
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest78383
=== Guest78383 is now known as pavlushka
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
BilelHI every one !10:31
elachecheHello Bilel10:35
elachecheHello from Tunisia Bilel :)10:36
BilelHello elacheche how are you  ?10:36
elacheche3id sa3id :D10:37
elachecheGood thanks! :)à10:37
elachecheWelcome to #ubuntu-africa, how can we I help you?10:37
BilelThank you ! elacheche :) but i just i take a look from time to time :) what's new ?? our last meeting i have a broblrm with my connexion where can i find a review??10:39
elachecheOh! You're a regular memebr x) My bad I never came to meetings to meet you, sorry10:43
elachecheBut why you're not on #ubuntu-tn? Do I know you IRL?10:43
Bilelelacheche: i am mkadmi bilel membre with Na3iL in ISETchux :)11:07
Bileldid you remeber me ?11:07
CraigZimHello Bilel , elacheche  aND ALL11:09
Bilelhi CraigZim Welcome to #ubuntu-africa  :)11:09
elachecheOh! Yeah! hey there x)11:10
elachechehello CraigZim :)11:10
elachecheit's not good to use white spaces in wikis names ;) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bilel%20mkadmi11:11
elachecheI don't recommand that11:11
elachecheAny IT/SysAdmins online (new) quiz?14:02
theShirbinyelacheche, you want one?14:15
elachechealready addicted to those github links :)14:22
elachecheThanks for the 3rd14:22
elachecheI was looking for something like this one theShirbiny http://endscreen.sysengquiz3.host/ (if you didn't try it yet, go ahead and try, it's very cool)14:22
theShirbinyvery cool, thanks :D14:24
elachecheLooking forward to see your name in the wall of fame.. afaik there is only 2 north africains in that list.. I know you'll be the 3rd :)14:27
elachechetheShirbiny: this is not a challenge link, but something cool if you didn't see it before https://github.com/NARKOZ/hacker-scripts14:29
theShirbinyThanks elacheche :D,  at least one of us believes in me :D14:46
theShirbinyelacheche, what code is he talking about in the first link?14:46
theShirbiny"Send a mail with your code to alex8philipp@gmail.com and we'll add you."14:47
elachecheThe whole challenge is made via ssh, so when you finish all stagess you'll get a code14:47
theShirbinyYou know how do i get started?14:48
elachecheSorry, they list that in "http://endscreen.sysengquiz3.host/halloffame.html"  here you go → ssh hack@into.sysengquiz3.host14:49
elacheche15:46:13 theShirbiny | Thanks elacheche :D,  at least one of us believes in me → Yeah sure! I managed to pass it, it'll be a peace of cake for you14:57
elachechetheShirbiny: the amazon one is a good challenge.. I think that I should switch to some RHEL based servers :/15:07
theShirbinySlow internet today :( I'll have to start over again15:13
theShirbinyelacheche, Can you believe I can't pass because of the stupid snake game?15:37
elachecheOh! Yeah, it bugs with bad internet, you can skip it, it's just there to entrtain you while preparing the next stage(vm)15:40
elachecheinstead of using "enter" to start the snake game wrote "skip"15:41
elachecheit'll skip it and prepare and you wait for a minute or 2 until the next stage is ready15:42
theShirbinyI can't skip it!15:43
theShirbinyI'll start all over again -_-15:44
elachechethe dev of that quizz said that you can skip it by wrtiting skip15:44
elachecheI guess you should do that in the 1st attemp.. I never skipped it anyway x)15:45
theShirbinyIt worked!15:45
theShirbinyelacheche, done !16:31
theShirbinyvery very nice16:32
elachecheCool! :D x) I know you're better than me x)16:34
elachecheI passed it in 2 or 3 days.. :/16:35
elachecheDid you used compose or just docker?16:35
theShirbinycompose, slow internet was the real challenge xD16:36
elachecheI had no experience with compose.. So I find it easier to use docker run.. But then, I understood that compose is easier x)16:36
theShirbinyyup, I've only used compose once and I had to read while working on it16:37
elachecheWhat really helped me is reading the official postgresql image page,16:39
theShirbinyI've never used pg in my life16:40
elachecheyou asked them to add your name to the Hall of fame or youre not interested? :D16:40
elachechesame here, but in that page, they tell you how to link the conainter to a data container to share the volume.. That thing I never used, so it was the clue to all16:41
theShirbinyI did that in the last 5 minutes, just went to https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/16:42
theShirbinyand ctrl+f volume and found volumes_from16:42
elachecheyou asked them to add your name to the Hall of fame or youre not interested? :D16:43
theShirbinyI'll sure ask them, I'm currently looking for a small career shift16:44
theShirbinymore DevOps/SE16:45
theShirbinyI'm currently a Red Hat Certified Engineer and I find it boring16:45
elachecheCool.. They created the challenge because they're lookingfor a SRE → https://local-ch.jobbase.io/job/q2h96oro16:46
elacheche"boring" you mean you're not using your skills in your current job?16:46
theShirbinycorrect, I can develop I can do CI/CD, why just "install and configure services"16:47
theShirbinyI'm currently as Enterprise Support Engineer, I just go to banks and ISP to check on their infra's health, and that I consider boring16:48
elachecheI see16:49
theShirbinyThanks for everything elacheche :)16:51
elacheche  thanks for the links too theShirbiny ! the aws one is really challenging, I'm not used to play with RHEL based boxes, so I'm missing some tricks16:52
theShirbinylet me know if you need any help :D16:54
elachechesure! :)16:55
elachechethanks :)16:55
elachecheIf you know any OSS project that need an other volounteer to it's IT/DevOps team let me know..16:55
elachecheI tried to contribute to debian Infra Team, but couldn't, there is too much documentation on how to do it.. But no documentation on how to really start  → They tell you to start by submitting a patch, but you find projects in git but no related bugs in the tracker.. so it's kind hard to contribute to an infrateam16:58
theShirbinywill do, you can find more challenges on https://trueability.com/16:59
theShirbinylooks like it's not free17:00
elachecheit was free, and was awesome.. Until some company bought it17:00
elachecheI had a good profile there..17:00
theShirbinyyeah, I remember being able to just start tests17:01
theShirbinyelacheche, you did any CTFs?17:02
elachecheTried to, but that need some spare time and some focus, I can get that only @home, but @home I don't have a powerfull pc and a good net x)17:04
theShirbinyyou don't need a powerful pc for that :p17:06
theShirbinytry these, https://github.com/wapiflapi/exrs17:07
theShirbinyand this https://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/31fbto/tor_challenge_01_hidden_server_deanon/17:07
theShirbinyI don't know if the last one is still up17:07
theShirbinythere's a lot more in other networks, not much on freenode17:07
elachecheOh! I used the wrong word x) So, my laptop make more noise and heat than a rocket :)  With  the right addon I can programm it go to the moon x)17:08
elachecheYaaY! Thx for the exrs links :)17:09
theShirbinyyw :D17:12
theShirbinythey still haven't put my name17:13
theShirbinywatch curl http://endscreen.sysengquiz3.host/halloffame.html | grep -i shirbiny &&  echo "Hall of fame" mail -s done XXXX@XXX.XXX17:13
elachecheYou should ask them.. And they'll do it manually, you should considre the difference in time..17:14
theShirbinyah, timezones17:15

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