
daftykinsmapps: what's new?02:10
mappsnot much, almost finished last ship s2;)02:21
mappson e12/13 s2 then got all of s3 to watch02:21
mappsalso need to watch narcos s202:21
mappswell.not 'need':P02:21
daftykinsi'm in Boulder,Colorado right now02:22
mappshow long for02:24
daftykinsjust done a few days hiking around Rocky Mountain National Park, here until Friday then off to Kansas for a baseball game, then more places after02:25
mappshow long in the states for total02:25
daftykins3 weeks about :)02:25
mappsgonna go wendys?:D02:26
daftykinshaha i've enjoyed a mcdonalds so far :>02:27
mappsgo to some cool places, you like steak, shrimp etc?02:28
daftykinsdon't have any fast food on Guernsey of course ;)02:32
daftykinsnever been hugely into steak but i'm going around trying more bbq yeah02:32
mappsoh none? i mean here we have burger king/mcdonalds, no kfc, no subway02:32
mappsno nandos02:33
mappssee how much weight you can gain eatimng xxxl meals heh02:33
daftykinssadly i've done that already!02:33
mappsdid you have to fly to the uk first then or fly somewhere else?02:33
daftykinsfirst day of hiking kicked my ass, i've gotten so unfit since my cycle spill 2 years ago02:33
daftykinshad perma pain start up in the intercostal muscles between the ribs i broke back then02:33
daftykinsbit of a wake up call :)02:34
mappsstill hurts?02:34
daftykinsyeah from the heavy breathing of the exercise at high altitude (hiked up hills to 10,000 feet) it set the pain off02:34
mappswill it ever not hurt or will it always be there02:35
daftykinsyeah up to Gatwick on the 7am, found out my 11:20am flight was delayed 'til 2pm... which meant i missed my Toronto -> Denver flight, so had to go via Chicago which meant i ended up travelling and awake for like 26+ hours straight >_<02:35
daftykinsi mean it hasn't hurt 'til now apart from a couple of spells when i was doing exercise at home and was heavily breathing to catch my breath02:36
daftykinsjust need to exercise and get back in shape i think02:36
mappswhat happens with the toronto - denver flight..do they refund your ticket, or do you get screwed by it02:36
daftykinsso i was already carrying the next boarding pass, just had to go to a desk and find where i was rebooked for02:37
mappsthey dont charge you? even if its diff airlines? i thought they might as they could say its no their issue02:38
daftykinsnah, in fact i can even get a partial refund since they delayed me over 5 hours02:41
daftykinslooking it up now02:41
mappsso how did the 2nd leg know to rebook you ? if its a diff airline to first02:41
daftykinsthe first must talk to the second auto02:43
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=== Guest78383 is now known as pavlushka
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:00
davmor2Morning all08:04
brobostigonmorning davmor2 and Gargoyle08:10
davmor2brobostigon: morning dude08:13
foobarrywhat does if ( $var =~ "jeff" ) in perl mean08:25
BigRedS=~ should have a regex after it08:26
BigRedSso that'd be equivalent to $var =~ m/jeff/08:26
BigRedSand, yeah, $var contains jeff08:26
foobarryhmm it just has "jeff"08:26
foobarryah ok08:26
foobarryhow can i edit it to say08:26
BigRedSI'd imagine; m"jeff" would work like that, I don't really know what it does without the m08:27
foobarryif $var contains jeff or bob?08:27
BigRedSif ($var =~ m/(jeff|bob)/)08:27
foobarrybrill , thanks08:27
BigRedSah, it's nice to have an answer for someone in here for a change :)08:27
popeyhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07v0hhm was interesting. worth a listen08:47
BigRedSI wish there was a "download this when it's available" button in the iplayer app08:52
popeyget_iplayer has pvr capability08:52
popeycron that, and you can just add the url to get_iplayer08:52
BigRedShah, yeah, I keep meaning to make some daft concoction that'll make it easy to make a podcast feed of all the stuff I want to get_iplayer08:53
BigRedSbut I don't tend to listen to the radio at my PC so I've stopped using get_iplayer for radio stuff08:54
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Wednesday, and happy Eat a Hoagie Day! 😃08:56
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH8jAjtvc1008:59
foobarryeat a bogey ?09:00
JamesTaitWell, if that's your thing....09:01
foobarryfacebook has reset all my user ignores09:02
czajkowskiAnyone in London tonight going to  http://www.meetup.com/Ubuntu-UK-Local-Community-Team/events/233941286/09:04
beaver545_Good day all, I've had the go ahead from my boss for attendance at the Gstreamer conference for myself and a colleague, however when i try to buy the professional early bird tickets for 2, the form comes back saying only 1 is available...?11:06
popeynot sure that's something we can help with, is it?11:07
beaver545_ah yes, sorry, thought i'd connected to the GStreamer channel!11:08
popeyhowever, I just went to https://ti.to/gstreamer-conference-2016/gstreamer-conference-201611:08
popeyand changed number to 2 and continue and it says buy two11:08
DJonesHeh http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/09/ubuntu-torrent-removed-google-infringing-transformers-movie11:33
popeysilly rabbits11:38
davmor2popey: I think you mean  wasically wabbit11:42
czajkowskipopey: can you moderate a mail to the UK list please :)13:04
foobarrysad to say goodbye to my ARM shares :(13:20
zmoylan-piyou'll have to go out and get legless too... :-P13:21
popeyit's not goodbye, it's 明日13:31
zmoylan-pifree soup? where? :-P13:33
davmor2zmoylan-pi: you have it upside down it says puos eerf13:37
zmoylan-pimy mistake, thank you davmor213:37
diddledanfoobarry: why selling the shares?13:40
foobarrysoftbank bought them13:40
foobarrydelisted from LSE13:41
diddledanoh right13:41
foobarryenforced sale at £17 per share13:41
foobarryheld them for 17 years13:41
diddledanI figured they'd sell you equivalent value in the combined co?13:41
foobarryif it had been for 10 or 20 yrs i would be rich13:42
foobarrynope, outright cash purchase13:42
foobarryi say cash, but they have massive debts13:42
foobarrybut i hear intel are thinking of doing arm chips again13:42
diddledanTBH, stock markets are a dark art to my mind13:42
foobarryi only hold 2 shares13:43
foobarryi just think of them as i think of my star wars figures in the loft13:43
diddledanI can't wrap my tiny little mind around it :-)13:43
foobarrythey have perceived market value which may rise and fall due to films and/or water damage13:43
foobarryalthough shars are less tangible and less fun to playt with13:44
diddledan:-o they're not mint-in-the-box?!13:44
diddledan(ref: toy story)13:44
zmoylan-pinot if they're kept in the loft i suspect13:45
diddledanI like cap'n murrica13:45
diddledanhe's fun13:45
popeytesting my new cheapo headphones with some Jarre13:45
popeyThese are amazing for the price https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00UNL7YR813:46
diddledanalthough hulk is pretty humorous too13:46
zmoylan-pibut but they won't work with new iphone!!13:47
diddledanten squids?! that's cheap at half the price!13:47
zmoylan-piyou could get 2 pi zeros for that... :-)13:47
popeyyeah, and really nice braided cable13:47
popeyso no twisty13:48
popeywent outside and mowed the lawn at lunchtime with them on listening to the world at one13:48
foobarryi just bought my wife some MEE earphones13:51
foobarrysennheiser keep changing their models13:52
popeyooh they look good, wifey needs some for the gym13:53
popeyshe keeps stealing everyone elses13:53
foobarrythey stay in a bit better13:53
popeywhich led to this http://imgur.com/a/xOiFt13:54
diploI need some new headphones like that but bluetooth, my 3.5 doesn't work overly well :(13:55
popeydiplo: any job news?13:56
diploLast two bluetooth ones I've bought have either broke or not charged13:56
diploDidn't get it :(13:56
popeyaw :(13:56
popeybluetooth sucks13:56
foobarrybluetooth is so needy13:56
zmoylan-pimy bluetooth headphones ran out of juice day before yesterday... first time...13:56
diploGuy who did lived in the same city and had experience with some of the tech i hadn't ( Docker / cfEngine )13:56
foobarryit likes exlusive friendships13:56
diploBut jobs mine if it falls through13:56
* diddledan gives diplo a consolatory hug13:56
zmoylan-pifingers crossed you get the next job...13:57
diddledandiplo: I'm trying to find work, too, so I feel your pain13:57
* foobarry gives diplo an awkward fist bump hug, side hug thing13:57
diploBluetooth works well for me, I use a portable speaker amongst other things for music13:57
foobarryi'm going thru my usual "do i have to find another job" thing that happens every 2 motnhs13:57
diploIt sucks, but it's good experience, fair amount of work around here, just wish I didn't have to travel to Bristol13:57
diddledanbirmingham? :-p13:58
diddledanthat would be a hellish commute!13:58
diploPlace called Trowbridge, it's not overly far, the traffic is hell13:58
foobarrynear bath13:59
foobarrythere's jobs in bath13:59
diploTrains suck, 2 carriages when there used to be 4, cheaper by car but takes longer, also not to sure I want to work in Bristol :D13:59
foobarrysaw a good one recently13:59
diploYeah the one they were talking about above was in Bath13:59
diploDevops Engineer foobarry ?13:59
diploGot another one coming soon in a quaint little town called bradford on avon :) even closer14:00
foobarrynah i think it was more up my street14:00
foobarryhpc stuff14:01
foobarrymay have been a generic linux admin actualyl, i don't remember14:01
diploah I saw that14:01
diploquite a few around here I've applied for, got sent one for windows that I could probably do, but I've not been around windows servers much in the last 5-6 years ( not that its hard ) and that puts some people off14:03
diplodiddledan: Lost job or just looking ?14:05
diddledancompany I been working for has stopped sending me enough work so I need to find someone else to give me work to make ends-meet14:07
diddledanbrexit broke it14:10
zmoylan-pibrexit is going to be blamed for everything for a few years...14:10
diploThat sucks, self employed ?14:11
ali1234speaking of brexit, RAM prices are now up 40% compared to june14:11
diddledanself-employed only 'cos the company I was working for wanted the flexibility to do what they done :-p14:12
zmoylan-pidid they give you a red shirt when you started? :-P14:13
diddledandropbox are in hot water? https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/09/dropbox-responds-to-accusations-its-mac-desktop-client-hacks-os-x-security/14:37
davmor2diddledan: yeah cause it is not like Apple do a competing cloud storage solution is it ;)14:45
diddledanno, apple would never do that14:48
czajkowskiGreetings from the Ubuntu UK meetup17:30
diddledanonce again apple does the $1 === £1 trick: http://www.apple.com/uk/shop/product/MMEF2ZM/A/airpods19:56
diddledanwhy was I unaware of a meetup?!19:58
* diddledan rolls the rock back over himself19:58
zmoylan-piit means going out into natural light...19:59
* diddledan hisses20:00
ali1234okay why can't my dvd drive read the windows install cd??21:35
ali1234it works fine with linux boot discs21:35
zmoylan-piyour pc is trying to protect you... :-P21:36
ali1234it isn't my pc21:36
zmoylan-piright way up? /obvious21:37
zmoylan-piclean, scratched...21:38
czajkowskididdledan: they'll promote it more next time21:45
czajkowskiI only knew as I saw popey RT a blog post about it today21:45
daftykinsali1234: which version... and from which OS? you trying to just boot it?22:05
ali1234there's something wrong with the drive... it's rattling now22:10
zmoylan-piair duster handy?22:10
daftykinssounds like a wonky lens22:11
zmoylan-pinot when it's rattly in my experience...22:11
zmoylan-pirattling is when the drive is either slipping while trying to spin it up or some other motor problem22:12
daftykinstrue, i was trying to remember what it was my last drive was doing when it kept trying to refocus22:12
zmoylan-piwhen lens is wonky it'll spin happily but just never show a byte of data22:12
daftykinsmmm or error like this one was doing when ripping music (only use i have for CD :)22:13
daftykinsheh i just ordered an 8 piece ratcheting spanner set for an aircraft engineer friend back home, here in the US - it's £80 back home without tax, i just got it £41 delivered22:14
zmoylan-pii did have one cd explode when it was put into a 32x drive... spun up... *crunched* and sounded like a glass breaking22:14
daftykinsnice :) i heard that's why they stopped at 52x, discs couldn't take it22:15
zmoylan-pithey could bring back disc caddies for higher speeds22:15
daftykinsiirc 52x was already 10,000RPM22:16
zmoylan-piof course someone could get smart and keep the disc stationary and make a head that spins faster22:16
zmoylan-piand we could call it.... a hard disc... :-)22:17
daftykins"...improvements can still be obtained using multiple laser pickups as demonstrated by the Kenwood TrueX 72× which uses seven laser beams and a rotation speed of approximately 10×."22:17
ali1234it sounds like the spindle motor has a ball bearing rolling around inside it22:18
daftykinswhat's the machine and the task? optical media seems like such a ghetto choice22:19
ali1234how else am i supposed to install windows?22:19
zmoylan-piwell... they are installing windows... :-)22:19
daftykinsali1234: flash drive...22:19
ali1234how do i put windows 10 install cd on a flash drive?22:20
daftykinsis the system legacy only?22:20
daftykinsok, so format a drive as FAT32, extract the ISO contents into the root, preserving /boot and it'll be immediately EFI bootable22:20
zmoylan-pilaptop or desktop?22:20
ali1234it worked eventually22:57
ali1234i'm making a flash drive anyway22:58
zmoylan-pinothing worse than been onsite and having failures you could bypass in 10 minutes back at base22:58
ali1234huh... it's showing the msi logo and underneath it says "getting ready"23:00
daftykinsyes the EFI systems are able to present the OEM logo merged with the Windows boot logo23:01
ali1234okay what do i need to turn off on the first boot screen?23:01
daftykinsand when it asks for an account there's a subtle option so you can avoid creating a Microsoft Account23:02
ali1234even smartscreen?23:03
daftykinswell you can keep it if the user is not very bright, but it'll just be a hassle mostly23:04
ali1234argh why is it so slow23:05
ali1234oh, its getting everything ready for me23:06
daftykinsyeah it'll be hands off for a couple of mins even on a high end device23:07
ali1234lol already got a weird error message in less than one minute after the desktop is up23:08
daftykinsnever had issues here, could be your media - hope you installed the anniversary build :>23:09
daftykinstime for a good windows update lap23:09
daftykinsif you do the bare minimum to get on wifi, windows update will handle _all_ the drivers23:10
ali1234i have to install drivers first because literally nothing works23:10
daftykinsor wired.23:10
daftykinsok so just do one of the two then23:10
daftykinsno need for anything else23:10
ali1234why is the cd drive i:23:13
daftykinscard readers?23:14
ali1234ah yeah23:14
ali1234loads of them23:14
daftykinsheh must be a multiformat sucker in there, mmm - in explorer empty drives are hidden by default now23:14
ali1234that's cool23:14
daftykinssometimes they're a safely removable USB device so i select that to remove it, change optical to D: again and then reboot23:15
zmoylan-pibut a and b are still reserved in case you go mad and install 2 floppy drives? :-)23:15
daftykinsaww yis23:16
ali1234well i could just unplug them from the motherboard23:16
ali1234and do that23:16
daftykinsoh it's a desktop... well that's more effort than 2 clicks23:16
daftykinsalso right clicking the start menu / super + X is a great shortcut to all the kinds of admin stuffs you want to get to on Windows typically23:16
ali1234but how do i remove the USb device if there is nothing in it? other than unplugging it?23:17
daftykinsthe safely remove icon in the system tray23:18
daftykins*sometimes* it's an entry23:18
ali1234they aren't shown there because there is nothing plugged in23:18
ali1234no cards23:18
ali1234actually i figured it out23:19
ali1234devices and printers -> right click -> remove device23:19
daftykinsno that's not how it always works, sometimes it shows the parent reader23:19
daftykinsyeah that'll work!23:19
daftykinskind of been doing Windows stuff for a fair time :>23:20
daftykinssometimes amuses me how much ubuntu support i can give despite not even using it, too...23:20
daftykinsor should i say used to give :D23:20
ali1234cool, it works23:22
ali1234says it is updating onedrive23:22
daftykinsyip automatic from install, i disable that from startup in its' settings23:23
daftykinsthe Windows Defender system tray icon can be disabled on the startup tab of task manager too, although it's probably handy to keep for noob users23:24
daftykinsso they know there's some level of protection23:24

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