
feshi guys. how come QT5 applications do not follow the GTK+ theme in 16.04?20:46
jbichafes: because qt does theming separately, but see https://github.com/MartinBriza/adwaita-qt20:47
jbichaironically I went through some effort to finally get qt off our default install for 16.10 but in 16.10 adwaita-qt is packaged but it depends on qt :(20:49
fesjbicha, I tried it in an Arch installation and it worked out of the box. Is it really QT or GTK+ fault and not Ubuntu's settings?20:49
jbichaI believe it's originally Qt and GTK's fault, yes20:50
jbichabut it can be worked around by installing adwaita-qt and qgnomeplatform20:51
fesjbicha, do you know where I can find these packages? I seem to have a hard time finding DEB's of them. Thanks.20:56
fesis it safe to use debians unstable package ofadwaita-qt?20:58
jbichafes: do you use the gnome3 staging ppa?21:00
fesi believe so since I have gnome 3.20 in 16.04.21:02
jbichaok, I'll backport adwaita-qt to the staging ppa for xenial; give it an hour or two to build21:03
jbichabut qgnomeplatform isn't packaged yet21:03
fesjbicha, thank you very much!21:04
fesi tried qt5cp but had problems getting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" working even though I tried it in ~/.profile and /etc/environment21:05
fessince you mentioned backport... will QT5 and GTK+ theming work better in 16.10 compared to 16.04?21:06
jbichanot currently21:07
jbichabut gnome-session 3.20 sets an environment variable that makes it easier to use adwaita-qt and qgnomeplatform (that's why I asked whether you were using GNOME 3.20)21:08
fesdo you think future distros that will use 3.20 or 3.22 will have gnomeplatform and adwaita-qt by default so that people won't even notice diference between those toolkits?21:12
jbichathe problem for Ubuntu GNOME is that we don't know if we want to include qt by default; so users may have to install it separately after21:17
jbichathere are still differences, for instance qt apps usually have more icons in menus and buttons than gtk apps21:18
fesisn't it possible to have those packages installed by default so that IF qt4 and qt5 are installed later they will follow what is setup in gnomeplatform / adwaita-qt?21:18
jbichaadwaita-qt depends on qt5. Yes it's possible for Ubuntu GNOME to install it by default but we'd also be installing qt5 by default21:32
fesAha, I didn't think of qt5 probably being a dependency to adwaita-qt21:33
jbichawe may still end up doing it for 16.10 or 17.04; I'm just annoyed because "no qt by default" was going to be a Feature of the new release for me :|21:35
fesThe difference between being in a band and being a solo artist. Not always easy getting your wishes through :D21:40

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