18:57
nairwolfOh, I haven't seen that18:57
Unit193Wouldn't, it's only Xubuntu Core.18:57
nairwolfoh, ok18:57
flocculantsometimes :p18:58
Unit193flocculant: No, there's a workaround. :P18:58
flocculantinstall from desktop :D18:58
Unit193Heh, https://bugs.debian.org/83770818:58
ubottuDebian bug 837708 in thunar "thunar: Segfault after file rename" [Normal,Open]18:58
Unit193flocculant: Nope, different one. :P18:58
flocculantwoohoo - 2 workrounds - we're cooking with gas now :)18:59
nairwolfOh, I'm suffering from Thunar bug right now !19:06
nairwolfI renamed a file !19:06
Unit193Silly nairwolf, you know you aren't supposed to rename files.19:07
nairwolfI'm sick ;)19:11
Unit193Noooope, still crashing away. :D19:13
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ochosiflocculant: good news: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2016-09-1323-51-24.php21:51
bluesabreochosi, yay21:58
ochosinow i only have to find the LP bug id and i can push it21:58
ochosiand then i'll go ahead and release 3.20.121:58
ochosiso you guys can get it uploaded21:58
bluesabreochosi, sounds good to me21:59
* Unit193 already called not it.22:00
* bluesabre calls it.22:00
ochosidoes anyone have the bug id handy?22:01
ochosisomehow i can't seem to find it and it's not linked to our bugs blueprint22:01
bluesabreone sec22:02
ochosioh, found it22:02
bluesabreochosi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/greybird-gtk-theme/+bug/161770522:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1617705 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Unstarted installation indicators show tiny amount of progress" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:02
ochosithanks anyway22:03
ochosibtw, we might need a UIFe for this22:05
ochosibecause it's not just the patch, but also the few tweaks i did22:05
ochosimostly deflating22:05
ochosiand your plank theme22:06
bluesabreochosi, don't suppose this was also fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/greybird-gtk-theme/+bug/161771122:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1617711 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Resize screen hard to read" [Undecided,New]22:07
ochosii wasnt even aware of that one22:08
ochosioh wow, that looks terrible22:08
ochosiwell at the moment i can't even get to that dialog because of this funny thing: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2016-09-1400-08-58.php22:09
bluesabre"at least" = "more than"22:10
ochosipotato potato22:10
bluesabrepotato grapefruit22:12
ochosianyway, ubiquity refuses to let me use the gtk inspector on it22:13
ochosiso i'll have to look at the source code anyway22:13
bluesabreeven with 22:14
bluesabreGTK_DEBUG=interactive ?22:14
ochosimaybe a polkit issue22:14
ochosican't really find the ui sheet for that page in ubiquity though22:15
ochosivery odd22:15
ochosimaybe it's drawn in teh code22:15
* knome draws a fish in ochosi's notebook22:16
bluesabrehi knome 22:23
knomehey bluesabre 22:26
bluesabrewhat's up?22:27
knomeshredding old usb disks and cleaning up closets22:27
ochosibluesabre: i've stolen your screenshot and recycled it in my blog post ;) http://simon.shimmerproject.org/2016/09/13/greybird-3-20-1-released-mostly-bugfixes/22:27
bluesabreochosi, alrighty, enjoy the corner mugshot launcher :D22:28
ochosippl will think it's a fancy logout menu ;)22:29
bluesabreworks for me :)22:29
ochosiso sucks a bit i didn't know about this other bug22:29
ochosibut well, the more annoying ones are fixed22:29
ochosibtw, i will probably need another greybird release (or at least patch) so we can get the "CSD as toolbar" situation fixed22:30
bluesabredefinitely, and we'll get that other one fixed sooner than later probably22:30
ochosiand probably some help with MRs22:30
bluesabrejust gotta ping me and I can nag22:31
ochosiwell in evince i can already fix the problem22:31
ochosibut we need analogous patches for the other apps that we ship by default or care about22:31
bluesabreI'll see about getting a list together of those22:32
ochosiit's a really simple patch22:32
ochosiyou should be able to do that for any given app with a headerbar patch22:32
ochosifile-roller is high on my list22:32
ochosiif you can get that done, i'll get the additional lines into greybird22:32
ochosii wanted to get the first one done to set a precedent22:33
ochosinow you can always refer to this one without having to argue too much to get the patch accepted22:33
bluesabreyeah, that will definitely help22:33
bluesabreI wonder how these look with light-themes22:34
ochosinot too bad22:34
ochosithey don't draw borders on their headerbars22:35
ochosibut i dunno whether that's due to this visual conflict22:35
ochosiatm thereis no maintainer for their themes anyway22:35
ochosiand i'm not even talking about a designer22:36
bluesabrethat's pretty crazy22:37
ochosieverybody is waiting for/working on unity8...22:38
ochosiplus nobody from the community stepped up so far22:39
bluesabreThe "redo everything every six months" is probably not exciting for potential maintainers22:47
Unit193"We'd rather work on something a handful of people are using than something everyone uses"22:48
Unit193flocculant: You ever test things with UEFI?22:48
ochosi"we'd rather work on something we use ourselves"22:48
ochosithat ^ is my main reason for not doing it22:48
ochosiplus yeah, ofc, the gtk3 theme breakage is not fun22:49
ochosialthough it seems gtk3.22 will be largely compatible with 3.20 ;)22:49
knomecomparatively or objectively? :P22:49
bluesabreochosi, my laptop is uefi22:49
bluesabreas far as testing things, everything just works if I stay on *ubuntu22:50
ochosiyeah, mine is uefi as well22:50
ochosianyway, sleepytime22:52
ochosinight y'all22:52
knomenighty y'one22:53
Unit193Oh gosh cdimage is slow.22:57
Unit193(So I rsync it from my server, cuts the time down by more than half.)23:00

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