
dufluRAOF, robert_ancell: Is xorg 1.19 coming to yakkety?03:50
robert_ancellduflu, not sure03:50
robert_ancellduflu, would have to ask tjaalton03:50
dufluOK then. "If the stars align" is a reasonable answer03:50
tjaaltonduflu: i guess it's too late for that?04:26
duflutjaalton: OK no problem04:26
tjaaltoni'd love to update it, to avoid backporting all the modesetting/prime stuff :)04:29
tjaaltonduflu: why? would it be useful for xmir?04:51
duflutjaalton: No strong reasons, just curious04:55
tjaaltonassuming the pointer confinement branch is merged it should help with 159009905:18
tjaaltonbut, the schedule is a bit too tight05:27
pittiGood morning05:41
pittiTrevinho: I found a grave bug in your unity landing06:11
pittiTrevinho: "unity-panel-service.service" hurts my sense of beauty!06:11
pittiTrevinho: j/k, works great; thanks again!06:11
pittitedg: so is https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 unblocked now? I suppose libindicator shoudl be dropped from that?07:09
duflutjaalton: So long live Ubuntu 17.04 then :)07:09
dufluWhich is not long-lived admittedly07:09
dufluAh crap. I meant to publish systemd support for mediatomb this cycle07:16
willcookemorning all08:00
willcookehot & sunny again :((08:01
willcookeI might *have* to work outside today08:01
willcookeseb128, could we get this in to 16.10?08:17
willcooke(and ideally SRUd in to X?)08:17
Trevinhopitti: hey, mh yeah... it's a little cacophonous08:31
Trevinhopitti: asp for unity-gtk-module, i guess the only that was important is unity being the one which launches all the rest of ui apps, but if you prefer to keep it in upstart is fine.... I just hope upstart arrives early enough :-) [and not being racey in the other way around]08:33
pittiTrevinho: it shouldn't actually matter any more which way around it starts now, does it?08:38
pittiTrevinho: I'd still wait until at least the indicators landed, then we can entirely remove them08:43
seb128hey willcooke, sure (sorry, we had somebody here to do a quotation for redoing the bathroom floor, was away from the keyboard for a bit)08:48
willcookeseb128, no worries at all08:51
seb128the electricity people are also supposed to come to change the electric panel(?) between 10 and 12 so might drop off internet for a bit08:51
Trevinhopitti: no, order is not crucial... I'd like the shell to start with all populated indicators though...09:35
pittiTrevinho: right, we really need to land that indicator port for 16.10, otherwise that'll be ugly09:36
tjaaltonbregma: hi, looks like xmir.patch from your sru upload is not the same as what yakkety has? http://pastebin.com/uGb2Lcfe I'm mostly worried about the missing "case mir_event_type_input_device_state:"10:52
tjaaltonbregma: and also, the queue already had my upload10:53
tjaaltonso this will now go on top of that10:53
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?11:23
andyrockhey seb12811:23
andyrockright now starving11:23
andyrockand you?11:23
seb128good way to start the day :p11:23
seb128I'm good, just had a small lunch11:23
seb128it's too warm here11:23
seb128warm or hot?11:24
seb128I never know which one is right :p11:24
willcookeIf you're British then "it's a bit warm" == "OMG I'm burning. Help me!"11:24
flocculantit's a bit warm ...11:26
willcookeNot too warm for a nice cuppa, mind11:26
seb128Bristish don't do the cold beer thing? :p11:27
flocculantwillcooke - you might be having another bit warm day - I'm 10 miles from Bournemouth where they had floods yesterday11:27
flocculantwillcooke: any day with a y in it is good for a cuppa :p11:27
flocculantseb128: I would - but I drive for a living :D11:27
willcookeflocculant, did you have the biblical lightning?  Nothing here in Beds.11:27
flocculantI heard the biblical thunder - just rained locally :)11:28
willcookelunchtime drinking is the preserve of the city worker and the outside-living-enthusiast11:28
flocculantindeed :)11:29
willcookeand the French11:30
willcookewho said taht?11:31
seb128can't wait for you guys to properly brexit :p11:33
willcookehey seb128, this page says release on 13th Oct:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule11:33
willcookethis page says 20th: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety11:33
seb128yep, that's stating the true11:33
seb128the yakkety serie was opened before the schedule was discussed I thinkl11:33
seb128cjwatson or infinity can probably fix it11:33
willcookekk, so the wiki is correct?  ta11:34
seb128can you mention it to them?11:34
willcookeseb128, sure I'll do that on the release channel now11:34
willcookeseb128, fixed!11:36
seb128I saw, thanks!11:36
bregmatjaalton, yes, the patches differ because Yakkety has a newer Mir API that added the new case: since the Mir in Xenial is older, it won't be a problem and if it's run against a newer Mir (like from the stable overlay PPA) the only result would be a message in the logs12:03
bregmaI shall have to update the SRU bug12:03
bregmatjaalton, how are conflicts in the upload queue usually handled?12:03
Trevinhopitti: thanks for releasing the SRU :-)12:12
pittino problem12:14
tjaaltonbregma: depends on the reviewer. in this case apw pinged me and we discussed how to proceed12:38
tjaaltonbregma: so I'll add the new patch and changelog entries and will reupload 1.18.4-0u0.112:40
apwbregma, yeah i pinged the two uploaders and tjaalton was the first to respond likely due to timezones :)12:51
* bregma keeps moving west12:52
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seb128jbicha, hey, about that comment15:34
seb128"    - Don't rename "Package Sources" link to "Software & Updates".15:34
seb128      We'll have better translation coverage if we just stick with15:34
seb128      upstream strings since this package is in universe"15:34
seb128the package in universe can use langpacks15:35
seb128in which case the strings should already be translated/available in most locales15:35
seb128which makes that statement not true15:35
jbichadoes it still require translators to manually approve that string?15:36
seb128if it's new15:38
seb128unsure when it was added15:38
seb128I expect that if that was before xenial then it's probably translated/approved in most locales15:38
jbichaI only added that string during the yakkety cycle and hadn't enable langpacks yet15:38
seb128in which case yeah, you might lack some translations15:39
jbichaso, should I leave things as they are? or do the rename (and enable langpacks) and eventually it will be translated?15:42
seb128jbicha, your call, I'm unsure who is using gnome-packagekit ... I would probably keep it like that15:50
seb128jbicha, the totem update you did recently has16:33
seb128that makes it wrongly themed in Unity16:33
seb128I guess we either need to add a symlink to humanity or rename it back for this cycle (dunno if that impacts other themes/flavors)16:34
willcookenight all18:50
=== marga_ is now known as marga

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