
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-volumed-pulse 0.2.2 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-volumed-pulse-0-2-2-released-tp48256.html (by Sean Davis-6)01:28
bluesabreoh boy SwissBot is fast these days01:28
Unit193bluesabre: You say UEFI, secure boot or not?  Tried booting yuk?01:29
bluesabreUnit193, I think I disabled it a long time ago, and Windows may have reenabled it at some point, but yakkety boots (or it did earlier today and is running right now)01:31
bluesabreUnit193, should I be careful not to reboot anytime soon?01:32
Unit193bluesabre: It's likely fine, was just trying to do the qemu+ovmf UEFI booting and it's not working on Yakkety using the same version or newer ovmf as I can with Xenial.01:33
bluesabreah, gotcha01:34
Unit193So, wondered if it still works, though I presume it does. :/01:37
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r476 Use box-shadow instead of border in progressbar's progress (... (by Simon Steinbeiß)01:43
Unit193dashy went from ITP to RFP in Deby.01:51
bluesabrethat's a step backward02:04
bluesabreI think02:04
Unit193Request for Packaging vs Intent to Package.02:04
bluesabreochosi, I have the package ready to go, I'll get a UIFe bug together in the morning to proceed03:29
bluesabretime for some sleep, nighty all03:30
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flocculantUnit193: no I don't06:04
flocculantochosi: yes it was ;)06:05
flocculantUnit193: rather I did now and again once upon a time with vbox, not done so recently in vm, not done ever on hardware - all setup there without06:12
flocculantochosi: the resize wasn't on bug list - is now06:41
ochosiflocculant: okeydokey, nvm. anything else i'm not aware of atm?07:47
Unit193bluesabre: Keep an eye on -xfce, in regards to greybird.10:14
bluesabreUnit193, indeed, that will simplify things if Corsac gets to it first :)10:14
flocculantochosi: from a how does it look perspective - nothing I'm aware of 10:41
pleia2did the social medias about the final beta next week15:47
pleia2sorry for the delay, you know me15:47
flocculantpleia2: there was no rush on those at all - cos I'll be all over it Monday/Tuesday next anyway :p15:48
flocculantakxwi-dave: I'm suspecting that video and bug reporting on blueprint is likely to be postponed, but I've not done that yet - let me know :)15:50
flocculantakxwi-dave: also toying with an idea (late in cycle) that might come in useful - might be worth talking about soonish16:34
nairwolfGood evening20:16
nairwolfDoes someone can confirm this bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/162298720:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622987 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "Auto-completion seems broken with umount command" [Undecided,New]20:17
nairwolfI'm going to ask to #ubuntu-bugs also20:17
nairwolfAnd this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/162226020:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622260 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Calc doesn't highlight focused box" [Undecided,New]20:17
nairwolfI'm unable to confirm that on ubuntu version. 20:17
nairwolfI see that only with xubuntu20:17
nairwolfBUT, I've tried on a vm today, on another computer, and I haven't seen this bug. So, I don't understand...20:18
nairwolfI've seen the Calc bug twice with two daily build different20:18
flocculantnairwolf: did you look at the umount bug - it's been confirmed20:18
nairwolfflocculant: confirmed ? Is it because I've reported this bug twice on the QA tracker ? 20:19
nairwolfOne with Xubuntu, the second report was with Ubuntu20:19
flocculantno, it's because I confirmed it :p20:19
nairwolfI was the one who confirmed this bug, badly ;)20:19
nairwolfhum... how can I see you confirmed that ? 20:20
nairwolfBecause I see on bugs.launchpad.net, status=New, Importance=Undecided20:20
flocculanttry moving out ./config/libreoffice to desktop or something, see if you still see the bug for calc20:20
nairwolfThe message from Ubuntu QA website, is an automatic message, right ? 20:21
flocculantodd - I confirmed that yesterday - anyway - redid that20:21
nairwolfokay, now I see your confirmation ;) I wasn't crazy !20:22
flocculantnot this time20:22
nairwolfDo you mean I'm crazy other times ? :p 20:22
nairwolfI'm going to test that for libreoffice20:23
nairwolfflocculant: what is your advice exactly ? 20:23
flocculantanyway - try removing libreoffice from your local system that sees the bug - but it's not something I can confirm - neither on ANY vm's/hardware installations - it's not a xubuntu thing either, doesn't need to be on testcases if it is there20:23
flocculantremove the libreoffice folder from your .config 20:24
nairwolfwhat is ./config/libreoffice ? Do you mean 'mv ~/.config/libreoffice ~/Desktop" ?20:24
nairwolfoh, ok20:24
flocculantyea that'd do it20:24
nairwolfyes, I know that's weird, but you have seen my screenshot20:24
flocculant4 times20:24
nairwolfI'm unable ton confirm on my actual machine. Unable to confirm on a vm. It just happen with this computer. 20:25
flocculantit doesn't change - and I still can't confirm it20:25
nairwolfI should try to see if there is something with 16.04.1 with this test computer20:25
nairwolfI just need time to create the usb key20:25
flocculantnairwolf: really just move the folder - then check20:25
nairwolfwhat 'what ?' ?20:25
flocculantwhere exactly do you see this? 20:26
nairwolfI'm seeing this bug with my 'test computer'20:27
nairwolfI have two computers20:27
nairwolfThe one I'm using now, is running devel, but I can't see this bug. 20:27
nairwolfThe second one is a computer only used for test20:27
flocculantyour last comment makes no sense actually on the bug - you say clean install (of 16.10) then start talking about devel20:27
nairwolfI need to create a live-usb. 20:27
flocculantthey're the same versions20:27
nairwolfI talked about 16.10 ? No, I talked about 16.04.1. I will try to remove .config with 16.1020:28
flocculantregardless of which - not something can be confirmed from a live 16.10, installed 16.10, installed and updated 16.10 except by you :)20:28
flocculantInstallationMedia: Xubuntu 16.10 "Yakkety Yak" - Alpha amd64 (20160910)20:28
nairwolfI will aslo check if I see something with *this* computer with Xenial (16.04). 20:29
flocculantif it IS a 16.04 bug - then this is the wrong place - support for 16.0420:29
nairwolfsorry, I'm not clear...20:29
nairwolfIt's a bug of 16.1020:29
flocculantthat no-one else can confirm :)20:30
nairwolfBUT, I want to verify if the cell is focused on 16.04, with this *weird* computer.  20:30
nairwolfI know that no-one can confirm...20:30
nairwolfthat's why it's weird20:31
flocculantnairwolf: so you saw this once with a clean install? 20:32
nairwolfyes !20:32
flocculanthow did you get the iso? was it zsynced? if not did you check the md5sum? 20:33
nairwolfI'm using zsync20:33
flocculantthen I would just ignore it if you saw it once 20:33
nairwolfno, I've seen that twice (with two different build)20:33
nairwolfWe'll see if I'm able to see it again20:33
flocculanttbh nairwolf I'm really not bothered about an aberrant bug only 1 person has seen, for something that's not a Xubuntu 'package' 20:35
nairwolfI understand that, don't worry20:36
flocculantobviously no-one in here can confirm it - or they'd have said so :)20:36
flocculantwe 'just' grab LO from the archive for our seed20:36
nairwolfyes, I understand that ;) But don't think I'm crazy :p20:36
flocculantwell I don't think that - or if you were you'd have had to fiddle with the screenshot ;)20:37
flocculantnot saying you don't see it - just saying that in the scheme of things - this is very low on the list for me 20:37
nairwolfthat's fine ;)20:38
nairwolfthe bug with light-locker is the most annoying for me20:44
nairwolfThat's great, the small box for resizing partition has been fixed ;)20:44
nairwolfI'm glad to see a bug I've discovered being fixed rapidly ;)20:45
nairwolfflocculant: sorry to annoy with this bug. I happens again21:01
nairwolfI've removed ~/.config/libreoffice and it's still the same thing21:01
nairwolfthe box is unfocused21:01
nairwolfI know that doesn't make sense, but I will make a clean install of 16.04.1 (Xenial) to see if there is, maybe, something wrong with my computer21:02
flocculantnairwolf: please go to #ubuntu+1 with this calc thing21:02
nairwolfflocculant: ok21:02
flocculantsomeone there might have seen it - no-one here has21:02
nairwolfhowever, I haven't seen that with a clean install of Ubuntu, with Yakkety21:02
nairwolfNow, I'm stopping to annoy you. 21:03
flocculantdoesn't matter - it's the dev testing channel21:03
flocculantfor users and stuff21:03
ochosiflocculant: ok, i'll try to fix that one remaining greybird bug in the installer then21:15
ochosihave you checked how it looks with adwaita?21:16
ochosicause if it's broken there too we again have a ubiquity bug on our hands21:16
nairwolfflocculant: I wanted to verify if I could see this akward bug (libreoffice Calc) on 14.04.121:51
nairwolfBecause, if the box was unfocused with 14.04.1 that would mean the problem is from my computer. 21:52
nairwolfBut no, it happens only with clean install of Xubuntu, with the devel version. 21:52
nairwolfTomorrow, I will go to #ubuntu+121:53
nairwolfand ask them21:53
nairwolfgood night21:53

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