
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest78383
=== Guest78383 is now known as pavlushka
thatgraemeguymorning all, any python nerds awake?07:00
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
kulelu88thatgraemeguy: whats up07:25
thatgraemeguyjust want to hear what folks use for parsing command-line options usually07:29
kulelu88bash commands? thatgraemeguy 07:31
kulelu88this should be it: http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html07:32
thatgraemeguyno, I mean if I want to pass options to a script that I'm writing07:58
thatgraemeguylike for a bash script I'd use the getopts builtin07:58
thatgraemeguynot to worry07:58
superflythatgraemeguy: argparse08:07
superflythatgraemeguy: https://docs.python.org/2/howto/argparse.html08:08
thatgraemeguythanks fly :)08:08
thatgraemeguyhow is all the arrangements going your side?08:09
superflythatgraemeguy: getting there. sent off my application for police clearance yesterday08:11
superflywaiting for the consulate to tell me I can apply for my visa08:11
thatgraemeguyeish, so much red tape :-o08:12
thatgraemeguyis the Mrs still a US citizen?08:12
superflythatgraemeguy: yep, and so are the kids.08:32
superflythatgraemeguy: to be honest, there's more red tape to settle in SA if you're married to a citizen, than in the US if you're married to a citizen08:32
superflythatgraemeguy: I haven't even been living in the US yet and I am already elligible for permanent residence. in ZA you have to live here for at least 5 years on another sort of permit before you're allowed to apply for permanent residence08:33
thatgraemeguythanks superfly, argparse is amazing09:53
superflythatgraemeguy: you're welcome :-)09:53
thatgraemeguy(compared with getopt in bash) :-o09:53
superflythere are times when I wish it were a little better, but for the most part it's a charm09:53
thatgraemeguydon't need to write a whole lot of code to handle missing args and printing help, so cool09:53
superflyyup, it takes a lot of the boilerplate out09:55
jeritguys I did a sudo rm -rf / and now nothing works anymore10:23
superflyjerit: that's impossible, you have to use an extra flag to get that right10:26
superflysorry to rain on your party :-P10:27
jeriteh I just thought it was funny10:28
nlsthznit's a me...17:09
nlsthzn(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻17:11
nlsthzn (╯︵╰,)17:11
paddatrapperHey nlsthzn17:18
paddatrapperHow you doing? 17:20
paddatrapperBored clearly :p17:20
nlsthznfine thanks paddatrapper , how about you?17:27
nlsthznand yes... I do seem to have more time on my hands than I know what to do with 17:27
nlsthznI see many (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ...18:01
paddatrappernlsthzn: this week has been insane... But I'm good thanks 18:03
nlsthzngood to hear, hope it quiets down now for the downhill run to weekend18:04
kulelu88any Pythonistas lurking here?18:06
nlsthznprint "Hello World"18:07
nlsthzncan't help with more than that, sorry18:08
nlsthzncheers all, have fun ^_^18:09
paddatrapperkulelu88: I know some18:15
kulelu88paddatrapper: you familiar with REST APIs and asyncio?18:16
paddatrapperkulelu88: no... Sorry 18:16
kulelu88ok :)18:16
kulelu88superfly: does it make sense to use a synchronous framework as a wrapper(for a REST API) on top of an async library? 21:05
superflykulelu88: I honestly don't know. and I can't help right now, my sleeping tablet has just kicked in21:06
kulelu88sure thing. rest easy superfly 21:07

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