
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
smoserharlowja, argparse is really wierd on centos i know that ot be true.01:13
smoseri'm not sure if we really depend on cheetah any where else or not.01:13
smoseri really ahve to run... sorry.01:13
smoseri'm wliling to listen tomorrow01:13
cpaelzersmoser: hi, today I have had a few uvt based kvms that stalled infinitely not getting /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished created07:26
cpaelzersmoser: known issue / not an issue / worth to report / worth to debug ?07:27
ffledglingHello, quick question about creating users and groups with cloud-init, is it possible to specify the GID and UID numbers as well?10:49
ffledglingI don't see it in the syntax/examples10:49
ffledglingLooks like there was a patch but it wasn't merged11:26
smosercpaelzer, hm.. no. not to my knowledge.12:34
cpaelzersmoser: ok, then I'll at least check how reproducible that is ... just a sec should be fast12:35
smosercpaelzer, it seems likely it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/162386812:35
cpaelzersmoser: no mine has that service properly starting http://paste.ubuntu.com/23181982/12:40
cpaelzerI seem to match the second comment with the inactive cloud-init.target12:41
smosercpaelzer, can you get journalctl ?12:44
cpaelzersmoser: yes12:45
cpaelzerI can log in and check all I need12:45
cpaelzercurrently writing bug update12:45
cpaelzerbut the more you help me to debug the more I can help12:45
smosercpaelzer, see in ubuntu-devel12:45
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harlowjanrezinorn smoser ok its tommorow!17:48
* harlowja thinks nrezinorn wants to destroy brpm and replace it with the raw spec files17:48
* smoser shakes fist at time17:50
harlowjanrezinorn is making a list of naughty things17:51
smoserharlowja, what do you need ?17:52
harlowjalet's see17:52
harlowjai'd like a milk shake17:52
harlowjalet's see when nrezinorn gets around17:55
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mgagnesmoser: cloud-init 0.7.8-1-g3705bb5-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 works fine for me21:32
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harlowjasmoser  if u get some time https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30588221:56
harlowjanrezinorn saw init-cloud-local blowup with a invalid argument on reading from /sys21:57
harlowjai'm thinking we need to catch those, due to weird reading issues at that early of boot21:57
harlowja[    4.405675] cloud-init[271]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/util.py", line 1242, in pipe_in_out21:57
harlowja[    4.406060] cloud-init[271]: data = in_fh.read(chunk_size)21:57
harlowja[    4.407056] cloud-init[271]: IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument21:57
harlowja[    4.407377] cloud-init[271]: --------------------------------------21:57
harlowjathats weird ...21:57
harlowjabecause its always 1024, lol21:57
harlowjaso pretty sure its masking some other issue21:57
harlowjacatching IOErrors should be fine though21:58
harlowjathe rest of traceback is around https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/tree/cloudinit/net/__init__.py?id=0.7.7#n14521:58
harlowjadoes that remind u of anything?22:00

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