
twbhttp://isup.me/old-releases.ubuntu.com says "It's not just you! http://old-releases.ubuntu.com looks down from here."01:39
twbWhere should I look for info about this?01:40
twb(I want to install python3.1 on a couple of not-quite-dead lucid servers.)01:40
andrewIILooks like it's up at this moment?01:40
twbandrewII: heh, I see that too now01:40
andrewIINetworks are fickle01:41
twbIt was down five minutes ago01:41
andrewIII don't doubt it in the least :)01:41
andrewIIFor MAAS, where are the installation logs for deployments?02:13
andrewIII'm really hoping it's not /var/log/maas/rsyslog/././messages as that's just a giant pile of ureadahead lines02:17
twbandrewII: could you just do a find / -xdev -mmin -10 or something, to find the newest/oldest files02:19
andrewIItwb: thanks - that's the next thing I'll try (I just rediscovered `sed /asdf/d | less` which is helping: apparently the node can't see the internet?)02:21
twbyeah that or grep -v02:22
twbThe chief advantage of sed //d (over grep -v) is that it won't return an error exit status if no lines are removed02:22
andrewIISon of a... one of these days I need to just read grep's man page all the way02:23
andrewIIYeah, that would have been perfect02:23
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jdeeburkeHey all, I'm having some trouble getting outgoing mail set up on my Ubuntu server. I haven't actually looked into postfix settings yet, because i can't successfully `telnet gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25`. Would love some help on this, I'm thinking my firewall settings are off. Here's my iptables-save: http://codepad.org/gMJAp8tH04:40
* sarnold hugs jdeeburke04:41
sarnoldfinally someone testing the basics first04:41
twbjdeeburke: do you want to be a "leaf" MSA that just sends everything to gmail?04:41
twbjdeeburke: or do you want to be a first-class MTA that does all the MTA things04:41
sarnoldjdeeburke: chances are good your ISP blocks outgoing traffic to port 2504:41
jdeeburke@sarnold not likely, this is running on DO04:41
twbIn the first case, I strongly recommend using msmtp, and for gmail using 587/tcp ("submission"), with TLS and auth.04:42
sarnoldjdeeburke: "maybe" https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/port-25-smtp-external-access04:42
jdeeburke@twp I'm not really sure of the differences, it just needs to be really basic. Sending mail via postfix from a webapp04:42
twbjdeeburke: msmtp would be fine for that, except if you're sending it via gmail, the From will be set (by gmail) to your gmail account04:43
jdeeburkeIt's for a temporary basis so it really doesn't need to be perfect, it will be gone in a month or so04:43
sarnoldjdeeburke: that may fit msmtp -- it's a blocking program, not a queueing program, so it may not be a perfect fit, but it's worth a quick look04:44
twbBeing an MTA is a lot of work to get right; being an MSA is much much simpler04:44
twbThere are other "nullmailers", msmtp is just my personal preference04:44
jdeeburkesarnold: I'll open a ticket to check on that, I had no idea they sometimes blocked access. Had no other problems on my account though04:44
jdeeburketwb: correct me if i'm wrong, but even switching from postfix (which I don't plan to do), wouldn't solve my problem since I can't even telnet on port 2504:45
twbjdeeburke: MSA talks on 587, not 2504:45
twb25 is only for MTA-to-MTA traffic04:45
jdeeburkeOh ok. This is an area I have no knowledge in, in case that wasn't abundantly clear already :P04:46
sarnoldtry telnet smtp.gmail.com 587  and see :)04:47
jdeeburkeNo luck on 587 either04:47
twbIn what way does it fail?04:47
jdeeburketimes out04:48
twbSMTP conversations are initiated by the client side04:48
twbSo if you don't say anything, the server will hang up04:48
twb(This is the same as HTTP and different from SSH.)04:48
sarnoldgmail prints a banner immediately04:48
sarnold220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP i7sm1770483paf.9 - gsmtp04:48
twbOh- oops04:49
jdeeburkeyeah you should receive a 220 if you connect, I tested that on my local machine04:49
twbYou're right, I was confused04:49
twbI was thinking of the 250 in response to the EHLO04:49
twbAlso, I finally remembered how to drive supybot:04:50
twb /msg knoba whatis #postfix nullclient04:50
jdeeburkeDo my iptables look off to y'all?04:51
sarnoldsorry, I never figured out iptables :(04:51
twb-s should be -i lo04:52
twbThe --sport cases would be silly in a stateful firewall, but you're not using conntrack04:52
twbI would also disable mysql TCP support entirely -- use AF_UNIX sockets for local connections04:53
twbOtherwise it looks OK to me04:54
twb#netfilter is the best place to ask about linux firewalls, here is one I prepared earlier: http://www.cyber.com.au/~twb/doc/iptab04:54
jdeeburkeYeah, I asked my question in there too, but no response so far04:54
jdeeburkeJust tried telnet'ing port 22 on another server of mine, and getting the same timeout04:56
twbThat sounds like your firewall, ya04:57
twbEither debug it or just make it stateful, so that return packets are always allowed04:57
twbyou're not allowing any ICMP at all04:58
twbThat means PMTUD won't work04:58
twbAnd reject messages also won't arrive04:59
jdeeburketwp: i'm googling so many things talking to you04:59
twbThe short version is that if you don't allow *some* ICMP through, your system won't work properly04:59
jdeeburkeSo do i need something along the lines of: -A PRELUDE -p icmp -j ACCEPT04:59
twbThat's what I do, but it's broader than really necessary04:59
twbIt's common to rate-limit incoming ICMP echo requests (i.e. pings).05:00
jdeeburkeI just added icmp -j accept to test, but still can't telnet05:03
twbOK so either tcpdump (on both ends), or add -j LOG rules (or -j-less rules & watch packet count), or disable firewall entirely for a bit05:04
jdeeburkeAlright. I'll go back into my cave until I get totally stuck again. Thanks so much for the help twb, it's much appreciated05:09
twbYou are very welcome05:09
sarnoldjdeeburke: one option, is to use a front end like ufw05:09
jdeeburke(and sarnold too)05:09
twbit is a refreshing change for someone to start by posting iptables-save instead of yukky iptables -L ;-)05:09
sarnoldyou're welcome, hope you sort this out :)05:09
sarnoldtwb: -and- testing the underlying connections first :) hehe05:09
jdeeburketwb: ;) I may not know much, but I know enough to not be a complete idiot05:10
jdeeburkesarnold: I actually was just about to look into using ufw instead. 90% of my day-to-day server management is obfuscated and I'm not sure the time investment right now is worth it to chase this rabbit05:12
sarnoldjdeeburke: yeah, I understand completely; sometimes it's worth knoiwing something -all- the way through, and sometimes a nice front-end is perfect :)05:13
sarnoldit's sometimes hard to know which is which, but ufw is nice enough and easy to replace later if you wish05:13
twbufw is beneficial if you need the firewall to be modular enough that end users, or packages, can extend it05:14
jdeeburkedeleted all rules disabled firewall completely, still no telnet.05:17
jdeeburkeGonna open a ticket w/ DO05:17
twbAt that point you need to check "ip r", "ip a", and obscure things like window scaling05:18
twbAnd DNS resolution, obviously, if you're referring to hosts by name05:18
twbAlso have assumed 100% IPv4 so far, but if there's IPv6 involved you need to care about all that05:19
jdeeburkeSo IPv6 does seem to be involved, at least in my testing05:23
jdeeburkegmail-smtp-in.l.google.com resolves to the ipv6 address in testing05:23
jdeeburkewith no firewall rules, it times out. If I resolve the ipv4 address and telnet that, it works like a gem05:23
jdeeburkeif I restore my rules and telnet the ipv4, it times out05:23
twbWhy are you using that gmail-... instead of smtp.gmail.com ?05:24
jdeeburkei'm not sure. just something i found online that someone else used to test.05:24
jdeeburkeSame result though05:25
twb(Not sure if that's a good idea, but it'll address the immediate symptom)05:25
jdeeburketwb: Alright I think i've got it sorted, let me know what you think about this:05:39
jdeeburkedisabled firewall, I'm able to telnet to ipv4. postfix sends successfully05:39
jdeeburkere-enabled my rules and it's broken again05:39
jdeeburkeadded a rule for 587, no working still05:39
jdeeburkeremoved all my 25 and 587 rules and replaced with this:05:39
jdeeburkeiptables -I INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT05:39
twbDon't use -m state05:40
twb-m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED05:40
twb(and RELATED if you use things like FTP or SIP)05:40
sarnold*shudder* ftp05:41
twbAnd yeah - don't use FTP :-)05:41
jdeeburkeOh not to worry, no FTP on this or any other servers I run...05:41
twb14:54 <twb> [...] here is one I prepared earlier: http://www.cyber.com.au/~twb/doc/iptab05:41
twbhttp://sprunge.us/LfQG?ini is an even simplierified one05:44
* jdeeburke hugs twb05:45
=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
jdeeburkeAlright I think I'm all set05:45
sarnoldha :) nice05:45
jdeeburkejust successfully sent mail with all firewall rules enabled05:45
jdeeburkethanks to everyone involved; 10/10 would do again ;)05:48
jdeeburke10,000 schrute bucks to all05:49
jdeeburkeNOW to do the other thing I started doing 2 hours ago05:49
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lordievaderGood morning07:14
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danpawlikHello guys,  can you please tell me if there will be packages for Openstack Newton for Ubuntu Trusty release available in cloud archive?09:28
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winterfellhello, folks09:46
winterfellI've been trying to get trust's cloud image to run with kvm09:46
winterfellbut none of the tutorials I found have worked for me09:47
winterfelldoes anyone have pointers for this?09:47
winterfellUbuntu's wiki has a tutorial which uses a local cloud-init file. Tried that one, can't log in09:50
gargsmsI wanted to set some environment variables permanently for them to be consumed by a process. So I added the variables to /etc/profile, and added exit 0 at the end. Now I cannot SSH into the server. The connection closes as soon as it is established09:52
winterfelltry sftp-ing into your server. does that log out immediately too?09:56
winterfellalternatively, assuming you're on a linux machine, you can use scp09:56
winterfellprobably not09:57
gargsmsI can use scp but I need to make changes to the server, which requires SSH09:58
gargsmsCan I replace /etc/profile.d/<script-name> using scp?09:59
gargsmswinterfell, ^09:59
winterfellno, I thought you might be able to copy over /etc/profile, but you would not be able to write it back, so that won't work09:59
winterfelldepends on the permissions10:00
winterfelldid you create the script as su or as a regular user?10:00
xnoxjgrimm, it's still in a silo, and still in progress. it comes with regressions and needs a fixup (revert)10:01
gargsmsIt is root owned. So I guess that is not going to work10:01
gargsmsCould it be something else altogether? I am guessing it is the exit 0 statement at the end10:01
winterfellit is most likely that. As a new shell is being created, it is exited as soon as the scripts in /etc/profile.d are being applied10:02
winterfellgargsms, ^10:02
gargsmsYes, most likely. I can sftp. Let me try changing the file with SFTP10:05
gargsmsNot allowed to write there. Permission error. :(10:08
deltatreehi, i'm setting up an openstack environmant on a local server - conjure-up openstack ... how can I skip the pre deployment tasks to repeat the final steps?10:11
Teme_is there anybody around? I could use some help with conjure-up10:12
deltatreeHi Teme :-) I need also help - already questioned but until now no answer - maybe we have to wait :-)10:13
deltatreemaybe I can help you?10:13
deltatreehi, i'm setting up an openstack environmant on a local server - conjure-up openstack ... how can I skip the pre deployment tasks to repeat the final steps?10:14
Teme_deltatree: If you could it would be great! I've been trying to conjure-up a nova-lxd environment, but finalizing the installation goes to error everytiime10:15
deltatreein which state are your containers?10:16
Teme_specifically step 3 keypair. It's giving me an error, "Could not read output from step "10:16
deltatreejuju status10:16
Teme_all of the containers are up and running, I can access the openstack-dashboard with browser and juju-gui is responding as well10:17
deltatreecould you send me the output of "juju status"10:17
winterfellgargsms, do you have root credentials for this server?10:19
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deltatreesomeone here who can help me with conjure-up10:29
Teme_deltatree: sorry, my collegue just walked in, heres my juju status http://paste.ubuntu.com/23177476/10:29
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Teme_deltatree: actually now that i'm thinking this, I think I have pretty much the same question as you do. How to selectively execute the final steps10:39
Teme_is everybody at lunch still? Or is it normal that its this quiet?10:43
deltatree@teme: they are sleeping ... :-)11:09
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deltatree@teme: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9eabdf74bf72fa26287aaed18e28114011:25
deltatreewith that you can reset juju and restart conjure-up with a clean env11:26
Teme_deltatree: ok, thnx. I'll try again.11:35
Teme_deltatree: so you think that my problem is more of a missed configuration issue? Or is this just fyi?11:35
Teme_deltatree: I've been doing the same thing with just "juju models" - "juju controllers" - "juju remove-model XX" - "juju kill-controller xx". Havent actually never just removed that cache or config11:38
bipulHow to know offet value, starting value end value of P.E, And which particular P.E is being used in LVM anyone?11:53
Teme_is there a way to manually launch openstack nova-lxd neutron networking creation scripts?13:10
cpaelzerjamespage: I can't make the time on todays call in about 2 hours from now - I don't hae anything on dpdk to add, is there anything you want to know from me inadvance or is all fine?13:52
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joelioso, the latext Xenial images for vagrant have broken resolvconf too14:15
joelioseriously, is there anything I can do to help here14:16
joelioseems perpetually in one state of broken or abother and I can't see why it's being released if so14:16
joelioa few BATS tests would show the level of brokenness before shipping14:16
joelioi.e can't get dns servers from vagrant as /etc/resolv.conf is a file, not a symlink to resolvconf14:17
joelioso resolvconf -u does nothing14:17
joelioand therefore empty resolver list and no resoultion == broken provisioning14:17
joeliohaving to add loads of extra cruft to just work around broken images and it just feels wrong14:18
joeliocould make my own in packer and be done with it, but conisdering there's been 22 millions downloads of trusty.. you'd think having them working for xenial would be something worthwhile14:18
joelio(and not using chef's bento or puppetlabs bo etc etc etc)14:19
jamespagecpaelzer, nah - thats fine I'll just use it as a catchip on 2.6 release14:24
jamespageOdd_Bloke, ^^14:25
jamespagere joelio's broken xenial vagrant image14:25
joelioit's not mine, it's ubuntu's :)14:25
joeliobut yea, sure :)14:25
rbasakjoelio: also, do bugs exist for the issues you're hitting?14:26
joelioanyway I can help, I'm happy too - makes more sense to fix upstream than run another set of packer json that only I see14:26
joeliorbasak: I can raise some, it got updated a few days ago and resolv.conf broke there14:26
joeliobefore that it was a bug in naming, so you couldn't run more than one instance etc14:26
rbasakjoelio: please do. I'm not directly involved but I'm sure the team that looks after it would welcome your help.14:27
joeliobefore that it was vboxsf so /vagrant mount failed14:27
joeliorbasak: will do, ta14:27
joeliocould mop these up before shipping with a better test harness afaict14:27
Odd_Blokejoelio: There is a bug filed, and I believe the fix is in xenial-proposed.14:28
rbasakjoelio: thanks! https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images may be the right starting place unless someone knows of somewhere better.14:28
rbasakjoelio: perhaps you could contribute tests?14:28
joeliomore than happy!14:29
joeliowill go over and check it out, I've got fixes for all this, but just irks that it's not in upstream :)14:29
joelioappreciate this is best efforts stuff but I use it quite a lot and always catches me out after a new box update14:29
joelioOdd_Bloke: do you have an id for the resolvconf bug ooi?14:32
Odd_Blokejoelio: Not off-hand; will find it once I'm out of my current meeting. :)14:33
joeliosure thing, understand14:33
joeliojust don;t want to raise a new if one exists14:33
ThiagoCMCjamespage, hey man, I'm talking with Christian Ehrhardt by e-mail, about new DPDK and OVS, I think that we'll need to backport those two, from 16.10, to 16.04, via Newton Cloud Archive, can you do it?14:59
joelionice, just talking about ovs+dpkg at $work today15:00
joelioovs/dpdk rather15:00
joeliothat going into Mitaka?15:01
Odd_Blokejoelio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/162139315:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1621393 in cloud-images "xenial64 image (20160907.1.0) has a broken (empty) /etc/resolv.conf" [Undecided,New]15:11
joeliocheers Odd_Bloke15:11
Odd_Blokejoelio: So semiosis has been doing a lot of the work to get the xenial box back in to good shape.15:11
joeliogood to hear :)15:12
JonathanGeI would like to install openstack on ubuntu using conjure-up https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/06/09/conjure-up-an-introduction/ - what is the recommended HW spec for this? how much RAM? disk ? CPU ? - thank you15:13
joelioJonathanGe:  I think that depends on how many resouces you want to manage from your infra.. as a guide line a basic devstack instance with bare bones is about 6GB RAM, just to stand it up15:15
joelionot sure what conjure-up is recommending though, sure guys and gals here could chip in15:15
JonathanGeconjureup is openstack on lxd15:16
JonathanGehttp://conjure-up.io/docs/en/users/#getting-started seems to answer my Q15:18
ThiagoCMCjoelio, yes, OVS with DPDK is available on Xenial (not sure about Mitaka integration) but, it is super unstable.15:19
joelioThiagoCMC: oh, appreicaiate that. Literally been watching videos from the dpdk conference today and the "up to 8x better perf than vanilla ovs" seemed enticing. Look forward to testing it out :)15:20
joelioJonathanGe: ah neat, uses ZFS too15:21
bipulHello I have tried to resize my logical volume. And it seems like i am failed to do so http://paste.ubuntu.net/23178304/15:24
patdk-wkbipul, looks like you did15:28
patdk-wkbut cause you said Yes, destroy my filesystem by making it smaller, you did just that, and destroyed your filesystem15:28
bipulsorry Shrinking the logical volume. patdk-wk15:32
bipulTo reduce the size of a logical volume, first unmount the file system. You can then use the lvreduce command to shrink the volume. After shrinking the volume, remount the file system.15:32
bipulAnd that is what i did.15:32
patdk-wkhow can you do that?15:32
patdk-wkwhen you just cut off the end of the filesystem?15:33
rbasakcpaelzer: do you remember the uvtool bug you reported that only affected Precise? I can't find it.15:47
rbasakcpaelzer: ah, found it. Bug 1620633.15:51
ubottubug 1620633 in uvtool (Ubuntu) "qcow image created in precise is not usable" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162063315:51
rbasakcpaelzer: does that mean that uvt-kvm is completely broken on Precise, or just when using the libvirt from the cloud archive or something like that?15:52
ThiagoCMCjoelio, so far, here is the big problem that I found when trying OVS+DPDK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvswitch/+bug/157725615:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577256 in dpdk (Ubuntu) "The OVS+DPDK dpdkvhostuser socket bridge, only works as expected, if the KVM Guest also have DPDK drivers loaded" [Medium,Expired]15:57
ThiagoCMCFrom what I've read on DPDK / OVS mail lists, this will be always a problem, if yes, then, OVS+DPDK will be useless in a cloud enviromnent, or even on a KVM-Only env, simple because one VM interferes with the others in a very bad way.15:58
UssatWell, tomorrow I get to give a talk to our research dept on useing Linux in research, and will be useing the Ububtu servers I have built for them as examples :)16:03
UssatGonna try to plug the maintainers of the packages we use, make a case for some support of some kind16:04
mbffHello! I am looking at getting a ODROID-C2 (ARMv8), can I install the normal Ubuntu server 16.04 arm64 iso? If so, why does Odroid the company provide their own ISO?16:14
joelioThiagoCMC: ok, I see.. is there anything else happening in the dn space (netmap or vpp etc) that looks more promising for VM-to-VM?16:15
joelioobviosuly relying on users maintaing their own dpdk is never going to happen16:15
joelioThiagoCMC: thanks for the info, all useful16:15
rattkingHello all, I am trying to use syslog-ng on Xenial and I am finding that kernel boot messages are not being logged. after fixing the syslog.socket symlink to point to syslog-ng instead of rsyslog I am getting systemds boot messages and later kernel messages.. any idea on what I am missing to get early kernel boot messages, like the ones in dmesg?16:16
ThiagoCMCjoelio, I'm still waiting to see if OVS+DPDK can be used on OpenStack Compute Nodes...16:17
joelioThiagoCMC: it'd be greay if it could16:17
joelios/greay/great/ - fingers not with it today16:17
ThiagoCMCAbout netmap, well, I filled another bug report about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/147507816:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1475078 in linux (Ubuntu) "VirtIO (and probably other modules as well) is built-in, make it modular..." [Wishlist,Fix committed]16:17
joelioThiagoCMC: if you need testers, let me know16:17
ThiagoCMCOk!   :-)16:18
joeliowe're an openstack shop, so looking to increase inter-tenant/vm throughput where possible16:18
joelioanything we can do to help... :)16:19
jamespageThiagoCMC, hey - sorry - stuck otp most of the afternoon16:55
jamespageThiagoCMC, actually working on that backport yesterday today16:55
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coreycbjamespage, cinder 2:7.0.2-0ubuntu1~cloud1 is ready to promote to liberty-updates17:29
ThiagoCMCjamespage, that's good news, thank you!17:34
MrBIOSapw: ping, re bug 1581076. Tested and verified that Xorg does not segfault17:35
ubottubug 1581076 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Xenial) "Xorg segfaults on start-up on Big Endian PPC hardware" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158107617:35
MrBIOSwith the build in proposed17:35
apwMrBIOS, excellent, do put that in the bug17:35
MrBIOSway ahead of you :)17:35
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MrBIOSare there nightly builds of the LTS ISOs? If not, what’s the schedule for 16.04.2?17:36
powersjmaybe that's what you are looking for?17:40
MrBIOSnope, I know Xenial works fine17:41
SeveasMrBIOS: xenial == 16.04.x17:46
MrBIOSah apologies, yes, that’s precisely what I’m looking for :)17:47
Seveas16.04.2 is just xenial + xenial-updates at a certain point.17:47
* MrBIOS consumes more coffee17:47
* Seveas attaches the coffee IV17:47
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cpaelzerrbasak: bug 1620633 means that uvtool is broken when trying to access images created at any newer libvirt - not too high prio18:57
ubottubug 1620633 in uvtool (Ubuntu) "qcow image created in precise is not usable" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162063318:57
andrew-iiIf I add a node1 to my MAAS cloud, I should be able to ping node1.maas from the cli, right?19:28
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aroonianyone here use fzf?  can i get a ppa for it?23:42

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