
jarnoshexchat started without menus. Any idea how to get them back?08:29
cfhowlettjarnos, close it and restart from terminal.  catch any errors08:30
jarnoscfhowlett, no messages in terminal08:33
cfhowlettjarnos, so no menus means ... it goes straight to channel?08:34
jarnoscfhowlett, it goes to autojoined channels automatically08:35
cfhowlettjarnos, right.  OK, you can rename your hexchat config file and it will default to factory fresh behavior08:35
jarnoscfhowlett, ok, I had to change a line to "gui_hide_menu = 0". I can then switch it off again in View menu, but the advertised key combo Ctrl+F9 does not work.08:42
cfhowlettjarnos, sorry, can't help you there.08:42
jarnoscfhowlett, maybe it is because Ctrl-F9 is the key shortcut for "Workspace 9" in Xfce Window Manager.08:48
cfhowlettjarnos, yes, they could very easily be in conflict08:49
jarnoscfhowlett, is that shortcut used in Xfce general or is it specific to Xubuntu?08:54
cfhowlettwell, it should be specific to xfce I would think08:55
cfhowlettbut changeable08:55
jarnoscfhowlett, so which package should the bug report be done against?08:56
cfhowlettjarnos, well, is that really a bug, though?08:57
cfhowlettxfce did what xfce does.  sadly, hexchat used the came keybinding08:57
jarnoscfhowlett, sadly I can not report a bug against hexchat now. (Timeout error in Launchpad)09:05
FurkiepurkieI got the minimal version of xubuntu but I'm missing the printing options. Google tells me I need xfprint but I'm unable to locate that package09:56
jarnosFurkiepurkie, what is minimal version of Xubuntu?10:12
Furkiepurkiejarnos: https://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/10:13
jarnosFurkiepurkie, would installing system-config-printer-gnome and using system-config-printer to configure?10:18
FurkiepurkieI'll try that10:27
Furkiepurkienice, works perfectly10:32
Furkiepurkiethanks jarnos10:32
czwolfHello still solving this situation - 3 scripts. I may not be able to do it without a simple example, please look:10:34
czwolfA) terminal.sh starts a xfce4-terminal window. I want to start the execution of10:34
czwolfB) myscript.sh in that terminal window any later. (Can be simple or complicated, e. g. just: echo test in it. It will end or crash.)10:34
czwolfC) starter.sh is my 3rd script which triggers the execution of myscript.sh10:34
czwolfWhat I need: 1. terminal window will NOT close & 2. terminal will keeps accepting inputs from starter.sh. Possible, how?10:34
knome'xfce4-terminal -H' keeps the terminal open even after the child process has ended10:41
knomei don't understand why you are complicating this with three scripts10:42
knomewhy do you need starter.sh?10:42
czwolfknome yes but the original terminal will do nothing more. Starter.sh is triggered by some monitor, but that is another story. That monitor keeps an eye on a running process. Yes, it is the code run by myscript.sh and it is a mono application. So what I am presenting is the most simplified scenario, because I need all 3.10:45
knomeok, so you want to have two terminals open, right?10:47
knomethe other runs myscript.sh, and if the script ends or crashes, you want to keep that terminal window opwn10:47
knomeand the other terminal does what?10:47
knomeyou run starter.sh in it?10:48
knomefor the terminal that runs myscript, just run 'xfce4-terminal -H -x myscript.sh'10:49
knomeyou don't need another script to run the terminal10:49
czwolfknome One is enough. But when the process in it stops or fails, I would like to open in the same window a new process by that 3rd script. What happens now is when I come to pc I see empty console with crashed program and a new console I know nothing about how it performed. So the idea is I would scrooll the console simply and see how many times it crashed, what were the reasons and how many times it was restarted. Cos I have more such consoles would be10:49
czwolfnice to see that in one window10:49
knomeok... the -H parameter lets you do that10:49
knomeis the idea of starter.sh to simply run myscript.sh again when it ends or crashes?10:50
knomeeg. you want to loop running myscript.sh?10:50
czwolfknome that is solved. myscript.sh is being monitored and restarted. But not in the same console. if I want it in the same console and keep all outputs in front of my eyes I must be present when it crashes and start it there manually. Otherwise it statrs in a new console which, after being killed or crashes, leaves without trace. The program may need to be killed when it gets irresponsible so that my watchdog also does10:52
czwolfSo the whole idea is to alter my manual input by script input10:52
czwolfscript which represents my hands should be starter.sh10:53
czwolfSo that one console I would like to see always running10:54
knomeso what you basically want is to run myscript.sh on the same terminal even after it crashed?10:54
czwolfthe terminal did not crash, the code in it yes10:54
knomeyes, the script.10:54
czwolfmono application in that console sometimes crashes yes10:54
knomeit sounds like you want a while loop in starter.sh10:56
czwolfwell what it does now is this:10:57
czwolfmono /home/user/path/app/bin/OpenSim.exe10:58
czwolfthat is all10:58
czwolfIt opens new window10:58
czwolfwhen it crashes, it again opens new window .... etc.10:58
knomeok, so you need to figure out how to run a mono application in the same terminal you run it from.11:00
czwolfI can do it manually but not by a script - I do not know how11:00
knomehow do you do it manually then?11:00
czwolfI can only type it by my fingers into that console. (I can do it before my starter.sh notices that the program does not run)11:01
knomeso it's the exact same command you run?11:02
czwolfyes, in ideal case it would be the same comand11:02
czwolfnow scripts starts new11:02
knomei'm not talking ideal; which command are you typing when you run the script manually?11:02
czwolfmono /home/user/path/app/bin/OpenSim.exe11:03
knomedo you compile the exe yourself?11:03
czwolfno it is opensimserver11:04
czwolfso manually I start directly that mono exe file11:04
knomei would look in the mono documentation11:05
knomebut what you really want is this:11:06
czwolfWell, you think I can find there info how to start a process in a sconsole with a given name?11:06
knomewhen you run the terminal that starts your script, simply run:11:06
knomexfce4-terminal -H -x starter.sh11:06
knomein starter.sh, you want this:11:06
knomewhile true; do11:06
knome  # run script here11:06
knomeyou need to read the mono documentation; mono starts the new terminal11:07
czwolfOh that may do the thing knome - that run script here = which script?11:07
knomemyscript.sh, or to be exact, just put the mono line there.11:08
czwolfmono /home/user/path/app/bin/OpenSim.exe11:08
knomeconsidering myscript.sh doesn't have anything else than that line11:08
knomeyes, that11:08
czwolfoh ... OK knome, that may solve my months of searching :) Looking if it will do. Ty11:08
knome(and see, you actually only need one script, not three...)11:09
czwolfknome this generates "syntax error: inexpected end of file" The content of the file is just as you said: while true; do11:31
czwolfrun mono /home/user/path/app/bin/OpenSim.exe11:31
knomewhy "run"?11:32
knomeand you are missing the last line; "done"11:32
knome(without the quotes)11:33
czwolfoh ok, changing that, I thought I need to copy it whole11:33
knomenope. just as you would run it in a terminal11:33
ircnode0Where is default audios files in Xubuntu system?13:49
ircnode0I tried to find mp3 from the root, but couldn't find any.13:49
ircnode0Nevermind, found two ogg-files in Xubuntu.13:51
babshello I was wondering if I'm the only one having an issue with a non matching icon size on the elementary-xfce theme ?14:37
babsspecificly the gtk-disconnect.png in 32x3214:39
DrunkenDwarfHi all. The live USB for "Try Xubuntu" is formatted for testing the system, is there an easy way to get a standard install of Xubuntu (without installer and Grub "try" menu) on to a bootable usb?15:14
xubuntu36whola? :c16:10
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letaHi all!19:33
letaI am running Xubuntu 16.04.1 and couple of things are bothering me...19:34
letaFirst, connecting to hidden networks does not work. I have to delete it and then create it to connect again.19:35
letaSecond, how can I turn off bluetooth by default?19:35
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Furkiepurkieleta: bluetooth off19:55
Furkiepurkiealthough I dont know if it makes it default as well, but I think it does19:55
letaNope, it does not..19:55
letaEvery time I turn the computer on, the bluetooth is on...19:55
knobleta, did you google?    I remember same BT thing happening to me, and I quickly found the answer on how to turn it off on every restart.20:15
letaWhat I found was disabling the whole bt module20:16
letaIn that case I could not easily enable it when I need it...20:16
letaI will google it tomorrow.20:16
letaAny ideas for WiFi?20:16
ondondilleta: Maybe turning blueman off by default will help? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Blueman#Configuration20:17
ondondilDon't mind me if I'm wrong. I'm just a casual user ;)20:17
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